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US GAF: Support your national soccer team

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Junior Member
I was reading about Freddy Adu on wikipedia and it says that he was not chose for the US national team? Why not? Is he too young and/or not good enough? I thought he would play for Ghana since he's a national, but he's not on that team either.



YYZ said:
Is he too young and/or not good enough? I thought he would play for Ghana since he's a national, but he's not on that team either.

Adu is not good enough to make the USMNT. link
Lots of damning quotes like this one: "Everybody had the same analysis. He had incredible talent, yet he was lacking standard tactical knowledge that most players his age had. It was tied to the fact that he became professional at 14 and in some ways stopped learning at 15."


thanks for this thread op watched the first half of the game but bailing out for the Laker/Suns game will tune in on commercial breaks.

edit: oh wow 2-2 already.


xbhaskarx said:

Adu is not good enough to make the USMNT. link
Lots of damning quotes like this one: "Everybody had the same analysis. He had incredible talent, yet he was lacking standard tactical knowledge that most players his age had. It was tied to the fact that he became professional at 14 and in some ways stopped learning at 15."
odd thing is, Adu has been crucial to EJs re-emergence. Yet, Bradley calls up EJ and no Adu. Well, he wouldn't be a real coach without playing favorites.
Ducarmel said:
thanks for this thread op watched the first half of the game but bailing out for the Laker/Suns game will tune in on commercial breaks.

edit: oh wow 2-2 already.

I'm flipping between both games also. I'm mainly on football though.


Critical Jeff said:
I'm flipping between both games also. I'm mainly on football though.
Hopefully someday, your Great Great grandkids can do the same, except bail out on the basketball match to watch football. :D


I like how the US is taking a lot of chances.

Also, great thread; this is the REAL world championship, unlike the World Series. I primarily root for the USA, but also Australia because I'm a dual citizen. And I root against Italy in every match, seeing as they knocked both teams out in 2006...
NoRéN said:
Hopefully someday, your Great Great grandkids can do the same, except bail out on the basketball match to watch football. :D

I'll teach every one of my kids to play soccer before I let them pick up a basketball, pigskin or baseball. And hopefully they'll do the same for their kids.


hey whats that young guy who got signed to nike for a mil or something a few years ago... i read about him a few years ago? is he in this team

they were hyping him at the time to be something huge
m3k said:
hey whats that young guy who got signed to nike for a mil or something a few years ago... i read about him a few years ago? is he in this team

they were hyping him at the time to be something huge

freddy adu? He's not on the team for the World cup.

and the chex score again :(



I'm beginning to question not giving Frankie a call up. Yeah he's old, but it can't be worse than our back four tonight.


Just catching up on the game now. Nice goal by Herc but I think it was Goodson on both those goals knocking the ball into the air. Holden is a stud he's got a bright future... ughhh Cech just scored.


Ducarmel said:
thanks for this thread op watched the first half of the game but bailing out for the Laker/Suns game will tune in on commercial breaks.

edit: oh wow 2-2 already.
I'm glad people are enjoying the thread. xbhaskarx was the brains and I'm glad I could help along with Cornballer.
Heck, 3 pages. That's something to be proud of for a USMNT thread. I even thought about picking a fight with my lady in order to add some Girl-Age drama to help the thread. :D

...damn defence.


NoRéN said:
odd thing is, Adu has been crucial to EJs re-emergence. Yet, Bradley calls up EJ and no Adu. Well, he wouldn't be a real coach without playing favorites.

Well, neither one should be anywhere near the final roster so it's not a huge deal.

Damn, another goal. The defense has not impressed.


Altidore is a lock, and after that two out of Buddle / Gomez / Ching should make the team.
I was thinking go with the hot scorers (Buddle, Gomez), especially with Ching coming off an injury, but Ching may be #2 in Bradley's depth chart already, which would mean the final spot is a battle between Buddle and Gomez, and Gomez is probably the favorite.


xbhaskarx said:
Altidore is a lock, and after that two out of Buddle / Gomez / Ching should make the team.
Of course. I thought about it, I don't know what to make of Buddle. He's been great for us here at Galaxy. But, not so good tonight. However, his success this season is MOSTLY thanks to Landon. So, is this good? Yeah, we shouldn't depend on Landon so much but, fuck it. So he's our star, the Perfect 10 for US. So, was this game fair to Buddle since Donovan did not play? I don't know.


Well, games over.
Now, let's discuss who YOU would take to South Africa. Either, choose your 23 or your 7 to cut.


striKeVillain! said:
Who's 14? He fucked up initially.
Kljestan...who should never wear the stars and stripes AGAIN!!!

Ducarmel said:
well it was a good effort by our guys, of course I expect the final roster to kick ass jun 12
Our finalsquad plays on Sat.



Ej, Sasha, Marshall (if he were healthy it would be otherwise, maybe bob might reconsider after this horrid performance from our back four), pearce, Robbie, Ching (though bob trusts him over buddle, I'd keep buddle due to the chemistry with landycakes)

Edit: either beasley or Robbie go. The good part being if Robbie and chad go, they'll be in the lineup Saturday vs LA :lol


So, I would cut:


shoplifter said:

Ej, Sasha, Marshall (if he were healthy it would be otherwise, maybe bob might reconsider after this horrid performance from our back four), pearce, Robbie, Ching (though bob trusts him over buddle, I'd keep buddle due to the chemistry with landycakes)

Edit: either beasley or Robbie go. The good part being if Robbie and chad go, they'll be in the lineup Saturday vs LA :lol

FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I mentioned earlier. I don't know if this game was a fair assessment. But, our strikers should not do great depending on who is on the field. BUT, that's our situation and we should live with that.
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