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Valve confirms Half-Life: Alyx, full reveal coming later this week.

You say that like it’s a bad thing?
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Myself I'm still in denial. This is all a prank and my Half-Life Derangement Syndrome ain't going anywhere until I see it running.

And, well, Half-Life 3 was one of those 'killer app' propositions that was meant to get fans to buy into VR en masse. I'm not sure a side-story is going to have the same impact.

Perhaps this is the proverbial toe-dipping before they commit to doing something mainline, but you know how it is with Valve and long-term projects.

It'll be interesting to see if the Boneworks stuff ends up coming to fruition, since it got added to a steam database traditionally reserved for Valve games:

And the porn is glorious
Citation needed.

You know, for research purposes :messenger_grinning_sweat:


I dont ever limit myself to Wikipedia anyway. Youtube(ACG :messenger_heart:), websites, reviews are where I do my research for games im interested in. Do you really only use Wikipedia?

Here, I will help.

Metacritic 88
IGN Review (One hel of a ride)
UploadVR (Asgard’s Wrath Review: VR’s Best And Most Ambitious Game Yet)
RoadtoVR (Asgard’s Wrath’ Review – VR’s Epic Norse Saga of Godlike Proportions)

Then theres this video linked earlier in the thread

Just a quick 2 min google.

Sounds like a game that needs

*puts on sunglasses*

...a wiki page.


HL fans asking for HL3 for over a decade and Valve makes a useless VR game that nobody cares? Is this a joke? VR in gaming was a failure, nobody cares about VR in gaming. This will end like Artifact.


Writes a lot, says very little
smh, does Valve even make games anymore? If I was them, I would be porting my titles TO DEATH!

Portal collection 4K, Left 4 Dead collection 4k, Half Life collection 4k Team Fortress 2 4K etc

What a waste....


HL fans asking for HL3 for over a decade and Valve makes a useless VR game that nobody cares? Is this a joke? VR in gaming was a failure, nobody cares about VR in gaming. This will end like Artifact.

Half life has always been about setting the bar. Valve is making a game on tech with much more potential than another mouse and keyboard shooter with zero depth perception.
That didn't excite them apparently. Half Life makes perfect sense in VR.


Erik responded to the typical dumby response we keep hearing.

QT3: It’ll be a tech demo, I expect, Half-Life branded to encourage people to buy the shiny overpriced peripheral required to play it.

Erik Wolpaw: I can’t guarantee the pleasantness of any possible surprise you may soon experience, but I’m just gonna say you might be pleasantly surprised.

They seem pretty confident.
smh, does Valve even make games anymore? If I was them, I would be porting my titles TO DEATH!

Portal collection 4K, Left 4 Dead collection 4k, Half Life collection 4k Team Fortress 2 4K etc

What a waste....

A mid range PC from 2013 could play any of these at 4K60.

And Valve made it clear that they really dislike developing for consoles unless they hire someone else to port them over.
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People asking for HL3 for over a decade, we get a VR game that nobody cares. VR in gaming was a failure. Valve lost all his magic. The new Artifact.

HL fans asking for HL3 for over a decade and Valve makes a useless VR game that nobody cares? Is this a joke? VR in gaming was a failure, nobody cares about VR in gaming. This will end like Artifact.

Dude, you should get your short-term memory checked.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck yeah. I'm still skeptical of full-length VR games, but I hope Valve can deliver with this.


Sure, but sometimes people just want an official out of the box made by the actual developers Remaster versus having to fuck about on nexus mods or the like.

So what do they do? Remaster everything? If you do Half Life 2 all the original fans will be pissed, remaster Left4dead and all the portal fans start crying. It just seems too taxing unless you pick a couple of games, especially considering Valve is taking on VR full force with a relatively smaller team.


Writes a lot, says very little
A mid range PC from 2013 could play any of these at 4K60.

And Valve made it clear that they really dislike developing for consoles unless they hire someone else to port them over.

Then hire someone else...my point was that those titles didn't release on PS4, XONE or Switch even though it would be something that wouldn't even involve the main team and keep money flowing and gaining even more of a fan base on consoles.

Its a waste. Never said jack about any PCs from 2013, that has nothing to do with business bud. Those collections would have marketed them well as a publisher that still has pull across other platforms, made them lots of money and to keep those IP on peoples minds.

A PC from 2013, is not a Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 or Xbox One......

Its a waste to see IPs like this get ignored when they could have built up a huge base on those other platforms.


Gold Member
smh, does Valve even make games anymore? If I was them, I would be porting my titles TO DEATH!

Portal collection 4K, Left 4 Dead collection 4k, Half Life collection 4k Team Fortress 2 4K etc

What a waste....

"Why don't they remaster their old games for consoles instead of making a brand new game??"

The (huge) ERA thread about this Game is somehow less retarded.


Writes a lot, says very little
"Why don't they remaster their old games for consoles instead of making a brand new game??"

The (huge) ERA thread about this Game is somehow less retarded.

Who said anything about "instead"?

