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Turkish President Threatens To Abandon Supporting Europe With Migrant Crisis

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I have to admit that all of this is starting to go so outlandishly wrong.... I think I may have to don my tinfoil hat and meditate on who is playing n-dimensional chess here. Did the Germans offer Turkey a horrible deal, then contemplated it for a while and backed out again in horror, by offending Erdogan so deeply he practically had to renege on the contract? Did a third party spike Erdogans drinking water with coke so he'd start foaming at the mouth so much more openly than before? It's the Greek, right? They've been sinking refuge ships with their secret submarines to whip the public into a frenzy, to force the Germans to ....



Time to stop dealing with this asshole.

This is Greece and the other neighbouring countries time to shine.

Need to move the immigrants for processing and then equal divide them in Europe. Pouring lots of resources and money into Greece.

The worst thing that can happen is Ergodan opens the gates as many refugees gets killed on highways, trying to cross the mediterranian, and other ways.
Good luck with that, Poland is flat out refusing to take anyone while Portugal can't find enough people to even fill its quota.


I have to admit that all of this is starting to go so outlandishly wrong.... I think I may have to don my tinfoil hat and meditate on who is playing n-dimensional chess here. Did the Germans offer Turkey a horrible deal, then contemplated it for a while and backed out again in horror, by offending Erdogan so deeply he practically had to renege on the contract? Did a third party spike Erdogans drinking water with coke so he'd start foaming at the mouth so much more openly than before? It's the Greek, right? They've been sinking refuge ships with their secret submarines to whip the public into a frenzy, to force the Germans to ....




Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Time to stop dealing with this asshole.

This is Greece and the other neighbouring countries time to shine.

Need to move the immigrants for processing and then equal divide them in Europe. Pouring lots of resources and money into Greece.

This deal with Erdogan was to stem the immigrant tide. If this deal goes sour, it won't mean that EU countries will accept any more immigrants. Eastern European borders will remain closed, those countries won't take any immigrants. None whatsoever. Other EU countries will likely follow suit, since taking in more immigrants will be an electoral suicide. The immigrant crisis of 2015 has shown that good intentions lead to disastrous results. Not a single country wants to face that crisis again. Which means that if Turkey doesn't want to play nice, the EU borders will have to be guarded properly. Illegal immigrants will have to learn that with tightly closed borders and immediate eviction, it's no use even trying.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Damn I'll live in Portugal. Is the job market there really that bad?

These immigrants want to go to countries with the best refugee policies: fast application procedures, ability to send for family members in the least amount of time, free housing, generous welfare system, etc. That's the reason why Northern and Western European countries are so popular.

Here in the Netherlands immigrant families from Syria get preferential treatment when it comes to social housing. Regular Dutch people may have to spend ten year on a social housing waiting list, refugees however are being prioritized so they can get subsidized housing as fast as possible. That's not all. In Oisterwijk refugees also receive 10,000 euro to furnish their free new home. Crazy.
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