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Unreal Engine 4 Thread


Just a heads up for UE4 users.

For the longest time, I was wondering why I could never get certain colors to look right. Things appeared more washed out/saturated than the source material. I've learned that it has to do with the tonemapper used by UE4.

Just for an example, here's a test I did using an unlit material (so everything should appear raw).

Here is the original source texture.

and here is the comparison in engine

Unfortunately, I'm still trying to figure out how to change the setting so it works in game. The show flags used to disable tonemapper, only works within the viewport.


So has there been any talk of what the next version will have?

Asking because I want to do the whole "buy for one month, cancel subscription" thing, but wondering if I should wait a bit to see what new features there might be. I held out this long because I wanted a feature for easy UI building and I see that is in now with UMG.


So has there been any talk of what the next version will have?

Asking because I want to do the whole "buy for one month, cancel subscription" thing, but wondering if I should wait a bit to see what new features there might be. I held out this long because I wanted a feature for easy UI building and I see that is in now with UMG.

Well, they just introduced UMG and as such there's room for improvements, so if that's your main draw, buying it 1 time probably won't cut it.


So has there been any talk of what the next version will have?

Asking because I want to do the whole "buy for one month, cancel subscription" thing, but wondering if I should wait a bit to see what new features there might be. I held out this long because I wanted a feature for easy UI building and I see that is in now with UMG.

You could get a 90 days free subscription just last week, also imho you should just get started. No point in waiting months and months that you could use to do productive things.


Neo Member
Just a heads up for UE4 users.

For the longest time, I was wondering why I could never get certain colors to look right. Things appeared more washed out/saturated than the source material. I've learned that it has to do with the tonemapper used by UE4.

Just for an example, here's a test I did using an unlit material (so everything should appear raw).

Here is the original source texture.

and here is the comparison in engine

Unfortunately, I'm still trying to figure out how to change the setting so it works in game. The show flags used to disable tonemapper, only works within the viewport.

Should be in the post process volume in your level or in the world settings. But when you start a blank level it should have no tone mapping. Could be also color grading with a LUT, here is more on it: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Rendering/PostProcessEffects/ColorGrading/index.html


Should be in the post process volume in your level or in the world settings. But when you start a blank level it should have no tone mapping. Could be also color grading with a LUT, here is more on it: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Rendering/PostProcessEffects/ColorGrading/index.html

The controls are too limited. There's no way to directly access the tone mapper, which is where all the colors get changed. All those functions take place after the engine converts your colors.

Luckily, I have found a person who manage to come up with a work around for this. He actually changes a line of code in the UE4 shaders that stop the command for using the tonemapper.

His method works. The only thing I noticed is in the materials, he recommends adding in a add/divide/exponent node to your base material. When I did that, it made my saturation jump up way too high.

I removed those and it now works as I expect it to.
Just a couple of short videos looking at the incredibly simple environments I'm creating for my one man game project that I'm calling Primitive. The first is more informative of what the game is. There are no editing tricks, or portals or objects appearing and disappearing. Everything you are seeing is just geometry and materials to create the 'puzzle' in the first video.


UE4's tool set is amazeballs. I had this idea a few months back, and I've got it running on PC and android. I still have a long ways to go, but I can't believe how far it's come along already.


Just finished a level I've been working on for a good 6 months. I learned Maya/Photoshop and Ddo while making it to become self sufficeint at level making, its a fantastic achievement UE4, easily the best I've used in the 20 years I've been doing this.

I stuck a camera in the level and used it to take screenshots through the development and combined them altogether to make a time-lapse making of video.


Just finished a level I've been working on for a good 6 months. I learned Maya/Photoshop and Ddo while making it to become self sufficeint at level making, its a fantastic achievement UE4, easily the best I've used in the 20 years I've been doing this.

I stuck a camera in the level and used it to take screenshots through the development and combined them altogether to make a time-lapse making of video.


The timelapse is a really cool idea. The level looks great too. Thanks for sharing! It's great seeing what someone more artistically inclined can do with the tools. Not that I couldn't be working on something more visually detailed, but I know I couldn't get anything close to what you've done here even if my game design didn't require the simplistic art style I'm using.



I was putting together a post process material and accidentally made this shader.

It looks a bit like Madworld.


