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XBO Cloud Implementation Examples

Nope. Same thing. It's like downloading "Player's DNA" on that snooker /pool game and playing a game against that "player". And there's no cloud involved there. The cloud is full of promise, but as I said no more promises please. We need to see this in action.

Wrong - because:

Ghost is simply an exact replica of someone's race on that track. Drivatar is an AI driver that is supposed to have learned your driving tendencies and replicate them.

Yes it is different.


Is drivatar really that different than competing against your "ghost" like many driving games have been doing for years on end?

i dunno. i haven't played a racing game in years (besides playing forza through game sharing) but isn't generally the ghost a transparent copy of your fastest lap? i remember some sob story about how some dude used to play some rally game with his dad and his dad kept beating him. then like 10 years later his dad died and he found his old xbox and booted up the game to remember it. well his dad's ghost was still in there. finally he almost beat his dad's ghost, but then turned off the system so his dad could live forever in his xbox.

i don't know if the drivatar calculations are accurate representation of how the person is drives in his game, but forza 5 was the first racing game since GT3 (the one that killed racing games for me) that i played a bunch of.

edit: beat me.
Supposed to doesn't sound really convincing. Would the A.I. driver learn to drive in reverse the whole race if I did?

Well I know that my mate Jon's drivatar drives like he does - a complete sod, blocking and braking in front of me... Honestly drivatars are pretty awesome IMO to make a more 'human feeling' racing experience. I don't necessarily think they're a great example of the benefits of cloud computing in gaming (which are more with offloading cpu work in realtime), they're more just "offline processing of data" that happen to be running on cloud servers.


I thought drivatars were horrible, it turned every offline race in Forza 5 into a recreation of a public race online with the Aim breaking for no reason on straights, everyone just crashing into each other at cornets etc.

It going to be interesting to see how the tech matures. I can live with online focus games coming with always online requirements so they can utilise the cloud, but if random 3rd party RPG's start coming with one so they can have grass physics or some such then I'll take my money elsewhere.
so what if you don't have net or get disconnected

power of the cloud dream is dead?

This is back to the old point that, for me, a Cloud enabled game is an always online game. That isn't too hard for me to conceptualize.

I know that the OP quote went on to say that they had an online and offline experience scoped out but I can't see that being a pleasant experience.

Use the Cloud on an always online title and be done with it. I'm convinced it wont hurt sales if it's a good game given the wealth of titles you need to be online to play.


I miss this quote in the OP from same user:

Such a waste a money.
Jup. But I can't really blame them with the way the internet would respond to hearing about an online-only game.

This does makes me wonder what MS is doing with their own first-party studios/IPs, do they make them "two-in-one" as well or are they going to make it online-only?
Supposed to doesn't sound really convincing. Would the A.I. driver learn to drive in reverse the whole race if I did?
Doubt it never saw one do that. Turn10 has most probably put up some safety nets that prevents people from being assholes by doing dumb things like that.

That said. Drivevatars are fundamentally different from ghosts, to say that they're ghosts is simply incorrect.


If its works very cool indeed.
I still remain very skeptical until i play a game.
I think there are alot of unanswered questions about cloud gaming for example "What happens if i lose internet looses connection?".
Its the same as PS now. I dont think the general infrastructure is ready for cloud gaming.


I thought drivatars were horrible, it turned every offline race in Forza 5 into a recreation of a public race online with the Aim breaking for no reason on straights, everyone just crashing into each other at cornets etc.

It going to be interesting to see how the tech matures. I can live with online focus games coming with always online requirements so they can utilise the cloud, but if random 3rd party RPG's start coming with one so they can have grass physics or some such then I'll take my money elsewhere.

You're experience with Drivatars was true for the first month after release. But then they were actually trained enough to allow for normal races. Nine months after launch I don't see those mass crashes at the start of a race anymore.
I think there are alot of unanswered questions about cloud gaming for example "What happens if i lose internet looses connection?".

Are you concerned about internet connection when playing COD or Titanfall and will you be worried about it when playing Destiny? Will you not buy those games just because they require you to be online? (COD excepted for single player which no-one plays anyhow)

The unanswered questions are whether it works or not.


I'd fire my game designer if game allowed for such game-destroying mechanics

horizon2 will have drivatars roaming the open world. I think some interesting observations could be made then.

