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Why do people keep saying that "Wii won last gen?"


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
Nintendo the company won last gen.
Nintendo's fans lost.

It's that simple.

Yes, I know Nintendo fans got some amazing games from the Wii, but the console was abandoned so quickly that it never found it's potential.
It's kinda funny how Nintendo gave up on the 800lb Wii Gorilla and yet seem determined to back the weakling WiiU till the bitter end.

It's really NOT that simple. My family back home still uses the Wii today for fishing, golfing, table tennis, and dancing. They are even still finding new games to play... they just discovered Wii Play Motion and have enjoyed it a lot the past month.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Wii definitely won if sales are the metric.

Mindshare? Maybe we could give that to 360.


It's really NOT that simple. My family back home still uses the Wii today for fishing, golfing, table tennis, and dancing. They are even still finding new games to play... they just discovered Wii Play Motion and have enjoyed it a lot the past month.

Out of interest: Do they know about Wii U?
In terms of Sales and Profitability you sayin' it didn't?


I don't think he said that.


Nintendo sold more systems then Sony and Microsoft will, and made far more money. Any feelings as to the quality of the systems is a different question entirely.


It did win, if you play hardware sales and ignore its atrocious software library.

"Atrocious" software library is a bit of a bizarre statement, isn't it? I'm still puzzled as to why people keep using such terminology for the Wii's software library, despite the wide range of quality content on the platform, most of which was exclusive.
This thread reeks of desperation. Wii won in terms of sales, Nintendo arguably had the best exclusives last gen, and arguably the best first party content. Wii forever shifted the gaming landscape, and as much as people want to pretend otherwise, motion gaming is here to stay, though I do suspect it'll be a while until it finds the right way to "function" in the market after the abandonment of the Wii and the Kinect.

Oh yeah. Motion gaming is totally here to stay. Look at all the motion gaming in the top selling console games of last year.

GTAV, Call of Duty, Pokemon X/Y, FIFA, Assassin's Creed IV, Disney Infinity, Skylanders, The Last of Us...

All big motion gaming titles.

Nintendo sold more systems then Sony and Microsoft will, and made far more money. Any feelings as to the quality of the systems is a different question entirely.

Uhm... you haven't been keeping track of sales numbers, have you? Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are a few million behind the Wii now. They will pass it in a year or two.


Gotta cling to something.

at the end of the day who "won" is pretty meaningless. This isn't the Olympics. Nintendo made a ton of money last gen but from what we know now, they did a far worse job of establishing a brand with it's users than both MS and Sony did.

I guess then the followup question I would pose is: Do you think that Wii's short term (relatively speaking) success ended up doing long term damage to Nintendo as a brand?

If you were to ask <Jane Mom of Two> what she knows about Nintendo, she would probably tell you something Wii related. People associate Nintendo with Wii. They are one and the same. Just like Wii and Wii U are one and the same. Given the state of Nintendo right now today, do you think that the Wii was a smart decision?

Iwata just read your post about finishing first and said "He's right. We win again!"

God dammit. I didn't think I would laugh so hard at this.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
"Atrocious" software library is a bit of a bizarre statement, isn't it? I'm still puzzled as to why people keep using such terminology for the Wii's software library, despite the wide range of quality content on the platform, most of which was exclusive.

I agree. It was filled with shovelware but it also had so many classics. And I'm talking non-Nintendo games too.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
Not that I think this discussion is entirely fruitful but where the hell are you getting the bolded from?
It's my estimate for this type of zealous, ridiculous conversation that almost begs for flame wars and results in zero conclusions other than that people have opinions.

It was my zealous, ridiculous response.


Not that I think this discussion is entirely fruitful but where the hell are you getting the bolded from?

At any rate, the WiiU's failing for the same reason that the Wii won: sales. Hell, pretty much the only functional difference between the WiiU and the Wii is the abysmal sales. They both were underpowered for the generation they were in, had anemic third party support, respectable but scarce first party support, severely undercooked online infrastructure, and revolved around a hardware innovation that after a while even Nintendo themselves lost interest in.

The quality is subjective but there was plenty of first party software from Nintendo for the Wii. They did not skimp in the quantity of games they released for the system compared to the Gamecube or N64.
It won because it sold the most units. You know, the barometer people have been using to gauge who won in every other generation to date. No idea why all of a sudden selling the most units doesn't count.
Because it has the most console sales and software sales.

