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Uncharted 4 Trailer runs in-engine, in-game, in realtime on a single PS4 at 1080p60

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Not only they halved the framerate, but they also made the game look worse.

This trailer reminds me of Killzone 2 reveal in E3...
I've watched gamersyde video with blacks fixed few days ago, it is not. There is a lot of shimmer.

I wouldn't say so compared to other games. Bare in mind it is rendering a ton of vegetation, and it is pretty common in most games for shimmering to be evident there. I would say it is looking to have great IQ and AA a year before release.

The Lamp

well not really. 60fps does feel really great. where they screwed up, however, is by letting their fans expect Uncharted 4 to be 60fps and then pulling the rug out from under them later on.

They were probably expecting it too.

But unpredictable things happen in the development process.


Not only they halved the framerate, but they also made the game look worse.

This trailer reminds me of Killzone 2 reveal in E3...

Let's revisit this conversation in 4-6 months. No point talking about visual downgrades based on early WIP builds. Framerate target is normally set in stone much earlier so that's worth discussing now. Missing effects aren't.


Let's revisit this conversation in 4-6 months. No point talking about visual downgrades based on early WIP builds. Framerate target is normally set in stone much earlier so that's worth discussing now. Missing effects aren't.

And comparing cut scene to gameplay no less. The cut scene visuals in the recent demo looked pretty immense.


You know the thread title isn't even a lie. The trailer for all we know could be in-engine, in realtime on a single PS4 at 1080p60.

Full game won't be.
'In-engine, in-game, in realtime on a single PS4 at 1080p60' so what happened?

People to this day allow themselves to believe tech demoes to be what the game will be.

Eventhough there has been hundreds of examples where this has been the case and to this day none where the game lived upto the tech demo.


A. This isn't a downgrade because the actual game was never at 60fps to begin with.

B. 30 vs 60fps is far less noticeable than the graphics hit to Watch Dogs.

C. There's nothing wrong with downgrades if they are shared openly. Don't drama-monger.

I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate.


I grabbed that image from somewhere, I'm not the author, please don't shoot.


Okay... But that's seemingly not going to be the case for the final product. Or are you trying to be dense?
I'm not the one assuming and hence I'm not the one that is dense here.

It was a hypothetical switcheroo situation. If such a thing happened to other games, I can imagine a couple of "angry at ubisoft" threads and every thread would be filled with first post lulz such as "Ubisoft, more like sucksatgraphics-soft."
Spare me this bs please. Its good reason Ubisoft would get that sort of reaction. They didnt magically get compared to EA just like that right?

Also besides the small period where ND played up 60fps, I dont see any valid reason to assume that UC4 had to be 1080/60. What next? We are going to whine when people dont get out their pitchforks when QD's next game isnt 1080/60 or the settings they used for their demo?


I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate.


I grabbed that image from somewhere, I'm not the author, please don't shoot.
Assuming that's accurate, the lighting received a massive downgrade. The impressive reflections and subsurface scattering on the skin in the first picture appear to be gone or severely reduced in accuracy and complexity.


I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate.


I grabbed that image from somewhere, I'm not the author, please don't shoot.

Just don't.
That is NOT the same scene, NOT the same time of day, NOT the same jungle, NOT the same weather etc etc etc...
Just stop this picture.


On a side note, I hope you realise the game is still a year out lol. Bit premature to judge no?
It is? Whoops my bad, was thinking that this game was aimed at this year. Apologies.
A. Thats such BS. Of course ND isn't getting the vitriol that Watch Dogs did its not even close to the same thing. It wasn't a vertical slice of anything. All we saw was a cutscene you can't be serious. With Watchdogs they DEMO'ED a whole mission.

B. TLOU R feels sublime at 60 but if you try it at a locked 30 guess what, the game still feels and plays great. IMO

C. They never said that the game was going to be 60fps, they said they were aiming for it. The only thing I will concede to you is them making such a big deal about how great 60fps feels. They really screwed up with that.
A. Is it? The cutscene was presented as in-game, you do realize what that means don't you?

B. True, that's why I used the word "better" in that sentence ;)

C. I give you that they never said in black and white that it would be 60fps.

I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate


[SPOILER]I grabbed that image from somewhere, I'm not the author, please don't shoot.[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]That image is wrong on so many levels. Let us compare the game vs the initial reveal when it's out shall we?


I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate.


I grabbed that image from somewhere, I'm not the author, please don't shoot.

