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Turkish President Threatens To Abandon Supporting Europe With Migrant Crisis

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He didn't really think this through well

How exactly does a country that is trying to bury its history of genocide call out a country for its history when that country explicitly does not?

“If we were a country that was an enemy of Armenians, we would have sent all of these people back to Armenia,” he said, referring to the community of more than 100,000 Armenians living in Turkey at the moment.

Wait what? Countries very often become allies some time after they were enemies. The US for instance is allies with both Germany and the UK despite our history of war with them.


The 11 German MPs of Turkish origin have received death threats and Erdogan wants their blood tested:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan castigated German MPs for the vote. He scorned the 11 MPs of Turkish origin, saying, "What sort of Turks are they?"

"Their blood must be tested in a lab," he said.

Ankara's mayor showed the 11 in a tweet saying they "stabbed us in the back".

Turkey recalled its ambassador from Berlin in fury after the German parliament on Thursday voted overwhelmingly for the Armenian "genocide" resolution.



“Under the elegant pavements of Berlin, Paris, Brussels are lives, blood, efforts and elbow greases of Africans,” he said.
He raises a very good point here but...
Erdogan praised Turkish history as one “of mercy and compassion,” while blaming the West for exploiting millions of African immigrants for cheap labor.
lmao at this. This guy needs to sit down.
The 11 German MPs of Turkish origin have received death threats and Erdogan wants their blood tested:


Oh my god. LMAO!!!!




Breaking news...

Turkey have now just given the EU an ultimatum.

According to Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, all Turkish citizens must be granted visa-free travel to EU nations, or else the migration deal is over!

The German government must also declare that it does not believe the killings of Armenians was genocide.

Turkey to suspend EU migration deal if no visa-free travel for Turks: minister


Turkey would have to suspend its agreement with the European Union to stem the flow of migrants into the bloc if there is no deal to grant visa-free travel to Turks, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told state broadcaster TRT Haber on Tuesday.

In a live televised interview, Cavusoglu said the German government must make clear its stance is not in line with a German parliament resolution declaring the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces a genocide.


Funky Papa

Military needs to be backed by international organization or they could fail. Both 1960 and 1997 coups backed by NATO but they don't seem to care right now. They have to act quick or erdogan will try his luck on being a World Emperor.

I'm under the impression that Erdogan basically beheaded the military and replaced a good part of the top brass with more docile members. I'm also sure he's deeply aware of Turkey's past, so I think a coup is way out of the realm of possibility.


I think with that 'what kind of turks are they' comment he sealed the deal on the question if he went full fascist or not.




Any agreement with Turkey (well, it's current leadership) was never going to hold anyway - it's like trying to deal with a toddler who thinks they have the upper hand. Will have to look elsewhere to tackle migration.


Maybe Europe should try and control its own borders? Just a thought.

They don't want to be seen as racist. So they would rather spend billions of dollars paying off Tunisia or Libya to prevent migrants from coming over, or granting Turkey increased economic cooperation and visa free travel if they would stem the flow and take a lot of migrants back. None of these solutions is any good. Neither is effectively trying to bar them either because throughout human history, human migration in the search of food, a better life has always happened.
Time to stop dealing with this asshole.

This is Greece and the other neighbouring countries time to shine.

Need to move the immigrants for processing and then equal divide them in Europe. Pouring lots of resources and money into Greece.

The worst thing that can happen is Ergodan opens the gates as many refugees gets killed on highways, trying to cross the mediterranian, and other ways.


Kinda makes you long for the old days when the Turkish military used to "intervene" in the civil affairs of the state.

I mean, the Turkish military did overthrow two governments by memorandum in 1971 and 1997.

You may think those were good but a lot of innocent people suffered because of them and they are one of the reasons why he has a big following today.

Sometimes trying to get rid of something by brute force will only spawn a bigger evil.

I don't agree with Erdoğan's stand on any topic but Turkey was already hosting millions of refugees before EU offered that deal. It's really crappy of him to bring people's life as a bargain material.




Breaking news...

Turkey have now just given the EU an ultimatum.

According to Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, all Turkish citizens must be granted visa-free travel to EU nations, or else the migration deal is over!

The German government must also declare that it does not believe the killings of Armenians was genocide.


Don't let Erdogan fool you. He never wanted this deal, asking for Germany to take the Armenian Genocide resolution back is utter nonsense.


Man, Erdogan really losing his shit. LOL.

Hes's not. He knows what he is doing. He knows how weak Europe. He has watched Putin rape Europe sideways. He is just more brash with his words and actions. I'd be shocked if Germany/EU actually grow a pair against him.

Meanwhile, America is sitting back watching it all unfold as we "secretly" support enemies of Turkey in Syria.


How is he supporting Europe with the crisis, can anyone ELI5?

