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Vince Zampella: Titanfall beta was full res textures

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Been a long time lurker. Have to say some of the posts about CBOAT make me laugh, was it this crazy when he got something right?


Been a long time lurker. Have to say some of the posts about CBOAT make me laugh, was it this crazy when he got something right?

Most of his credibility was built up early last-gen. He had fairly pinpoint info on the 360 hardware before anyone. He clearly had access to insider info, and that's part of why he was so respected. The goofy presentation only made things better. He's as close to an insider celebrity as we have on Neogaf, and the gifs made in his honor have been entertainment in themselves. It's been mostly the next-gen rumors he's been less solid on.


Most of his credibility was built up early last-gen. He had fairly pinpoint info on the 360 hardware before anyone. He clearly had access to insider info, and that's part of why he was so respected. The goofy presentation only made things better. He's as close to an insider celebrity as we have on Neogaf, and the gifs made in his honor have been entertainment in themselves. It's been mostly the next-gen rumors he's been less solid on.
Well, he was right about Dead Space 3 being a co-op focused action shooter, instead of a horror game, a year before it came out.


Now I wish they'd answer how optimized the PC version is going to be. Game ran like butt after several matches for me. My system is just fine for everything else, especially a Source game.

Sad CBOAT was wrong. RIP, sweet butt prince.
An extra interesting angle to this CBOAT ban talk is that we still don't know what was on that laundry list of leaks CBOAT gave to Bish that made Bish go into a bunker. I wonder how much of it came true. Anyway, regardless of all the theories/conspiracies of "why," CBOAT's doubling-down(essentially putting account on the guillotine) on his/her last posts makes a ban inescapable if it turns out false. Doesn't matter his/her track record. If s/he is wrong, then this was either a deliberate account suicide, s/he's being coerced into discrediting him/herself, or the account has been compromised. Why spare the account if CBOAT is purposely trying to suicide it or if it's been compromised?


I'm crossing my fingers hoping for some big improvements at release. I'm sure Nvidia will have TitanFall drivers ready by March 11 plus more PC optimization done by Respawn.


An extra interesting angle to this CBOAT ban talk is that we still don't know what was on that laundry list of leaks CBOAT gave to Bish that made Bish go into a bunker. I wonder how much of it came true. Anyway, regardless of all the theories/conspiracies of "why," CBOAT's doubling-down(essentially putting account on the guillotine) on his/her last posts makes a ban inescapable if it turns out false. Doesn't matter his/her track record. If s/he is wrong, then this was either a deliberate account suicide, s/he's being coerced into discrediting him/herself, or the account has been compromised. Why spare the account if CBOAT is purposely trying to suicide it or if it's been compromised?
Or - things change. He could have been working with information that, you know, changed. There's a lot that happens in video game development that can improve or break a previous versions of any game. Just ask EA.
Well, he was right about Dead Space 3 being a co-op focused action shooter, instead of a horror game, a year before it came out.

Reminder that CBOAT once leaked a gif from the reveal trailer to Remember Me, months before the game was even publicly known to exist. It was apparently supposed to be revealed at E3 but got pushed back.

It's not like he just posted "M$ sux, tehy harv poosram" over and over.
I don't know what more anyone needs to know about this game to base a preorder decision on (well, aside from the 360 version which could be a disaster, but I doubt it because Bluepoint.)

We know it's a 6v6 online competitive shooter, it will probably have roughly the same number of maps as other MP shooters, and there's no single player campaign or offline bots. There are mechs and also you can run around on foot and double jump. Either that is attractive to you at $60 or its not.


Gold Member
Reminder that CBOAT once leaked a gif from the reveal trailer to Remember Me, months before the game was even publicly known to exist. It was apparently supposed to be revealed at E3 but got pushed back.

It's not like he just posted "M$ sux, tehy harv poosram" over and over.



Now I wish they'd answer how optimized the PC version is going to be. Game ran like butt after several matches for me. My system is just fine for everything else, especially a Source game.

Sad CBOAT was wrong. RIP, sweet butt prince.
It ran perfectly for me even maxed out at 1440p with 2xMSAA.