Those who remaster or port games are usually not actually the same team that made the original title. I don't know why you put words in my mouth and then tried to aim the argument in a direction that was never stated. smh

So my comment doesn't pretend that Bluepoint games is Naughty Dog bud, I'd hope we are smart enough to realize what is being asked instead of assuming to argue forced narratives.
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Then hire someone else...my point was that those titles didn't release on PS4, XONE or Switch even though it would be something that wouldn't even involve the main team and keep money flowing and gaining even more of a fan base on consoles.

Its a waste. Never said jack about any PCs from 2013, that has nothing to do with business bud. Those collections would have marketed them well as a publisher that still has pull across other platforms, made them lots of money and to keep those IP on peoples minds.

A PC from 2013, is not a Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 or Xbox One......

Its a waste to see IPs like this get ignored when they could have built up a huge base on those other platforms.

Ask yourself this: Do you honestly think no one at Valve has considered this in the 6 years since ps4 launch? If so, then why wouldn't they do it if it's such a cash cow? Why won't they just make Half Life Alyx for console/PC in addition to VR? Its definitely more money, right? If you think hard enough, the answer to both of these questions will appear. I'm sure of it.
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So what do they do? Remaster everything? If you do Half-Life 2 all the original fans will be pissed, remaster Left4dead and all the portal fans start crying. It just seems too taxing unless you pick a couple of games, especially considering Valve is taking on VR full force with a relatively smaller team.

Why exactly would they be pissed? Most gamers are happy to see modern remasters of old classics. The Halo remasters are top Sellers on Steam. This entire argument line is invalid. There's absolutely no reason not to do it especially given for many younger gamers a lot of these games are merely references rather than experiences. Hell look at the success of RE2 this year alone. Both a critical and commercial success.

As EDMIX rightly points out, this stuff could have been outsourced (no pun intended) to another local development studio if Valve had no interest in doing it themselves.

Ask yourself this: Do you honestly think no one at Valve has considered this in the 6 years since ps4 launch? If so, then why wouldn't they do it if it's such a cash cow? Why won't they just make Half Life Alyx for console/PC in addition to VR? Its definitely more money, right? If you think hard enough, the answer to both of these questions will appear. I'm sure of it.

Keep apologising for their ineptitude
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Chitown B

Are people getting banned here too for saying they are pissed at Value for making them wait over a decade for a Half Life game, and then expecting them to buy a VR setup to play it? And then going to lunch, and so banned for "drive by trolling".


Writes a lot, says very little
Ask yourself this: Do you honestly think no one at Valve has considered this in the 6 years since ps4 launch? If so, then why wouldn't they do it if it's such a cash cow?

Thats a good question for them bud. Doesn't mean their inaction is smart or makes any sense.

That makes just as much sense as EA not porting the Dead Space or Mass Effect series. I mean, they are soooooooo smart that they had great reason to leave money on the table.

(no in advance to those who think that I"m assuming Bioware would stop making any current titles to port, a port team would simply do it folks since many rush to that strange assumption despite port teams very much existing for that purpose, but I digress)


Why exactly would they be pissed? Most gamers are happy to see modern remasters of old classics. The Halo remasters are top Sellers on Steam. This entire argument line is invalid. There's absolutely no reason not to do it especially given for many younger gamers a lot of these games are merely references rather than experiences. Hell look at the success of RE2 this year alone. Both a critical and commercial success.

As EDMIX rightly points out, this stuff could have been outsourced (no pun intended) to another local development studio if Valve had no interest in doing it themselves.

Valve has a ton of classics, hence the Orange Box. There would be lots of crying if they only chose a couple of games to remaster.


The VR Defence Force is pure cringe.

Just admit you spent 1000$ to jerk off to VR porn and move on with your lives.

This is just another troll from someone who has never tried VR and is afraid of it hurting his precious flat screen gaming. All i know is that i will be enjoying Half-Life: Alyx on my Valve Index along with my VR porn, so haahahaha to you.
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Can’t Git Gud
You can't walk in those games and when you can it makes me sick instantly... And I am a vr pro aince 2013. Haf dk1, dk2, cv1 and S... Sold every one after a month or two. Great tech but too many drawbacks. Sickness, sweat, walking problem, cables, pixels, glare, lenses.
The motion and hands are amazing even on rift but I don't know if they can make real noncasual game


Valve has a ton of classics, hence the Orange Box. There would be lots of crying if they only chose a couple of games to remaster.

Because somehow there's an imaginary limit on how many games they could remaster? Again invalid thinking

Are you one of those people who think that them not making episode 3 was somehow a good thing because they could never meet fans expectations or something?


Writes a lot, says very little
Why exactly would they be pissed? Most gamers are happy to see modern remasters of old classics. The Halo remasters are top Sellers on Steam. This entire argument line is invalid. There's absolutely no reason not to do it especially given for many younger gamers a lot of these games are merely references rather than experiences. Hell look at the success of RE2 this year alone. Both a critical and commercial success.

As EDMIX rightly points out, this stuff could have been outsourced (no pun intended) to another local development studio if Valve had no interest in doing it themselves.

Keep apologising for their ineptitude

This 100%

Folks might complain about remasters, but many on here have no issue asking for them as many of us are smart enough to know that its not an either or, or "instead of" etc.

