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Wii U launch attach ratio=1.2, Wii launch attach ratio=2


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
this numbers can't be with the bundled nintendoland...

75% of the 425k wiius were deluxe edition -> 319k nintendoland
243k nsmbwu according to npd numbers

those two games combined make 562k games sold...divided by 425k wiiu = attach ratio above 1.36

and this numbers are without zombiu, separately sold nintendoland, scribblenauts and any other games

so the question is: are the wii numbers with or withput wii sports?...

or am i not seeing something?
So this ratio must be without nintendoland then. Which would put the number of retail games per console somewhere around 2.
2007 When I bought my Wii, I bought WiiPlay, ZeldaTP, and Excite Truck (plus a nunchuk)
2010 When I bought my PS3, I bought AC.
2012 When I bought my WiiU, I bought COD, ZombiU, and NSMBU (plus a pro controller)

I think it has to do a lot with costs. I bought my Wii and only that and the console was $100 less which in itself is about two games. I bought the PS3 along with a TV. I bought my Wii by itself, but purposefully had more free cash to spend at the same time. (sold PS3 and Wii lol)

I think this ratio is wrong. I believe another firm recently said it was over two games. I'll wait for Nintendo's quarterly report in January. Also... damn at 360's.. is that right?

EDIT: As others also said... digital sales likely not included and I know A LOT of people who bought digitally only or mostly.
My launch period buys:

Wii (6 weeks)
-Wii Sports (bundled)
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Excite Truck
-Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
-Metal Slug Anthology
-Super Mario Bros. (VC)
-The Legend of Zelda (VC)
-Solomon's Key (VC)
-F-Zero (VC)
-Super Castlevania IV (VC)
-Sim City (VC)
-Super Mario 64 (VC)
-Sonic the Hegdehog (VC)
-Gunstar Heroes (VC)
-Ristar (VC)
-Bonk's Adventure (VC)
-Military Madness (VC)
-Alien Crush (VC)
-R-Type (VC)

Xbox 360 (6 weeks)
-Condemned: Criminal Origins
-Ridge Racer 6
-Dead or Alive 4
-Hexic HD (XBLA, bundled)
-Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (XBLA)

Wii U (1 week)
-Nintendo Land (bundled)
-New Super Mario Bros. U (eShop)
-Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (eShop)
-Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (eShop)
-Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition (eShop)
-Trine 2: Director's Cut (eShop)
-Nano Assault Neo (eShop)

I went sort of VC crazy at Wii launch. And it didn't stop there. :/


My ratio was 5.1.

NSMBU, ZombiU, Trine 2, Nano Assault Neo, Puddle. Obviously NL pack in too.

Loving all of them too :)

As launch line ups go, this has been great fun.
It's a poor lineup if you own a 360 or PS3. It's a pretty good lineup if you never owned neither.

I think it had a pretty damn good day 1 lineup. The problem it kind of goes nowhere after that. Nintendo blew everything at once and nothing is really coming for another 2 months.
I think it had a pretty damn good day 1 lineup. The problem it kind of goes nowhere after that. Nintendo blew everything at once and nothing is really coming for another 2 months.

Dunno about you, but by the time I finish with all the launch stuff I got it'll be March or April. I have 7 games to go through now, probably get a couple-3 more before the end of the year.


I have a question. Are all these comparisons using a same time frame. When they say system launch, how many days are they counting?

The articles says that the original wii tie ratio was was for its first month

While the original Wii saw two games sold for every console in its opening month on shelves in 2006

does that mean just in November or for a full month after release? Because obviously WiiU hasnt been on shelves for a month yet. And how long is the period for 360 and PS3?

I would like to believe that these comparisons are using a comparable time frame, but just double checking.
All my Wii U titles are digital, I even gave my sister NintendoLand as a gift and bought the digital version. The DVD plastic cases nightmare is finally over XD


Wii was bundled with a game and Twilight Princess launched with it. BAM, two games.

Wii U has limited appealing games, arguably the two best exclusive games have limited appeal (ZombiU) and have been done to death with a 3DS version just having released a few months earlier (Mario U).


Oh man, an oldie but a goodie - games are selling on Nintendo, just not REAL games. So if you don't count... what all was on this list at one point.... Nintendo first party games, music games, Lego games, party games, Carnival games, Fitness games, Popular License games, Wii sales are terrible and it's totally collecting dust in closets.