Of course software sales will probably be passed up by one of the HD twins, console sales less likely. If it gets passed up two years from now will anyone give a shit though?

Also what do people mean by "wade through all the shovelware"? Do you people seriously go to gamestop and look through all the games without doing any prior research?
The better question is "Why can't people accept that the Wii won last gen?"

Because different people have different definitions for "winning".

Personally, I think that "winning" means selling the most consoles. Or maybe an argument could be made for the console that made the most money in total from games/peripherals/hardware etc. By either metric, pretty sure the Wii is still the winner!

If one of the HD twins happens to overthrow the Wii by the end of its life, then it will be the winner. Don't see it happening though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Uhm... you haven't been keeping track of sales numbers, have you? Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are a few million behind the Wii now. They will pass it in a year or two.

It's amazing how the Wii just rolled over and died.


Sound bitter here. People say the PS1 "won" three generations ago, PS2 "won" two generations ago so logically, the Wii "won" last generation. It sold the most and helped give Nintendo all that backup cash people refer to when saying they can endure the Wii U failure.

Also, in terms of closing the gap? Wii still sold respectably for a console with little support in the December NPD

Edit: You know what, I retract my statement about who "Won" the last generation, every console had their own strengths and weaknesses and in the end, I'm sure everyone was happy with whatever console they chose


I honestly never think the Wii is a part of last generation considering its PS2-era technology and just a Wii-mote controller is not an innovative one.


Gotta cling to something.

at the end of the day who "won" is pretty meaningless. This isn't the Olympics. Nintendo made a ton of money last gen but from what we know now, they did a far worse job of establishing a brand with it's users than both MS and Sony did.
Yeah, it says something when you can screw up as blatantly as MS did and still get a ton of console sales, while the Wii did great and the Wii U didn't do anything particularly egregious outside of being a fairly weak console (which didn't hold back the Wii) only to sell as badly as it did.

Though that can also be poorly communicating that they have a NEW SYSTEM and that the power level should've been at least roughly where the DC was relative to the PS2. Even Microsoft at least is in the same ballpark as PS4, enough to get the same games albeit usually at lower resolutions and/or FPSes, and they pushed the marketing beast to ensure that despite the fucking terrible name people knew it was actually a new console and not a new version of Kinect to stick into the 360.


The Wii won in terms of revenue.

But the PS3 had a vast library that catered to both fans of Japanese and Western games.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
Out of interest: Do they know about Wii U?

They do and they don't want it. I own one and I showed off Wii Sports online, but they didn't care for it. They like inviting friends over.

They ALMOST considered one after playing Luigi's Mansion in Nintendo Land. My mom was giggling like a fiend when she was the ghost. Funny as all hell.


Because different people have different definitions for "winning".

Personally, I think that "winning" means selling the most consoles. Or maybe an argument could be made for the console that made the most money in total from games/peripherals/hardware etc. By either metric, pretty sure the Wii is still the winner!

If one of the HD twins happens to overthrow the Wii by the end of its life, then it will be the winner. Don't see it happening though.

This is my favorite post in the Citadel. Basically answered my question.


Keep in mind that "closing the gap" still doesn't tell the whole story. The Wii hardware was profitable from day 1 as I remember, or the loss was minimal. Microsoft and Sony were taking a loss on hardware for several of the first years for the race.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
But the 360 had the quietest disc drive.

Compared to what? Not PS3, surely. My 360s all sounded like a helicopter taking off. Only my Dreamcast is louder.


Oh yeah. Motion gaming is totally here to stay. Look at all the motion gaming in the top selling console games of last year.

GTAV, Call of Duty, Pokemon X/Y, FIFA, Assassin's Creed IV, Disney Infinity, Skylanders, The Last of Us...

All big motion gaming titles.

You'll notice most Wii U games feature Wiimote controls for multiplayer, and some for single player. Kinect is still bundled with Microsoft's system. Obviously, there is a decline, since a new, worthwhile motion game has yet to appear that can match the power of Wii Sports last gen, but the technology is still there, and still being utilized. I doubt it ever reaches the "heights" of last generation, but I do think we'll see more interesting uses for it. I believe Zelda for Wii U will likely use it, for instance, and if so, will feature controls further refined from Skyward Sword.

