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WaPo article hinting that Trump's new CoS is indeed more sensible than the rest.

Kelly is going to love it when Trump invites his Russian buddies to the WH with their Russian photographers for a private meeting without any Americans in the room.
°°ToMmY°°;245086692 said:
His base will defend him no matter what, just like a sports fan club. No need to take them into consideration.

That's not entirely true. It's a lot more true than it should be, and that's scary, but a decent amount of Trump supporters are already unhappy. They still support him, which is all that matters, but it's getting to be more akin to Stockholm syndrome that they are slowly waking from. Trump backing off the things he promised he would do in favor of a more moderate plan will definitely upset a lot of his base.
Trump openly encourages competition. I don't think Bannon is the type to just take whatever Kelly says. I expect a lot of in fighting between Kelly and the old guard. Remember, Scaramucci was new to Trump's team.
I really get the feeling that Trump is Fox News Grandpa and these generals hold a special fascination for him. He won't be fired but he may get frustrated and quit. We'll see soon if I'm wrong though.
Can't see him becoming some magical Trump whisperer. There's no controlling Trump, he refuses to get out of his own way. Going to kind of miss the daily shit show if he can contain him.
Well, if the news keeps fawning over him like this, he's not long for Trump's White House.

Never outshine the master and all that.


The moment he starts getting more positive press than Trump and/or starts getting called the "real president" he's toast


The generals, thus far, seem to be the mediating influence in the WH. McMasters was apparently the one who got Calamity Bannon off the NSA, Mattis cleans up the mess on the foreign side whenever Trump shits himself, and now Kelly got rid of the Mooch. Trump seems to respond to these Generals, at least more so than anyone else. He's probably intimidated by them.
I was about to post the same thing, it is ironic that decades of demonizing the military.. it's the generals who are minimizing the damage to the US.


Lol sounds like this guy is basically going to become the shadow president if he's going to be able to mold Trump's beliefs and direction that easily.
"That easily", after replacing the entire white house and him not budging for anyone ever
With the current state of the Congress and courts, a disciplined and competent administration could enact some truly terrible policies.

Please fire this man and bring in another nutjob.


That's what they said about Mattis and Tillerson. Sure, that duo has said some passive aggressive things and maybe they've kept even worse things from happening, but at the end of the day, this shit show is still dictated by the commander in chief.


doesn't everybody mold trump's idiotic beliefs and mind? everyone has a story of how they changed the president's mind. and then they leave the room and the next mindbender comes along and inceptions his dumb ass


Looking for meaning in GAF
It sounds like a step in the right direction, but since it's Trump I think it's only a matter of time before Trump realizes he's being too agreeable and stops listening.


doesn't everybody mold trump's idiotic beliefs and mind? everyone has a story of how they changed the president's mind. and then they leave the room and the next mindbender comes along and inceptions his dumb ass

Yep, if Fox and Friends don't like Kelly, then it's sayonara.
Is Kelly the pivot?

At most, a new, level-headed CoS might have a temporary moderating influence on Trump until his impulsiveness gets the best of him and he stops taking Kelly's advice and begins publicly blaming him for administration failures.


Like his wives, like his businesses, like his political beliefs, like his support for LGBT and low income families, like everything else in his life (bar Ivanka) this is just a passing phase, a shiny thing to distract attention before he gets bored and looks for the next thing.

The Mooch had a particularly short cycle, but served his purpose. Lets see how long this lasts.


I will be shocked if this dude doesn't resign or isn't fired before the end of the year. It seems like he and Trump would clash far too much.


Same story every few months - "Maybe Trump is finally coming around" - when will the media stop falling for this?
I'm not sure they have an incentive to NOT "keep falling for this".
The media is driven by ratings and profit.
Perpetuating the Trump cycle as an endless array of slate clears and reset buttons allows them to keep this train cruising right along.
People tune in to see the next inevitable train wreck, slate gets cleared, wash, rinse, repeat and the cycle begins anew.
Nothing is going to change. People keep hanging on this idea that Trump can be "tamed" or he can be controlled. He can't. Trump is a complete narccisist and doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. He's a con man, and the only reason we will see Kelly calm things for a bit is because Trump knows things need to die down before the next blow up. Trump feeds off of this kind of chaos and still says stupid shit like "WH IS NOT IN CHAOS". This is a guy who could get caught with his hand in the cookie jar and would look at you, dead in the eye, and say "It wasn't me". He thinks EVERYONE is below him. Kelly will be too.


If he doesn't kick Bannon, Ivanka, and Jared out of the White House l won't believe he's actually got a handle on things, because their presence alone is fucking absurd


Seems like the cycle is going to repeat again. Trump has someone he listens to, media reports that person x is someone who can influence Trump's behavior, Trump being the man-child he is get wind of what the media is saying and throws a "No one tells me what to do" tantrum.

That is maybe the more generous way of looking at it. The other possibility is people are fooling themselves when they claim such and such will moderate Trump because they just can't admit that for the next four years, eight if we are unlucky, we have a childish troll as president.
This story is the beginning of the end of any influence or respect Kelly hoped to have in that White House. It's a story that is making it look like he can control and make Trump back off of his more ridiculous and bold aspirations.

If that already wasn't enough of a death sentence, the part about him calling Comey saying he's also thinking of resigning as a direct result of how Comey was treated by Trump doesn't make things any better. Fasten your seatbelts. I'll be surprised if Kelly makes it to April of the next year.


Deep into his 30th decade
He is going to tell Trump or one of his kids that they can't do something, and then Trump will hate him.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Kelly might very well be the person to get Trump to back off of some of his "most cartoonish ideas" such as building the border wall,

Kelly has been on the record for months in his role as Head of Homeland Security spouting how strongly he feels the need the wall is for US security. He literally has interviews from earlier this year pushing the same bullshit stump points on it. Dangerous illegals and drugs are pouring in, etc..,

Where is the assumption coming from that he would flip 180 on this view? That article paints a very different view from real quotes he made in interviews earlier this year on the subject.


Unconfirmed Member
How many people has this been said about lol. I guess people really want to believe Trump can change.

Yeah and it gets more annoying each time. Same thing happens when he reads an important speech. "Ohh he sounded so Presidential! "This might be a new start for Trump!"... Shut the fuck up people. He's not changing. Get over it and accept the fact we have a legit crazy person as President.


Priebus was supposed to be the adult in the room too. There's a fundamental flaw in the structure of the current White House in that no matter how many adults there are, they all have to answer to a toddler.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Nothing will change. Trump will nod his head in agreement while in front of a far more intelligent and imposing man like Kelly, and then go right back to his old bullshit the minute Kelly leaves and Bannon comes stumbling into the room full of booze and bigotry.


It's weird, I thought this dude was in favor of that shit.

I imagine he is in favor of a wall, just not a physical one. Drones, cameras, and satellites can do the job while being useful for other things. I doubt any practical person, particularly with decades of military experience is interested in building Maginot 2.0.


Trump openly encourages competition. I don't think Bannon is the type to just take whatever Kelly says. I expect a lot of in fighting between Kelly and the old guard. Remember, Scaramucci was new to Trump's team.

Last time Bannon clashed with a general, he was kicked off the NSA. He's not the master of puppets that people paint him as.
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