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Why the DS Rocks - Official Game Recommendation Thread


shooting blanks
Ok I love Hotel Dusk, what are other games just like that? I see Cing did Trace Memory and it's only 10 bucks used so I'm getting it...any other games similiar to that style? Love detective games and I also loved Pheonix Wright.


any really good rpgs with a great story you guys can recommend? no final fantasy or dragon quest please. thanks


ChrisGoldstein said:
Ok I love Hotel Dusk, what are other games just like that? I see Cing did Trace Memory and it's only 10 bucks used so I'm getting it...any other games similiar to that style? Love detective games and I also loved Pheonix Wright.

i guess maybe professor layton fits that category, its pretty good


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
ChrisGoldstein said:
Ok I love Hotel Dusk, what are other games just like that? I see Cing did Trace Memory and it's only 10 bucks used so I'm getting it...any other games similiar to that style? Love detective games and I also loved Pheonix Wright.



HK-47 said:

Layton is really not like Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory. It's a nice puzzle/brian teaser with a charming story and nice art, but the narritive is kind of not as strong as what CiNG has done with their games, and those two were full blown adventure games.
ChrisGoldstein said:
Ok I love Hotel Dusk, what are other games just like that? I see Cing did Trace Memory and it's only 10 bucks used so I'm getting it...any other games similiar to that style? Love detective games and I also loved Pheonix Wright.

I am going to say Dementium: The Ward. It's the not excatly the same, but it is a nice mix of touch-screen exploration and puzzles. It even has a notepad like Hotel Dusk.


shooting blanks
Thanks, Layton looks cool but yes I enjoy the story telling aspect of the Cing games. Dementium does look good, a friend of mine recommended it as well.

What do you guys think of Lost in Blue? I read the review on ign and I thought it sounded awesome, even though they hated on it quite a bit.
Here's some release date updates, all according to Gamestop.

Developer: Firaxis
Publisher: Take Two
US Release: 7/8/2008


Developer: Matrix / Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
US Release: 7/22/2008

• watch the trailer
• read the GAF thread


Developer: Treasure
Publisher: ESP
US Release: 8/12/2008

• read the official GAF thread
• watch the Tokyo Game Showtrailer


Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
US Release: 8/26/2008

• watch the trailer
• read 1up's preview
• read Silicon Era's preview


Developer: Maxis
Publisher: EA
US Release: 9/7/2008

• read the Wired Spore Creatures interview


Developer: Rare
Publisher: THQ
US Release: 9/8/2008


Developer: 5th Cell
Publisher: THQ
US Release: 9/15/2008


Developer: Matrix / Artepiazza
Publisher: Square Enix
US Release: 9/16/2008

• watch the trailer
• read the GAF thread


Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
US Release: 9/29/2008


Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Sega
US Release: 9/30/2008

• read IGN's interview with BioWare
• read GAF's info summary, part one
• read GAF's info summary, part one


Developer: SNK Playmore
Publisher: SNK Playmore
US Release: 11/18/2008

• watch the trailer
• read the 1up preview



GAF, I need help.

There was a period of time (a bit over a year) where I'd forgotten how awesome DS is. In a time where next-gen gaming has released its supposed biggest hits, with a few of them being underwhelming, I now turn to my DS, which hasn't gotten much love since I bought Pokemon Diamond/Pearl at launch last year.

The Chrono Trigger DS announcement just hyped me even more for my forgotten handheld. I have the original DS Phat from launch, haven't played any of the latest hits (Layton, Ninja Gaiden, Zelda, Contra, FFTA2, etc.), but just want to catch up a bit before this winter.

I want a new DS (will wait after E3 to see if a new model will be announced) and I want new games to welcome Chrono Trigger DS later this year. I'm an RPG fanatic, I've kicked every Zelda's ass outside Phantom Hourglass, I'll play anything, and I realize my roommates 360 and my Wii just don't cut it in a lot of departments (and WTF at the prices).

What should I do?

I've got a $10 Circuit City gift card. I'm thinking of The World Ends With You and something else. My roommate next year has Professor Layton. I'm leaning towards a $30 game like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, Zelda: PH, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, etc.

I've also missed out on the third and fourth Ace Attorney games. :(
i seriously doubt an english version of Chrono Trigger will be available this winter.

so unless you can read japanese you still have a lot of time. take you time a dont feel like you have to rush
Jammy said:
I want a new DS (will wait after E3 to see if a new model will be announced) and I want new games to welcome Chrono Trigger DS later this year. I'm an RPG fanatic, I've kicked every Zelda's ass outside Phantom Hourglass, I'll play anything, and I realize my roommates 360 and my Wii just don't cut it in a lot of departments (and WTF at the prices).