Well afaik, you play against either your friends drivatars (if one of them is a dick, just block him) or against drivatars with good times. So if someone would drive the oposite direction, and his drivatar would learn from that, it wouldn't destroy the game in any way. However, I bet your drivatar only takes the data from your race if you finish, and it seems pretty hard to finish a race if you are driving backwards ;)


Are you concerned about internet connection when playing COD or Titanfall and will you be worried about it when playing Destiny? Will you not buy those games just because they require you to be online? (COD excepted for single player which no-one plays anyhow)

The unanswered questions are whether it works or not.

What i meant is :
What happens if the server is down?
Can i just dont play the game anymore?
Will it be rendered on my XB1 with worse framerate or something?
I dont have any problems with always online but what happens if Microsoft/Sony decide that the additional "power from the cloud" will not work on a 5 year old game anymore?


did titanfall on PC harness the power of the cloud for the bot AI?

PC version (Windows) shares the same servers with Xbox versions.

Apparently all the background action happening on Titanfall maps is processed by the cloud servers which are also used for AI soldiers and auto-titans.

Would be cool to see games like Destiny using that functionality in same way as Titanfall did. As great game Destiny is, there is not that much happening in the singleplayer or multiplayer maps.
For the sake of this argument, I'll assume that using the cloud works as intended. Here are a couple of concerns. The first is cost. Azure is a CPU farm but the demonstrations that use it seems to be better geared towards GPU usage. What this means is that Azure will have to throw a lot more horsepower, and thus money, at solutions than is necessary. Is it really going to be economical to use Azure for any game that wants it?

Second, Azure adds complexity to development. Kampfheld already mentioned that to do it right you have to code everything twice, once when your console has access to Azure, and the second time when it doesn't. This would continue Microsoft's transformation into Sony of 2006, where coding for the console is significantly more difficult than it's competitor. In addition, if a game always has to be able to fall back to offline mode, that means that using "The Cloud" can't affect gameplay in any meaningful way.

The only other option to requiring a split online/offline code base is to require a network connection for every game, even if it is single player. That is worse than the 24 hour check, and we all know how well that went over. It would inevitably cause problems during peak usage periods like during a game's release, because if enough capacity exists to handle that load at that time then it wold be wasted the 90% of the time when it is not needed.

In addition, places with poor internet connections could find this new breed of games unplayable. Imagine buying an XB1 because you love single/couch coop Halo and Gears of War, only to find out that you can't play them because the game requires a good internet connection even for these modes.


Very cool that we are moving towards implementation examples for this stuff. Can't wait to see this stuff in action.

EventHorizon said:
For the sake of this argument, I'll assume that using the cloud works as intended. Here are a couple of concerns. The first is cost. Azure is a CPU farm but the demonstrations that use it seems to be better geared towards GPU usage. What this means is that Azure will have to throw a lot more horsepower, and thus money, at solutions than is necessary. Is it really going to be economical to use Azure for any game that wants it?

MS has been messing with GPU in their Azure infrastructure. Either way, CPU is perfectly suitable for physics calculations.

EventHorizon said:
Second, Azure adds complexity to development. Kampfheld already mentioned that to do it right you have to code everything twice, once when your console has access to Azure, and the second time when it doesn't. This would continue Microsoft's transformation into Sony of 2006, where coding for the console is significantly more difficult than it's competitor. In addition, if a game always has to be able to fall back to offline mode, that means that using "The Cloud" can't affect gameplay in any meaningful way.

I'm fine with always needing an online connection. The biggest game this year will require one at all times.

EventHorizon said:
The only other option to requiring a split online/offline code base is to require a network connection for every game, even if it is single player. That is worse than the 24 hour check, and we all know how well that went over. It would inevitably cause problems during peak usage periods like during a game's release, because if enough capacity exists to handle that load at that time then it wold be wasted the 90% of the time when it is not needed.

Dynamic scalability is what PaaS and IaaS is all about. Instances are spun up when they are needed, and dropped when they are not.
MS has been messing with GPU in their Azure infrastructure. Either way, CPU is perfectly suitable for physics calculations.
I didn't say a CPU could not do the calculations, only that it is less efficient. The question becomes "Just how many CPUs have to be backing every XB1?" It's like if a developer showed a demo of a fantastic looking game, and later you find out that it needs to run on a PC with the most powerful GPU available to work. Sure it might make a great demo, but it is not practical to expect it to actually run like that.