I didn't say don't count them. Publishers sold many games and made tones of money if they used the wii right


Wii was bundled with a game and Twilight Princess launched with it. BAM, two games.

Both Wii and Wii U tie ratio don't include software bundled with consoles.

Anyone trying to defend Wii U by saying "Every Wii was bundled with Wii Sports! Obviously it was higher" is only making it look worse.


Both Wii and Wii U tie ratio don't include software bundled with consoles.

Anyone trying to defend Wii U by saying "Every Wii was bundled with Wii Sports! Obviously it was higher" is only making it look worse.

I think my larger point was Twilight Princess > Mario U, was not aware of bundle software being excluded. That really doesn't make sense for the Wii U seeing as console owners have a choice, and Wii Sports wasn't included with Wii's outside of NA if I recall correctly.

Wii U is missing unique and desirable software. Wii had a better launch line up and better gimmick for Joe Public to buy into. Not defending shit, trying to analyze why the discrepancy exists.


It's a poor lineup if you own a 360 or PS3. It's a pretty good lineup if you never owned neither.

For the most part, impressions from the ports don't inspire much confidence. I never owned PS360, and would totally jump on the likes of Batman right now, but to hear it's suffering from poor framerate and other issues (which aren't guaranteed to ever be patched) is discouraging


Just Dance with AC has propped Ubisoft up the last few years

Yeah true, I missed Ubisoft they are doing phenomenal with the Just Dance series on Wii. Also left out that the all the Lego games do alright for whoever publishes them. But on the whole, third parties didn't do well on Wii. The mini-game and budget license flood saturated the market and made it so only major titles with lots of marketing could break through the noise. They have no ones to blame but themselves.


Don't know if there is a more recent article, but in March 2011 Wii wasn't too behind the other systems:



The idea that Wii software didn't sell because of the casual audience was overblown by some gaming websites but never really held true. The narrow lens of gaming media and forums would lead one to believe that people put their Wiis in the closet after Wii Sports or Wii Fit, but the data doesn't back that up at all.


The December 2011 U.S. Tie Ratio from Gamasutra artcile -


Maybe I'm really misunderstanding LTD tie ratio but when I see these numbers I have to ask why are there so many damn games made over the years. Even if people have different taste and don't buy the same thing there is a lot of stuff that does not get bought and there is a lot of money wasted on products that simply don't sell.

Fox Mulder

There's not shit out. I bought NSMBU just cause, but it's entirely understandable if people got their fill of that on the wii or 3ds. ZombiU is another good one, but I haven't picked it up yet. Everything else either didn't interest me or I had it on the 360 already.


Holy Order Marion 182659 said:
It has Mario either way.

Well, rather than Mario, It has NSMB, which people are understandably sick to absolute death of. I just wish NSMB2 had never been made and more effort was put into the overall package of U, because there's a lot of great design past the initial worlds, its just stuck in this thick wrapper of recycle and nonsense that undermines it.

Props to Nintendo for making a game with a proper difficulty curve again though, heck it curves too hard if anything, I'm impressed, now apply this to Zelda.
I like my Wii U but damn, the Wii launch had two of my favorite games- Twilight Princess and EXCITE! I think I sunk more hours into those two games than almost anything else that first year.


I like my Wii U but damn, the Wii launch had two of my favorite games- Twilight Princess and EXCITE! I think I sunk more hours into those two games than almost anything else that first year.

excite truck was amazing and excite bots was even better, minus the lack of SD music support

was so sad to find out excitebots bombed as hard as it did.


For the most part, impressions from the ports don't inspire much confidence. I never owned PS360, and would totally jump on the likes of Batman right now, but to hear it's suffering from poor framerate and other issues (which aren't guaranteed to ever be patched) is discouraging

You're missing out. Batman is a blast and after 12 hours I haven't run into or noticed any problems. Rent the games if you can before you let bad impressions make you miss out.

More demos on the eshop will help a lot of these games sell more. Miiverse is selling me on a few games I didn't plan on buying.


