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Unreal Engine 4 Thread


Been working on an environment the past three days:



I still need to add a lot more props and tweak a lot of things like my normal/roughness maps and the lighting. There's so much to learn and figure out with the engine. ._.


Anyone got any idea how to rotate an object in perfect increments in game at the will of the player ?


This is what I have at the minute but unfortunately at the minute it just rotates 90 degrees for the first two increments then rotates back 90 then forward 90, then backwards etc.


Unreal Engine 4 torture test!

I imported a 260,000 polygon teapot. It only took 10 seconds to load.

Now lets keep throwing more!

60 million polygons!

Now obviously, no game will ever handle this (very simple materials, no ai or physics and only two light sources).


Unreal Engine 4.6 is coming!

This is an early preview of the upcoming 4.6 release. This release contains numerous new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This preview also contains some known bugs which are actively being worked on before the final 4.6 release. We encourage users to check out the preview to try the new features and inform us of any issues which we may not have caught, but we also strongly recommend not updating projects for active development until the final release.

If you discover any additional issues with this Preview release, please report the issue here or on the Unreal Engine AnswerHub.

Major New Features:

Static Lighting on Instanced Static Meshes (including Foliage)
Improvements to the GitHub branch distribution process
UObject Improvements
Landscape Split Out
Humanoid Rig
Support for Multi-Montages
Root Motion from Everything
Cast Unification
Precomputed Direct Lighting from Emissive Materials
Precomputed Emissive Lighting
Multiple Material Improvements
Improvements to Montage Editing in Persona
Keyboard and Controller input and focus unified. Controller Navigation added
Initial support for composite fonts for Slate, UMG, and Canvas
Cook in Editor
Network record/replay system
Upgraded engine to use Oculus VR 0.4.3 SDK / Runtimes
Online sessions exposed to Blueprints
Web Browser Support
New Blueprint Menu System



Anyone got any idea how to rotate an object in perfect increments in game at the will of the player ?


This is what I have at the minute but unfortunately at the minute it just rotates 90 degrees for the first two increments then rotates back 90 then forward 90, then backwards etc.
I wish I could help you but I don't know blueprint. Is there any sort of debug/popup node you can attach that will spit out the current rotation value after the rotation changes? That might help explain what's happening.


I look forward to re-writing all of my constructors for the new 4.6 format...

Well, at least no more TSubObjectPtr nonsense. I also welcome static-lit foliage, the foliage painting tool is great for placing small random decoration props all over the place since they will automatically follow the surface they were placed on.


Is it possible to make pathnodes somehow work on an InterpActor?

I have an elevator moving up using matinee, but it seems the pathnodes can't be converted to an InterpActor. So my bots just stand on their initial spawn node while the elevator is moving up.


I look forward to re-writing all of my constructors for the new 4.6 format...

Well, at least no more TSubObjectPtr nonsense. I also welcome static-lit foliage, the foliage painting tool is great for placing small random decoration props all over the place since they will automatically follow the surface they were placed on.
I just saw this post. What is changing with constructors?


no more PCIP (FPostConstructInitializeProperties), in an approach to a more streamlined C++. In lieu wit easier casting.

I hope it eventually leads to support for constructor arguments. I use UObject derived classes for a some logic stuff and it's a bit annoying having to "remember" to setup all their properties when instantiating them in C++.


Anyone got any idea how to rotate an object in perfect increments in game at the will of the player ?


This is what I have at the minute but unfortunately at the minute it just rotates 90 degrees for the first two increments then rotates back 90 then forward 90, then backwards etc.

I don't have the engine running at the moment but if I wanted to do this I'd set up the scripting so that you add the current pitch of the object to the value output from the timeline (which I would set from 0-90). I'd drop the lerp box altogether.


I've finally gotten around to putting together my first environment.

Here's a bathroom. Right now, not everything is textured and I stuck in a lot of placeholders till I have better models ready. The scale is also being reworked, as there are alot of things horribly out of proportion.

I'm trying to target PS4/XBO spec with this, so I'm using a lot of polygons and high resolution textures for this. I think this is ok for a closed environment like this.


Edit: I went back and corrected the scale. Now it looks better (for now)




Neo Member
Anyone got any idea how to rotate an object in perfect increments in game at the will of the player ?


This is what I have at the minute but unfortunately at the minute it just rotates 90 degrees for the first two increments then rotates back 90 then forward 90, then backwards etc.


This is one way to do it.
Use "R Interp To"
I just put it in the level blueprint to rotate a static mesh in the level.

If you want to rotate/move a static mesh in your scene don't forget to set it to movable.


I got UE4 a couple of days ago. Anyone know a good tutorial series specifically for sound that covers things in a nice, chronological fashion? Sort of like the one that takes you through the concept of blueprints which was great. All I get are separate, disjointed pieces for sound tutorials and it's annoying if you run across one that assumes you have prior knowledge on stuff.
Also got UE a few days ago... I saw it at EGX and really liked the clean interface. I'd had a look at Unity and find it all a bit confusing (I am currently using Clickteam Fusion to make prototypes etc).

Havent really had much of a chance to give it a run through. I find the performance a bit hit and miss on my Mac...it's a little strange.

How's the blue print system, it seems a little complex, but can complex games be made using just that?

Hoping a Vita version/exporter comes out :)


How's the blue print system, it seems a little complex, but can complex games be made using just that?

