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We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs

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They've lost all other arguments and are defaulting to something the person that created the intial tweet said (not the person they're mad at) in the twitter thread.

Also they confuse saying something mean about a person that they won't see, because literally the tweet chain is from a picture, to targeted and direct cyber harassment
His use of "She's real" because she doesn't fit modern standards basically says any woman that does fit modern beauty standards is by default, "not real".

Also using your wife's body as a teachable moment to get internet fame points is kind of shitty all the way down. Also also expected cookies because you find your wife sexy? Well, good on you, bro. I'm glad your sex life is okay? Congrats?

That's often a descriptor used by feminists when describing photoshopped magazine covers.

1. Heavily photoshopped magazine covers are technically not "real" and contribute to issues. 2. Non-body-pos feminists who talk this way about actual non-photoshopped humans might need to revisit some reading lists.

Of course there are.
My point is should they stay confined and inaccessible to other colours (on a superficial level, let's I say) because they can't fully understand ?
I can't laugh at Eddie Murphy's jokes because I probably will never completely appreciate them ?

Well, this is certainly true, and I understand where this is coming from, I am just not sure this is the right way to approach the issue.

Let me get this straight:

You, apparently non-black person from the content of your post, has decided that it is your place to tell black woman who wrote article that her suggestion people think about the implications of using gifs that rely on black people being "extra" is not the right way to approach this issue you don't have a personal stake in?

The twitter user posted was laughing and retweeting a person saying they hoped he catches a disease for that post and right before that was retweeting people talking about Cyber Bullying being bad.

This kind of backhanded nonsense among "feminists" is so widespread I have a conference presentation on it in early October. It was particularly egregious around the women's march and is a huge problem. Same kinda deal with all the people who swear there's "not a racist bone in their body" and then do all sorts of racist shit.



This is me after reading OP...


So, listen. If you're not black and you're writing this off completely, saying it's dumb, whatever, please take a moment to consider that you are essentially telling a black woman that her experiences and observations - and cultural critique, as a scholar - are invalid and not worth paying any attention to.

So what? There are people from all types of backgrounds who aren't worth paying any attention to.

You could make the exact same argument about men dismissing a Christina Hoff Sommers book.


I'm not assuming anything, I'm answering you. Sorry if it came across as an assumption that this was your opinion. Just in general, that it already exists is one problem; perpetuating it is another.

Ah ok, sorry I did take it that way.


After 10 plus years of seeing reaction gifs on gaf that seem to skew directly into the direction of this argument, it is definitely noticeable. Dis gon be good is one of the worst.
So what? There are people from all types of backgrounds who aren't worth paying any attention to.

You could make the exact same argument about men dismissing a Christina Hoff Sommers book.

Would you like ten legitimate reasons to dismiss Christina Hoff Sommers in general? Because I could probably give you twenty.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
They've lost all other arguments and are defaulting to something the person that created the intial tweet said (not the person they're mad at) in the twitter thread.

Also they confuse saying something mean about a person that they won't see, because literally the tweet chain is from a picture, to targeted and direct cyber harassment
You want posters to take your issues seriously and agree with the article in the OP, yet you can't even see what a collective problem is when a person is retweeting with laughter a proponent to shame someone publicly? And the person she was retweeting and supporting then goes on to say he gets a disease. It's the same shit on a different coin.
Never really paid attention to this. Although I do think the article is reaching a bit. I think we need to make a study on this see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Btw, does anyone have any Latino/Hispanic gifs to share with a compadre?? 😎


Man, I wouldn't have laughed without the context from the other page. Hahaha.
Im black and i have no idea whats going on.

This seems silly.
See how different your reaction is to people coming in and saying "Fuck this," or "People get outraged at everything. It's like the boy who cried wolf."

It's one thing to disagree and another to completely shut down how someone else is feeling.


This was the gif I thought of when I read the thread title:


Also the guy looking in the fridge to just turn away disappointed.


This was the gif I thought of when I read the thread title:


Also the guy looking in the fridge to just turn away disappointed.
And did you look up your buzzfeed hosted gif of choice before or after you proceeded to read the actual article?
I never thought it was racist, but when all my white friends parroted that shit... damn that was annoying.