It ran perfectly for me even maxed out at 1440p with 2xMSAA.

I'm running a 670, i5 2500, 8GB ram, etc etc. Everyone knows of the Vsync issue but at 1080p, the game got 60fps with a lot of stuttering issues in the action and start for me. Felt really beta (lol). I hope that stuff is ironed out. Textures won't bother me as much. It's not a looker as it is fun.


Did they talk about optimizing the PC version at all? The V-sync stuttering non-sense for example? And the only thing that was insane about the textures was the amount of VRAM requested for them. The game is certainly not a looker at all overall, but the performance issues with Vsync were worrying.


The 'insane' texture Vram requirements are bullshit.

I'm running a 670, i5 2500, 8GB ram, etc etc. Everyone knows of the Vsync issue but at 1080p, the game got 60fps with a lot of stuttering issues in the action and start for me. Felt really beta (lol). I hope that stuff is ironed out. Textures won't bother me as much. It's not a looker as it is fun.
Sounds like a VRAM issue if your card is 2GB, both of mine are 4GB and nearly used all the VRAM, lol.


Was doubly weird because the beta didn't run worse than the alpha. This is the usual progression, and they gave reasons for low-res alpha textures.

It will likely have been tweaked up and then polished by the artists. Final maps generally look a bit different to betas, because that stuff happens late on.
Reminder that CBOAT once leaked a gif from the reveal trailer to Remember Me, months before the game was even publicly known to exist. It was apparently supposed to be revealed at E3 but got pushed back.

It's not like he just posted "M$ sux, tehy harv poosram" over and over.

yup, and he said the new IP from Black Tusk was looking good too.


Or - things change. He could have been working with information that, you know, changed. There's a lot that happens in video game development that can improve or break a previous versions of any game. Just ask EA.

That is why we should consider if those leaks really bring something to the table, other than unnecessary drama (or FUD, depending on its purpose).
What's the point of saying "things are currently a mess (but maybe it will be fixed in time)" ? It's not like it really helps the consumer in his choice, in any case we'll know in the end the final status of said features.
I'm interested in leaks that can give us insight of how things work behind the curtain, because that's not something that we would know otherwise, but that's not the kind we've had lately.



Personally, I'd give CBOAT a reprieve. This forum is much more fun to browse with buttbombs going off randomly. He's been more right than wrong, correct? And George Claw brought up the Bish Bunker scenario. What was it that he told Bish? Well, maybe Bish found out that his Bunker Busters were just busts, and CBOAT ran out of MP. Let's give him an Ether, guys. NeoGAF is more fun with him around.


Game ran as smooth as it can get on my rig but the textures looked horrible. I cringed every time I stopped and looked at the textures (and I closed my eyes when I got into a Titan because of lowres interior textures cringy cringe).


tagged by Blackace
At least, I feel there should be some sort of public record of what they got right/wrong so people can make their own inferences.

Or at least identify insider accounts. Other forums do that and it's not like MS/other employees can't find that information or dig it up anyways (and not like they haven't already created internal profiles for these people already). I see no disadvantage to this aside from making it clear to people browsing the forum or on GAF how much to trust people. This is especially useful because stuff changes during development and an insider can be right but kicked to the curb at the last moment/unknowingly and have to suffer consequences based on development-stage-dependent information.
Personally, I'd give CBOAT a reprieve. This forum is much more fun to browse with buttbombs going off randomly. He's been more right than wrong, correct? And George Claw brought up the Bish Bunker scenario. What was it that he told Bish? Well, maybe Bish found out that his Bunker Busters were just busts, and CBOAT ran out of MP. Let's give him an Ether, guys. NeoGAF is more fun with him around.

