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UC4 Game Director Justin Richmond Leaves ND (And famousmortimer leaves GAF #1393)

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Junior Member
True. People leave game studios all the time.

Well, I have to say that I don't appreciate the stuff he posted:

Factually incorrect, speculative and way too personal. Hence my need to put the record straight.

I'm not calling for a witch hunt for Pete Dodd. Whatever issues we have are between he and I. What I am doing is protecting my professional integrity by correcting comments which ended up being posted as news on games industry websites. Websites that are read by my potential employers. Really, I'm not too worried about people talking about me on forums - my work has been praised and criticised over the years by loads of people - what I'm concerned about is when posts on forums become personally damaging.

Best wishes to you and your son.
Pete has replied to my email, and he's going to try to put things right. That being the case, it's all good.

As for helping me out with my boy - thanks very much for the offer, but it's basically a case of time will tell. He's on some pretty obnoxious drugs (steroids and this stuff which is used in chemotherapy), which we're hoping will sort him out. He's being looked after. :)

I appreciate the support, though - genuinely. You guys have restored my faith in humanity and the internet.
Best wishes and speedy recovery to your son. I also look forward to more of your work in the future, wherever that may be.


Incredibly Naive
Ironically enough, didn't Pete make a big show of permanently quitting the insider game last fall, claiming he didn't like the attention, after his own family crisis? I always wondered why he got back into it.

My suspicion for a long time about Dodd has been that - while he clearly has access to some level of genuine insider info - he nonetheless doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows/wants to think he knows/wants others to think he knows (one or more of the above). This pretty much confirms it.

His first post on twitter addressing this whole thing was basically denying ever being "and insider"... I never know why people do this, when there are so many posts where they've already incriminated themselves.


I trusted you Mort. You broke my heart.

First Cboat, now you.

Where am I going to get my leaks now Mort? Who am I going to turn to now to get the latest insider fix?

Why did you do this. All you had to do was apologize but you didn't. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST APOLOGIZE.

cries in a corner

Console launches were a great time for insider leaks but I think as this generation goes on the need for that is less and less important or fun. "Insider info" about who is leaving what studio for where and why seems more damaging than it's worth.



That's more tastelessly petulant than I would hope for in a situation like this. Particularly when there's no question that he was in the wrong.



Well, at least someone said it. Thanks Patrick.

Sigh... such a bad attitude after clearly making a serious mistake.

And he is even activley trying to create a new gaming website where there will be "no bullshit" allowed... Things like this will be remembered forever by core gaming audience, especially if gaffers are involved.

And I even started following him semi-seriously in the last few months after PS4 came out and he started making podcast with Grisham...
Console launches were a great time for insider leaks but I think as this generation goes on the need for that is less and less important or fun. "Insider info" about who is leaving what studio for where and why seems more damaging than it's worth.

I was just about to edit that in.

Don't know why he went so far as to damage someones reputation with office gossip. You would think he would be smart enough to not post gossip as fact, especially when he clearly didn't have the whole story.

Should have stopped while he was ahead.


geezus...Mort you made such a big mess of this smh

The insider situation is a big mess too. Demonite save us (please drop some good vita news hints ..if there are any lolol :( )

that said this also shows how silly those who go over the top when dealing with news regarding people leaving or getting fired. It's a business at the end of the day..these things happen.

@Col: Thanks for clearing things up. I sincerely hope and pray your son makes a recovery. Best wishes to your family in these hard times. May they be short lived.


tad off topic, but can someone provide a link as to what happened to cboat?
He said TitanFall would be 720p, and would have it's own isolated party chat infrastructure, and he was mistaken.

DemonNite is obviously seriously well informed, but he doesn't really leak anything, just wonderful blue ball teases.
Man, I can't believe how much this thread kept going after I went away from my computer last night.

I hope people take a second to look at these posts. The two principal actors decided to talk to each other, and have reached an agreement. Everyone else hopefully reads this and acts accordingly.


He even posted a tweet asking why another place didn't include the info that the two of them had come to an understanding, that sounds like they have.


Pete has replied to my email, and he's going to try to put things right. That being the case, it's all good.

As for helping me out with my boy - thanks very much for the offer, but it's basically a case of time will tell. He's on some pretty obnoxious drugs (steroids and this stuff which is used in chemotherapy), which we're hoping will sort him out. He's being looked after. :)

I appreciate the support, though - genuinely. You guys have restored my faith in humanity and the internet.

My thoughts are with you and your family. Hoping for a speedy recovery. :)
Ironically enough, didn't Pete make a big show of permanently quitting the insider game last fall, claiming he didn't like the attention, after his own family crisis? I always wondered why he got back into it.

My suspicion for a long time about Dodd has been that - while he clearly has access to some level of genuine insider info - he nonetheless doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows/wants to think he knows/wants others to think he knows (one or more of the above). This pretty much confirms it.


