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We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs

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So it already happened and that makes it okay to perpetuate and continue to cycle it without thought?
You shouldn't be so quick to assume I'm excusing it, I'm not, I've also posted previously in the thread. I'm pointing to something that contributes to the issue.
Find a more "white people" gif than this:


Are these children having a sneezing fit?
In which case, what's the plan here? Try to ban, restrict the gifs? Complain when they're posted?

Ideally the answer is none of the above; instead the person posting the gifs takes a hot second to think before hitting enter. Which is honestly the best response to a lot of "oops didn't mean to" -ist moments.


Not feeling this article. I wish she had a editor to flesh this one out somewhat. I thought this was gonna be about white people online pretending to be black. Did not expect this. Honestly this feels like peformative wokeness to me and these newly "woke" whhite publications are tripping over themselves to get articles like this. I mean the fact that you see black folk in such reactions gifs is because popcullture is black American culture.


It seems like the article's headline is very different from the article's message.

I'll continue to use gifs featuring people of all races because we are all people and all are capable of experiencing the same emotions (with some obvious caveats). I would not use a gif in a way that is insensitive to a culture's history, but that doesn't seem to be what the article is about. I also would not use text or images as a facade for my own background.
You shouldn't be so quick to assume I'm excusing it, I'm not, I've also posted previously in the thread. I'm pointing to something that contributes to the issue.

I'm not assuming anything, I'm answering you. Sorry if it came across as an assumption that this was your opinion. Just in general, that it already exists is one problem; perpetuating it is another.
Do people even realize that If you're offended by everything people will (already have) get tired of it and real issues will simply be ignored?

How does this even make sense? These are just reactions from people that happen to be black. not to mention at least half of the reaction gifs are Dean Winchester and Girls from Asian Girl Bands...

It's kinda like the boy who cried wolf.

I think we've finally reached the point we should just shut off the internet for good.

Do you know how ridiculous you sound complaining about being offended by everything and then concluding that this article, which again is mild and polite criticism, is the boiling point of "shut[ing] off the internet for good.".

Like of all the filth and hate and bigotry that's on the internet it's this tiny article which asks very little of you gets you so bothered (dare I say offended) that you conclude now is time to turn of the internet?


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Article: Hey, here's something to consider
Top Outrage Expert #3076: You people bitch all the time people are going to get tired of it
Top Outrage Expert #5983: I'm sick and tired of outrage, it's outrageous, it's outrage culture
Top Outrage Expert #9245: You can have my GIFs when you pry them from my cold, dead hands
Article: You didn't read me, did you
Top Outrage Experts (together): flemma flemma senstive schlemma schlemma offended
Article: oh, well


While the guy's instagram post was cringe as hell and I feel embarrassed for his devotion to his perfect for him wife, what's the problem with it?


Ideally the answer is none of the above; instead the person posting the gifs takes a hot second to think before hitting enter. Which is honestly the best response to a lot of "oops didn't mean to" -ist moments.
That would mean that the people that care would post less reaction gifs featuring black people, and that people that post them with a bad intent (that would never care) would post just as much. So we would have more reaction gifs with black people posted with a racist undertone, percentage wise.
On topic, I do get what the article is talking about. Not a reaction gif but the way TriHard is being used on twitch made me shut off twitch chat for good. But a good article doesn't make up for a clickbaity (?) or just bad (?) title that intentionally or unintentionally will rub many people the wrong way. Also, while I see the issue and agree with the points being made, the sheer awesomeness of reaction gifs featuring black people makes up for it, imo. Black people are just more colorful (no pun intended) and many of the greats of comedy/acting/music are black.

Jay Sosa

Do you know how ridiculous you sound complaining about being offended by everything and then concluding that this article, which again is mild and polite criticism, is the boiling point of "shut[ing] off the internet for good.".

Like of all the filth and hate and bigotry that's on the internet it's this tiny article which asks very little of you gets you so bothered (dare I say offended) that you conclude now is time to turn of the internet?

yeah you're right. It's just that It never occurred to me that you can even use a reaction gif in a racist way..or that you could interpret it in that way.

But maybe I should shut off the internet, because apparently I now completely live in my own bubble and don't understand anything any more (Not trying to sound melodramatic, I really feel like some kind of alien on a different plane these days).
While the guy's instagram post was cringe as hell and I feel embarrassed for his devotion to his perfect for him wife, what's the problem with it?

His use of "She's real" because she doesn't fit modern standards basically says any woman that does fit modern beauty standards is by default, "not real".


Not feeling this article. I wish she had a editor to flesh this one out somewhat. I thought this was gonna be about white people online pretending to be black. Did not expect this. Honestly this feels like peformative wokeness to me and these newly "woke" whhite publications are tripping over themselves to get articles like this. I mean the fact that you see black folk in such reactions gifs is because popcullture is black American culture.
Hey Jmusic friend.
She didn't do the whole article on it, but she does talk a bit about white people pretending to be black online, and she shows that it is all connected. Would you prefer more information on that aspect?
Not feeling this article. I wish she had a editor to flesh this one out somewhat. I thought this was gonna be about white people online pretending to be black. Did not expect this. Honestly this feels like peformative wokeness to me and these newly "woke" whhite publications are tripping over themselves to get articles like this. I mean the fact that you see black folk in such reactions gifs is because popcullture is black American culture.