The problem with motion gaming is that third party shovelware has attached a negative stigma to the technology. Eventually, the technology will overcome that, and find it's home as a viable option for developers that can enhance certain gameplay experiences, and make some possible that otherwise wouldn't be.


Nobody "won" last gen. I hate that term, especially because it is ultra vague and is exists only to fan the flames of fan-boy wars. These are gaming consoles and are simply gateways into a hobby, not competitors in a gladiator death match.

If someone wants to define the term "win" for everyone then we might be able to have a discussion that could be halfway decent. I also want to point out that something like "did the best last gen" is also super vague and subjective with meanings that could be "best at making money", "best for my subjective tastes in games", "best for the hardcore market" or simply a selection of the above. We have even already using all these subjective and situational things justify a "win" in this thread...
Nintendo did win last generation: They made tons of money, whereas Sony and Microsoft made net losses on their own consoles.


Uhm... you haven't been keeping track of sales numbers, have you? Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are a few million behind the Wii now. They will pass it in a year or two.

20 million is a few? The sales are only going to slow down from here on in. If they do catch up, it'll probably in 3-4 years and due to the machines still selling well in developing markets (as the PS2 did I believe). The Wii is still selling too, though not at nearly the same pace.


People who say the console had no games have no idea what they're talking about. Its library was at least as good as the GameCube's.


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
In sales Wii really did destroy just about everyone. End of story.

it won a battle not the war.

the console war is about market adoption indeed but the point is to attract publishers by having a large install base.

the Wii didn't win against the PS3 & 360 because it was not a direct competitor; the numbers it pulled didn't sway any publishers to focus on the console. The Wii managed to produce hardware revenue but other than that didn't win shit. It invented a new/different market. End of story.
What the hell does winning a gen even mean?

Most console sales?
Most software sales?
Manufacturer money earned? (Not always related to most console sales lest we forget)
Highest metacritic game review averages?

It's a fucking ridiculous concept. If its the first one (as it usually is) then it has no bearing on you the consumer whatsoever, and anyone gloating/jealous/getting salty, butthurt or otherwise upset about it should take a long hard look at their life and realise that the console that "won" the gen was the one that gave you the most enjoyment personally.


I don't think it's possible to give such a definitive answer right now.

Master System variations are still being legally sold in certain countries (Brazil and Latin America, I think.) Do we wait until that system is fully done before we say that the NES won that generation? PSP games are still being sold and the system is still on sale in Japan as well. Do we wait until the last visual novel comes out before we can declare the DS the winner of the portable generation? Hell, both Wii and DS games are still being made (licensed stuff mostly), so by that logic, can we not say that anyone "Won" either race last gen?

Lines have to be drawn sometime. As much attention as cross-gen games get, they're slowly starting to fade away, as the systems are closing in on 9 and 8 years on the market respectively. I'm not defending the Wii in any way, just saying that gamers are ready to move on, as are developers. So as such, whatever C-tier software comes out after the cross-gen blitz occurs won't give the systems the extra oomph they need to break 100 million worldwide.


Why do people call them the "HD twins" anyways?

They don't have the same parents, they don't look alike, they weren't even released on the same date!


I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I'm asking a legitimate question on a gaming forum. Is that not allowed any more? I didn't read that in the ToS.

But this doesn't make any sense. You can't calculate sales until everyone has stopped selling. Wii is selling next to nothing as far as units go. Whereas the competitors are still selling millions and will continue to do so for a LONG time. 5-10 years from now, it's going to be a very different picture. I don't think it's possible to give such a definitive answer right now.

Hence the question.

No one's going to be buying 360's 5 years from now.

No one's going to be buying 360's 1 year from now.

The PS3 is the only one that has a tail, and that tail is abnormally long.

The PS3 and 360 will not outpace the Wii. From a pure sales standpoint, the Wii did win last generation.

That being said, none of that will matter in 6 months time. The PS4 and XBone's first salvo of heavy hitters are out in less than 30 days, and even though it had the best game released last year, the WiiU has 2 retail releases in the same time frame. The state of the game has changed.
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