It's not the best of comparisons because of differences in lighting, the amount of depth of field, and the RGB settings being messed up in the demo. The only difference I can really make out aside from the heavy depth of field, is that the hair is higher quality in the initial reveal, but then again we are comparing cut scene with wet hair, to gameplay with dry hair and much less DoF.

Here's a better comparison image.


And here's what the gameplay demo looks like with DoF applied.


Graphical improvements compared to past Uncharted's.

Don't forget, the game is still a year away. Lots of time for polishing and improvements.
Assuming that's accurate, the lighting received a massive downgrade. The impressive reflections and subsurface scattering on the skin in the first picture appear to be gone or severely reduced in accuracy and complexity.

They are different scenes, in different locations. The top one is at night, and Drake is wet.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It was undeniably silly for ND to make such a deal out of 60fps, but my guess is that it was pushed by some higher ups at Sony. They probably were never really targeting 60fps, but because 1080p 60fps was kind of a buzzphrase last year they were told to say that's what they were aiming for.


Don't forget, the game is still a year away. Lots of time for polishing and improvements.

they haven't delayed it yet, I don't believe

It was undeniably silly for ND to make such a deal out of 60fps, but my guess is that it was pushed by some higher ups at Sony. They probably were never really targeting 60fps, but because 1080p 60fps was kind of a buzzphrase last year they were told to say that's what they were aiming for.

that's why this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. let me be clear, I realize this is my own speculation and based more on gut feelings than any hard evidence or anything, but it definitely feels like Naughty Dog knew that this game was never going to be 1080p/60fps even when they announced their target. really seems like they gave us the ol' bait and switch to build hype on the big E3 stage.


It was undeniably silly for ND to make such a deal out of 60fps, but my guess is that it was pushed by some higher ups at Sony. They probably were never really targeting 60fps, but because 1080p 60fps was kind of a buzzphrase last year they were told to say that's what they were aiming for.

I think they had a honeymoon phase with 60fps after doing TLOU:Remastered. Then they actually started making Uncharted 4 a playable game with the graphical fidelity they wanted and were like "Oh shit."


You know the thread title isn't even a lie. The trailer for all we know could be in-engine, in realtime on a single PS4 at 1080p60.

Full game won't be.

Except the title also says: "in-game", which implies that it's gameplay.

Look, I'm sure the game will be amazing and will be getting it day one no doubt, but to defend this BS as not being deceitful doesn't make sense to me. Just go back and read some of the initial replies, everyone was losing their shit thinking the game would actually look like the trailer.
It's a shame that instead of being reasonably disappointed in the drop in FPS, people tried to call for as much anger as Watch_Dogs, had a situation so largely different it kind of turns the conversation into a joke.


Except the title also says: "in-game", which implies that it's gameplay.

Look, I'm sure the game will be amazing and will be getting it day one no doubt, but to defend this BS as not being deceitful doesn't make sense to me. Just go back and read some of the initial replies, everyone was losing their shit thinking the game would actually look like the trailer.

well to be fair there was a lot of skepticism in this very thread about ND actually pulling it off


It was undeniably silly for ND to make such a deal out of 60fps, but my guess is that it was pushed by some higher ups at Sony. They probably were never really targeting 60fps, but because 1080p 60fps was kind of a buzzphrase last year they were told to say that's what they were aiming for.

Nah why would they? Sony is giving total freedom about those things.
They got caught in their own hype and excitement because of the results obtained with the TLOU remaster and I guess promising early tests with the U4 engine.
Then they tried to make a vertical slice of their game with the PSX demo and they realized they couldn't push the graphics as much as they hoped (E3 looked much better, let's be honest) and they were still only at 40fps against the 60fps target.
30fps is the best choice for this game, it will allow them to add much more elements and overall it will be a more impressive experience. 60fps is smooth and cool to play with but wasn't worth it, the game is not a multiplayer fps, it's a cinematic action adventure tps, all past Uncharted games were 30fps as well so it's not like this will be a downgrade in that regard.
They did a mistake annoucing that their target was 60fps too early, that's true.


Graphical improvements compared to past Uncharted's.


Don't forget, the game is still a year away. Lots of time for polishing and improvements.

Said this during the PSX and in the other thread, but by far the biggest issue for me is that on a macro level in gameplay, the demo looks very much like a cleaned up 1080p UC3 remaster with foliage cranked to ultra. My concern is this is not the same studio (talent) that built their PS2 engines in assembly language or conjured such sorcery as the UC1 and UC2 engines in their time. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they actually say they're not even doing a new engine for PS4, just porting over the UC3 work?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Said this during the PSX and in the other thread, but by far the biggest issue for me is that on a macro level in gameplay, the demo looks very much like a cleaned up 1080p UC3 remaster with foliage cranked to ultra. My concern is this is not the same studio (talent) that built their PS2 engines in assembly language or conjured such sorcery as the UC1 and UC2 engines in their time. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they actually say they're not even doing a new engine for PS4, just porting over the UC3 work?