It was often about something that they could do with a little work.

See you know this is a perfect example of what we're talking about.

There's a lot of problematic implications with this gif as hilarious as it is and I've shared it plenty too

This is a woman who I'm pretty sure her house burned down or something like that and people think she's funny because of the way she talks
And who can forget HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE.

A catchy song parody made from a viral video of a black man warning his neighborhood about a rapist.

Funny because "lol black people talk funny"


It's late in the land of the setting sun. Good luck with this thread. I think with members like Snarky keeping up, should be fine. Night.


Hey Jmusic friend.
She didn't do the whole article on it, but she does talk a bit about white people pretending to be black online, and she shows that it is all connected. Would you prefer more information on that aspect?


I mean which ties into the issue.

Black folk are celebrated as pop culture yet how are they treated in real culture?

And regardless of publication the author is black so dismissing this as white wokeness is kinda fucked up.
I didn't dismiss this as white wokeness. Her perspective is not tied that. I'm just saying a good editor would have helped her fleshed out this idea a lot more, probably one NOT from a publication that just wants to simply appear "woke".


And did you look up your buzzfeed hosted gif of choice before or after you proceeded to read the actual article?

I never thought it was racist, but when all my white friends parroted that shit... damn that was annoying.

It was often about something that they could do with a little work.

It's sad that people don't take into consideration the feelings of others when communicating. If people are coming from a good place then there's no need for controversy. But as you mentioned, peoples prejudices and underlying racism can come out in many facets when communicating on the internet and in person. Problem is we dont always recognize it because meaning can be lost with the written word easier or taken out of context easier.

We don't want to offend people, but we shouldn't have to walk on eggshells while we're communicating either and if we're coming from a good place we shouldn't fear that our message will offend or be misunderstood.

Unfortunately a few rotten apples always spoil it for the bunch. Because intelligent compassionate people can have conversations about and have a sense of humor regarding lifes struggles without resorting to inflammatory and negative meanings.


Clicked kind of expecting to laugh off the article, but I read it and it's pretty spot on.

This sort of thing is probably the worst of the gifs people use. I feel like its spread and use is basically "Look how funny and hysterical black people are! LOL"

And who can forget HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE.

A catchy song parody made from a viral video of a black man warning his neighborhood about a rapist.

Funny because "lol black people talk funny"

This sort of stuff, too, is pretty bad. The celebrity and TV show gifs are just the tip of the iceberg and for the most part are probably pretty harmless. Stuff like this, though is where that line is definitely crossed into using black people for our own amusement.


And who can forget HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE.

A catchy song parody made from a viral video of a black man warning his neighborhood about a rapist.

Funny because "lol black people talk funny"

I genuinely found the original video hilarious because of his "and hide your husbands" line. Genius. I remembered it bring one of my few legit spit takes.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Is it racist to believe that black people have a wider range of expressed emotions than white people?

No it's not. Not if you are talking about within media. It's not like we don't love talking about our expressiveness (is that a word lol) when we tell jokes about our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, etc rolling through neck/thug clapping/moving that pointy finger all over the place as they show their anger at something.

Yes white people have plenty of emotions, but which show will have more gifs created for it The Dave Chapell show or Seinfeld?


No it's not. Not if you are talking about within media. It's not like we don't love talking about our expressiveness (is that a word lol) when we tell jokes about our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, etc rolling through neck/thug clapping/moving that pointy finger all over the place as they show their anger at something.

Yes white people have plenty of emotions, but which show will have more gifs created for it The Dave Chapell show or Seinfeld?

Yeah I get it.

It's like the gif equivalent of when white people do that annoying "clap emoji between every word" thing lol.

Actually, that shit's annoying when anyone does it IMO.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Yes white people have plenty of emotions, but which show will have more gifs created for it The Dave Chapell show or Seinfeld?

Seinfeld has a lot of gifs lol

Let me look on giphy to see what results come up

3289 GIFs found for chappelle show
3037 GIFs found for seinfeld

Pretty close
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