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What gaming sentiment bothers you the most overall?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This soundtrack is bad because it isn't "fully orchestrated"

The whole DQ7 3DS controversy was so hilarious for me - everyone losing their shit but meanwhile I'm just shrugging since I'm much more into synth-based music than orchestral anyways.


A big one for me is the notion that new technology invalidates certain types of gameplay. For example, a lot of people have said for years now that turn-based RPGs should go the way of the dodo because of the emergence of action-RPGs. One is not objectively superior to the other, and to argue as much merely exposes one's own myopia and apathy towards the tastes of others.

Another one that really bugs me isn't limited to video games, but I see it super often on GAF, and that's buying into the narrative justifications for problematic elements. Justifying content in this way is completely backwards and almost anachronistic. I bumped into this when I made my thread about the wheelchair-bound Gehrman in Bloodborne. IMO if you're OK with content that other people find problematic, being upfront about it is a lot better than parroting the game's internal excuse for that content.


A big one for me is the notion that new technology invalidates certain types of gameplay. For example, a lot of people have said for years now that turn-based RPGs should go the way of the dodo because of the emergence of action-RPGs. One is not objectively superior to the other, and to argue as much merely exposes one's own myopia and apathy towards the tastes of others.

Another one that really bugs me isn't limited to video games, but I see it super often on GAF, and that's buying into the narrative justifications for problematic elements. Justifying content in this way is completely backwards and almost anachronistic. I bumped into this when I made my thread about the wheelchair-bound Gehrman in Bloodborne. IMO if you're OK with content that other people find problematic, being upfront about it is a lot better than parroting the game's internal excuse for that content.
And it is not like the action RPG is new either. It is old too. It isn't a replacement for turn based. It is its own thing.


And it is not like the action RPG is new either. It is old too. It isn't a replacement for turn based. It is its own thing.

Exactly. They are distinct gameplay styles. That goes for a lot of other styles too. It really bugs me when people say a certain type of game "shouldn't exist anymore."
1)Boring people moaning about racing games that aren't "realistic" and looking down at/moaning about any arcade style racing games.
Racing game discussion being dominated by maniacs talking about the finer points of their driving game set up, chair, wheel, desk etc.
Has pretty much sucked all the fun out of the racing genre in the last few years.

2) The culture of storm in a teacup outrage/witchhunts about relatively minor things or technical issues whipped up by gaming news websites and this forum.


"But Ocarina of Time was 20fps and it's still one of the greatest games ever, stop acting like the fps count is so important!" just lol.


The belief that fun games have some sort of minimum set of numbers. We saw this in the 90s during the 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit marketing campaigns and it rose again this generation with system specs, resolution or sales.


"Nintendo is doomed."

"Nintendo has to go 3rd party to survive."

"Nintendo is the next Sega."

None of these are true. Nintendo has enough money in the bank to have like 20 more Wii U level failures before any of these statements would be true.

Yet they refuse to have any decent sales like PSN or Steam....

"10/10 doesn't necessarily mean perfect", despite any criticism it receives that other games get a penalty for, "As long as it doesn't detract from the game's experience, it should still be 10/10" The latter totally being subjective, the scoring system needs to go.

Favoritism, nostalgia, vendetta, or just being purely honest without the honeymoon phase can influence a reviewers "score" and fanboy wars/death threats get created.
The amount of focus from consumers and devs on cutting edge graphics.

I hate hearing "that looks like a PS3 game"
That's almost never an accurate statement and even if it is accurate, who cares? I'd rather every game looked like PS3 titles, if they are going to try unique or innovative gameplay ideas.


Unconfirmed Member
I absolutely hate the mentality of that you can't like a game and criticize it or when a game just gets a lot of criticism people going "can't we just all like things?".
It riles me up a little to be honest. It's so upsetting to see people being so incredibly bad at reading criticism on something they like. It's not even that they just disagree with it and make an interesting post arguing against it but more like they can't even take the notion of it and take a shut out and control the tone stance.
At least that's the impression I get sometimes.
That stuff gets especially bad/upsetting when the criticism goes into socially relevant issues. Then this "lalalalala" attitude and "just let them make the games they wanna make" ... I just ... urh...
"3D Platformers need to be be open world or have huge non-linear areas to explore as its main focus."

Just because a game in the same genre focus' on more linear based design that challenge you on platforming than exploration like Crash Bandicoot or 2008-onward 3D Sonic games, doesn't mean they're terrible or "aren't true 3D platformers"


Junior Member
That "new" automatically equals "better."