Yeah I mean the reason your statement has been so negatively received each time you post it is because I think people are concerned for your vision.

On Demand

Except its nowhere near as bad as the Watchdogs drama. Where everybody was quick to shit on Ubisoft for being lied to, I see most people giving Naughty Dogs a pass for this. Some people are poking fun, but I don't see anybody getting the pitchforks out.

I think it didn't seem as bad because it's an exclusive. Where as WD is multiplatform so you had more people voicing their opinions. But there were plenty who clearly have no intention of owning a PS4 making sure we knew the gameplay looked nothing like the trailer.


Imagine if this was an ubisoft game....good thing it's by naughty dogs. Will get an easy pass by the industry.

And so they should, Naughty Dog have never......ever released an average game never mind bad. They are pioneers in story driven video games and visuals.

ubisoft however.....


I'd be in the dick
Hey, don't blame the title. I don't stick my neck out without evidence (most of the time) :p

Right, I fully believe they were able to get this trailer to 1080p/60fps but can't for the full game which is why it was extremely shortsighted to release it at 60 publicly.
And so they should, Naughty Dog have never......ever released an average game never mind bad. They are pioneers in story driven video games and visuals.

ubisoft however.....
While I understand what you are saying but every company should be judged equally IMO when it comes to false promise and downgrades regardless of who makes it. I was really glad too see yesterday people calling out NRS on the dlc price.And people should call out naughty dog too. IMO of course.


While I understand what you are saying but every company should be judged equally IMO when it comes to false promise and downgrades regardless of who makes it. I was really glad too see yesterday people calling out NRS on the dlc price.And people should call out naughty dog too. IMO of course.

Lets just wait and see if a downgrade exists visually, the framerate may peak at 30fps but if they get the visuals to the original trailers standards I don't think there can be much complaining coming from a £300 console.

Can't say ND have ever let me down personally in their recent history so im quietly confident they'll deliver the goods upon release.


While I understand what you are saying but every company should be judged equally IMO when it comes to false promise and downgrades regardless of who makes it. I was really glad too see yesterday people calling out NRS on the dlc price.And people should call out naughty dog too. IMO of course.

Except they never promised anything.
TARGET =!= promise.
I dunno, I'm not going to give them any flack because "targeting" and reality are vastly different things. It wasn't as if the series went from high to low framerate. 60FPS would have been a fantastic addition, but I won't say it was expected.

I can understand people being disappointed it's not mind you, especially when the words "targeting" are dropped, but them's the brakes.


I'd be in the dick
Except they never promised anything.
TARGET =!= promise.
You're right but when you release footage at 60fps and make it clear that all the cutscenes are real time in the game, it becomes much more of a binding expectation than a brief statement in an interview.


The game still looks fucking great. Also with more openness and verticality, which will probably make it the best Uncharted yet for me. Can't wait for it, myself.
I don't know man, the image below shows some pretty jarring differences, so it's not just about the framerate.

This is the new "UC3 downgrade/lighting on a pre-rendered trailer misunderstanding" post. Stop quoting stuff like this without proper research because you will obviously see a massive amount of rebuttals everytime such misleading image is posted. So yeah, you deserve to get shot. You're not a messenger who is unaware of the message - it's a deliberate attempt to shit the thread while resorting to diplomatic immunity. This isn't N4G where you can get away with stunts like this, people will call you out.


Except they never promised anything.
TARGET =!= promise.

But that's like a fighting game developer saying "We hope to have around 30 characters at launch" and launching with 15 (not the greatest analogy, admittedly, as UC4 isn't out yet).

They said it was a target because it meant something. It's a reasonable expectation that, particularly when the first footage shown of the game is 60fps, that it can be thought of a 'downgraded'. But sure, it was never a guarantee, that goes without saying.


You're right but when you release footage at 60fps and make it clear that all the cutscenes are real time in the game, it becomes much more of a binding expectation than a brief statement in an interview.

well, imagine the teaser scene runs at 60 FPS in game with no problems, but with multiple enimies and explosions on screen the FPS drop to 45.
That's a very possible scenario, which explains the "targetting" aswell as the 60 FPS in the teaser.
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