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VICE: Inmate "T-Bone" takes stand against prison rape and protects weaker inmates

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
And yet I've read plenty accounts of prisoners saying prison rape was way overblown on the outside and the vast majority of sex is consensual. I'm sure there are stats that contradict that though.

It's "consensual" in that the people being raped understand that they'll be treated even worse if they resist.

Which makes it coerced.

Which makes it rape.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

No. I'm just saying if a rapist/pedophile goes to prison and gets raped than oh well.

Why are you lumping in rapists and pedophiles? And what about the 18 year old who goes to prison for statutory rape for sleeping with his 16 year old girlfriend in a state where the age of consent is 17? Does he deserve to get raped too?

The hell is wrong with you? "If [he] gets raped then oh well." WTF?


Gold Member
I know it's circular logic but those that decide to rape innocent people/kids deserve to feel just as helpless against Big Bubba in prison. Let them know how they've made dozens of people feel.

I'm sure a lot of people feel like that but where to draw the line? I saw a report on liveleak not too long ago about some pedophile in mexico that turned himself in, got raped, stitched up then raped again by 20 inmates. The pictures are still stuck in my head I mean there has to be some kind of limit right
They broke the law and depending on the crime victimized someone physically, mentally, or emotionally. So nobody tends to care.

What do you propose that we do with people who break the laws of society?

I know our judicial system isn't perfect(or great sometimes), and I have heard this rape thing is really only an "American" thing, but(it is going to sound cold blooded when I say this) if they didn't break the law they wouldn't be in that situation in the first place.

Yes some people are wrongfully convicted and for them, that sucks and it is terrible on our judicial system's part, but for those who are not wrongfully convicted, no sympathy. You made your bed sort of thing.

My uncle is a detective for the county where we live and some of the stories he tells me of people who actually committed the crime getting to walk is just as bad as people who didn't do it getting convicted. Also prison guards are corrupt as all hell(why he left the federal prison asap when he first got into law enforcement) and nobody really gives a shit. Some of those prisoners eat better meals than our own fucking children get at our schools and have TV, video games, computer access, you name it. Not to mention as mentioned in the interview ways to get drugs and other things they want from the outside world.

In some aspects you could say prison is a vacation from real life, rape excluded obviously. This countries priorities in general are ass fucking backwards

Yeah, it's totally a vacation! Except for having your personal freedoms taken away, being locked in a small cell, being raped from time to time, being in constant danger of being killed by another inmate, rampant gang problems in the prisons, corrupt guards, the fact that society as a whole basically turns it's back on you, etc (and that's just Government run prisons. Privately owned facilities are known for mistreating their prisoners on a wide scale and refusing access to medical aid when needed. And what does the government do? Make it nigh impossible to file a lawsuit). And when you get out, more often than not, you have nothing, which leads most to the vicious cycle of being in and out of prison due to having to turn back to crime to make ends meet.

And as per your "If you didn't break the law, you wouldn't be there": That is a gross simplification and factors nothing of racial bias in the courts which seek harsher punishments against ethnic groups or anything else. That doesn't even mention the fact that a quite a large number of the prison population are in for non-violent related crimes. Yeah, that TOTALLY calls for no sympathy for those who are raped in prison!

Also, I love your handwave of "false convictions are bad... but oh well, it's a part of the process."

All your thought process does is perpetuate the issues.
Love that T-Bone!


Why are you lumping in rapists and pedophiles? And what about the 18 year old who goes to prison for statutory rape for sleeping with his 16 year old girlfriend in a state where the age of consent is 17? Does he deserve to get raped too?

The hell is wrong with you? "If [he] gets raped then oh well." WTF?

Maybe because they both take advantage of defenseless/helpess people?

You know damn well I wasn't referring to people serving for statutory rape.

but this is GAF and everything has to be spelled out 100% otherwise people like you will bring up the most irrelevant shit.

I'm no longer shocked by posts like that, give me my internet award please.

Yep, utterly shocking that I give no fucks about them.

Maybe because they both take advantage of defenseless/helpess people?

You know damn well I wasn't referring to people serving for statutory rape.

but this is GAF and everything has to be spelled out 100% otherwise people like you will bring up the most irrelevant shit.

Yep, utterly shocking that I give no fucks about them.


The point is that no one deserves to be raped.

No, not even rapists and pedophiles.
Prisons and incarceration are ineffective because this kind of punishment merely hardens the prisoner and predisposes them to re-offending.

It's not even just the punishment method itself so much as the lack of trajectory or opportunity after release. It's damn near impossible for a former felon to get a job, and if he can it won't be for better than minimum wage...which isn't enough to feed a family (thx Republicans). Compounded by the fact that there is no actual rehabilitation or collegiate-grade educating going on...prison is a poverty sentence unless you were wealthy going in and coming out or well connected.