Turkey is holding a couple of million refugees themselves (they can also just ship them to the EU border or whatever).
Next to that they are trading legal refugees for illegal refugees. So when Europe has an illegal one, they can trade that one with a legal Turkish one.

The problem with Europe is that they have a concentration of wealth but don't want the concentration of people. That means people will be needed to be forced to stay out, an almost impossible task. Also a task that may violate some international treaties. It's easier for them to let other countries do the dirty work for them. Which also makes them dependent though and that is the thing that Turkey is exploiting now.
Turkey is holding a couple of million refugees themselves (they can also just ship them to the EU border or whatever).
Next to that they are trading legal refugees for illegal refugees. So when Europe has an illegal one, they can trade that one with a legal Turkish one.

The problem with Europe is that they have a concentration of wealth but don't want the concentration of people. That means people will be needed to be forced to stay out, an almost impossible task. Also a task that may violate some international treaties. It's easier for them to let other countries do the dirty work for them. Which also makes them dependent though and that is the thing that Turkey is exploiting now.

Well said.

I would like to also point out one thing here, as awful as Erdogan is and has been, Turkey is currently hosting more than 3 million Syrian refugees. Think about that for a second, no other place in the world is there a figure amount that's remotely close to that. Turkey should be commanded for that at least. If Europe want's Turkey to do their dirty work then Europe should allow free visa travel.

Countries which are in a much worse economic situation have European status, countries who have had much worse human rights violations have free access to Europe.

Both sides are acting like dicks.
Well said.

I would like to also point out one thing here, as awful as Erdogan is and has been, Turkey is currently hosting more than 3 million Syrian refugees. Think about that for a second, no other place in the world is there a figure amount that's remotely close to that.


The problem with Europe is that they have a concentration of wealth but don't want the concentration of people. That means people will be needed to be forced to stay out, an almost impossible task. Also a task that may violate some international treaties. It's easier for them to let other countries do the dirty work for them. Which also makes them dependent though and that is the thing that Turkey is exploiting now.

What are you talking about?

Europe is extremely densely populated.


If he actually follows through with his threat our politicians betrayed our "European Values" for nothing but a kick in the balls. Should have either never made that deal in the first place or actually gone all the way through with throwing away any pretense of decency.

Right now all that deal has been is fodder for the far right.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Testing their blood to see if they're turks? I mean, how the fuck does that even work?

You can't test someone's blood and know what their nationality is...I mean, my "canadian" blood is the same as "turk" blood, everyone knows that... right?


OMG...Turkey are going fucking crazy over this Armenian Genocide matter!

In retaliation, they now intend on introducing a bill for Turkey to formally recognize Germany's Namibia Genocide....


This is a perfect example of why Germany is so far ahead of Turkey when it comes to Vergangenheitsbewältigung. No one will cry foul if they do this. It'll most likely be a bigger subject in the news and schools and people will learn more about Germany's mistakes of the past. This is no threat. It's more of a welcomed opportunity to kick this process into gear that needs to happen.
Lebanon should also be commanded for their efforts, but there is a big difference between 1 million and 3 million.

Point well taken though, the population to refugee ratio for Lebanon is impressive.
Sorry my bad,
I thought in ratio directly but indeed Turkey is hosting a bigger absolute number of people...


Europe isn't. Some very specific cities in Europe are.

Extreme populational density is confined mostly to Asia.


And it doesn't matter if it is cities or not.

You can't locate migrants in the countryside and say they are not allowed to move to crowed cities.
Breaking news...

Turkey have now just given the EU an ultimatum.

According to Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, all Turkish citizens must be granted visa-free travel to EU nations, or else the migration deal is over!

The German government must also declare that it does not believe the killings of Armenians was genocide.


A few hours late but what the fuck? Does Turkey think they are Russia now?

Scratch that, Putin wouldn't be caught dead demanding something so insanely stupid.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
It's not the first time Erdogan threatened Europe.

Feb 8 2016: Turkey's Erdogan "taunted EU leaders" over migrant deal

Europe’s torrid relations with Turkey over the migrant crisis were apparently laid bare yesterday after the leaked minutes of a meeting appeared to show Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, openly mocking senior European leaders.

The stormy meeting on October 5 last year came as European leaders, led by Jean-claude Juncker, the European Commission president, tried to strike a 3bn euro deal with Turkey to stem the flow of migrants crossing into Europe.

In extraordinary exchanges, Mr Erdogan appears to taunt Mr Juncker, saying that Turkey does not want the European Union’s money and flatly rejecting the offer of 3bn euros over two years.

“Erdogan said that Turkey didn’t need the EU’s money anyway, ‘We can open the doors to Greece and Bulgaria any time and we can put the refugees on buses’”, threatened Mr Erdogan according to the minutes published by the Greek website Euro2day.
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