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"Unreal 5 Demo can only been done with 10TF of GPU power & 5.5GB/s SSD" Dreams: "hold my damn beer!"


Jare, friend, the title is just being cutesy about implying that Dreams is such an incredible creation engine that you don't even need PS5 power to create UE5-level visuals even on a PS4. It had nothing to do with Xbox or console warring.

Whether the thread is a whiff in general is up for debate, but it really has nothing to do with Xbox. I'll forgive you this one time only if you click Like on my next bore-related LTTP thread title.

They are really having a meeting about this thread in the meme thread lol


Gold Member
Can someone link me where it was specified that UE5 demo can only be done on a 5.5GB/s SSD?

Or is the quote in the OP bullshit?

It. Is. Satire.

Why do you want to keep this going so bad? It was a satirical title (at the expense of Sony/Epic) used to draw attention to some great work about Dreams.

I also learned that a dev over at Epic was inspired with the work Dreams has done and has similarities to their design for the UE5 demo, in this thread.


It. Is. Satire.

Why do you want to keep this going so bad? It was a satirical title (at the expense of Sony/Epic) used to draw attention to some great work about Dreams.

I also learned that a dev over at Epic was inspired with the work Dreams has done and has similarities to their design for the UE5 demo, in this thread.

Thread is a clear shot at the IGN tweet & has nothing to do with Xbox but he is foaming at the mouth looking for a fight lol



IIIIIIIIII dunno... given the OP’s history and tag, I am inclined to agree he’s sneaking a false quote into a thread to promote PS5, while playing innocent about it.

Clever af, though, and it seems to be working on other users. I admire the tenacity. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


IIIIIIIIII dunno... given the OP’s history and tag, I am inclined to agree he’s sneaking a false quote into a thread to promote PS5, while playing innocent about it.

Clever af, though, and it seems to be working on other users. I admire the tenacity. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Actually wasn't even thinking about these people when I made this thread


Rage Bait Youtuber
Did someone grab your trousers and pull them up real hard or is it that time of the moth?



I’m impressed how they did that so fast... the demo has like 24 hours only and they copied it in Dreams.
No matter the quality it is a feat.

What the hell? how am I implying that Xbox SX can't run UE5 demo? I'm the one that posted a quote where Tim said it can be done with a slow HDD but at lower detail
Most people understood what Tim said.
But some keep saying PS fans are saying “that it can’t be done in Xbox”.
The event yesterday really triggered Xbox fans.
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I've never felt so embarrassed reading a title in all my life. What is wrong with you? This is worse than FP16 😂🤣😂🤣
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Can someone link me where it was specified that UE5 demo can only be done on a 5.5GB/s SSD?

Or is the quote in the OP bullshit?

Its not about the 5.5 speed is it, you have seen Sweenys tweets, its about latency and coherency, he says Ps5 improvement is several times more efficient than a PC method.

Also dreams uses voxels and SOME similar traingle stuff to UE5, so there are similarities as the two devs congratulate each other on twitter - look it up. We may learn more soon I guess.

Also this fan made on Ps4 is humour, which for many is

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Wow, war has really turned serious here. It's like some people are really upset of some banned XBOX fans, so they are waging a hard war to balance the numbers. You cant even comment on a thread without people constantly chiding you and saying you are concerned. Why devolve into this petty "I'm gonna get you banned or create a stink on every comment and thread", this them vs us mentality really has to change......We can discuss things without having ulterior motives or trying to get a kill count....I feel sometimes some posters quote you just to bait you into some back to fourth so you get banned......XBOX vs PS, it's really not that serious guys.....

As for the OP. I think you can see one of my comments in the UE5 thread yesterday. Dreams on PS5 hardware should be straight bonkers. I still believe Dreams Engine Technology is probably one of the most important advancements and achievements this generation......Dreams has so much potential to evolve and change how games are created and how realistic they can look.....If these guys can do this with 1.84, porting this with enhancements with 10.3TF and a fast SSD will be an eye opener to many. The resolution and framerate increase alone from a normal PS4 will wrought a huge visual upgrade.


always chasing the next thrill
I hope you can use dreams to port all those next gen games so we don't need next gen consoles at all.

Brb need to take a shit suddenly.
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Wow, war has really turned serious here. It's like some people are really upset of some banned XBOX fans, so they are waging a hard war to balance the numbers. You cant even comment on a thread without people constantly chiding you and saying you are concerned. Why devolve into this petty "I'm gonna get you banned or create a stink on every comment and thread", this them vs us mentality really has to change......We can discuss things without having ulterior motives or trying to get a kill count....I feel sometimes some posters quote you just to bait you into some back to fourth so you get banned......XBOX vs PS, it's really not that serious guys.....