Can't believe people actually pay for and support this: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dodd-scientifics


If there's ever a time where money seems to be an issue, I know a lot of people here would love to send some your way. We gotta look after our fellow devs. Take care man.
If it comes to this, count me in. I know a few friends/relatives who are/were in similar situation and I want to help a fellow dev if possible.

Best wishes and fast recovery to your son and family, Col.


Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.
Especially if the two themselves can hash it out. Not that he doesn't deserve to be called out, but the harshness should lessen if the two primaries have/are worked it out.

Relative to its content, Neogaf is the most dramatic forum I have ever frequented. Lol

So true, so many of these get heated.
Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

You're acting as if he hasn't been trying to make a career out of peddling libelous and self-aggrandizing misinformation.


Kinda ironic after all the MS stuff he posted(some of it FUD) the moment he leaked stuff on Sony he got caught out. His credibility like CBOAT has been shot to pieces.


This thread took a dark turn.

Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

When a pseudo-insider is erased off the gaf-planet, another quickly rises to take his place.
Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

People are talking about if they should still fund his website thing, considering how he posted such false information and acted like a dick when he was called out.

I'm not seeing the witch hunt.


Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

When you spread bullshit lies about people, things tend to blow up in your face. Now he's got to own up to it. You apologized for him more times than he has even fake apologized.

His gimmick was transparent. He feeds off attention and in trying to get more of it, he pushed forward with a load of bullshit and it backfired.

The savior of games journalism, truly.


Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

While i agree some are going a bit overboard here ..the issue isn't him messing up. It's how he handled it. The passive aggressive response he made first just made things much worse. And he hasn't done the case any favors by his response after the ban either

Overall...a mess. And he has noone but himself to blame for it


Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

He was banned before he finally "apologized." Most likely for that flippant "Im retiring as a gaf-insider" tweet
Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

I do agree with this. Both mort and col have already moved on like mature people and the information flow has been resolved .
Pete has replied to my email, and he's going to try to put things right. That being the case, it's all good.

As for helping me out with my boy - thanks very much for the offer, but it's basically a case of time will tell. He's on some pretty obnoxious drugs (steroids and this stuff which is used in chemotherapy), which we're hoping will sort him out. He's being looked after. :)

I appreciate the support, though - genuinely. You guys have restored my faith in humanity and the internet.

All the best to you and family mate
Glad he was called on it. Like I said yesterday....

Actually he's kind of right. The stuff famousmortimer gives can be good, when it's concrete and he explains (without naming names obviously) where he got it, and how much he trusts it. Even then, it's not exactly 100%.

However, when he makes one of those big posts where he confidently summarizes a bunch of stuff (such as the main one in this thread) -- with no context for where he got the info, or even whether it's just his impression based on vague rumors or actual info he has from somewhere, and then people take it as truth, because he is an "insider" -- that's when I have to get off the train, and so should others. It's irresponsible. He should be more precise and explicit.

In his post here, it is particularly egregious; I can't tell where "his opinion/impression" begins and "actual info he got from insider(s)" ends.

I still appreciate some of the stuff he's done/said and had fun with some of the leaked info, as everyone has, but that's one thing... this is another.


I do agree with this. Both mort and col have already moved on like mature people and the information flow has been resolved .
"To be clear my apology was to Col, not to gaf, which I didn't even know I was banned from until I tweeted said apology."


I'll go out on a limb and guess that Mort's ban is about more than just what he posted about Col and his pseudo-apology. I'm guessing that was the proverbial last straw.
That's more tastelessly petulant than I would hope for in a situation like this. Particularly when there's no question that he was in the wrong.

well, he did post:

atFamousmortimer ‏@atPeteDodd 21m
I have talked to Col Rodgers personally and his side of the story is vastly different than what I posted yesterday on gaf.

atFamousmortimer ‏@atPeteDodd 21m
I apologize. I shouldn't have gone there. Office gossip isn't news. Col is a good and talented guy who left on his own accord.

i think a ban was in order, but not a lifetime perm ban for being a "faux insider" since alot of his previous info has panned out. oh well.

Glad to have the situation cleared up, glad the previously supposed reasoning wasn't true.


Jesus Christ guys, I'm only a junior here, but I know how much good info Mort has brought into Gaf. The man screwed up, there is no question. He definitely needs to apologize to Col.

But the lynching going on here.. It's about to border on cyber bullying. The man screws up (albeit a big screw up) and you are all ready to hang him, with a nice handful of shaming in the process.

He messed up. He got called out, criticized and banned from GAF. Let the guy get back on his feet.

Agreed, but the general GAF has a big problem with rumors and are always on a witch hunt to get those who post rumors rather than facts banned. I love crazy rumors and speculation, but I've learned that GAF is not the place for that. It seems like it's something famourmortimer should have realized before making a big post like that.


Another insider managed to get himself banned in what would Nintendo call "console launch window".


Although this time Pete managed to personally offend someone who did not deserve it, and his first response was handled badly.
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