At least the mods are being reasonable and consistent. They didn't ban him for getting PoP wrong, they didn't ban him for getting PS4 release date wrong, but when you consistently go against what a developer is saying, you better be straight on your facts. Because frankly, now, f he turns out to be wrong here, the guy has 0 credibility from me. If you have to do a coin flip whether an insider is right or wrong, they are not worthy of that title. When CBOAT was adamant that XB1 was having yield issues, was any of that true? The fact that we have no confidence in that is a real shame. Especially since it was put on thread titles and practically presented as fact. The guy was treated with more respect and veneration than any other insider on the board, and it's increasingly looking like he spat in the face of everyone who trusted his info.
Its nice to shake up the stodgy old blowhards every once in a while. :)

It isn't a newbie versus old schooler thing. I have been with this forum from the beginning and it is clear we are being manipulated by companies encouraging their employees to troll us in their free time. It is too clockwork not to be. E3 will be a junior invasion meant to shape the online reaction.


At least, I feel there should be some sort of public record of what they got right/wrong so people can make their own inferences.

Or at least identify insider accounts. Other forums do that and it's not like MS/other employees can't find that information or dig it up anyways (and not like they haven't already created internal profiles for these people already). I see no disadvantage to this aside from making it clear to people browsing the forum or on GAF how much to trust people. This is especially useful because stuff changes during development and an insider can be right but kicked to the curb at the last moment/unknowingly and have to suffer consequences based on development-stage-dependent information.

I think the Neogaf system of establishing behind-the-scenes that someone could at least have access to the info when they make an insider claim gets the job done. Even Cboat's "misses" have sometimes shown access to information no one else was reporting (the New "Prince of Persia" game showed that he was party to at least part of the new Halo presentation roughly a week before we heard a peep about it).

I do think there's a problem when someone's credibility is used to give credence to inaccurate info, like we've seen in this situation. This is a case where there was implied validity a claim, because of Neogaf's screening process. It was visible enough that it required multiple statements from the company making the title to make the facts about the title clear. That's the opposite of what an insider should do. I don't want a community I'm proud to be part of known for that sort of disruption. Bad news that's true? Sign me up. Bad news that doesn't mesh with the facts? Nope.
It isn't a newbie versus old schooler thing. I have been with this forum from the beginning and it is clear we are being manipulated by companies encouraging their employees to troll us in their free time. It is too clockwork not to be. E3 will be a junior invasion meant to shape the online reaction.

Thats pathetic. This really happens eh? Wow.


y'all should be ashamed
If this was any other game people would be demanding to know what content they are getting for their cash and websites would be doing their best to find out. Neither of these things are happening and I just don't understand it.

The content drip of this game has been very strange. I'm guessing MS wants a news post a day leading up to launch so they can get maximum coverage. They kinda got that last week (Twitch announcement, Titanfall bundle, ID@Xbox signup update, Titanfall parties/midnight launch announced, etc.)

At least I hope that's why, and not because they fear a backlash from too little content for the price. But we don't even know what the Multiplayer Campaign is yet, do we? Only that it's an unskippable campaign everyone must play?
The content drip of this game has been very strange. I'm guessing MS wants a news post a day leading up to launch so they can get maximum coverage. They kinda got that last week (Twitch announcement, Titanfall bundle, ID@Xbox signup update, Titanfall parties/midnight launch announced, etc.)

At least I hope that's why, and not because they fear a backlash from too little content for the price. But we don't even know what the Multiplayer Campaign is yet, do we? Only that it's an unskippable campaign everyone must play?

From what i've seen, "campaign" seems to be basically reg old multiplayer matches with cut scenes and specific map progression to tell the story.


y'all should be ashamed
From what i've seen, "campaign" seems to be basically reg old multiplayer matches with cut scenes and specific map progression to tell the story.

Huh, I wonder if one side winning or losing will affect the story in any way. That could be interesting.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Cboat seemed to have started getting less things right afer that whole prince of persia thing that happend.
Or - things change. He could have been working with information that, you know, changed. There's a lot that happens in video game development that can improve or break a previous versions of any game. Just ask EA.
I agree with your post in general, but I don't think it applies in this specific case. There is precedent for CBOAT to add the "things can change" disclaimer to his/her leaks. CBOAT chose to double-down(put his account on the line) that this leak was infallible, and only days away from launch. Either Respawn are lying which would be just as crazy, or the person posting on CBOAT's account is purposely suiciding the account. We'll either see CBOAT ascend into Heaven or fall into the butt valley of death.
Reminder that CBOAT once leaked a gif from the reveal trailer to Remember Me, months before the game was even publicly known to exist. It was apparently supposed to be revealed at E3 but got pushed back.