No. I'm just saying if a rapist/pedophile goes to prison and gets raped than oh well.
I think the point some people are making here is that prison rape appears to be so common that a prison sentence is virtually equivalent to a rape sentence.

And if you're okay with imprisoned rapists being 'prison raped', how come you're not okay with the state effectively streamlining the process by issuing rape sentences to convicted rapists? The end result is the same - in fact, it may even be more 'just' if it ensures all rapists uniformly suffer what you believe to be deserved retribution.
I think the part that bothers me the most is the prison guard's role in allowing all of this to go on. If the Guards don't respect them as men and women, hell breaks loose. The onus is on the guards to make the environment relatively safe. If they're unwilling or otherwise disinclined to observe such a basic tenant of humanity, they need to look for other work.


The physical form of blasphemy
I'm sure a lot of people feel like that but where to draw the line? I saw a report on liveleak not too long ago about some pedophile in mexico that turned himself in, got raped, stitched up then raped again by 20 inmates. The pictures are still stuck in my head I mean there has to be some kind of limit right

They pulled the stitches out too and fucked him up some more, before taking turns to rape him again. If it was a horror movie, people would have recycle binned it, but a lot were on social media cheering that shit on.


So... revenge basically? No one deserves to be raped.

Can you miss the point any more?


You're like the person who says, 'i don't get this joke' or 'this joke isn't funny' when someone says something.

He's not saying that they literally should get raped in the ass. He's saying, if anything, they're the only one's who only deserves that awful feeling. He's not advocating that people go and literally fuck them in the ass.
Sad thing is, we send people to prison knowing they'll get raped, and plenty of people feel like its punishment. State sanctioned rape. Makes me sick.

Yeah, I really hate when I see on news/social media posts that say "[person] committed [crime], sentenced to [X] years in prison," and look to see that the top comments are always someone saying that they "deserve to get raped." In this case for T-Bone, how does selling drugs make the threat of being raped/killed every single day justifiable? What about a failed thief? Someone who tried to cheat the taxman? A draft dodger? Some kid in a gang that was forced to kill someone else, or face death himself? I think people need to hear these stories more to truly understand the horror that is prison rape. It sounds fucking brutal. U.S. prisons may have better living conditions than prisons in other nations, but with rape being as relevant as it is, does it even matter anymore?


Yeah, I really hate when I see on news/social media posts that say "[person] committed [crime], sentenced to [X] years in prison," and look to see that the top comments are always someone saying that they "deserve to get raped." In this case for T-Bone, how does selling drugs make the threat of being raped/killed every single day justifiable? What about a failed thief? Someone who tried to cheat the taxman? A draft dodger? Some kid in a gang that was forced to kill someone else, or face death himself? I think people need to hear these stories more to truly understand the horror that is prison rape. It sounds fucking brutal. U.S. prisons may have better living conditions than prisons in other nations, but with rape being as relevant as it is, does it even matter anymore?

Do they? Compared to similarly developed countries I somehow doubt that.


Yeah, it's totally a vacation! Except for having your personal freedoms taken away, being locked in a small cell, being raped from time to time, being in constant danger of being killed by another inmate, rampant gang problems in the prisons, corrupt guards, the fact that society as a whole basically turns it's back on you, etc (and that's just Government run prisons. Privately owned facilities are known for mistreating their prisoners on a wide scale and refusing access to medical aid when needed. And what does the government do? Make it nigh impossible to file a lawsuit). And when you get out, more often than not, you have nothing, which leads most to the vicious cycle of being in and out of prison due to having to turn back to crime to make ends meet.

And as per your "If you didn't break the law, you wouldn't be there": That is a gross simplification and factors nothing of racial bias in the courts which seek harsher punishments against ethnic groups or anything else. That doesn't even mention the fact that a quite a large number of the prison population are in for non-violent related crimes. Yeah, that TOTALLY calls for no sympathy for those who are raped in prison!

Also, I love your handwave of "false convictions are bad... but oh well, it's a part of the process."

All your thought process does is perpetuate the issues.

So I take it you have either been to prison or know someone who is locked up? Your post seems to be highly defensive and I wasn't attacking anyone, just stating an opinion. I'll indulge though.

First off, your personal freedoms are taken away because you broke the law. They are put there for a reason, to protect our society as a whole. If you chose to break the law you have to live with the consequences of your actions. The rest of it stems back to the way prisons in our country are as a whole. It seems to be well known people get murdered and raped in prison, and the gang issues, corruption etc. So if it is this well known and you as a person KNOWINGLY break the law, you put yourself there.

If you tell someone not to touch the stove because it is hot and they do it anyways and burn their hand, are you going to pity them? Probably a bad analogy, but the idea is there. There is a law in place for not stealing, selling drugs, rape, murder etc. etc. All the really bad things that get you thrown in prison, not jail(highly different although some people do not seem to know this) then why should we as a society pity you? You chose your path, you knew what you were doing was illegal, you got caught, you have to accept your consequences.

