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What is your stance on rage quitting?

I don't care that much if someone rage quits in a 1 on 1 game. If anything it's even better than a regular win since it shows they got slammed so hard they felt the need to cut the game off before it officially ends.

In a team based game it's somewhat of a nuisance if people on my team rage quit mid game. Also somewhat annoying if someone on the enemy team rage quits because it wouldn't be a challenging, even sided fight.

Overall I don't think it is that big of a deal, it's not the end of the world like some people make it out to be.
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I think on fighting games that would be something I would consider toxic. Specially since you the one deciding to fight, so think twice before fighting.
But on a team based game this can be either completelly cancerous or necessary.

If you rage quit because you think your team sucks or because you sucks, thats on you because you're a jerk. But at the same time I can't blame one for quitting out of frustation because his team start trolling or leaves him alone.
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Neo Member
It’s a tough one because there are so many scenarios and each is more or less socially acceptable.

Personally, if you’re playing against cheaters, or people cheesing the game, go crazy. Otherwise be an adult, take it on the chin and learn from what you’re doing wrong so you win and don’t feel like raging next time.
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If it's multiplayer then just finish the match and don't leave your team mates at a disadvantage. I usually just give up and tune myself out mentally but still continue until the end of the game based on that principle.

In solo games, it's more healthy to just stop playing then getting your blood pressure up for no reason. Very often the reason why you're screwing up is because you've been playing for too long and are tired and not in the top shape to be playing. I will usually just take a break, go do some chores, read a book, watch videos on YouTube, work out, or do anything else to get my mind off the game, and when I come back several hours later (or even the next day), then I will suddenly ace the section that I was struggling with before.

Happened more than once when I was playing Doom Eternal.


I don't care in 1 on 1 games as long as the non-quitter gets credited with the win.

Team games can be tricky. Ideally the game gets balanced by giving some kind of bonus to the players who remain in order to try and make up for the teammate who left.

There needs to be some kind of punishment for the quitter though otherwise people would ragequit constantly. Temporary bans seem to be the best from what I've seen.


Love when people rage quit in FIFA, because it gives you the win (if youre winning) and lets you move on to a hopefully more fun match. There are people out there that can make a match very veeeery boring, especially when they've given up and start trolling or scoring own goals, or even worse, rubber band their controller (so they dont get kicked) and go afk.

For other games, if its a ranked match in a team based FPS like siege, absolutely hate it.


People need to grow up. Yeah it’s worse in some games than others but that’s besides the point, it’s more that it’s just a super weird behavioral thing - especially from an adult.


Step away from the game once the fun is running out. If you choose to step away in the middle of a game, you waited too long.


I would play more multiplayer games if they gave me an achievement for making someone rage quit.
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Abandoning a team based game is distasteful.

If the game doesn't have auto fill it's disgusting.

Sad Gordon Ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I play Heroes of the Storm and sometimes people pick all healers during ARAM matches just to troll..............I rage quit when my teammates partake in this behavior. I'm not going to waste my time playing a match


Lmao at the moral knights ITT.

Rage quiting is very much context depended.

Also: "Rage quiting" as a term doesn't apply as an end all be all way of describing a scenario which most of all relies on a myriad of reasons taking place in a vastly dynamic scenario.
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For fighting games

-impose a 30 minute timeout for the rage quitter. Increase the length of the timeout for subsequent rage quits.

- Rage quitter loses the round and the win is awarded to his opponent.


Depends on the format. Obviously in a ranked team game it is bad, and you should only queue if you are willing to see it out. But in something like Battlefield who cares.

I would play more multiplayer games if they gave me an achievement for making someone rage quit.
There was a plugin for Planetside 2 that would play a rage quit sound clip if someone logged out after you killed them.


I play Heroes of the Storm and sometimes people pick all healers during ARAM matches just to troll..............I rage quit when my teammates partake in this behavior. I'm not going to waste my time playing a match
Hows HOTS these days? Its the game where i probably have the most playtime in, but i havent touched it in years. Is the population good?


If the game punished the quitter and gives me the win, im ok with it. The problem playing SFV in the earlier days, was that the game had no punishing system, so there was alot of rage quitters. Im not even a good player but the rare ocasions i did a perfect round to someone, i already knew he was rage quit in the second round.