I mean which ties into the issue.

Black folk are celebrated as pop culture yet how are they treated in real culture?

And regardless of publication the author is black so dismissing this as white wokeness is kinda fucked up.
yeah you're right. It's just that It never occurred to me that you can even use a reaction gif in a racist way..or that you could interpret it in that way.

But maybe I should shut off the internet, because apparently I now completely live in my own bubble and don't understand anything any more (Not trying to sound melodramatic, I really feel like some kind of alien on a different plane these days).

The internet is people, my friend!

Is my avatar racist?

You know the answer to that..😐
It seems like the article's headline is very different from the article's message.

I'll continue to use gifs featuring people of all races because we are all people and all are capable of experiencing the same emotions (with some obvious caveats). I would not use a gif in a way that is insensitive to a culture's history, but that doesn't seem to be what the article is about. I also would not use text or images as a facade for my own background.

Good thing the article isn't telling you to stop using Gifs of people of all races.


His use of "She's real" because she doesn't fit modern standards basically says any woman that does fit modern beauty standards is by default, "not real".

Gotcha, rereading it, I glossed over parts about bikini mannequins, etc. Dude really is knocking down other women for the sake of putting his wife on pedestal.
That's often a descriptor used by feminists when describing photo shopped magazine covers.

Right but there are (many) women who fit the modern aesthetic of beauty without the aid of Photoshop. To equivocate "realness" with "non-conforming to beauty standards" is ridiculous.
Mh, I get the argument, but I think thats a rather niche case.
I wonder about the effectiveness of such a debate, especially when you have widespread clear cut cases of racism in mainstream media and politics.

I mean, I just have to go on Twitter and the lovely Ann Coulter flies in my face with an off the charts racist retweet...

I expect people like her to be shunned by soceity. The only recognition she deserves is in form of ridicule.
But funnily enough this woman regularly appears on mainstream News networks, she is offered a national platform to broadcast her views(mostly unchallenged) and is even respected amongst some politicians.

She is, by every definition of the word, a racist.
But no one cares...
If we can't even get this point across, how are we supposed to convince people that more nuanced forms of racism exist, too?
I don't want to live in a world where I can no longer see Weebay coming to a realization, or a guy getting psyched up to get something from the fridge only to realize there's nothing worth having. That's not living.
His use of "She's real" because she doesn't fit modern standards basically says any woman that does fit modern beauty standards is by default, "not real".

Exactly and by essentially with his definition of real women and his definition of fake women, he's pitting women against each other in almost identical fashion but the roles are reveresed. It's ironically not rejecting a patriarchal standard but sort of instituting a new one


The idea that there aren't experiences and other things exclusive to certain kinds of people comes from the idea of colorblindness, which is bullshit.

Of course there are.
My point is should they stay confined and inaccessible to other colours (on a superficial level, let's I say) because they can't fully understand ?
I can't laugh at Eddie Murphy's jokes because I probably will never completely appreciate them ?

Well, this is certainly true, and I understand where this is coming from, I am just not sure this is the right way to approach the issue.


Not necessarily on here, but I have definitely seen what the article is talking about. Especially if someone is telling a long story on a website and they get to the parts they want to be dramatic about. Nobody is taking reaction gifs away from us, we should just be mindful of what we post and why.
Mh, I get the argument, but I think thats a rather niche case.
I wonder about the effectiveness of such a debate, especially when you have widespread clear cut cases of racism in mainstream media and politics.

I mean, I just have to go on Twitter and the lovely Ann Coulter flies in my face with an off the charts racist retweet...

I expect people like her to be shunned by soceity. The only recognition she deserves is in form of ridicule.
But funnily enough this woman regularly appears on mainstream News networks, she is offered a national platform to broadcast her views(mostly unchallenged) and is even respected amongst some politicians.

She is, by every definition of the word, a racist.
But no one cares...
If we can't even get this point across, how are we supposed to convince people that more nuanced forms of racism exist, too?

Well that's a new one...

Never heard yeah but Ann Coulter as a means of trying to stop a discussion


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I just like Denzel gifs because he is the smoothest mofo ever :(

that being said, it is a interesting article.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I mean you understand difference between naturally thin and digitally altered eh?

A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character. She's real. She has beautiful stretch marks on her hips and cute little dimples on her booty. Girls, don't ever fool yourself by thinking you have to fit a certain mold to be loved and appreciated.

How can you not see he was talking about three very specific exaggerated ideals in society. Porn revolves around exaggeration. Bikini models have to maintain a very unhealthy eating disorder to stay the way photographers want. Movie characters are exaggerated fictional characters played by actresses that are touched up or photoshopped. He even afterwards says that girls shouldn't think they have to fit in a certain mold. That includes all women.


I don't want to live in a world where I can no longer see Weebay coming to a realization, or a guy getting psyched up to get something from the fridge only to realize there's nothing worth having. That's not living.
Good thing for you that's not a world the writer was proposing.
Not necessarily on here, but I have definitely seen what the article is talking about. Especially if someone is telling a long story on a website and they get to the parts they want to be dramatic about. Nobody is taking reaction gifs away from us, we should just be mindful of what we post and why.
Very good. Still happy I made this thread if anyone leaves feeling like this.
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