They could get Bluepoint games to do a solid remaster of any of those titles and I don't think many would be out here thinking that Bluepoint games should be making Half Life 3, unless you folks also assumed they would be making Uncharted 4 when they did the collection....

I see no reason not to do it, especially if they already had no plans to make anything new this generation. Its easy money.

Valve continues to work on VR stuff and maybe Half Life 3.
An outsourced port team brings over their other titles to Switch, PS4 and XONE to continue to market their brand to different install bases.

Everyone wins. By the time Left 4 Dead 3 or Portal 3 etc is ready to go, they have several install bases that are aware of those brands to actually buy said product. Its hard to build hype around a IP that has been in the dark for about 10 plus years for some install bases.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
People asking for HL3 for over a decade, we get a VR game that nobody cares. VR in gaming was a failure. Valve lost all his magic. The new Artifact.

HL fans asking for HL3 for over a decade and Valve makes a useless VR game that nobody cares? Is this a joke? VR in gaming was a failure, nobody cares about VR in gaming. This will end like Artifact.

Are you gonna be ok?


Because somehow there's an imaginary limit on how many games they could remaster? Again invalid thinking

Are you one of those people who think that them not making episode 3 was somehow a good thing because they could never meet fans expectations or something?

Invalid thinking. Lol There's no imaginary number of remasters they can do you're 100% right there. lmao, but your missing the point completely. Honestly, I think you should call/email Valve and let me know you've got it all figured out man. There's just too much money on the table here and you can help them out!
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Then hire someone else...my point was that those titles didn't release on PS4, XONE or Switch even though it would be something that wouldn't even involve the main team and keep money flowing and gaining even more of a fan base on consoles.

Its a waste. Never said jack about any PCs from 2013, that has nothing to do with business bud. Those collections would have marketed them well as a publisher that still has pull across other platforms, made them lots of money and to keep those IP on peoples minds.

A PC from 2013, is not a Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 or Xbox One......

Its a waste to see IPs like this get ignored when they could have built up a huge base on those other platforms.

A little too passive aggressive there BUD.

But as I said Valve doesn't care about the console market,that's not who they are.
I can assure you they make more money on STEAM every day than they ever will releasing a game on a console.

The kind of money that allows them to build factories to make their VR headsets,controllers etc.
Most of the people that really care about Valve games probably own a PC.


Invalid thinking. Lol There's no imaginary number of remasters they can do you're 100% right there. lmao, but your missing the point completely. Honestly, I think you should call/email Valve and let me know you've got it all figured out man. There's just too much money on the table here and can help then out!

So, in other words, you've got nothing. Good to know.


Writes a lot, says very little
So what do they do? Remaster everything?

I see no evidence to suggest they can't. If they knew this gen they had very little plans to put out much new content, they could have had a plan to port all their popular stuff.

Portal, L4D, Half Life, TF2 and even DoTa.

That isn't that crazy to do and even funny when anyone makes it seem as if it is. Didn't Square not port a massive chunk of their titles? So we've seen more Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts games ported this generation then what I'm suggesting and Valve has more money.

Yet my friend, not only is Square clearly still making new games, that porting I linked is ONLY for the Final Fantasy stuff, not even bringing up Dragon Quest titles, Kingdom Hearts, Romancing Saga etc

To question if Valve can do this is almost hilarious considering Square has ported more titles and made more NEW titles then Valve and has less money. Think about what you are really questioning please.

Hero Of Gallowmere Hero Of Gallowmere porting to consoles means they make even more money, very little benefit in making less money and having less of a install base don't you think?
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No, it's just hilarious that you think you got this figured out when there's an obvious reason why it hasn't happened.

Apathy is not a good reason to pass over opportunity. There's every reason to promote HL as a franchise to a new generation of gamers, especially if you're hoping to push a VR game that's set in between 2 of them. Whose the audience on this?
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I see no evidence to suggest they can't. If they knew this gen they had very little plans to put out much new content, they could have had a plan to port all their popular stuff.

Portal, L4D, Half Life, TF2 and even DoTa.

That isn't that crazy to do and even funny when anyone makes it seem as if it is. Didn't Square not port a massive chunk of their titles? So we've seen more Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts games ported this generation then what I'm suggesting and Valve has more money.

Yet my friend, not only is Square clearly still making new games, that porting I linked is ONLY for the Final Fantasy stuff, not even bringing up Dragon Quest titles, Kingdom Hearts, Romancing Saga etc

To question if Valve can do this is almost hilarious considering Square has ported more titles and made more NEW titles then Valve and has less money. Think about what you are really questioning please.

Never said it couldn't be done to remaster everything. The Orange Box exists, which I brought up.


Will be interesting to see what it is...

But VR will not be (for me) interesting until the hardware gets much much closer to this (sizewise).


I'm not saying it wasn't long ago, not even saying it wouldn't be great again to have.


So what do they do? Remaster everything? If you do Half Life 2 all the original fans will be pissed, remaster Left4dead and all the portal fans start crying. It just seems too taxing unless you pick a couple of games, especially considering Valve is taking on VR full force with a relatively smaller team.
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