Batteries the CRISIS!
More variety, yes. But who are the early adopters? Gamers. Gamers already have platforms to play pretty much the whole Wii lineup on. Gamers didn't have a platform to play Twilight Princess on six years ago, and the Wii U simply doesn't have a launch exclusive of that caliber.

Yes they did, it was called the GameCube.


King Snowflake
I am not sure how large of an effect this is but the Wii was in high demand, every console was bought and many were resold on ebay. Now there are many thousands of bought systems sitting for sale on ebay and many unslod completed auctions. There are 3k for sale, 18k+ completetd and only 7/50 on the first page were resold. Who knows how many more there are out there. It may have lowered the attach rate a few percent.

I only bought Mario, and will likely not buy another game until Zelda or Metroid launches unless my wife wants something.


You're missing out. Batman is a blast and after 12 hours I haven't run into or noticed any problems. Rent the games if you can before you let bad impressions make you miss out.

More demos on the eshop will help a lot of these games sell more. Miiverse is selling me on a few games I didn't plan on buying.

12 hours and not an issue? That does sound more enticing...Yeah, here in Mexico I haven't really checked if they're renting Wii U games already, will probably give it a go via rental at least. Demos would do wonders for many games too, I bet!


It's really really simple.

Common Nintendo Fan During Wii Purchased.

Zelda + ExciteTruck. Maybe Red Steel.

Common Nintendo Fan during Wii U Purchased,

NSMBU + 1 third party game? or Nintendo Land if no premium.

Blame Sing Party. Sing Party is the weak link.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I wonder how third parties are going to react if those rumored Zombi U numbers are true. Red Steel sold much better despite being a piece of shit.
1.2 is fine especially with the higher cost of the hardware, and assuming that people bought a Pro Controller to go with it

also... I predict Nintendo is going to stack next year (and especially end of next year) with ridiculous amounts of software to make sure the Wii U is compelling vis a vis the 720/ps4...

at 299 w/ Nintendoland next November and 50+ games (including 3-4 AAA games), dual tablet functionality, upgraded software/OS, apps, Wii U TV, etc - it should do really well

next year will be like 2001 all over again IMHO (PS2 software, Gamecube launch, Xbox launch)
also... I predict Nintendo is going to stack next year (and especially end of next year) with ridiculous amounts of software to make sure the Wii U is compelling vis a vis the 720/ps4...
When was the last time Nintendo had a killer first party lineup for a holiday season? Usually it's one or two big names at the most. As for killer third party support, I wouldn't hold my breath...


Just got deluxe and NSMBU, so I'm "part of the problem". Will get Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, probably Rayman Legends (depending on how I like the demo), maybe Bayonetta 2 if I like Bayonetta (I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet), maybe, maybe Game & Wario, etc.

For the launch window, FPS aside from Borderlands just don't interest me, and I'm too sick of sports games right now to get one full price. Also, I don't like horror, so Zombi U is out. Didn't like Mass Effect 1, never cared about Assassin's Creed (though my brother does, but he has a 360 now. May get AC3 for WU though). Still need to play Batman Arkham Asylum, so Arkham City has to wait for that.

Forgot Scribblenauts. I'm being selfish and waiting for $30 or cheaper on that one. $40 had me close to buying, but it's too much money at one time. Will prolly get a DD game or two, but those don't count.


Weird. I expected most people to get SMB along with Nintendoland, which I'm not sure counts or not. Also, the launch lineup is pretty good, but the only downside is most of the ports are hot garbage it seems. Then again ZombiU looks pretty rad.


Weird. I expected most people to get SMB along with Nintendoland, which I'm not sure counts or not. Also, the launch lineup is pretty good, but the only downside is most of the ports are hot garbage it seems. Then again ZombiU looks pretty rad.

Pretty sure bundled NLand isn't counted, since ~75% of consoles sold were deluxe. That plus NSMBU alone would put it above 1.2, I think (someone did the math earlier).

Still, could definitely be better.
It's really really simple.

Common Nintendo Fan During Wii Purchased.

Zelda + ExciteTruck. Maybe Red Steel.

Common Nintendo Fan during Wii U Purchased,

NSMBU + 1 third party game? or Nintendo Land if no premium.

Blame Sing Party. Sing Party is the weak link.

Might have made more sense if you said zelda + red steel. Didn't excite truck crater sales wise?
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