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Wii? Non! - Nintendo Land |OT|


Will QA for food.
Only two crashes prior to today, but had half a dozen tonight in Nintendo Land. At this point, I'd feel uneasy about inviting people over to check it out.

Finally started to dig into Zelda in between the crashes. It's actually a pretty fun and difficult game. The first stage doesn't do it justice.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
How do you keep the question mark blocks opened up?

Seems like everytime I walk through the park I have to re-open these things.


Only two crashes prior to today, but had half a dozen tonight in Nintendo Land. At this point, I'd feel uneasy about inviting people over to check it out.

Finally started to dig into Zelda in between the crashes. It's actually a pretty fun and difficult game. The first stage doesn't do it justice.

Yeah this is not something you want people to see. But luckily my friends know and understand that these things happen. I just disconnected the internet connection and it stopped. Hopefully the get it totally fixed the first time and speed up the OS some. That's all I want.


How do you keep the question mark blocks opened up?

Seems like everytime I walk through the park I have to re-open these things.

Far as I can tell it doesn't save when you open a box, only when you get one, do a game, etc. So if you open up all the boxes at the end of your playtime, they won't be opened when you go back in. Or at least that's what was happening to me.
After a weekend of playing this with a group of 5 people, I can safely say this was a great buy. I was skeptical of getting this because I thought it would be somewhat shallow, and in some senses I still think it is, but that doesn't stop this from being a blast to play.

The big hits were definitely Battle Quest, Ghost Hunt, and most surprisingly Sweet Day.

Going into Sweet Day I did not think it would be such a hit with our group, but after about 2 games to get the hang of it, everybody was super excited about it. There's a lot of strategy involved, and it's really challenging to control 2 characters at once.

Ghost Hunt is also pretty surprising to me. I didn't expect this to be this fun from the way they had presented it.

The game with the most squandered potential I feel is Battle Quest. While it's like a more in depth version of showdown from Wii Sports Resort, that's about all it is except in a Zelda skin. There was a lot of opportunity for team and verses play here if they had not limited play to on rails. Players could have explored for treasure and more effectively fought enemies, rather than helplessly run directly into a group of them. Which reminds me, it really bothers me that the archer can only dodge arrows. It really should allow you to dodge at any time.

While I'm dishing criticism to Zelda, there's something I've been wondering all weekend. Do any of you think Nintendo would consider adding content at some point? Adding levels and gametypes to the attractions would be something that could keep this game amazingly fresh.


I finally got my first crash earlier today, rather appropriately during DK's Crash Course. :(

Which reminds me, it really bothers me that the archer can only dodge arrows. It really should allow you to dodge at any time.

That would be way too cheap. The whole point of the archer is to keep enemies at distance; if you can avoid damage when they're close-up, it's just going through the motions.

Fighting bosses with the archer is a tad too easy for this reason, it just turns into a series of QTEs.

I pretty much agree anyway, I ultimately liked Zelda more than my pre-release demo impressions would suggest, but it was disappointing. Still fun as hell with 4 friends though (not so much with strangers, I found).
That would be way too cheap. The whole point of the archer is to keep enemies far away, if you can avoid damage when they're close-up, it's just going through the motions.

That is the point yes, but in solo play it's entirely to easy to find yourself surrounded by enemies as the archer. It's not balanced well to have the player getting beat up and not being able to do anything about it.

Really, if it wasn't on rails this wouldn't be an issue. Rails add nothing to this gameplay.


That is the point yes, but in solo play it's entirely to easy to find yourself surrounded by enemies as the archer. It's not balanced well to have the player getting beat up and not being able to do anything about it.

Really, if it wasn't on rails this wouldn't be an issue. Rails add nothing to this gameplay.

Ahh, I dunno, on the first runthrough each level it definitely can be problematic, but once you know when and where to expect the enemies to show up, keeping them at bay isn't too difficult. But yeah, definitely about the rails thing. ;(

Actually, a good solution to this problem would have been for each time you take damage, you just automatically run backwards a moderate distance.


How do you keep the question mark blocks opened up?

Seems like everytime I walk through the park I have to re-open these things.

Do you have a yellow button/switch in your plaza near the central tower? if you press that it will open/close all of the boxes and keep them that way.


This game got a really bad rap, mostly from the horrible first impression it gave at the end of Nintendo's E3 presentation. It's a shame because the more you dig into it, the more you uncover how much of a labor of love it really is. Some of these games are really addictive and deeper than what you'd expect.

(Though I am a little miffed that Zelda's minigame sort of got the shaft in terms of freedom of control.)


Just did a 57 seconds run on Donkey Kong red course, I'm pretty proud! (even though I crashed twice in the last zone, shame on me)

Am I reading that right that Metroid Blast is the only game in multiplayer requiring a nunchuk?

That is right

edit : 53 seconds run on the red course, and I also made it to the fourth board, seems like a bit of a challenge but I have to go back to work for now.