What should I do?

Etrian Odyssey II.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Riskbreaker23 said:
i seriously doubt an english version of Chrono Trigger will be available this winter.

so unless you can read japanese you still have a lot of time. take you time a dont feel like you have to rush
The official PR is titled "The Timeless Classic Teleports to Nintendo DS This Holiday Season", so they are aiming for a 2008 release. And the NA site is also already on air, albeit with no content beyond the clock ticking (just like the Japanese site).


I'm looking to pick up a few DS games today, and I'm looking for some advice on what to get.

I want to start getting into handheld gaming and some RPGs (its my only option right now as I am currently living in a TV less land so no consoles), but don't really know where to start.

As for previous RPG/DS purchases: (you can skip this for a little summary at the end)

The only "RPGs" I have ever played have been Paper Mario 64, Mario and Luigi something Time something, Super Paper Mario, and the 3d Zeldas. I played part of link to the past and liked it, but I Haven't been able to finish it yet due to the problem mentioned above. As for stuff I have tried and disliked, Pokemon Diamond. At first it was fun, but I'm not a fan of significant amounts of Grinding, especially when it takes as long as it does in Pokemon. Phantom Hourglass was ok, but I get the feeling I only finished it because it was a zelda game and I felt compelled to for that reason.

I recently picked up Lunar Knights, which I find to be awesome so far.

As for other Genres, I really dig advance wars and have both DS versions, Loved NSMB and Contra 4 (though I'm too much of a bitch to actually beat it), was kind of Iffy on Yoshi's Island DS and couldn't stand Megaman ZX. I'm also playing through Metroid Fusion after beating Super Metroid, and while I generally don't mind some indication as to what I should be doing (the reason I hated Megaman ZX), but even I think Fusion is a little excessive. Tried Dementium but got fed up with the way the bosses were laid out, and am also trying to get through Justice for All (which I enjoy, but think one Ace Attorney game is enough for the foreseeable future). I came into gaming during the 64 era, so I kind of missed the whole 2d thing and it makes me sad, and I would like to make up for it by picking up some awesome DS/GBA games.

Yea and sorry about the length of that, didn't mean for it to drag on, but basically I'm looking for a fast paced game thats not overly complicated or difficult.

Current thoughts:
Revenant Wings (interested in the RTS aspect) or
The World Ends with you
some platformer/sidescrolling action game (preferably with some sort of save system)
Also, I'm thinking about picking up Minish Cap or Zero Mission as well when I have the chance, but seeing as my local game store is a blockbuster that could be a while.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about games that fit the bill?

It seems like you like action RPGs, so I would suggest:

Summon Night I -- It's a GBA action RPG kind of like Tales of Phantasia. It's short and the story is kiddy, but I liked the weapon creation system and the battle mechanics.

Summon Night II -- (DS) I haven't played this one yet, but it looks to be an improvement over Summon Night I.

Final Fantasy CC Ring of Fate -- (DS) action RPG and dungeon crawler that's pretty fun and has coop.


charlequin said:
Buying Etrian Odyssey is never a mistake.
I actually got this a few days ago (I was really lucky, finding a copy in Costa Rica is near impossible), but haven't even touched it yet. All my time goes to FFIV, FFTA2 and Space Invaders Extreme these days. I guess I'll try it when I finally beat one of those... I heard it wasn't for everyone, but GAF loves it, so I thought I'd go for it.


Fireblend said:
I actually got this a few days ago (I was really lucky, finding a copy in Costa Rica is near impossible), but haven't even touched it yet. All my time goes to FFIV, FFTA2 and Space Invaders Extreme these days. I guess I'll try it when I finally beat one of those... I heard it wasn't for everyone, but GAF loves it, so I thought I'd go for it.

You should enjoy the other games first. When you play EO, it will consume you slowly until you're no more than an empty vessel, a soulless being with only the desire to pursue and kill floating orange balls.