In recent years some of my favorite games have been old-ass games I played for the first time. I can maybe understand 1996-2001 3D graphics being displeasing to the eyes, or early PC games being a lot less user-friendly than games today. I just don't like how a lot of people have this believe that newer games are uniformly deeper, more complex, and more fun than older ones. It's especially bad when developers take this sentiment.
- Nintendo should go third party
- Platformers are a waste of a developer's talents
- Constant comparisons to Dark Souls as though it invented every game concept ever
- 3D Marios that aren't "proper 3D Marios" because reasons
- Spieler Eins
- Lazy devs
- Unity is garbage
- Indie games are trash
- Turn-based is dead
- Open world is automatically better


People whining over "unclear" game mechanics or elements when the game clearly had a tutorial somewhere explainingg said mechanic. But sure, blame the game for your inability to read and just keep tapping that skip button.

Something I saw a lot in Horizon threads: people coming in the thread whining and demanding an explanation about unresolved plot points...without finishing the game. Before crying about the game not explaining story elements maybe finish the game first?


Dot Hacked
The age old classic:

"You're not allowed to comment on a game until you've played it."

New genres aren't exactly sprouting up lately an after having been into gaming for so many years you do develop an instinct about whether a games for you or not just by looking at an reading about it. The sentiments just used as a stubborn defense for super fanbots of whatever game. It also seems ta tie into the "pics/receipts or gtfo attitude" and elitism in general. Expecting others to buy a game to prove something to the internet is dumb!
"The fanbase turned me off from this."

I've seen this one a few times, mostly aimed at Undertale, and my reaction is always the same:





It's such a stupid bullshit excuse. "Hey I'm going to judge this game based on factors that have absolutely nothing to do with actually playing the fucking game!"

I could understand if it were multiplayer, sure. Toxic community is annoying to deal with and all that. But it's single player. S i n g l e P l a y e r. If other peoples positive enjoyment of a product seriously influences your potential purchase negatively, then you probably need to reevaluate your life.

It's like deciding to not buy the lord of the rings movies because once you saw people larping.

Buying the game, walking a pixel and saying "I don't like the way my character walked that pixel" is a more valid excuse than that shit.

Rationally, I know it's fucking stupid to let other people's behavior affect your experience with a single player game, but I can't help it.


I just hate how some people make it sound like we as a community have agreed a game sucks and therefore it is fact.

Yeah, I hate when a couple of Gaffer made some dumb threads which get repeated on Twitter as "NeoGAF in a nutshell" even though hundreds of other Gaffers admonish them in the thread.


- Nintendo should go third party
- Platformers are a waste of a developer's talents
- Constant comparisons to Dark Souls as though it invented every game concept ever
- 3D Marios that aren't "proper 3D Marios" because reasons
- Spieler Eins
- Lazy devs
- Unity is garbage
- Indie games are trash
- Turn-based is dead
- Open world is automatically better

You stole like all of mine. :p

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
The use of the word "archaic" against a mechanic or design one doesn't like.

"Turn based games are archaic"
"Random encounters are archaic."

It's just a cheap ploy to try to make it seem like it's not about taste or opinion, but objective badness.


"But Ocarina of Time was 20fps and it's still one of the greatest games ever, stop acting like the fps count is so important!" just lol.

This and all the people whining about people with higher standards for framerate.

Having a higher framerate is always an objective improvement on a game.

If you can tolerate lower? That's great glad it doesn't bother you! What's hilarious is that what does bother you is people that are affected by it.

The absolute worst I've seen is those mocking people that don't like low fov, despite fov being something that can literally make a game unplayable for people.

The Dude

The use of the word "archaic" against a mechanic or design one doesn't like.

"Turn based games are archaic"
"Random encounters are archaic."

It's just a cheap ploy to try to make it seem like it's not about taste or opinion, but objective badness.

Yea, if people think turn based in gaming is archaic then they would die knowing how old chess is lol to me whether it's a video game or board game or card game, taking turns is all part of many game structures. Turn based in games is simply a loose form of chess in my book. The simple notion of you take a turn, I take a turn... Simple as that.


I'll post one:

"This game does not count because I've played it before on my console of choice, therefor it cannot be counted as a game in your platform of choices library." - From here, the goalpost moves unlimited amount of times and there is no common ground.

Sad part is, this isn't even part of the exclusivity argument...which is even worse.


As a niche games fan,

" If it's not on my preferred platform, I won't buy it "


" X games is better off staying as an exclusive "

Your platform loyalty is actively harming a game you like bruh and they are niche to begin with.

These days though, I care less about gaming and ironically those impossible to get sequels games are actually getting made. From Bayonetta 2 to the recent NieR Automata.

Maybe if I quit gaming, Matsuno would get another stint for big budget rpg.
People bashing Bioware saying they are worse than they used to be, or that EA ruined them. The fact their demographic has changed and they aren't interested in making the same kind of games they did pre-KOTOR seems to endlessly bother some. I love all their games and I know tons of people who do too. While I get not liking their new direction it bothers me that so many think that means their games suck just because they are no longer the target market.