Well Blueprints are even used in AAA projects, and I've seen quite a few people who say they can't really program (or they would have never started using UE4 if they had to learn C++ for it) but pull off some quite amazing stuff with Blueprints.
Well Blueprints are even used in AAA projects, and I've seen quite a few people who say they can't really program (or they would have never started using UE4 if they had to learn C++ for it) but pull off some quite amazing stuff with Blueprints.

Yeah I'm a designer...but also been using event based systems (like fusion) for a very long time. Don't really have the time to try and learn coding, would rather get things on screen quickly rather than have to spend lots of time and learn something like C++.

That's good to know that it's been used in top end games that makes me feel much happier, thanks :)

I will definitely need to pick a tool shortly for my current project...but as I am probably going to target VITA first, unless UE supports that in the next few months, going to have to go with Gamemaker I think.


Anyway to automate the constructor/casting updates introduced with 4.6?
My compile warning/depreciated list is a mile long.


Had to rollback to 4.5.1, there's something wrong in 4.6 when you have circular class references that involve nested UMG widgets. :(

Anyway to automate the constructor/casting updates introduced with 4.6?
My compile warning/depreciated list is a mile long.

A simple series of replace in files can deal with those.


I don't have a ton of C++ classes, but the upgrade to 4.6 was super friendly.

The return of emissive materials affecting lightmass is soooo dope.


I didn't really like Freesia, but I get irrationally happy whenever a Japanese developer adopts UE4. I don't even get it.


Small update, I've added more objects and slightly updated some materials. School has been taking up a lot of time (when I shouldn't have actually been doing this) so I'm going to hold off on my bathroom till next week, where I'll be on break.

Also, I got good news. I've been watching a lot of videos of the new Guilty Gear Xrd and I've been really impressed by how Arc System Works manage to nail the anime look in 3D. It inspired to me to make my next project after that something similar. Making a 3D game look like a 2D cartoon.


JordanN, I'm pretty impressed with your stuff. Do you have an approximation of how long it took to make everything in that scene?


JordanN, I'm pretty impressed with your stuff. Do you have an approximation of how long it took to make everything in that scene?

For the very simpler models (like toilet paper), it can take less than an hour to model, unwrap, bake, and texture.

For something more complex (like the door), it takes me 2-4 hours to just model and then I wait on 3DS Max to bake the Normal and Ambient Occlusion maps (sometimes 20 - 40 minutes each). Since the textures I'm using are actually placeholders, I'm going to have to go back and actually give them proper Diffuse and Roughness maps. The roughness in particular, will take more time to do.

And then of course, I have to play with the actual materials in UE4 and set up lightmass for the final lighting.

Edit: One more thing, there are some normal maps I have to sculpt by hand. The walls for example, were created in Mudbox. I'm also going to sculpt other things like the Bathroom tiles.
For the very simpler models (like toilet paper), it can take less than an hour to model, unwrap, bake, and texture.

For something more complex (like the door), it takes me 2-4 hours to just model and then I wait on 3DS Max to bake the Normal and Ambient Occlusion maps (sometimes 20 - 40 minutes each). Since the textures I'm using are actually placeholders, I'm going to have to go back and actually give them proper Diffuse and Roughness maps. The roughness in particular, will take more time to do.

And then of course, I have to play with the actual materials in UE4 and set up lightmass for the final lighting.

Edit: One more thing, there are some normal maps I have to sculpt by hand. The walls for example, were created in Mudbox. I'm also going to sculpt other things like the Bathroom tiles.

Are you wanting to become a modeler/artist or are you doing this for fun? Where did you (or anybody reading this) learn the techniques for this work?


Are you wanting to become a modeler/artist or are you doing this for fun? Where did you (or anybody reading this) learn the techniques for this work?
I'm building an environment artist portfolio, so it's definitely to become professional at it.

I learned techniques from watching internet tutorials, reading and participating in game art forums like Polycount or the actual Unreal Engine website as well as enrolling in some art programs. And of course, lots and lots of practice.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I also made these 2 other jam games in UE4:

Here is the whole collection: http://itch.io/c/2912/creative-destructive

How did you accomplish this effect with the "window"?

I have a horror game concept that I'd like to start on at some point, and this effect is almost exactly what I was going to try to integrate.

edit: Nevermind. After watching the gif a few more times it looks like it's just a ricochet on a distorted surface and the bullet is killing the player character. Awesome concept though!


Neo Member
I hope it eventually leads to support for constructor arguments. I use UObject derived classes for a some logic stuff and it's a bit annoying having to "remember" to setup all their properties when instantiating them in C++.

If they are your classes, can't you just make the ctor private and use some sort of construction method that takes in all of the required fields and returns a new instance? That would help protect misuse of the class if they are truly required.


If they are your classes, can't you just make the ctor private and use some sort of construction method that takes in all of the required fields and returns a new instance? That would help protect misuse of the class if they are truly required.

You can't simply new() UObject derived classes, you need to use NewObject<> or ConstructObject<> to instantiate them. You also can't make the ctor private, because the Blueprint class registration system needs to be able to instantiate the classes.
I just have to say when you guys all become industry veterans (which is quickly approaching with how impressive this thread is) Please make me a game that is basically:

Mario 64 + Nights.

Bless yo hearts.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I just have to say when you guys all become industry veterans (which is quickly approaching with how impressive this thread is) Please make me a game that is basically:

Mario 64 + Nights.

Bless yo hearts.

Have you seen this game
It's built in Unity, but is influenced heavily by Mario 64.
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