Am I the only one who finds it scary that EVERYONE is going to be using the UR4?
Assuming you're talking about Unreal Engine 4, everyone has source access though, and if you cancel your subscription you can still edit the source for the version you downloaded.

Given those two things, I'm not even sure what huge evil Epic could do even if they WANTED to. Increase the royalty rate or forbid people from using it? Shutting people down wouldn't help their bottom line, and increasing their royalty percentage seems a bit unlikely to me for a similar reason.


UE4 is the best bet currently if you want a powerful engine with source and quick prototyping(for both, design and code)
The controls are too limited. There's no way to directly access the tone mapper, which is where all the colors get changed. All those functions take place after the engine converts your colors.

Luckily, I have found a person who manage to come up with a work around for this. He actually changes a line of code in the UE4 shaders that stop the command for using the tonemapper.

His method works. The only thing I noticed is in the materials, he recommends adding in a add/divide/exponent node to your base material. When I did that, it made my saturation jump up way too high.

I removed those and it now works as I expect it to.
I am surprised not more people have found this to be a major problem. It's evident as soon as you try to sample a color from outside of UE4.

Is anyone here developing with the Rift?

lord pie

Just a heads up for UE4 users.

For the longest time, I was wondering why I could never get certain colors to look right. Things appeared more washed out/saturated than the source material. I've learned that it has to do with the tonemapper used by UE4.

Just for an example, here's a test I did using an unlit material (so everything should appear raw).

Here is the original source texture.

and here is the comparison in engine

Unfortunately, I'm still trying to figure out how to change the setting so it works in game. The show flags used to disable tonemapper, only works within the viewport.

That's actually completely normal.
You may be thinking it makes absolutely no sense, but there are some very valid reasons why a tonemap operation is applied to the image.

Good tonemapping mimics how photographic/movie film works - think of physical film, when it is exposed to a certain amount of light, a certain percentage of the pigment in the film break down. This is how the image is captured - it means if X amount of light breaks down 50% of the pigment, then doubling the light will breakdown the same 50% then an additional 50% of what remains - so you end up with 25% left. Double it again, you end up with 6.25% left - you theoretically never reach zero pigment left (which would represent pure white). It's an exponential curve, and the simplest (and imo, the best) tonemapping curve is just that - an exponential curve of 1-exp2(-x).
As you can see, as the input gets higher (x axis) the output gets closer and closer to 1 (y axis). But it doesn't clamp.

Without tonemapping, any value that is greater than 1 (after exposure adjustment) will clamp to pure white. This is actually happening in your example image, in the background the sky is clamping to white and losing a lot of detail (the R/G/B channels are clamping at different points, so the sky color is changing saturation drastically, before going to pure white). In the case of the sky, this is completely wrong and shows how even a very low contrast, simple asset can visually breakdown without tonemapping. Were there even more contrast in the sky (eg clouds, a sun, etc) then you simply wouldn't see it without tonemapping (or exposure control would have to be extra aggressive in order to compensate - which is a brilliant way to give someone a headache).

Unreal uses a 'filmic' tonemapper, which frankly I'm not a fan of - they artificially exaggerate the blacks and whites to give the image more 'pop', the result is the tonemapper messes with saturation more than it should (and is in this case party responsible for the problems you are seeing). I much prefer using a simple exponential tonemapper and letting the 'pop' be left to the color grading 3D texture.

The problems you will encounter when bypassing the tonemapper will occur whenever you have anything more than flat ambient lighting. Lighting in the real world has huge dynamic range, and without good tonemapping it is very hard to represent it without things clamping and completely messing up the image.

Losing saturation in the bright parts of an image is a normal side effect of tonemapping, unfortunately exaggerated somewhat when using a 'filmic' tonemapper.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Jumped on the UE4 bandwagon, long time game artist who hasn't programmed anything since 1989 on an apple IIe.

Time to watch some tutorials!


A plea for help here... I've gone through some of the basic tutorials on blueprints and such and now I'm completely lost on something very specific I want to accomplish.

Basically I want to create a class blueprint which has a dummy character with a looped animation, and this animation triggers a sound. I got that part implemented already. Now, what I want to add to this class blueprint is a randomized value that influences the speed of the animation, so each instance of this class placed in the map is going to animate at slightly different speeds (and in turn trigger the sounds at different speeds). What I also want is a timeline to dictate how long the animation plays and preferably the amplitude of the sound cue via the float track. So the timeline starts the animation and something like a keypress would trigger the animation.

