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What gaming sentiment bothers you the most overall?


Final Fantasy XV, Nioh, Nier, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, Tales, Resident Evil, etc every big Japanese game outside of a Dragon Quest Dynasty Warriors game is skipping Nintendo hardware this year. Even Monster Hunter is skipping Switch for 3DS (lol)

As for the first thing you said, I don't even know what it means. Japanese people don't play on consoles. That's all I know.

a) Monster Hunter team heavily hinted that, yes, MH will be on Switch eventually.
b) 3DS is a Nintendo system
c) Nintendo itself is one of the biggest developers/publishers in Japan
d) Look at actual game sales in Japan. Look at where the million sellers are in that country.

e) Sony is not looking like it will follow-up Vita, i.e. Switch is alone in the portable space.
f) Yes, 3DS sales are down from DS but it has outsold PS2 in that country. The sudden disappearance of portable form would be a huge drop-off for that console market.
g) PS4 is only tracking on par with PS3. It is not going to get much past 10 million in that country. It is not like suddenly stationary is taking off again to make for the slack of no more portable console.

Also, if you don't get the first part...the idea that the Japanese console industry is dying does not mean that it is already dead and that Nintendo being gone would change nothing. So, basically, you have no point when you say "but phones."


Idk I've played plenty of my favorite games of all time on PC. They aren't technical showcases, sure, but they also wouldn't really work too well without keyboard and mouse. I'm talking about the PC strategy scene.

I'm largely a console gamer, but let's not kid ourselves that PC doesn't have competitive exclusives.


The apologist mindset when a product doesn't have a common feature prevalent in most other devices. For example: The Switch not launching with a Netflix or Youtube app.


Well on the flip side, why does it have to be action based when it was founded on being turn based?

I could then ask why do current FF games place in modern sci-fi worlds instead of medieval settings like how the series started. A lot of things have changed in FF's 30 year history. Just because something was the standard years ago doesn't mean it has to always stay that way.

I don't personally have anything against turn-base but it annoys me when people act like FF games that don't use it are instantly inferior or something.
Gamer entitlement complexes.

Devs, apparently, exist to do what we say, provide the content we want, and never challenge our worldviews or design things we don't agree with personally.
One that really bothers me is the idea that a company could be "wasted" on making a game, like how people say Naughty Dog and Retro working on Crash and DK instead of Uncharted/Last of Us and Metroid would be a waste of their talents.

It feels like people are trying to say that platformers are inherently worth less than/not as good as games of other genres.

The Dude

I could then ask why do current FF games place in modern sci-fi worlds instead of medieval settings like how the series started. A lot of things have changed in FF's 30 year history. Just because something was the standard years ago doesn't mean it has to always stay that way.

I don't personally have anything against turn-base but it annoys me when people act like FF games that don't use it are instantly inferior or something.

I personally think ff plays around way to much, that's why dragon quest will always be the superior series staying spot closer to its roots and always churning out quality games.

I don't mind tho change-ups... That's fine to go action based for some games but why can't it return to turn based for a few? Just so that everyone can be appeased here and there


I really cannot stand the tendency to designate every last game as "indie" or "AAA". It's the worst. Usually this goes hand in hand with claims about how "indie is demolishing AAA in quality" or whatever, but this is a very easy thing to do when attributing "indie" to as many games as possible and "AAA" to something like 5-10 franchises.

Bonus points if you're also claiming that there's no "middle tier" being represented! What a ludicrous notion.


I really cannot stand the tendency to designate every last game as "indie" or "AAA". It's the worst. Usually this goes hand in hand with claims about how "indie is demolishing AAA in quality" or whatever, but this is a very easy thing to do when attributing "indie" to as many games as possible and "AAA" to something like 5-10 franchises.

Bonus points if you're also claiming that there's no "middle tier" being represented! What a ludicrous notion.

Some people like the label of indie games a bit too much.


has anyone ever actually said this? even the pros have some love for the single player and items and acknowledge that theyre playing it differently to how it was intended.

Yes, anecdotal (but what in this thread isn't?) but i have had friends tell me this and downright refuse to play with me unless i turn off items and we play in "tourney legal" stages.

One literally told me "you didn't beat me, items did" one time i actually convinced him to play the game like it was designed to be played for once.
I don't think backtracking is inherently terrible. The way some people talk about it, it's like they think if you take on step on a game location you've already been through the game is immediately ruined.

But with games like Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and the Souls series, going though an area you've been before with new equipment or a new perspective and finding items and secrets you couldn't or didn't before is extremely rewarding.