I'm fine with always needing an online connection. The biggest game this year will require one at all times.
That's great for you, but as I mentioned there was a huge backlash against the 24 hour checkin. Now imagine that every Microsoft game requires a good constant internet connection. How do you think sales of the XB1 would go if Microsoft said that all future Halo and Gears of War games would require an internet connection at all times? It's one thing for a third party game to require an internet connection. It is quite another when all future exclusive games for the console requires it. The XB1 severely cuts its potential userbase if it becomes an online only console.

Dynamic scalability is what PaaS and IaaS is all about. Instances are spun up when they are needed, and dropped when they are not.
I got that, but there is always a maximum required capacity, and that max capability if highly variable. If Azure was in full use right now, how much demand do you think would be placed on its servers? Now how much demand will be placed on their servers after Halo 5 drops? The point is that if you have enough capacity to handle a Halo 5 launch, then you have excess capacity that goes unused in times like now. For business uses it all averages out because different businesses will have different usage patterns, but the demand that comes from games always spikes around individual releases.
And I assume you are going to need xbox live gold for getting your cloud grass, even if you are not using any other aspect of xbox live?


The biggest game this year will require one at all times.

No, you can play the master chief collection single player as well ;)

In seriousness though i'm all for MS pushing online tech as hard as they can but it remains to be seen how effective it is in gaming. I hope Crackdown 3 looks amazing because of it - excited to see what Cloudgine can do.


Can you link to this documentation.

here's a copy-paste of the declaration in new features for Unreal Engine 4.4

Xbox One

New: Improved handling and cleanup of orphaned Xbox Live sessions.
New: The initial version of an Xbox Live Compute online subsystem server module was added.
New: The engine is set to use the July 2014 QFE1 XDK by default.
Optimized cache flushing in HandleSpecialUnlock.
Packaging of content only projects giving an error about an empty file group has been fixed.
Slightly optimized texture cooking time.
Fixed several texture tiling corruption bugs.
Fixed a crash in Xbox Live session management
Fixed an issue that was preventing the FOnSessionInviteAcceptedDelegate from firing if the game wasn't already running when the user accepted an Xbox Live game invite.


Neo Member
For the sake of this argument, I'll assume that using the cloud works as intended. Here are a couple of concerns. The first is cost. Azure is a CPU farm but the demonstrations that use it seems to be better geared towards GPU usage. What this means is that Azure will have to throw a lot more horsepower, and thus money, at solutions than is necessary. Is it really going to be economical to use Azure for any game that wants it?

Second, Azure adds complexity to development. Kampfheld already mentioned that to do it right you have to code everything twice, once when your console has access to Azure, and the second time when it doesn't. This would continue Microsoft's transformation into Sony of 2006, where coding for the console is significantly more difficult than it's competitor. In addition, if a game always has to be able to fall back to offline mode, that means that using "The Cloud" can't affect gameplay in any meaningful way.

The only other option to requiring a split online/offline code base is to require a network connection for every game, even if it is single player. That is worse than the 24 hour check, and we all know how well that went over. It would inevitably cause problems during peak usage periods like during a game's release, because if enough capacity exists to handle that load at that time then it wold be wasted the 90% of the time when it is not needed.

In addition, places with poor internet connections could find this new breed of games unplayable. Imagine buying an XB1 because you love single/couch coop Halo and Gears of War, only to find out that you can't play them because the game requires a good internet connection even for these modes.

Well said.

Xbox 1 Cloud computing is more than 'simple' cloud computing.

It is trying to have local resources working in tandem with remote resources for real time applications.

Pure fantasy stuff. At best this research belongs to theoretical computer science.


I didn't say a CPU could not do the calculations, only that it is less efficient. The question becomes "Just how many CPUs have to be backing every XB1?" It's like if a developer showed a demo of a fantastic looking game, and later you find out that it needs to run on a PC with the most powerful GPU available to work. Sure it might make a great demo, but it is not practical to expect it to actually run like that.

Current games do most or all of their physics on CPU cores. Be specific. What sorts of physics are you expecting and what kind of CPU power do you think it needs?