While I'm dishing criticism to Zelda, there's something I've been wondering all weekend. Do any of you think Nintendo would consider adding content at some point? Adding levels and gametypes to the attractions would be something that could keep this game amazingly fresh.
Which mode were you playing for Zelda? There's a whole series of 8 or 9 levels, and there might be extra difficulty levels afterwards. It seems like quite a few of the attractions have additional difficulty after you beat the initial stages, which already can get pretty tricky. The last couple stages of the initial Zelda stages got pretty difficult when you reach the bosses.
Does anyone wish THIS was actually Miiverse? It would be incredible to turn on your Wii U and Nintendo Land would be the main menu.

It would be like a fun version of Playstation Home.


Mastered Zelda archer levels 1-5, Metroid levels 1-5 today, and gold-starred the ninja (can't remember name).

Played through the rest of the initial Zelda levels, gonna be tough to master 'em all, methinks.

Still have more to do with Takamura (remembered!) and have barely touched Yoshi and octopus. Game's got legs.
Yea this game is actually refreshingly awesome. haters gonna hate

some of the stamps are BRUTAL, and makes me wonder why they didn't think of moving forward with a console-wide stamp collection. Not that I'm hunting or obsessing over any stamps, or that I mind that we don't have a persistent system in place, but it is an oversight


Holy shit the
4th level
in DK's Crash Course is fucking insane. I can get to it without losing a single life but once I get to the third checkpoint... GG. This game needs to be made into an eShop title because it's ridiculously addicting.


Not problem today with single player games for a few hours. Six hard locks last night. Two the entire week before. Tough to say it's cured yet.

I got a hard lock tonight right after I set up my mii plaza to accept visitors from eveywhere once again.

Well I'm pretty amazed I just did a 46 seconds run on the red course, and there's still room to improve. I got a comment on miiverse from the 38.9 seconds guy saying basically "come get me bro" :p

Holy shit the
4th level
in DK's Crash Course is fucking insane. I can get to it without losing a single life but once I get to the third checkpoint... GG. This game needs to be made into an eShop title because it's ridiculously addicting.

I think it would be a great full game if they ever integrate leaderboards, replays and a way to share them + a map editor (the trackmania model). That and more boards obviously. I think it would most probably be a hit in Japan, I don't know about other regions though. I know I'd buy it the instant it comes out, it really appeals to the competitive player hidden inside me.


I got a hard lock tonight right after I set up my mii plaza to accept visitors from eveywhere once again.

Well I'm pretty amazed I just did a 46 seconds run on the red course, and there's still room to improve. I got a comment on miiverse from the 38.9 seconds guy saying basically "come get me bro" :p

So does that mean it shows you worldwide leader boards? On the giantbomb live show it looked empty


So does that mean it shows you worldwide leader boards? On the giantbomb live show it looked empty

No sadly there's nothing but local leaderboards. I've been using miiverse to post screenshots of my scores, and some other players have been commenting and posting theirs too. That's the closest thing we have to online leaderboards.

edit: Finished the 4th (and last?) DK crash course board. You get a badge for that. There's a 600 seconds time limit though, I was lucky I finished the whole thing with 20 seconds left.

So here's the list of 5 badges for DK crash course and how to get them :

1- Reach zone 3 without crashing (self explanatory)
2- Cutting corners : You get this one by skipping a flag during your course, I usually skip #3 just like in this video posted before.
3- Skip 30 bananas : You'll have to use a few shortcuts and ignore some parts of the course to get this one, it takes a bit of practice but it isn't hard once you know where the shortcuts are.
4- Save the princess twice : Complete the 4 boards.
5- Perfect run : Complete the 4 boards without crashing I presume, haven't got this one yet.

I have also found a funny shortcut on the blue course in Zone 5. Right after you cross the flag, rather than getting inside the big rotating platform, try to get above it and then just turn it so you can get to the other zone :p
My wife and I had fun with some of the games tonight. They are enjoyable and a laugh in multiplayer. Gotta love the music too.

Question though:

Does anyone know how to add more than one Mii in Nintendoland? Got my Mii as the main account, then imported my wife's too (from 3ds) , but in Nintendland only mine shows up, anyone know how to fix that?
Does anyone know how to add more than one Mii in Nintendoland? Got my Mii as the main account, then imported my wife's too (from 3ds) , but in Nintendland only mine shows up, anyone know how to fix that?
If I'm not mistaken, you just have to favorite both of them for them to appear.

Only favorites Miis appear in the game I think.

Davey Cakes

To make other Miis appear in Nintendo Land (and presumably other games), you have to go into your Mii Maker and select whichever ones you want as "favorites." Like on Wii, when you'd make a Mii a "favorite" and it would get a little red crown. Only, this time you get up to 50 favorites instead of 10, and the process is more streamlined.

I'm not sure exactly why there's a limit, but I guess it makes for good control over what Miis appear in games. 50 is a lot, when you think about it. Prevents you from having to scroll through too many screens of Miis to find which one you want to play as.

I feel bad. On launch day when I had a party, I didn't import Miis right away and select favorites, so people mostly had to play as generic "guests" for the evening. I figured it out before everyone left though, and got to play some Zelda: Battle Quest with three others, playing as myself, Ganondorf, Hitler, and Hank Hill.
Thanks to both of you :)

The game is rad and full of charm. I'd be well happy if Animal Crossing looked like that on Wii U (keeping the 60fps clip).
So I think it's cool that my Mii and my Fiance's Miis are always walking together and going on attractions with each other. I didn't notice this until my little sister was playing with her Mii in Nintendo Land.