It's not like he just posted "M$ sux, tehy harv poosram" over and over.

Came about as close as you can come to such. Guy was dropping a proverbial onslaught of negative Xbox One rumors/info to the point that even I at times began questioning whether I should take the chance with an Xbox One purchase before quickly concluding it was just way too negative way too often from this guy for me to not instinctively question his motives. He has been correct before, but I don't think having a history of accuracy gives you a free pass using that position of trust to then become an anonymous hitman who consistently targeted, to potentially very damaging effect, one particular console (Xbox One) and any game that you may see as strategically important to that console. If you're in a position to get so much info regarding the bad, you're almost certainly in a position to get info regarding the good as well, and it's not exactly an impossible standard to set, seeing as how that's precisely how I believe he came to earn his reputation here in the first place, by leaking accurate details regarding xbox live improvements coming to the xbox 360. However, with the Xbox One, I was always struck by what I saw as an insane appetite to, putting it simply, basically smear the fuck out of the thing, do as much harm as possible by scaring away gamers. As it pertains to the Xbox One, I feel what recently took place with Titanfall is something he had always been doing rather unchecked, perhaps not so much by mods, but by the larger community and almost certainly by the developer community.

This brings me to 3 key differences about this particular case. 2 of which he had absolutely zero control over, but 1 in which he almost certainly did.

#1 - People could finally weigh what he was saying with what they were seeing for themselves with the Xbox One beta of Titanfall. That alone was reason enough to not just plant a seed of doubt on his claims, but to know for certain he was wrong (or even intentionally misleading people) that the alpha textures would be final. He could do nothing about this. Totally out of his hands.

#2 - If the thought that he was intentionally trying to mislead before had ever crossed anyone's mind, the manner in which he doubled down afterwards only served to further enhance that suspicion. It was very bold, almost insulting, after everyone had just finished playing this Beta in their homes (or friend's homes) where the game not only handled itself quite well, but where the textures were suddenly much improved and not at all the same as the alpha as he suggested. People were essentially being told/asked to leave their common sense and better judgment at the door and just believe that the textures would be greatly reduced anyway even though it defied common sense. He had complete control over whether or not to double down like this, but perhaps he had already stuck his neck out too far prior to the beta about the alpha textures being final and his ego couldn't take it. And maybe since it's Titanfall, the stakes were much too high for him to just leave it as is.

#3 - Those meddling Respawn employees who had the chutzpah to take issue with some anonymous person spreading misinformation about the project they worked so hard on for years. They just wouldn't allow him to have his fun. They were all too willing on more than one occasion to almost immediately call out his claims as false via twitter, interviews, and even on GAF itself. In most cases when this kind of anonymous hit job is taking place, a lot of studios either don't know it's happening, or they do and just don't care, choosing instead to ignore it and let it blow over. They tend to have a short attention span which usually makes countering what cboat does impossible. True to their name, however, those pesky Respawn employees just wouldn't go away. He really had no control over this.

We have to keep in mind that when he says some of the stuff that he does, he tends to not present them as mere rumors that can change or may not be entirely accurate, but as facts in which the jury is no longer out on, or #truthfacts if you will.

yup, and he said the new IP from Black Tusk was looking good too.

Unless I'm mistaken, didn't most, or all, of that praise for Black Tusk's project come almost immediately after it was confirmed that their new IP project had now been shelved in favor of focusing on making a new Gears of War title, something that annoyed not just myself, but basically everybody else who rather see something new instead of Gears? Awfully convenient, don't you think? I might be mistaken, but isn't this when he first praised that black tusk game on January 27th of this year? Telling us this now just makes me even more pissed at Microsoft for apparently holding it up, which I think was the calculation here.