Other than that, I'm struggling to find something I think I disagree with the gaming community at large. Mostly I find that my favorite genres are less prominent and have fallen out of favor in favor of one's I'm not super crazy about.
I guess another could be turning regions where development happens into a genre. It's mind blowing how it holds water to some. Thankfully I don't see it here, but the idea of, "Oh they are just releasing a bunch of Japanese games. I want a AAA action game." Yep, all games from Japan are literally one genre of gameplay and approach.... All of them are jrpg. All.


PC Master Race and it's culture

60% of my computing is done on an iPad. Eventually one will replace owning a modern computer completely.


I personally think ff plays around way to much, that's why dragon quest will always be the superior series staying spot closer to its roots and always churning out quality games.

I don't mind tho change-ups... That's fine to go action based for some games but why can't it return to turn based for a few? Just so that everyone can be appeased here and there

I don't know, I always liked FF because there was always something different to expect in each game but I can respect someone not preferring that. I don't think that turn-based is dead in FF either. World of FF had turn-based and I can see it coming back to a new mainline FF eventually depending on who might be directing the game.
Smash/anything not 2D or a 3D fighter is not a fighting game. At first I thought people were just trolling around but there are people who believe stuff like this.

The Dude

I don't know, I always liked FF because there was always something different to expect in each game but I can respect someone not preferring that. I don't think that turn-based is dead in FF either. World of FF had turn-based and I can see it coming back to a new mainline FF eventually depending on who might be directing the game.

I just want the occasional turn based return in a main line game. People love games like persona and others, Etrian Odyssey etc... Which I love as well, I just wish theyd throw turn based fans a more legit and serious final fantasy at least once in awhile that is turn based. I have world of final fantasy and I love the look but man some of it is too too cutesy for me, but maybe another off shoot game could be turn based. I simply just want to get a couple more than what FF has given us.


new = better (you just like THAT game because of nostalgia)

bigger = better (why would I play THAT fighting game when the sequel has 2x more playable characters?)


That Nintendo is just for kids. It's like people see shades of colour other than brown and immediately think that it's only a game for children. Most of the people I have met who had this opinion have not even played Nintendo games, let alone one to their games post 90's.

Trying to inform them of the level of gameplay, the wonder, the joy that often comes from Nintendo's properties is like talking to Trump on climate change; it's not even in their sphere of understanding.

I very much believe that if all people interested in gaming spent some of their time playing Nintendo games they'd not only finally understand Nintendo, but brooding their gaming experiences unlike most things they play on a daily basis.


The 60FPS or bust crowd. The compromises to get to 60 are almost never worth it and its barely noticeable in most games. A solid 30 great looking game is the perfect sweet spot.
"This thing is overrated."

It's effectively dismissing the opinions of loads of people as being less discerning and valid than the single one being spouted. "I don't like this thing" is a personal opinion that doesn't write off every other one as wrong at the same time.

Ding ding ding. The shocking literal lack of self-awareness (as in, awareness of one's opinion as just one more with no particularly special properties, rather than the Universal Truth that overturns every other opinion in the world) is what gets me. Case in point, just today:

Also, let's not bring ratings into the whole thing. Dark Souls is universally praised but that is also a fucking disaster of a game.

I wonder if there is any way to have these special snowflakes come to the shocking epiphany that is "if everyone else disagrees with you, it might not be crazy to entertain the notion that you're actually wrong".
'This game is overrated!'

'Racism and bigotry just exists as banter whilst on line, honest!!'

'My favourite console manufacturer can do no wrong!'

'This game is shit, because I said so!'

'Fuck reviews, they have no bearing on the game!'

'AAA games are shit, all of them!'

Fuck OFF to all the above.

My newest favourite one, 'wheres the male love interest in female led games?' This is a fucking bullshit one, as if the opposite sex can't handle any and all types of shit without a big burly muscular shoulder to cry on. I've been seeing it crop up more with release of horizon.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Some that piss me off:

"Turn based combat is dead, everything should be action nowadays"
"Turn based combat should be reserved to portables and not on the big screen"
"It's not a REAL RPG unless it has a ton of meaningless dialogue choices and dialogue trees"
"The service model is great for gaming!"
"Game is worthless because it's not selling millions upon millions of copies"


I just want the occasional turn based return in a main line game. People love games like persona and others, Etrian Odyssey etc... Which I love as well, I just wish theyd throw turn based fans a more legit and serious final fantasy at least once in awhile that is turn based. I have world of final fantasy and I love the look but man some of it is too too cutesy for me, but maybe another off shoot game could be turn based. I simply just want to get a couple more than what FF has given us.

