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Wii? Non! - Nintendo Land |OT|


(more a nerd than a geek)
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?

So far so good for me. Played every multiplayer game there was last night. And, haven't had the Wii U freeze on me yet in general. Also own NSMBU and ZombiU.


Booted this up for the first time, and had a lot of fun. The wife loved it, and I did too. We haven't played all the games, but the zelda quest with 2 people was great. And seems prettty deep. Looking forward to putting some more time into this one. Miiverse integration seems pretty cool...and I like how it encourages you to explore the random miis for bonus coins, and you can see their in game accomplishments. Very cool.

EDIT: I really would love online multiplayer for this...would really strengthen the community.

NNID is Nicktals, feel free to add me through miiverse!


Will QA for food.
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?

Haven't tested Nintendo Land multiplayer for a couple of days, but it was working smoothly for me. Only freeze I've had on the system was in the F-Zero game.


Have you tried simply disconnecting from the internet and playing offline?

Found this (below) in another thread and it actually worked for me. I don't know which part of it is necessary, but it worked:

Deleted Update Data for Nintendo Land from the Wii U Settings menu under Data Management.
Launched Nintendo Land and allowed it to update completely.
Immediately after the software started and the plaza was shown, pressed the Home button on the controller to bring up the system menu.
Chose "Miiverse" from the system menu.
Selected "User Menu" > "Settings/Other" from within Miiverse.
Selected "Miiverse Settings" next.
Under "View community posts from users with which system language?" Changed the option from All Languages to "English Only".
Exited Miiverse and the game continued to work normally for the first time.


Sounds like a blast, but ONLY if you have tons of friends over. What if you play alone or at the most with 2 people though?
The game is indeed tons of fun with 5+ people parties because everyone wants to join in and be the ghost. The competitive games (mario, luigi, animal crossing) are best for groups of at least 3.

For 2 people, my wife and I have been having lots of fun in the cooperative (zelda, pikmin, metroid) games because these require a bit more strategy/planning. We're a bit competitive too, so beating each others' high scores in the single player games is pretty fun as well.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?
Yes, my game just hard crashed 4 times in a row.

I think it has to do with my wiimote being low on batteries, but I cannot confirm this.


Yes, my game just hard crashed 4 times in a row.

I think it has to do with my wiimote being low on batteries, but I cannot confirm this.
System has never hard locked yet. Just happened 3 times in a row. Twice on DK and once on Zelda. GamePad is fully charged.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?

I just had it lock up twice on the multiplayer controller option menu.


Will QA for food.
Hilarious that all these hard crashes made it through QA. I guess they knew about it, but couldn't delay the launch obviously.

Yes, my game just hard crashed 4 times in a row.

I think it has to do with my wiimote being low on batteries, but I cannot confirm this.

I don't think it's specifically Wiimotes causing the crash, since I've had it lock up in games where I'm not using the Wiimote at all. Seems like it might be background systems running and interfering with the game? No clue. Hopefully they patch it out soon. Glad NA can serve as the final few weeks of QA before the Japanese launch. :p
Mine just locked up twice within 2 minutes to loading it up twice in a row... Something is definitely going on all of a sudden. Just look at Miiverse.


Just made it through Crash Course #2. It's not too bad but Area 9 is pretty tricky.

I think platinum trophy is at about 7500 points (I got it at 7900). I made it through to halfway of course #3 and then my console hardlocked.

Finally made it to board three in DKCC. Didn't last too long. Is there a fourth?

yup apparently there's a fourth board, it's a harder version of the blue course.

I have identified a bunch of other possible shortcuts on the first course but they're extremely hard to reproduce. I'm surprised at the depth this minigame has.


Disconnecting the system from the Internet seems to fix the crashing/freezing/hard locks for now.

This worked for me. It seems that the Miiverse integration is causing this when connected to the internet. It definitely sucks that I can't play this game as intended, though. I hope it gets patched really soon


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Loving the game adding my lock up data.

Had wii u sitting horizontally, played for 2 days or so with no lock ups, mins after my brother posted a drawing of his dog we got tons of lock ups. Shut it down for the night and played other games.

Next morning tried Nintendo Land again and it still locked up 3 time. Moved all my data to the 32gigs in the system and set up the Wii U vertically, have had 0 lock ups in the last 2 days of playing.

Haven't had any other crashes in any of the other games I have (Tekken, ZombieU, Mario, DarkSiders, Mass Effect, Scribblenauts and batman).


Disconnecting the system from the Internet seems to fix the crashing/freezing/hard locks for now.
I set the miis visiting you in Nintendoland to my console current language only (french) and I haven't experience a hard lock since. Thanks to whoever suggesred it!
I put a bit of time on the red course and I can do 70 seconds runs consistantly now, I wish there was a way to link to miiverse screenshots.
Also, if anybody wants to add me to his friend list, that's be cool! I have none right now, my NNID is Madouu.
Game sounds really buggy. Got basic set so don't have it, but I was planning on it being my next game for sp stuff. However I simply can't tolerate lockups so I won't be buying this until its patched.

