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Valorant Officially Revealed


Gold Member


128-tick servers, at least 30 frames per second on most min-spec computers (even dating back a decade), 60 to 144 FPS on modern gaming rigs, a global spread of datacenters aimed at <35ms for players in major cities around the world, a netcode we’ve been obsessing over for years, and a commitment to anti-cheat from day one.

Valorant is a tactical 5v5 character-based shooter set in a near-future version of Earth. There'll be around 10 characters at launch with more coming. All the characters have a set of four unique abilities, two of which you have to buy with money earned between rounds, at the same time you buy weapons and armor.

Once you've chosen your character, you're locked into them for the entirety of a match, which consists of up to 24 rounds with sudden death in the event of a tie. Currently there is only one main mode: Bomb defusal. Just like in Counter-Strike, one team must plant a bomb at a bomb site while the other team defends.

Imagine this: tactical shooter meets hypernatural powers. Everyone’s got guns and a unique set of abilities, so how do you beat someone with the speed of wind? Use your own moves to outplay them and beat them to the shot. VALORANT is a game for bold strategists who dare to make the unexpected play, because if it wins, it works.

Doesn't look too bad and the required specs are quite light:

Will most likely be the next big thing in multiplayer gaming.

Recommended Specs - 60fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-4150
  • GPU: Geforce GT730
High-end Specs - 144+fps
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
Minimum Specs - 30fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000
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Doesn't look too bad and the required specs are quite light:

Recommended Specs - 60fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-4150
  • GPU: Geforce GT730
High-end Specs - 144+fps
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
Minimum Specs - 30fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000

Will most likely be the next big thing in multiplayer gaming.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Valorant is a tactical 5v5 character-based shooter set in a near-future version of Earth. There'll be around 10 characters at launch with more coming. All the characters have a set of four unique abilities, two of which you have to buy with money earned between rounds, at the same time you buy weapons and armor.


The hero shooter is the worst thing to happen to the FPS genre.


Gold Member
I'm really not sure how to feel about this, but I'm open to it and won't shun it just yet...

Just not sure how I feel about the idea of mashing Overwatch and CS together. No one else will be CS, so just move on and do something else.

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
They should have called it Counterwatch.

Nothing i've seen from this game so far stands out, seems just a mash up of stuffs that worked in other competitive shooters.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Looks more tight, fun, and better controlling than the shit fest that is Overwatch. Trust Riot far more than I do Blizzard.


this is basically exactly the kinda cs i always wanted

cool powers, ads, strong netcode with uber ticks, minimalist visuals, old school level design
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this is basically exactly the kinda cs i always wanted

cool powers, ads, strong netcode with uber ticks, minimalist visuals, old school level design

CS has 128 tick just not in MM. No clude what you mean by old school level design? ADS is shit and looks to only be on one of the rifles here (cs also has a similar mechanic with the kreig and aug rifles).

Maybe play cs?


CS has 128 tick just not in MM. No clude what you mean by old school level design? ADS is shit and looks to only be on one of the rifles here (cs also has a similar mechanic with the kreig and aug rifles).

Maybe play cs?

i played cs from alpha to the end of 1.5 near the 1.6 beta when steam first released

i'm done with that shit, dawg (it's still fun occasionally)
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This will be popular due to sponsored streams on twitch, then everyone will realize they're just as shit at this as they are at CS:GO and will go back to Fortnight. The comp scene will be entirely propped up by Riot in the same way that the Overwatch League is by Blizzard.

It will appeal to some and that's great, it's something a little bit different and new in a time when everyone is at home bored. But it's also Riot, and their predatory monetization practices mean that this will most likely have a cost of entry that will quickly discourage new players.
This will be popular due to sponsored streams on twitch, then everyone will realize they're just as shit at this as they are at CS:GO and will go back to Fortnight. The comp scene will be entirely propped up by Riot in the same way that the Overwatch League is by Blizzard.

It will appeal to some and that's great, it's something a little bit different and new in a time when everyone is at home bored. But it's also Riot, and their predatory monetization practices mean that this will most likely have a cost of entry that will quickly discourage new players.
Hot take given that CS:GO was never as popular as it is today.


Hot take given that CS:GO was never as popular as it is today.
Yes, that's exactly my point. At this point if you like this style of gameplay you've already tried CS:GO and you're either good enough to stick with it or you left for a BR. People are expecting this to be wildly different from CS:GO and the gameplay just looks like a bad knock off with some superpowers thrown in. Maybe I'll be surprised and this will be a game-changer, but at this point it looks more like it will replicate what happened with Wildstar


Call me shallow, but while I like and respect CSGO gameplay, I really don't like the ambiance/theme of that game. It's just off-putting to me.

So having an alternative with just as good a gunplay but with a more cyberpunky theme jives with me much better.
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Gold Member
I'm still utterly confused by this game, it's like the whole world knows something I don't know, it makes me nervous. Second, my favorite streamers are all streaming it, and it is so boring and drab to watch, which means I kinda feel lost and abandoned in that department.. And I mean, I can't even find the goddamn game in the Android store!
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Watched some live streams...

Gunplay looks good. Art direction looks shit... and the game seems really slow ... the pacing of matches and overall movement speeds.

It’s easy to say that I’m not interested moving forward.
Copy TF2
Copy Overwatch

Make sure to pay $$$ to all top no talents to stream to their sheep so we get "likes" because that is the ultimate measurement. Also send copies to all the urinalist a few people think they are important and dont forget DF, they are gods.




128-tick servers, at least 30 frames per second on most min-spec computers (even dating back a decade), 60 to 144 FPS on modern gaming rigs, a global spread of datacenters aimed at <35ms for players in major cities around the world, a netcode we’ve been obsessing over for years, and a commitment to anti-cheat from day one.

Valorant is a tactical 5v5 character-based shooter set in a near-future version of Earth. There'll be around 10 characters at launch with more coming. All the characters have a set of four unique abilities, two of which you have to buy with money earned between rounds, at the same time you buy weapons and armor.

Once you've chosen your character, you're locked into them for the entirety of a match, which consists of up to 24 rounds with sudden death in the event of a tie. Currently there is only one main mode: Bomb defusal. Just like in Counter-Strike, one team must plant a bomb at a bomb site while the other team defends.

Imagine this: tactical shooter meets hypernatural powers. Everyone’s got guns and a unique set of abilities, so how do you beat someone with the speed of wind? Use your own moves to outplay them and beat them to the shot. VALORANT is a game for bold strategists who dare to make the unexpected play, because if it wins, it works.

Recommended Specs - 60fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-4150
  • GPU: Geforce GT730
High-end Specs - 144+fps
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
Minimum Specs - 30fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000

Free to play?


Just fyi if you install this there is a very low lvl acces you give over your pc to riot and in turn china


The only reason this game is getting any attention is because streamers are being paid to generate hype, plus that beta key via watching streams bullshit.

This is so generic it's fucking painful.


Its insane how this game exploded. Couple of days ago it had over 1 million watching it on Twitch and now its sitting on 500k+

The game is still nothing special. A mixture of CS and TF/OW but somehow it still seems fun
Its insane how this game exploded. Couple of days ago it had over 1 million watching it on Twitch and now its sitting on 500k+

The game is still nothing special. A mixture of CS and TF/OW but somehow it still seems fun
I'd assume most of the best games out there are X + Y

It's basically what made Blizzard great. Iterating on ideas that are already out there.
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