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XBL: Games with Gold


dont think there's ever been a month that both PS+ and GwG get the same games so if anything it might be a June game at the earliest

it's also not a very good game so let's hope it doesn't come to GwG

Closest I think was PS4 getting Valiant Hearts and GWG getting Child of Light.
Don't think that was the same month though.


dont think there's ever been a month that both PS+ and GwG get the same games so if anything it might be a June game at the earliest

it's also not a very good game so let's hope it doesn't come to GwG
They've never gotten the same game on the same month, so I'm not sure why that's your prediction xD

The Walking Dead was I think?

I was thinking DR3 in June alongside a DR4 announcement at E3. Make it the second half of the month game, after showing DR4 come on stage and say DR3 is free with gold right now would be a pretty big boost for GWG and DR. But who knows, you could be right.

Woah there calm down, watchdogs wasn't THAT bad. It had it's a lot of problems but it was fun to mess around with.

Not likely. They really have nothing to do with each other.

When do we usually get an announcement? The last Tuesday of the month?

It's usually the last Thursday of the month but it's not a set in stone date. The last Thursday of April is only 2 days before May, so we might see it Tuesday or Wednesday instead.


Yeah, I think having Dead Rising 3 for June would make more sense to tie in with DR4 announcement which I feel is almost certain for E3.


DR4 at E3?

Did 3 sell enough for MS to really want a fourth one?

It sold decently, they've already confirmed one is in the works (to some degree) and MS persons have said repeatedly that there are other games coming this year "yet to be announced"

My guess is we'll see DR4 and it will be a "coming THIS fall" but I could be wrong on that...just a hunch


It sold decently, they've already confirmed one is in the works (to some degree) and MS persons have said repeatedly that there are other games coming this year "yet to be announced"

That's Forza Horizon 3 and maybe a remake/remaster/bc compilation of sorts.

DR4 will be 2017 if it's coming. There's no way they release it this year when Recore, FH3, Gears 4, Sea of Thieves are all coming alongside smaller indie games like Cuphead, etc.


That's Forza Horizon 3 and maybe a remake/remaster/bc compilation of sorts.

DR4 will be 2017 if it's coming.

Very possible. Worth noting that Dead Rising 3 was announced and released same year and that the typical break between Dead Rising Games puts a good chance on 2016. :shrug: I guess we'll see, but we've been working solely on that since DR3 release, so they've had plenty of time for Fall 2016.


Very possible. Worth noting that Dead Rising 3 was announced and released same year and that the typical break between Dead Rising Games puts a good chance on 2016. :shrug: I guess we'll see, but we've been working solely on that since DR3 release, so they've had plenty of time for Fall 2016.

Hmm it's possible then but I don't see it. Maybe Spring 2017 with Scalebound? there's way too many games releasing this year exclusives wise, unless DR4 is a November release since they don't have anything then. But over saturation of big franchises Forza, DR and Gears doesn't help the new IP's Recore and SoT so I'm going with 2017 still.


Hmm it's possible then but I don't see it. Maybe Spring 2017 with Scalebound? there's way too many games releasing this year exclusives wise, unless DR4 is a November release since they don't have anything then. But over saturation of big franchises Forza, DR and Gears doesn't help the new IP's Recore and SoT so I'm going with 2017 still.

You may be right, it would most likely do better in Spring 2017, who knows. Also, FH3 hasn't been officially announced, so maybe that pushes? I dunno, we shall see


Defense Grid 2



Hopefully the other games are more to my liking, have no interest what so ever in DG.

I find it weird that it's showing as free before TWAU/SO tho, usually it's after.


Just best it. Game's fantastic all the way through.

I am loving it. I started the download back when it was available but just didn't get to start it. Once I got into today, I put 4 hours in. Character creator is great, music suits the mission tempo, and most of the humour is on point. I have the Season Pass, I don't know how it fits in yet.


I am loving it. I started the download back when it was available but just didn't get to start it. Once I got into today, I put 4 hours in. Character creator is great, music suits the mission tempo, and most of the humour is on point. I have the Season Pass, I don't know how it fits in yet.

Oh shit, I didn't even realize there was DLC! Yeah, the game has the old Tony Hawk Proskater vibe. Irreverant yet fun. Sunset City is so fun to traverse. It's basically a giant playground. The weapons are all varied and awesome as well.


Well I've got no interest in Defense Grid 2. I'm not into tower defense games at all. But it seems to be a legitimately good game so good for those that are into the genre.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Oh joy, another tower defense game.

Honestly the King's Quest error (?) thing is more interesting to me. :p Gonna go check if Chapter Two is available here too for free!


Anyone have problem with saint row ??? Everytime i play the game about 1h after the game completely freeze.

I play the game for the first time i really enjoy it but everytime that happen i just want to throw my controller lolol
Yup it freezes for me now and then, it's a pain. Generally happens when there's a lot of explosions and action happening.


I'd actually quite like CQ2, but it's really not the right month to release it!

That said, those 'worth' labels look a little wonky. What sort of leaflet is that?
The AAA streak is over... I was really hoping the could push Dead Rising 3 or Ryse for those that didn't get them at launch or were later adopters.
Hope they bring some AAA titles back in june if they want to brag about it at E3.
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