Now am I saying that justifies someone to get raped or murdered in prison? No, absolutely not. Part of me thinks that it is justice to see a child rapist get raped in prison, the other part I am not sure exactly how I feel. A serial killer who kills innocent people gets murdered in prison or the death penalty, it is justice to a degree. Those people ruined innocent lives, why should we cater to them and their needs? They couldn't give two shits about those people they hurt(or worse), they did what they did for their own selfish reasons and innocent people paid for it and now that they are behind bars away from society I am suppose to pity them if Bubba makes them his bitch? I have a hard time doing so.

How do you figure most convicts in prison are in for non violent crimes? You get prison time for committing felony acts like murder, grand theft, rape etc. If you are in for grand theft, then maybe (depending on the theft and how you did it) it was not violent. The others are very much a violent act.

I will not argue about racial mistreatment in the judicial system because 1) you have no concrete proof and 2) it is something that is also "well known" like rape in prison and I have nothing to say other than racism in general is ignorant, but I cannot argue either side and will not.(And no, I am not white)

As for false convictions, yes they are there, but so are false acquittals(probably the wrong term used here). Someone may be falsely locked up, and another person gets let go even though they did rape or murder someone because someone fucked up in an investigation(an example).

Another point to make before I go back from lunch, states like Texas, California and Washington have a 3 strike rule. Meaning that on your 3rd offense of a serious crime you are given a life sentence. Now this is not some law nobody knows about. I don't live in either of those states and I know about it so it would be safe to assume the citizens of said states know this as well.

And your line about not having anything when you get out of prison and having to resort to crime to make ends meat is complete bullshit. This isn't the movies, this isn't the fucking mob era. You can still find a job and get your life back in order and become a good person and a better member of society. It may be a bit more difficult for you, as to be expected given your record, but it is not impossible. IIRC there are even programs in place now for this sort of thing. Sure the pay may be shit in the beginning, but it is something to get the ball rolling.

This is coming from someone who has known plenty of convicts and ex prisoners because of my eventful time as a teenager(did a lot of dumb shit and hung out with a lot of bad seeds).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
U.S. prisons may have better living conditions than prisons in other nations, but with rape being as relevant as it is, does it even matter anymore?

A cell in Kumla prison, Sweden's most secure institution.

A cell at the Maine State Prison in Warren, Maine (and this is pretty damn comfy by American standards)


A cell in Kumla prison, Sweden's most secure institution.

A cell at the Maine State Prison in Warren, Maine (and this is pretty damn comfy by American standards)

Now compare their effectiveness in terms of rehabilitation. US cells treat their inhabitants like caged wild fucking animals. It's not a shock that when they eventually get released, they have lost everything that made them human, leading to repeat offenses.
The guy who said there needs to be a cultural shift in America for the prison system to change has never uttered truer words. The problem doesn't lie solely in politics or in the prison industrial complex, but within all of us who're apathetic or even content with seeing our brothers and sisters thrown into such barbaric situations. When a person is seen for the first time in an orange jumpsuit, we immediately disqualify his or her humanity from our minds, and there are people out there who're eager to profit from our emotional absence.
Honestly that guy sounds like a bullshitter to me. Not necessarily about rape or stopping rapes, he just gives off a really heavy bullshit vibe.


I know it's circular logic but those that decide to rape innocent people/kids deserve to feel just as helpless against Big Bubba in prison. Let them know how they've made dozens of people feel.

It truly saddens me that this type of mentality actually exists.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
A cell in Kumla prison, Sweden's most secure institution.

A cell at the Maine State Prison in Warren, Maine (and this is pretty damn comfy by American standards)

That is damn comfy by American standards, even when you remove outliers like the Maricopa tent jails.
Can you miss the point any more?


You're like the person who says, 'i don't get this joke' or 'this joke isn't funny' when someone says something.

He's not saying that they literally should get raped in the ass. He's saying, if anything, they're the only one's who only deserves that awful feeling. He's not advocating that people go and literally fuck them in the ass.
Most rapists are not sentenced to prison for life. If you and others who share your mindset want to be apathetic about the moral argument against anyone being raped, whatever, but surely you must recognize that rapists put in a situation where rape and violent sexual attacks are prevalent will continue to be a threat to society when they get out, as theyve been afforded little to no chance for rehabilitation.
Think about that for a minute.

Can you at least appreciate the public risk of putting sex offenders in a breeding ground for sexual crimes?


The guy who said there needs to be a cultural shift in America for the prison system to change has never uttered more truer words. The problem doesn't lie solely in politics or in the prison industrial complex, but within all of us who're apathetic or even content with seeing our brothers and sisters thrown into such barbaric situations. When a person is seen for the first time in an orange jumpsuit, we immediately disqualify his or her humanity from our minds, and there are people out there who're eager to profit from our emotional absence.
Reminds me of the dark knight boat scene.

The other people on the boat thought they should die because they were prisoners, but didn't let them.
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