That's great for you, but as I mentioned there was a huge backlash against the 24 hour checkin. Now imagine that every Microsoft game requires a good constant internet connection. How do you think sales of the XB1 would go if Microsoft said that all future Halo and Gears of War games would require an internet connection at all times? It's one thing for a third party game to require an internet connection. It is quite another when all future exclusive games for the console requires it. The XB1 severely cuts its potential userbase if it becomes an online only console.

You made quite a leap here. Not every game needs this, and certainly not every game wants the costs associated with it. Games likely to benefit are ones where the computations are shared among many people. Online games. But it also appears that MS has no qualms about making single player ones. They will likely be the only dev to do so.

I got that, but there is always a maximum required capacity, and that max capability if highly variable. If Azure was in full use right now, how much demand do you think would be placed on its servers? Now how much demand will be placed on their servers after Halo 5 drops? The point is that if you have enough capacity to handle a Halo 5 launch, then you have excess capacity that goes unused in times like now. For business uses it all averages out because different businesses will have different usage patterns, but the demand that comes from games always spikes around individual releases.

Are you worried that Azure doesn't have the hardware capacity to handle this? Or worried about the cost of having a large server enough farm and having others pay for their use? Because that is the whole concept of a cloud service provider.

here's a copy-paste of the declaration in new features for Unreal Engine 4.4

Isn't it open source now? Can someone take a look at what is in that module?


so the thing that kind of worries me about this is what happens in 10-15 years when you want to play a game that offloads some of this stuff to the cloud? I get the feeling that there will be an expiration date on any game that uses the cloud in any meaningful way.


Well said.

Xbox 1 Cloud computing is more than 'simple' cloud computing.

It is trying to have local resources working in tandem with remote resources for real time applications.

Pure fantasy stuff. At best this research belongs to theoretical computer science.

Look at the post above yours. It is real. It is coming. Games are being made. It is merely a matter of time to see what it is capable of, what it requires, and whether it is worth it.
It would inevitably cause problems during peak usage periods like during a game's release, because if enough capacity exists to handle that load at that time then it wold be wasted the 90% of the time when it is not needed.

No no no - the whole point (pretty much the key feature) of cloud computing, and why it's far better than a static/dedicated-to-one-title server farm, is elastic scale to cope with that kind of traffic pattern.

Demand goes up? You can just spin up 1000 more Azure Compute instances automatically as your code detects that you're running out of capacity.

Demand drops again? The Azure Compute instances deactivate.

This is also a reason why I hope cloud-based games will have a longer tail than games with the traditional style of publisher-hosted servers... There's not as much of a need to "shut down servers for game X" if you can just have a handful of compute instances running in the cloud at minimal cost. (Obviously the operational support costs are also a factor - but you lose the whole cost of maintaining physical servers in a data centre).
so the thing that kind of worries me about this is what happens in 10-15 years when you want to play a game that offloads some of this stuff to the cloud? I get the feeling that there will be an expiration date on any game that uses the cloud in any meaningful way.

See my previous post - I reckon you're better off with cloud compute (compared to dedicated servers) as it's trivial to scale it right down to a tiny number of compute instances, without the overhead of maintaining a bunch of old legacy servers in a data centre.

edit: I get it though you're saying "compared to an offline-only game"... yes, obviously the cloud dependency is different there - you have to assume that the cloud is integral to the game experience rather than just there for some minimally important reason so it wouldn't make sense to have the "offline only" version?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Well said.

Xbox 1 Cloud computing is more than 'simple' cloud computing.

It is trying to have local resources working in tandem with remote resources for real time applications.

Pure fantasy stuff. At best this research belongs to theoretical computer science.

Hardly. It's not fantasy, it's quite straightforward, but in the realities of a network you have to work within limitations. Limited bandwidth, latency, lossiness and just economics.

Economics are actually the part I'm most curious to know about - i.e. what MS is providing and at what cost. Knowing that would make it easier to compare to alternatives and to ascertain the potential.

No no no - the whole point (pretty much the key feature) of cloud computing, and why it's far better than a static/dedicated-to-one-title server farm, is elastic scale to cope with that kind of traffic pattern.

Demand goes up? You can just spin up 1000 more Azure Compute instances automatically as your code detects that you're running out of capacity.

Demand drops again? The Azure Compute instances deactivate.