So here's the list of 5 badges for DK crash course and how to get them :

1- Reach zone 3 without crashing (self explanatory)
2- Cutting corners : You get this one by skipping a flag during your course, I usually skip #3 just like in this video posted before.
3- Skip 30 bananas : You'll have to use a few shortcuts and ignore some parts of the course to get this one, it takes a bit of practice but it isn't hard once you know where the shortcuts are.
4- Save the princess twice : Complete the 4 boards.
5- Perfect run : Complete the 4 boards without crashing I presume, haven't got this one yet.

I have also found a funny shortcut on the blue course in Zone 5. Right after you cross the flag, rather than getting inside the big rotating platform, try to get above it and then just turn it so you can get to the other zone :p

Where did you go to see the badges?


Does this game still hard lock for people connected to the Internet?

Are you playing with a second profile when this happens?
Yesterday when I started playing I had no problem and this morning when my wife started playing using her profile it was unplayable.

One other thing to note which might be part of the problem.
When playing with my profile we used her Mii for multiplayer fun, maybe using the same Mii with another profile creates the problem.

Note this is all speculation I haven't had time to test things out.


Are you playing with a second profile when this happens?
Yesterday when I started playing I had no problem and this morning when my wife started playing using her profile it was unplayable.

One other thing to note which might be part of the problem.
When playing with my profile we used her Mii for multiplayer fun, maybe using the same Mii with another profile creates the problem.

Note this is all speculation I haven't had time to test things out.

Well it's definitely not the only reason because I did none of these things when mine hardlocked. Just seemed to happen after the Miiverse actually started working (got actual Miis in the plaza and in Nintendoland). But after I disconnected the internet connection I had no more problems.


Had another freeze tonight, lots last night. I can confirm it seems net related. Was having freezes last night when I was the only/main profile. Not connecting my Wii U to the net seemed to help.
Really disappointing that the internet hard locks haven't been fixed yet. Figured they would have it sorted out by the European launch.
I've been struggling to find any info on this anywhere, but does anyone know what are the prerequisites for unlocking all the stamps for the entire game?
We played Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion (and another which I cannot remember right now) last night with Wii Motion+ controllers and no sensor bar (I left it in the box, will not be connecting it). Those games worked fine with it.

Also, the Ninja star throwing game didn't need a sensor bar, which I thought it would as you're aiming on screen (with the Game Pad).


We played Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion (and another which I cannot remember right now) last night with Wii Motion+ controllers and no sensor bar (I left it in the box, will not be connecting it). Those games worked fine with it.

Also, the Ninja star throwing game didn't need a sensor bar, which I thought it would as you're aiming on screen (with the Game Pad).

Yeah but you're pointing the sides of the Game Pad at the screen and there are no infrared ports on either side. It's all gyro control.


Where did you go to see the badges?

When you launch a mini game, it shows your mii, it's name, what trophy you got for that game, your best score and 5 little icons showing if you got the stamps or not. Right next to those, there's like a check list you can tap on the touch screen that gives you more details on them.

I think it only shows this screen the first time you launch the game per session. If you want to see it again you'll have to exit to the plaza, then launch the game again.

Also, you can see all the stamps, coins, gifts and trophies you've unlocked in the plaza by clicking your mii. Trophies are shared between your miis, everything else is mii specific.

Well it's definitely not the only reason because I did none of these things when mine hardlocked. Just seemed to happen after the Miiverse actually started working (got actual Miis in the plaza and in Nintendoland). But after I disconnected the internet connection I had no more problems.

Yup it's definitely related.

In other news, I think I've hit a wall with speedrunning crash course, I canot get below 44 seconds. I wanted to claim the WR for GAF but alas :(


Do you have a yellow button/switch in your plaza near the central tower? if you press that it will open/close all of the boxes and keep them that way.
I don't seem to have a yellow button/switch. Is it located near the red button that brings up the tutorial videos?

Can anyone else speak to this or how it might be unlocked?


The F-Zero game really surprised me. Hadn't thought of that control scheme, but it works surprisingly good and it's already a favorite of mine.


I don't seem to have a yellow button/switch. Is it located near the red button that brings up the tutorial videos?

Can anyone else speak to this or how it might be unlocked?

Yup it's in the vicinity of that one (as well as other unlockable buttons that look just like it with different colors).

You probably need to unlock that one then, I know I got it pretty early in the plaza.

google search gave me this:

The F-Zero game really surprised me. Hadn't thought of that control scheme, but it works surprisingly good and it's already a favorite of mine.

I don't know, it doesn't seem to control right for me, I get easily frustrated whenever I start it. It's not that I was expecting F Zero GX, I knew it was just a racing mini-game, but my brain can't get around using the pad as a "floating" steering wheel. I'm not fond of the control scheme at all but I'll give it a bit more of an effort and report back.


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