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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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El Capitan Todd
don't make a thread. the comment is too vague and could just create them issues.
btw I think that kits are already in the indie wild considerung also some vague shin'en nx comment...


About the NX Home, i was thinking that something the size and form factor of the Mac Mini would be amazing. Small, compact, elegant and extremely good looking.
Scrollable shoulder buttons confirmed.

Even at a basic level, they could do some pretty impressive things with it. And in one respect they've had the technology for years-


Lol now i'm actually starting to believe that something very similar to this tech could very well be the NX gimmick, which would be amazing. Think about it: the guy says it needs head tracking, which they already used in the New 3DS, and they actually patented something similar to what you can see in this video a few years ago. It would be a smart, unique and possibly not particularly expensive gimmick, that actually adds something to the experience and doesn't necessarily hurt performances.

So Indies already have access to devkits?


And why would the NX version have more colors to play with?
Cause you tilt your head and see more stuff that needs different colors!


Membero Americo
I'm not making a thread if we make one, I'm at work.

EDIT: Why not? Indies already have access to dev kits, that's kind of big news.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I'm not making a thread if we make one, I'm at work.

EDIT: Why not? Indies already have access to dev kits, that's kind of big news.
While it is big news, let's not just yet.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
...I don't know. We don't even know if he's just assuming things based on, maybe, the same patents we know about / Nintendo's recent history with alternate controllers. Let's just stay here for now, also because if it gets too much visibility, AND if it's true he's working on actual NX dev kits...Nintendo Ninjas are bad, let's just say that.
Who is this guy and why should his comment be interpreted as anything other than "I want to port this game to the NX"? Doesn't seem like English is his first language and surely something is being lost in translation.



That's crazy! Maybe that speaks more towards the virtual devkit than a traditional "hardware" like one? That'd be a lot of hardware devkits to go around for all the different possible indie developers.

Also, could be scroll wheels!


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Another post on that same page, while answering about Bit Boy (another game he developed and released on 3DS)

Bernd Geiblinger speaking of Bit Boy!! oder Bit Boy!! Bit Boy ARCADE ? Emoticon wink You will definitely see Kubi traveling back to the old Bit-Eras on NX. Stay tuned. Cannot talk about something specific before Nintendo announces a the new plattform - you know ^^'


Membero Americo
He says it's made for the NX but has a modified version to release early on Steam, that means he has to have a NX version already up and running.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Instead of freaking out, I just asked him if he had a kit or if he's speculating on different things.

Eh, I wonder if he can even answer such a question...even if, yeah, he seems to be quiet open (or distracted, depending on your point of view) about it. If he's saying the truth and not just trying to make a name for himself as the one who talked about NX first. I'm not against the guy in question, it's just a general sentiment towards leaks of any kind, especially from, well, unpredictable sources like this one. Especially at this point, with deafening silence and tight NDAs dominating the scene XD

Let's see what happens, yeah.
Dont make a new thread, too many implications.

First off its vague, the mods will let it run for 4 days then its done

Then the assumptions, "EA doesnt have a devkits but indie devs does? Nintendo doing it wrong again!"

Dude takes an L from the Nintendo Ninjas™ and bad stuff happens. (lol)


Excellent. The NX is designed for us multi-armed Shiva-like deities. Move aside peasants for I am become death the destroyer of worlds.



Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Dont make a new thread, too many implications.

First off its vague, the mods will let it run for 4 days then its done

Then the assumptions, "EA doesnt have a devkits but indie devs does? Nintendo doing it wrong again!"

Dude takes an L from the Nintendo Ninjas™ and bad stuff happens. (lol)

Yeah. Reyn, your thoughts on the matter?
Reyn: Let's not lose our heads though.
We seem to agree on this matter, bruh.


So I guess the floodgate are about to open if indies are getting kits. I expect to see more rumors popping up over the new few weeks.
Guys, watch the video of the game on Steam. The controls look perfect for the Free Form Controller patent. Explains why 8 colors instead of 4.

You can also download the 3DS version to get an idea of how it plays. But yeah, having the the whole controller be a screen would let you throw more colors down.
Dont make a new thread, too many implications.

First off its vague, the mods will let it run for 4 days then its done

Then the assumptions, "EA doesnt have a devkits but indie devs does? Nintendo doing it wrong again!"

Dude takes an L from the Nintendo Ninjas™ and bad stuff happens. (lol)

Exactly, in order for us to be privileged with reliable insider info, we have to be responsible for how we further disseminate that info throughout NeoGAF and beyond. For example, last week's Survey Arma-900p-geddon, is a perfect example for how not to be trusted.

On the topic of multiple controls, do we have an idea of the controller scheme for the PC version? The dev specifically mentions the concept of 4 --> 8. This doubling may give us some indication at a control mechanism.
The guy said in his own comments on Facebook that the NX version of Puzzle Box is further in development than the PC version, but he can't wait for Nintendo to make their NX reveal so Steam version will be released first. Nice!

Also, Bit Boy for NX too? I imagine that indies don't even need dev kits yet to port simple PC games over later, but it seems Puzzle Box developer does have a variation of the NX dev kit in some form.

Happy Monday!


So I guess the floodgate are about to open if indies are getting kits. I expect to see more rumors popping up over the new few weeks.

We can't be sure yet, which is why we have to stay cool about this, and not blow up every potential bit of Info, or else the floodgates will be shut before they even started to open up.
I dunno, that seems more speculative than anything else.

Maybe he's heard information from someone else, but to say that he already has a dev kit seems like a bit of a leap.


Membero Americo
I dunno, that seems more speculative than anything else.

Maybe he's heard information from someone else, but to say that he already has a dev kit seems like a bit of a leap.

He implies he has a NX version of the game already but is making a PC version to release the game early on Steam because he doesn't want for the release of the NX to release his game.


Is Nintendo enthusiast still banned here?
They found a dev that worked on 3DS games is working on NX and they commented on their Facebook page a few things. I think it's ok since it's not a NE source

They prob should not still be banned, Minecraft is coming to WiiU now, which they reported early on and the reason they got banned. They also were the ones who took the photo of the Mario Maker leak before that E3
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