btusk inst not that B!g. teh spygam WAS REAAL.
n itwa$ good.
Came about as close as you can come to such. Guy was dropping a proverbial onslaught of negative Xbox One rumors/info to the point that even I at times began questioning whether I should take the chance with an Xbox One purchase before quickly concluding it was just way too negative way too often from this guy for me to not instinctively question his motives. He has been correct before, but I don't think having a history of accuracy gives you a free pass using that position of trust to then become an anonymous hitman who consistently targeted, to potentially very damaging effect, one particular console (Xbox One) and any game that you may see as strategically important to that console. If you're in a position to get so much info regarding the bad, you're almost certainly in a position to get info regarding the good as well, and it's not exactly an impossible standard to set, seeing as how that's precisely how I believe he came to earn his reputation here in the first place, by leaking accurate details regarding xbox live improvements coming to the xbox 360. However, with the Xbox One, I was always struck by what I saw as an insane appetite to, putting it simply, basically smear the fuck out of the thing, do as much harm as possible by scaring away gamers. As it pertains to the Xbox One, I feel what recently took place with Titanfall is something he had always been doing rather unchecked, perhaps not so much by mods, but by the larger community and almost certainly by the developer community.

This brings me to 3 key differences about this particular case. 2 of which he had absolutely zero control over, but 1 in which he almost certainly did.

#1 - People could finally weigh what he was saying with what they were seeing for themselves with the Xbox One beta of Titanfall. That alone was reason enough to not just plant a seed of doubt on his claims, but to know for certain he was wrong (or even intentionally misleading people) that the alpha textures would be final. He could do nothing about this. Totally out of his hands.

#2 - If the thought that he was intentionally trying to mislead before had ever crossed anyone's mind, the manner in which he doubled down afterwards only served to further enhance that suspicion. It was very bold, almost insulting, after everyone had just finished playing this Beta in their homes (or friend's homes) where the game not only handled itself quite well, but where the textures were suddenly much improved and not at all the same as the alpha as he suggested. People were essentially being told/asked to leave their common sense and better judgment at the door and just believe that the textures would be greatly reduced anyway even though it defied common sense. He had complete control over whether or not to double down like this, but perhaps he had already stuck his neck out too far prior to the beta about the alpha textures being final and his ego couldn't take it. And maybe since it's Titanfall, the stakes were much too high for him to just leave it as is.

#3 - Those meddling Respawn employees who had the chutzpah to take issue with some anonymous person spreading misinformation about the project they worked so hard on for years. They just wouldn't allow him to have his fun. They were all too willing on more than one occasion to almost immediately call out his claims as false via twitter, interviews, and even on GAF itself. In most cases when this kind of anonymous hit job is taking place, a lot of studios either don't know it's happening, or they do and just don't care, choosing instead to ignore it and let it blow over. They tend to have a short attention span which usually makes countering what cboat does impossible. True to their name, however, those pesky Respawn employees just wouldn't go away. He really had no control over this.

We have to keep in mind that when he says some of the stuff that he does, he tends to not present them as mere rumors that can change or may not be entirely accurate, but as facts in which the jury is no longer out on, or #truthfacts if you will.

Unless I'm mistaken, didn't most, or all, of that praise for Black Tusk's project come almost immediately after it was confirmed that their new IP project had now been shelved in favor of focusing on making a new Gears of War title, something that annoyed not just myself, but basically everybody else who rather see something new instead of Gears? Awfully convenient, don't you think? I might be mistaken, but isn't this when he first praised that black tusk game on January 27th of this year? Telling us this now just makes me even more pissed at Microsoft for apparently holding it up, which I think was the calculation here.


You really should learn how to make concise points.