Death Prophet
I picked up Professor Layton the other day and started playing it yesterday. God I suck at puzzles. Completely charming game though. I'm really enjoying it, despite my abilities.


vareon said:
You should enjoy the other games first. When you play EO, it will consume you slowly until you're no more than an empty vessel, a soulless being with only the desire to pursue and kill floating orange balls.
Yeah, after seeing what GAF has to say about it, it definitely doesn't sound like something that will do me good for my studies at all :lol


bafflewaffle said:
Developer: 5th Cell
Publisher: THQ
US Release: 9/15/2008


It's called just "Lock's Quest" the Construction Combat subtitle was removed... (thank goodness)
Has anyone played Commando: Steel Disaster? It's already released in Europe. Coming to NA September 2th. It'll be only $20 and I was wondering if it's better than Metal Slug 7.


I think TrackMania DS deserves a placement in the racing section, based on the trailer the game looks fucking awesome, and the graphics are seriously nothing short of amazing.

A placing for the upcoming Rhythm Heaven of future awesomeness would be good too :)

Also, I don't know how most feel about "the Brain Training games", but I found that, while I had no interest in it before I played it, both are surprisingly good for what they are. Both are worth it for the awesome Sudoku section alone: lots of puzzles (including save feature, different difficulty levels, tips to play) and the best implementation controlls to play the game I have seen. If it had some more puzzles it would be a full DS game, but instead it's packed in with the maingame. Let alone the rest of the package so you get great value for your money imo. If you can find it (perhaps for a cheap price), I would definitely recommend trying either of them.
Brain Age is a rough prototype, but Brain Age 2 is a masterpiece. Serious. (And BLUE>YELLOW) The training games should definitely be up there.

I popped in New Super Mario Brothers early this morning. Haven't been able to put it down. I'll have to play Yoshi's Island again, but I think this is the best Nintendo platformer. I've said that before, but this time I mean it. :lol Nintendo laid the pimp-hand down on this game. So, so fun. Best game on DS as far as I'm concerned and I recommend it to everyone.


Ethelred, your pici.se image host is down, so almost all pictures (except those from the tinypic account) in the OP are down :(


ATTN: DS GAFers, I REALLY NEED HELP. I am going to Turkey in a couple of days and I bought my cousin that lives there a Nintendo DS. I'm not 100% on his age but I believe he is around around 10 years old. What games would be good for him. He specifically states he wanted Nintendogs so that's a game I'm getting for him.

I'm looking for games that aren't text heavy. He can most likely read basic English because English is a mandatory class in Turkish schools. I've already thought of New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart DS.
YagizY said:
ATTN: DS GAFers, I REALLY NEED HELP. I am going to Turkey in a couple of days and I bought my cousin that lives there a Nintendo DS. I'm not 100% on his age but I believe he is around around 10 years old. What games would be good for him. He specifically states he wanted Nintendogs so that's a game I'm getting for him.

I'm looking for games that aren't text heavy. He can most likely read basic English because English is a mandatory class in Turkish schools. I've already thought of New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart DS.

Tetris DS and EBA.
Unless it has Nintendo listed in the credits, no more impulse buys based on positive impressions on the internet. Space Invaders Extreme. Final Fantasy III. Final Fantasy IV. Clubhouse Games (which is published by Nintendo, not developed). I thought I would like these games, but nah. I haven't gotten around to playing the two Castlevanias, the Ace Attorneys, Soul Bubbles, and The World Ends With You, but the only ones I think I might enjoy are the Ace Attorneys and Soul Bubbles. Seriously, I haven't been able to really enjoy third party games in a while. I guess they just don't put their best effort on Nintendo's systems, or maybe I just don't plain like the feel, but whatever the case is, it's gonna have to seriously turn my head if I'm gonna spend another 30-50 bucks. I'm gonna be tighter with my finances from now on.


I think I might be a very unique sort of person. I loved classic first-person RPGs. I logged many, many pleasant hours with the entire Eye of the Beholder series not to mention the time that I've put in with Nethack, Wizardry, The Bard's Tale and the like (though somehow I never played Might & Magic despite being aware of them).

Yet, I'm not very interested in Etrian Odyssey. I think because of the seemingly incredible necessity of mapping. I might be one of the only people who played through these games in the past that just never mapped them out. I didn't want to and I never really had any problems with them by not doing it.

So it's not that I'm fully averse to the genre (though it does seem like something I never really expected to play again) or that I think it's too hard and unforgiving (do reviewers these days just have no spine and expect to never die in a game and have to reload?), but somehow something just doesn't sit right with me. Primarily the mapping, but also the idea of going back to it.

Is it the sort of thing I should really try or would I be better off just going back and replaying the classics?