Neo Member
People telling me I have rose tinted glasses for Doom 1/Doom 2.

I still play those games with source ports today.

I don't understand the whole "It can't be fun because it's old" attitude


People telling me I have rose tinted glasses for Doom 1/Doom 2.

I still play those games with source ports today.

I don't understand the whole "It can't be fun because it's old" attitude

Source ports is cheating. Play it the way God intended or don't play it at all.
x is bad game design. Has to be the most abused terminology around. I died: bad game design. I had to think for myself: bad game design. It's probably far more the case that mediocre, cookie-cutter 'good' game design is the bigger problem.


That making Souls games with difficulty options would somehow wreck them. It's as if only those who 'got gud' are entitled to ever touch the game. Why does wanting an easy mode in a Souls game make it any less enjoyable for anyone else? It's not like anybody would be holding a gun to people's heads demanding they play easy mode.


"This thing is overrated."

It's effectively dismissing the opinions of loads of people as being less discerning and valid than the single one being spouted. "I don't like this thing" is a personal opinion that doesn't write off every other one as wrong at the same time.

"3D games made 2D games irrelevant"
"Turn-based combat is archaic"
"Portable games have to be playable in tiny chunks and so huge RPGs don't work" (sleep modes pretty much solved this one).
"Keep politics out of games" (usually used to mean 'keep the inherent politics in games the way I like them', and perhaps thought of as a more socially-acceptable sentiment than 'keep diversity out of games').

I made a thread on that exact subject, how can something be rated more or less than it is? It ties very deeply into an "everybody is an idiot except me" attitude.
Enjoying a niche game and calling it underrated though has completely different connotations usually linked to the fact that it just simply wasn't played enough.
But something being called "overrated" is so derogatory.

If you didn't like it that is fine, that's me for SM 3D World I think it's good but not amazing, but I would be an idiot to call it overrated, it's so beloved by fans and reviewers alike.


The use of the word "archaic" against a mechanic or design one doesn't like.

"Turn based games are archaic"
"Random encounters are archaic."

It's just a cheap ploy to try to make it seem like it's not about taste or opinion, but objective badness.

The use of "dumbed down" for the same purpose, though often on the opposite side of the debate

big fake

1)Boring people moaning about racing games that aren't "realistic" and looking down at/moaning about any arcade style racing games.
Racing game discussion being dominated by maniacs talking about the finer points of their driving game set up, chair, wheel, desk etc.
Has pretty much sucked all the fun out of the racing genre in the last few years.

2) The culture of storm in a teacup outrage/witchhunts about relatively minor things or technical issues whipped up by gaming news websites and this forum.

Oh my god. What an amazing post. This is exactly what I feel. Couldn't have said it better myself.
PC master race bullshit. Feeling superior to somebody because you play games on more powerful hardware. Games are games y'all just play how you want to play and enjoy it.


This sentiment kinda of bothers me.

It was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but I'm a bit of a purist. I'll take my chunky PSX textures and original "fake 3D" Doom over super-smoothed and super-anti-aliased visuals any day of the week.

Enjoy your games how you want though, I don't really care.


- linear games are bad, open world games are good.

-only perfect games can get 10/10 reviews

- reviews should be "objective"


- Good enough = Almost perfect.

- I want "This game 6", or "this game 11"...
What about new and/or original stuff ?

2) The culture of storm in a teacup outrage/witchhunts about relatively minor things or technical issues whipped up by gaming news websites and this forum.
Oh yes this too. It's extremely annoying I agree.
It was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but I'm a bit of a purist. I'll take my chunky PSX textures and original "fake 3D" Doom over super-smoothed and super-anti-aliased visuals any day of the week.

Enjoy your games how you want though, I don't really care.

I've come to appreciate and enjoy playing Doom through Chocolate Doom (I try to avoid DosBox when possible), so I kind of get this. But I do get annoyed when other's (not necessarily you) claim that someone's playing a game incorrectly.

I mean, God forbid I summon for a boss in Dark Souls once in a while...
Automatic Updates are a good thing...

This alone has turned a lot of "products" into continuous patch fests, sometimes taking longer to download and install than it would to actually play the game for a block of time. It has lead to lazy programming and a serious lack of optimization for initial release, because now you can just "patch it up later". Nothing kills the joy of wanting to sit down and play than a 8GB "patch" file in your queue.

Season Passes help to expand a game with new content that otherwise maybe have never been made...

A big Fuck You to all the companies that have abused that one. $50 now for most of them and the cost still keeps going up. And usually the content fails to live up to that cost. Warner Brothers I am looking at you...
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