That said, looks like a better game than I imagined! Can't wait too get my hands on it and join yall in the Miiverse fun!
Bother - everything was going well, but as of an hour ago, our copy freezes every time we enter a multiplayer menu. The Miiverse is filled with complaints about freezing, so SOMETHING is going on.

Anyone else having problems with Nintendoland multiplayer?

Happened four times in a row to us. I'm wondering if it's a network issue.


Game sounds really buggy. Got basic set so don't have it, but I was planning on it being my next game for sp stuff. However I simply can't tolerate lockups so I won't be buying this until its patched.

That said, looks like a better game than I imagined! Can't wait too get my hands on it and join yall in the Miiverse fun!

I have no freezing or crashing whatsoever, nor have I with any Wii U software. I still suspect that bad internet connections or interference are primarily to blame for those with issues. The game isn't buggy in the slightest.
Game sounds really buggy. Got basic set so don't have it, but I was planning on it being my next game for sp stuff. However I simply can't tolerate lockups so I won't be buying this until its patched.

That said, looks like a better game than I imagined! Can't wait too get my hands on it and join yall in the Miiverse fun!

The game in itself is not buggy, it must be something related with the Miiverse integration that is causing the freezing.
Pikmin adventure is the most beautiful looking attraction in Nintendo land IMO. any idea as to when we can expect an. iwata asks on this game?


The game in itself is not buggy, it must be something related with the Miiverse integration that is causing the freezing.

Yeah I had my first lock-ups today. Kinda weird because before we played I had installed the update. Worked fine for the first hour or two. Then we got a hard lock in the middle of playing Sweet Day (which we played a lot of and played a lot during launch when we had a 5 hour session of Nintendoland). Then we tried playing Metroid and got a hard lock. I finally went and deleted the update, downloaded it again and reinstalled it, but then I deleted the internet connection. So I dunno if the update thing helped but without the connection we had no more lock ups. I hope they get everything ironed out soon. Really kind of kills a big part of the Wii U when the connectivity isn't working.


I just realized the first time I had deleted/reinstalled the update data I had turned on "English Only" in Miiverse only. There are settings IN Nintendo Land for the same thing. I changed that as well and it hasn't frozen up since. It might be that?

I know I didn't have any at all when I deleted my internet connection so it's absolutely SOMETHING with Miiverse or online.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Game sounds really buggy. Got basic set so don't have it, but I was planning on it being my next game for sp stuff. However I simply can't tolerate lockups so I won't be buying this until its patched.

That said, looks like a better game than I imagined! Can't wait too get my hands on it and join yall in the Miiverse fun!

Yeah, as others have said, the game itself isn't buggy at all. It's the netcode that's bringing in Miis into the plaza.
Finally started getting hard locks in Nintendoland. Only started after I tried to play with more than 2 players.

We'll try deleting the update and switching to english only.


I... I don't quite understand what happens when he just kind of flies over that section where the first set of coins usually appear. I get most of the rest of it (though I certainly couldn't reproduce it of course).

lol he purposefully sacrifices himself as he crosses one of the flags. I guess that's one way to not care about speed.


Are the hard locks still happening today? I fixed it last night by unplugging the internet connection. Do we still have to do that today or did it get fixed?


If I were buying games solely for myself, I'm certain I never would have given Nintendoland a chance. And it's not deep, at least not from what I can tell in a couple days' worth of play.

But wow, I've had more fun playing this game with my (non-hardcore-gaming) family in the past 48 hours than anything else ever, Wii Sports/Resort included.
I was trading in systems at Gamestop and one of the first topics of covnersation with the dudes there was Nintendoland and freezing.

They asked me if it only happened to me during that game and I said that it also happened once or twice in New Super Mario Brothers U and they said there will probably be a patch soon.

Of course nothing is official that I have heard but I am sure this can't go unnoticed, it's the only real bummer about the system for me.

By the way, these guys at Gamestop were actually cool and they were very high on ZombiU.
Yeah, as others have said, the game itself isn't buggy at all. It's the netcode that's bringing in Miis into the plaza.
It doesn't matter whats causing it, it still crashes and I don't bother with games that crash, especially as often as this one does. I'm not going to disable online either when I wanna be connected to Miiverse 24/7. Its not like there a simple switch to turn that on or off like it is on 3DS.

Oh well. Guess I'll get this at the end of December when I get more money, granted its patched by then. Will spend this months money on a different WiiU game.


lol he purposefully sacrifices himself as he crosses one of the flags. I guess that's one way to not care about speed.

This is something I do too because the timer stops after you cross that flag, it saves you about a second.

Great run, that shortcut in the middle of the course I would have never thought of, I thought 69s was pretty good but I think I can do way better now.

I... I don't quite understand what happens when he just kind of flies over that section where the first set of coins usually appear. I get most of the rest of it (though I certainly couldn't reproduce it of course).

You can reproduce most of it! the hardest part is finding the shortcuts
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