TheGrayGhost said:
Unless it has Nintendo listed in the credits, no more impulse buys based on positive impressions on the internet. Space Invaders Extreme. Final Fantasy III. Final Fantasy IV. Clubhouse Games (which is published by Nintendo, not developed). I thought I would like these games, but nah. I haven't gotten around to playing the two Castlevanias, the Ace Attorneys, Soul Bubbles, and The World Ends With You, but the only ones I think I might enjoy are the Ace Attorneys and Soul Bubbles. Seriously, I haven't been able to really enjoy third party games in a while. I guess they just don't put their best effort on Nintendo's systems, or maybe I just don't plain like the feel, but whatever the case is, it's gonna have to seriously turn my head if I'm gonna spend another 30-50 bucks. I'm gonna be tighter with my finances from now on.
You soulless being.


Death Prophet
TheGrayGhost said:
I haven't gotten around to playing the Ace Attorneys, Soul Bubbles, and The World Ends With You, but the only ones I think I might enjoy are the Ace Attorneys and Soul Bubbles.
I know this goes against everything you said, but seriously - buy Phoenix Wright. I can say that Phoenix Wright is my favorite IP of this entire generation.
I don't even like reading all that much, but it's really good. If you own a DS, and you haven't at least tried Phoenix Wright - something is wrong with you. :p
Fantastical said:
I know this goes against everything you said, but seriously - buy Phoenix Wright. I can say that Phoenix Wright is my favorite IP of this entire generation.
I don't even like reading all that much, but it's really good. If you own a DS, and you haven't at least tried Phoenix Wright - something is wrong with you. :p

I own all four. I just haven't gotten around to playing them. I played the first for a little bit and really, really liked it. That's why I said of the games I've yet to play, the Ace Attorney games are among the few I'll probably enjoy.


Death Prophet
TheGrayGhost said:
I own all four. I just haven't gotten around to playing them. I played the first for a little bit and really, really liked it. That's why I said of the games I've yet to play, the Ace Attorney games are among the few I'll probably enjoy.
Oh jesus. Well at least you've bought them. Get started right away. PW3:TaT is one of the best games I've ever played.

You can't really play PW a bit and understand what makes it so great. Get to about Case 3 in AA and you'll be like holy shit. *Case 4 is amazing*


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
TheGrayGhost said:
Unless it has Nintendo listed in the credits, no more impulse buys based on positive impressions on the internet. Space Invaders Extreme. Final Fantasy III. Final Fantasy IV. Clubhouse Games (which is published by Nintendo, not developed). I thought I would like these games, but nah.
pal, come to your senses! this game is like a test for being human - not liking it is an early symptom of de-humanization, in which case you really need to take action.
TheGrayGhost said:
I haven't gotten around to playing the two Castlevanias, the Ace Attorneys, Soul Bubbles, and The World Ends With You, but the only ones I think I might enjoy are the Ace Attorneys and Soul Bubbles. Seriously, I haven't been able to really enjoy third party games in a while. I guess they just don't put their best effort on Nintendo's systems, or maybe I just don't plain like the feel, but whatever the case is, it's gonna have to seriously turn my head if I'm gonna spend another 30-50 bucks. I'm gonna be tighter with my finances from now on.

Please play TWEWY! That is the ONLY single player game I've played all the way through this year. It's fantastic. I agree with you on the Castlevanias though, I wanted to like them, never could (besides the Gameboy version I played to death when I was 6 years old!).


Heh, funny how that goes sometimes. I never played a Castlevania game ever before Dawn of Sorrow on the DS (got it because of extremely possitive internet impressions). And I got that one second hand even, but I fucking LOVED it. I still need to get Portrait of Ruin though (I know a lot say it's not quite as good as DoS), and I look forward to the 3rd Castlevania for DS, seems pretty awesome. It's truly a shame they didn't do a real Wii version, instead some strange fighting game with Judgement.
New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart are obvious choices. Also DK Jungle Climber, Mario vs DK 2: March of the Minis or Super Princess Peach are great pick up & play games.
NSMB is my favorite DS game after Yoshi's Island DS.
About Mario Kart DS it's MK... so it's good. I would put it as the my 2nd fav in the series after Double Dash (have played all except Wii version). It has a good numbers of features like Mission Mode and Wi-fi (which is full of hackers btw) but I like the core gameplay in DD better. Anyway it's probably the best racer on DS.

Contra 4 is great, although it depends on if you like Contra or not.
Haven't played MM ZX but pretty much everyone series the GBA Zero series is better.

Bangai o Spirits is coming out tomorrow in NA so that might be up your alley.