I don't know if World of FF did well or not but depending on its success, I would imagine they would be more willing to do more turn-based games. XV was primarily action-based because of Nomura and VIIR is the same way but I don't see FFXVI being action based unless the director actually wants to do it or SE forces them to do it since XV was apparently successful in SE's eyes.
But you willing to wait on a great game until the emulation is perfected?

Of course. There's so many great games available to me right now on just PS4 and PC that I can't even play them all.

Zelda BOTW is a definite 'wait till it's emulated' game, with the visuals and framerate being as disappointing as they are on a Switch or Wii U. I can wait, Zelda will only get better as the emulator does.

Van Bur3n

new = better (you just like THAT game because of nostalgia)

bigger = better (why would I play THAT fighting game when the sequel has 2x more playable characters?)

This one always irks me. So many times people pull the absurd nostalgia goggle argument, despite always going back to play those older games and enjoying them just as much as I did the first time.
"Sonic was never good" or other variants. One of the few shitpost statements that's consistently allowed by the gaming media and on most forums (including here). I don't care if someone likes a franchise I do, but to hand wave a monumentally successful franchise like Sonic as just some fluke that was never good is pathetic and painfully ignorant. Even ignoring the great Sonic games that came out afterwards, playing ignorant towards the Genesis originals, specifically Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles, is a shame.

Also, the sentiment that games need to become more uniform with one another is headache inducing. I understand that some people want to be able to quickly pick up and play games but this is taking it too far. Games need to have their own identity.
new = better (you just like THAT game because of nostalgia)

bigger = better (why would I play THAT fighting game when the sequel has 2x more playable characters?)

This one always irks me. So many times people pull the absurd nostalgia goggle argument, despite always going back to play those older games and enjoying them just as much as I did the first time.
This for sure. Especially when people say "actually I just played it for the first time a few montha ago and it was great" and that gets ignored.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
"Rose-tinted glasses"

whenever someone says they generally prefer older games to newer ones. There's no accounting for facts like:

-there are thousands upon thousands of great games you probably didn't play back in the day that are still out there for you to discover

-you could have been younger and have discerning taste. I knew there was plenty of crap when I was growing up, I certainly understood that a game like Power Blade or Mega Man 2 were (and still are) great games, but Home Alone and Total Recall are junk.

-lots of elements of gameplay are timeless, and others can certainly be enjoyed if you have the right mindset. Even the more 'archaic' (I hate that term) elements like unrefined interfaces, clunky password systems, technical limitations, can be worked around and/or part of its charm.

"1cc is the only way to play arcade games"

If I purchased the game, why does it bother you if I want to credit-feed my way through it? Or my preferred method of limiting my credits to say, 3 or so... I find the majority of arcade games/shmups far too difficult to 1cc but I find 3-5 is a nice limit.


"The fanbase turned me off from this."

I've seen this one a few times, mostly aimed at Undertale, and my reaction is always the same:





It's such a stupid bullshit excuse. "Hey I'm going to judge this game based on factors that have absolutely nothing to do with actually playing the fucking game!"

I could understand if it were multiplayer, sure. Toxic community is annoying to deal with and all that. But it's single player. S i n g l e P l a y e r. If other peoples positive enjoyment of a product seriously influences your potential purchase negatively, then you probably need to reevaluate your life.

It's like deciding to not buy the lord of the rings movies because once you saw people larping.

Buying the game, walking a pixel and saying "I don't like the way my character walked that pixel" is a more valid excuse than that shit.
"Thing I want to happen = thing I expect to happen = disappointed when made up thing doesn't happen"

So many examples. People expecting [inset random, made-up, never gonna happen Switch port of Wii U game] are a great recent example.


indie games get a lot of weird looks that AAA titles dont just because they can be arbitrarily labeled as indie, even if it isnt inherently indie (if the team is small and its new, its indie)

indie games make up so much of gaming culture now, though, and theyve got so much passion and variety. the idea that they just arent as good as big budget games, or they should only cost a certain amount just because theyre "indie", is just a stupid and arbitrary argument. youre holding yourself back by purposely avoiding them, and looking down on them is toxic


I mean i agree with probably over half the sentiments people here are bothered by. I guess it's nice that the industry is so varied since tastes evidently differ so widely.
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