As for the OP. I think you can see one of my comments in the UE5 thread yesterday. Dreams on PS5 hardware should be straight bonkers. I still believe Dreams Engine Technology is probably one of the most important advancements and achievements this generation......Dreams has so much potential to evolve and change how games are created and how realistic they can look.....If these guys can do this with 1.84, porting this with enhancements with 10.3TF and a fast SSD will be an eye opener to many. The resolution and framerate increase alone from a normal PS4 will wrought a huge visual upgrade.

Imagine making memes joking & trolling PS5 for months on a daily basis only to be triggered by any mention of PS5 SSD whenever you step outside of your happy place & realize that the real world isn't like the one you created.



I KNEW someone would re- create it in Dreams, but this was still incredibly fast (even if it's just the initial cave) :messenger_grinning_smiling:
Somehow I love the soft rendering of Dreams, and the way shadows and light is managed, it creates a very cozy atmosphere. I'm sure someone will create the full demo eventually.

I want to try Dreams so bad, I'll eventually just buy it and see what horrible piece of media I can come up with.


Gold Member
The thread title is A JOKE.
To show off the demo being copied in Dreams.

It's a "who needs next-gen" joke.

Reminds me of back in the day, around the time the Genesis was just coming out, before the Super Nintendo... there used to be a show on Saturday mornings, video game show. I think it was done by GamePro or the like. They had a segment for the NES where they were showing some technique where they were able to get extra large sprites somehow in a few games late in the NES life cycle.

The host literally said, "with what these games are able to do on the NES, you don't need 16-bit just yet" (paraphrased). I remember my mother saying, "see, your Nintendo can do that, you don't need a Genesis yet", and even when I was 10 or 11, I was like, "nah mah, that is bullshit, 16 > 8" (paraphrased).

Looking back now, Nintendo clearly sponsored that segment. 🤣:messenger_ok:

Thread title kind of reminded me of that. Thanks for the trip down memory lane O onQ123 .

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Unreal Engine 5 not debuting on the XSX has really triggered some people.
If anyone is triggered about that they clearly weren't paying attention. I get what my guy is saying though. Somone not in the know would read that and perhaps believe its true.

No need to fret though. July is just around the corner.


It. Is. Satire.

Why do you want to keep this going so bad? It was a satirical title (at the expense of Sony/Epic) used to draw attention to some great work about Dreams.

I also learned that a dev over at Epic was inspired with the work Dreams has done and has similarities to their design for the UE5 demo, in this thread.
He is neutral you see.


IIIIIIIIII dunno... given the OP’s history and tag, I am inclined to agree he’s sneaking a false quote into a thread to promote PS5, while playing innocent about it.

Clever af, though, and it seems to be working on other users. I admire the tenacity. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I really don't see how. If anything OP seems to make light of the ps5 and the claim 'it can only be done on the ps5'.

Talking about clever sarcasm I think this qualifies easily:

He's clearly implying it will look better on his console(which is not true), very subtly, and people were right to call out on it in my opinion.


Kind of skipping the most impressive things about the UE5 demo and calling it even.

It stays in a small cave here, there's no flythrough of a highly detailed world like at the end of the UE5 demo which is really what showed the difference the SSD makes. The geometry detail was also going beyond the PS5s memory capacity but was streamed in without any pop in.

Horses mouth:

"...so that you can bring in this geometry and display it, despite it not all fitting and memory... Sony is pioneering here with the PlayStation 5 architecture. It's got a God-tier storage system which is pretty far ahead of PCs" - Sweeney


Kind of skipping the most impressive things about the UE5 demo and calling it even.

It stays in a small cave here, there's no flythrough of a highly detailed world like at the end of the UE5 demo which is really what showed the difference the SSD makes. The geometry detail was also going beyond the PS5s memory capacity but was streamed in without any pop in.

Well, you can't expect to mimic a professional tech demo with a Dreams project made from a single person in a day on his spare time.

But your point actually stands, and it's a very very interesting one: Dreams renders the scenery in a very peculiar way (it doesn't even have polygons I think?) and it handles copy/pasting on thousands of the same elements exceptionally well.
Pushed it to the limit, on PS4, it would be incredibly interesting to see how close you can get to the UE5 demo.
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