Himuro said:
Meh @ new super mario bros. I thought it was disappointing.

Not sure about Mario Kart ds...how is it?
I was heavily disappointed with NSMB, to be honest. Do get Mario Kart DS though, it's by far the best MK game, IMO.


Gold Member
Himuro said:
I have barely any pick up and play games on my ds. Suggest me something good, gaf!

Bangai-O is coming out this week. Picross and Slitherlink are both very pick up and play, as is Meteos.
Alright so I think I'm joining the DS crowd tomorrow :D I'll be going to the nintendo employee store, so I'll be getting a refurbed model for $85, which will be nice. A few questions though

1) How are experiences with refurb models usually? Are they usually perfectly fine? I don't want the touch screen shredded to hell or anything.

2) Infamous question, but give me a small list of games that I should pick up while I'm there! I think I'll stay away from rhythm games early on (sorry, no EBA for now). FF IV? Animal Crossing? Mario Kart? NSMB? etc

3) Make sure you answer #2 first, but what would be some games to look forward to at the end of this year? I'm sure a lot will say Chrono Trigger, so no need for that. :D


Gold Member
Iced_Eagle said:
Alright so I think I'm joining the DS crowd tomorrow :D I'll be going to the nintendo employee store, so I'll be getting a refurbed model for $85, which will be nice. A few questions though

1) How are experiences with refurb models usually? Are they usually perfectly fine? I don't want the touch screen shredded to hell or anything.

2) Infamous question, but give me a small list of games that I should pick up while I'm there! I think I'll stay away from rhythm games early on (sorry, no EBA for now). FF IV? Animal Crossing? Mario Kart? NSMB? etc

3) Make sure you answer #2 first, but what would be some games to look forward to at the end of this year? I'm sure a lot will say Chrono Trigger, so no need for that. :D

I recommend Animal Crossing and FFIV, also The World Ends With You. And the games I mentioned above. There's actually a lot.

3. Dragon Quest IV, Kirby, Sonic Chronicles, Castlevania, Age of Mythology, etc. There's actually a lot.


listen to the mad man
Iced_Eagle said:
2) Infamous question, but give me a small list of games that I should pick up while I'm there! I think I'll stay away from rhythm games early on (sorry, no EBA for now). FF IV? Animal Crossing? Mario Kart? NSMB? etc

Honestly, the best way to approach things is basically to look at the top Metacritic games, and then crossreference what you find there with here to see if the look and idea of the game matches what you're interested in. There are a few genuinely great games that got poor-mediocre games, but if you're just jumping in for the first time there are more than enough good AND highly-reviewed games to get.

3) Make sure you answer #2 first, but what would be some games to look forward to at the end of this year? I'm sure a lot will say Chrono Trigger, so no need for that. :D

August: Bangai-O Spirits, Time Hollow (PC-style point and click adventure game, published by Konami), From the Abyss (Secret of Mana-style budget dungeon hack RPG, published by Aksys)

September: Lock's Quest (Desktop tower defence on steroids, published by THQ), Dragon Quest IV, Kirby Superstar Ultra (Port of Kirby Superstar from the SNES)

October: Exit DS (DS version of the PSP/XBLA puzzle game; basically a thinking puzzle-platformer with controls like the old Prince of Persia or Flashback, published by Square-Enix)

November: Moon (horror-ish FPS, looks gorgeous for the DS; published by Mastiff)

Undated, 2008: Age of Empires Age of Mythology (THQ), Castlevania OoE (Konami), Sonic Chronicles (SEGA), Populous DS (Xseed), Retro Game Challenges (difficult to explain, but awesome, Xseed)

AFAIK Undated 2008/2009: Viva Pinata DS (THQ), Metal Slug 7 (Ignition/SNK), Away Shuffle Dungeon (Majesco), Avalon Code (Xseed).


Himuro said:
I have barely any pick up and play games on my ds. Suggest me something good, gaf!

I guess I *could* go with Mega Man ZX Advent. COULD. I'd import Rhythm Tengoku Gold but I'm waiting for the US release. There's also Contra 4...

I have barely any pick up and play games on my ds. Rocket Slime's not enough.

I like Meteos and Metroid Prime Pinball for my pick up and play games personally. Both are great to get in some quick action and not get stuck in anything that you can't easily put down at at moment's notice.


Ok, that's a nice list, but rather than publisher and developer I'd really like to know the genre and have at least a one-line description of the game. Otherwise I'm going on nothing but titles for the games I haven't heard of.
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