Would really appreciate it if someone could help walk me through all this.
A plea for help here... I've gone through some of the basic tutorials on blueprints and such and now I'm completely lost on something very specific I want to accomplish.

Basically I want to create a class blueprint which has a dummy character with a looped animation, and this animation triggers a sound. I got that part implemented already. Now, what I want to add to this class blueprint is a randomized value that influences the speed of the animation, so each instance of this class placed in the map is going to animate at slightly different speeds (and in turn trigger the sounds at different speeds). What I also want is a timeline to dictate how long the animation plays and preferably the amplitude of the sound cue via the float track. So the timeline starts the animation and something like a keypress would trigger the animation.

Would really appreciate it if someone could help walk me through all this.
I can't be of any help and this thread seems kinda slow, you should try posting here as well as you'll probably get quicker replies, maybe with a screenshot of your current blueprint set up.

Good luck!


Well, I managed to make some progress. Made a Delay node after Event Begin Play, and also a Random Float between 0-0.6 to set the random value for the delay before the animation plays. So far so good. Then I connected the Timeline node after that, and the float point automation I created for that is connected to Set Play Rate for the actor playing the animation, which automates the animation speed. Now the problem is that the way the automation controls the animation seems really wonky and unreliable, not to mention that the speed modifier seems to have no effect on the frequency of the sound associated with the animation...
How far is Paper2D compared to Unity's 2D tools? Worth to use UE4 for a 2D mobile game or better stick with Unity?

Paper 2D is a work in progress but Epic is adding cool new features to it very quickly. They have a great new feature where you can take multi-directional shots of a model and turn them into sprites! If you want to make a rendered sprite game like Diablo II, you're in luck.

However, their flipbook(2D animation) controls are still in need of a lot of work. Blueprint integration is looking good but needs to be better.

At the time I write this, Unity is better for 2D dev. That and Unity is compatible with more handsets since you said you're doing mobile. Though Unity isn't 64-bit yet and the iOS 64 bit for new apps deadline is 10 days away. Unreal 4 is 64 bit.

As time goes on, Epic will improve their stuff and at the rate they are going and caring about the usability of their tools, they WILL eclipse Unity. If Unity fails to make that Feb 1st deadline...Boy is there gonna be hell to pay.
Do you guys think Epic will drop the number from the title eventually? Like how Crytek did?

Last I checked UE4.6 is the latest version and the EaaS only launched last Spring lol.


Now this, this is sooooo much more interesting than all the baked lighting rendered in the past 20 years.
PhysX Flex is for nVidia-only graphical effects, if I'm not mistaken? A general solution that supports AMD cards too would be nice. Otherwise wouldn't that fall into the same problem that PhysX has always had -- really bad CPU performance, or locking out part of the market?

I seem to remember at one point nVidia even tried to prevent an AMD / nVidia dual card combo from working if people tried to use the nVidia card for PhysX acceleration, but I feel like that has been resolved by now.
PhysX Flex is for nVidia-only graphical effects, if I'm not mistaken? A general solution that supports AMD cards too would be nice. Otherwise wouldn't that fall into the same problem that PhysX has always had -- really bad CPU performance, or locking out part of the market?

I seem to remember at one point nVidia even tried to prevent an AMD / nVidia dual card combo from working if people tried to use the nVidia card for PhysX acceleration, but I feel like that has been resolved by now.

For those who don't know what is Nvidia Flex : https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex

Here is what you get in UE4: You can stand and sit on the balloon and deform it by your weight (fluids and other solids may interact with it):

What is this?

Still images of physics stuff when videos would do much more justice...

Lol! I didn't make this pic , itw as made by a nvidia programmer and they are still fixing the fluids (you can see that fluids are now just balls insteads of fluids). You can still see that the character deformed the ball. If you want to se a snippet of what it will look in motion, watch this: https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex

Maybe some videos will come running in the engine.
Lol! I didn't make this pic , itw as made by a nvidia programmer and they are still fixing the fluids (you can see that fluids are now just balls insteads of fluids). You can still see that the character deformed the ball. If you want to se a snippet of what it will look in motion, watch this: https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex

Maybe some videos will come running in the engine.

That's great. But only if its efficient, unlike PhysX which eats many GPU resources.
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