I actually remember Cboat talking up black tusk during E3. Somebody else can go through his history to check but I remember him thinking highly of Black Tusk from the getgo


Came about as close as you can come to such. Guy was dropping a proverbial onslaught of negative Xbox One rumors/info to the point that even I at times began questioning whether I should take the chance with an Xbox One purchase before quickly concluding it was just way too negative way too often from this guy for me to not instinctively question his motives. He has been correct before, but I don't think having a history of accuracy gives you a free pass using that position of trust to then become an anonymous hitman who consistently targeted, to potentially very damaging effect, one particular console (Xbox One) and any game that you may see as strategically important to that console. If you're in a position to get so much info regarding the bad, you're almost certainly in a position to get info regarding the good as well, and it's not exactly an impossible standard to set, seeing as how that's precisely how I believe he came to earn his reputation here in the first place, by leaking accurate details regarding xbox live improvements coming to the xbox 360. However, with the Xbox One, I was always struck by what I saw as an insane appetite to, putting it simply, basically smear the fuck out of the thing, do as much harm as possible by scaring away gamers. As it pertains to the Xbox One, I feel what recently took place with Titanfall is something he had always been doing rather unchecked, perhaps not so much by mods, but by the larger community and almost certainly by the developer community.

This brings me to 3 key differences about this particular case. 2 of which he had absolutely zero control over, but 1 in which he almost certainly did.

#1 - People could finally weigh what he was saying with what they were seeing for themselves with the Xbox One beta of Titanfall. That alone was reason enough to not just plant a seed of doubt on his claims, but to know for certain he was wrong (or even intentionally misleading people) that the alpha textures would be final. He could do nothing about this. Totally out of his hands.

#2 - If the thought that he was intentionally trying to mislead before had ever crossed anyone's mind, the manner in which he doubled down afterwards only served to further enhance that suspicion. It was very bold, almost insulting, after everyone had just finished playing this Beta in their homes (or friend's homes) where the game not only handled itself quite well, but where the textures were suddenly much improved and not at all the same as the alpha as he suggested. People were essentially being told/asked to leave their common sense and better judgment at the door and just believe that the textures would be greatly reduced anyway even though it defied common sense. He had complete control over whether or not to double down like this, but perhaps he had already stuck his neck out too far prior to the beta about the alpha textures being final and his ego couldn't take it. And maybe since it's Titanfall, the stakes were much too high for him to just leave it as is.

#3 - Those meddling Respawn employees who had the chutzpah to take issue with some anonymous person spreading misinformation about the project they worked so hard on for years. They just wouldn't allow him to have his fun. They were all too willing on more than one occasion to almost immediately call out his claims as false via twitter, interviews, and even on GAF itself. In most cases when this kind of anonymous hit job is taking place, a lot of studios either don't know it's happening, or they do and just don't care, choosing instead to ignore it and let it blow over. They tend to have a short attention span which usually makes countering what cboat does impossible. True to their name, however, those pesky Respawn employees just wouldn't go away. He really had no control over this.

We have to keep in mind that when he says some of the stuff that he does, he tends to not present them as mere rumors that can change or may not be entirely accurate, but as facts in which the jury is no longer out on, or #truthfacts if you will.

Unless I'm mistaken, didn't most, or all, of that praise for Black Tusk's project come almost immediately after it was confirmed that their new IP project had now been shelved in favor of focusing on making a new Gears of War title, something that annoyed not just myself, but basically everybody else who rather see something new instead of Gears? Awfully convenient, don't you think? I might be mistaken, but isn't this when he first praised that black tusk game on January 27th of this year? Telling us this now just makes me even more pissed at Microsoft for apparently holding it up, which I think was the calculation here.


Nah. He talked about it way earlier. Don't know when exactly though.


An excellent and well articulated response.

Completely agree. If MS knows or finds out who he/she is, CBOAT will not only deserve the ban but also could face legal action. Certainly CBOAT's rants against MS caused lost sales. It would be nearly impossible to prove but I'm certain MS would pay the lawyers to try.


He has been correct before, but I don't think having a history of accuracy gives you a free pass using that position of trust to then become an anonymous hitman who consistently targeted, to potentially very damaging effect, one particular console

You see, the thing about this is that it is only damaging when it is true. Nothing that has proven to be actually wrong, has caused any damage at all, the damage came from leaks that were true, and were actually shit things. You cannot fault anyone but MS for that.


The fact that we have no confidence in that is a real shame. Especially since it was put on thread titles and practically presented as fact. The guy was treated with more respect and veneration than any other insider on the board, and it's increasingly looking like he spat in the face of everyone who trusted his info.

haha no.
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