I never quit, being a on a team game or 1 vs 1. Exception goes if the conection is trash and the lag makes the match unplayable then i quit right from the start.


I’ve always wanted to see some system implemented where if you quit a game you can’t start another until the one you quit ends (or some amount of time).

If you legitimately had to quit for an emergency you’d be longer than the game took to end anyway.
And if you’re just a coward, you deserve nothing good.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
I've quit online MP games when there's obvious cheating afoot. Other than that, I don't do it.

I feel bad for people who rage quit if they react how I picture them (red-faced, swearing, sweaty) because they obviously have emotional control issues.


anyone who can't control their emotions over anything media related whether thats games, music, tv etc. needs to seek mental help

that being said, if i notice clear cut shenanigans i will quit, but not in rage but purely because that lobby/server is wasting my time, and my gaming time over the last 5-8 years has been very limited, so like a clannie smurf pub stomping a pub game or when someone is absolutely, without a doubt using cheats.
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Marlboro: Other M
Pathetic. Weak. If you can't finish a match, don't even look for one in the first place.

Fine if you rage quit a single player game, though. At least you are not wasting anyone time but yours.


I recently tried seas by daylight.

It mase me realize I can't play small, team based competitive games anymore. Imma quit when things are down, that is lost time spent elsewhere.

I can relate to the quitter.

Might be wrong, but I understand.


Only mentally weak people rage quit. I don't care if people do it to me though. It's extremely common in online games and there's no way to prevent it.


Gold Member
The sooner you quit the sooner I can find a worthy opponent. :messenger_sunglasses:

...just kidding, I suck at multiplayer games these days. :messenger_crying:
Quitting in a 1v1 is fine as it's basically a forfeit/surrender and the same as a normal loss, quitting in any other mode is a bitch move as you're screwing over your teammates, and usually the rage quitters are actually the bad ones who are convinced that "their teammate sucks" instead of taking the blame themselves


Bitch move. Take the loss and move on. Too many people refuse to even try at the first sign of a loss which is lame.


Reseterror Resettler
Rage quitting? How could you even bring that nonsense up in a gaming enthusiast forum? What? You think we're all angry mongoloids? The pretentious walking boots on THIS street harlot. Your horse is named Bob fucking Marley because of how high it is, OP. I've had dinner with revolutionaries, slept with politicians, brushed sleeves with men with blood on their hands, and none of those lowest common denominator FUCKS have ever had the in-fucking-decency to assume (Big emphasis on the first syllable there, Champ) that I'd rage quit, or get mad about any small little trivial fucking thing. I've never quit in the middle of any


I haven't played a competative online game in a while. Back when I did though, I might have dropped out of a team match if I found myself just feeding and couldn't seem to find a strategy to turn it around. I rationalized it as, "Welp, I am just hurting the team at this point," especially in instances where it was more related to connection issues than my own limited skill. But even that would have been rare, and only in games where the system would replace me, hopefully with someone better.

I wouldn't quit just because we were losing, or some tool humped my digital corpse. Revenge is sweeter than quitting.


Gold Member
People do it in online fighting games all the time, especially if they're losing a ranked match. It's annoying but if it's the worst thing that happens to me on any given day then I'm doing well. I'm fine to just lose if I lose.


People that throw a fit and leave deserve harsh penalties thrown against them, especially in a team based game. Its nothing more than piss poor sportsmanship, and in physical sports your ass would be kicked off the team for that shit, so I feel that kind of weight should carry over in an online game as much as possible.
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I liked the guy I met on PGA Tour 2K1 who would often rage quit after his first shot even if it meant canceling our 4 player game that people sat around 15 minutes waiting for in the group chat. He'd be on some other game instantly.


I rage very easily in single player games but never quit.

In local MP games i mostly keep my cool by acting mildly frustrated.

In a few online MP games i played, i was surprisingly calm considering. I think getting beat by a person feels more fair than getting beat by the computer. Sure there are cheaters and AFKers but even these don't make me rage as much as some bullshit single player scenarios.

Fun fact: Souls games make me rage less than most other games, mostly because i am expecting to be beat in those.
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