Yeah, that's the idea for the client application, but on a fundamental level he's right. The capacity planning is shifted to the cloud provider, but the problem is still there. The client application doesn't have to worry as long as resources are available, but sometimes resources are not because of problems up the chain at the cloud provider. I mean I believe MS even had these kinds of problems already around launch for example. Resources don't come out of thin air, even if the client/application isn't worrying about them anymore.


so the thing that kind of worries me about this is what happens in 10-15 years when you want to play a game that offloads some of this stuff to the cloud? I get the feeling that there will be an expiration date on any game that uses the cloud in any meaningful way.

The main thing is who are going to make these games? The multiplat guys aren't going to be so keen on an online only Xbox platform specific title, or catering their development to take advantage of different technology profiles (remembering how much they loved to cater to the cell last gen).

It's only Microsoft that are going to be able to support this and they demonstrated at Gamescom where they think they should be putting their money.

So yeah, great idea. Needs support if it isn't to become another nice idea but no games thing like the Move or the WiiU gamepad.


The main thing is who are going to make these games? The multiplat guys aren't going to be so keen on an online only Xbox platform specific title, or catering their development to take advantage of different technology profiles (remembering how much they loved to cater to the cell last gen).

It's only Microsoft that are going to be able to support this and they demonstrated at Gamescom where they think they should be putting their money.

So yeah, great idea. Needs support if it isn't to become another nice idea but no games thing like the Move or the WiiU gamepad.

This isn't just MS going in this direction. Cloud computing is a known commodity. If EA wanted to, they could create BF4 VMs that could be dynamically allocated via pretty much any IaaS service.


It's funny how a number of people in gaming don't believe in the cloud. That's exactly how enterprises behaved...and now a bunch of them are moving to the cloud or a mixture of cloud and on-premise. Also funny how many (all) of you use the cloud (non-gaming) and don't even know it. Oh well, carry on.


It's funny how a number of people in gaming don't believe in the cloud. That's exactly how enterprises behaved...and now a bunch of them are moving to the cloud or a mixture of cloud and on-premise. Also funny how many (all) of you use the cloud (non-gaming) and don't even know it. Oh well, carry on.
Saying "(all) of you" is a big statement to make, especially when you don't know the people behind each account ;)
but sometimes resources are not because of problems up the chain at the cloud provider. I mean I believe MS even had these kinds of problems already around launch for example.

Do you have a source for more info? I mean, other than occasional outages which hit all cloud providers (unfortunately!) I'm not aware of any specifically related to Azure reaching capacity - I'd be staggered if that were the case.
It's funny how a number of people in gaming don't believe in the cloud. That's exactly how enterprises behaved...and now a bunch of them are moving to the cloud or a mixture of cloud and on-premise. Also funny how many (all) of you use the cloud (non-gaming) and don't even know it. Oh well, carry on.

ignorance and fear of change always blind people


I understand the potential and limitations of cloud computing in games, I just don't see it being widely adopted.

Kampfheld said:
If I could show you a screen comparison of our latest build right now - Azure on/off (no, sorry, I can't ...), you would understand what I am talking about. Wind, dynamically moving vegetations, footprints that stay for hours and even wildlife nearly without losing any local CPU power. This is just awesome in the right situations.

Hopefully when the game is announced we'll be able to see the differences with and without the cloud.
What i meant is :
What happens if the server is down?
Can i just dont play the game anymore?
Will it be rendered on my XB1 with worse framerate or something?
I dont have any problems with always online but what happens if Microsoft/Sony decide that the additional "power from the cloud" will not work on a 5 year old game anymore?

At this stage, my personal assumption is that all games using this feature will inevtiably be online only so no internet, no game at all.

I would think that the last question you pose (old servers) is addressed by:-

No no no - the whole point (pretty much the key feature) of cloud computing, and why it's far better than a static/dedicated-to-one-title server farm, is elastic scale to cope with that kind of traffic pattern.

Demand goes up? You can just spin up 1000 more Azure Compute instances automatically as your code detects that you're running out of capacity.

Demand drops again? The Azure Compute instances deactivate.

This is also a reason why I hope cloud-based games will have a longer tail than games with the traditional style of publisher-hosted servers... There's not as much of a need to "shut down servers for game X" if you can just have a handful of compute instances running in the cloud at minimal cost. (Obviously the operational support costs are also a factor - but you lose the whole cost of maintaining physical servers in a data centre).

If I have any concern over the cloud implementation beside whether it fundamentally works, it's how much does it cost to rent the servers over 5 years and what kind of assurances will be given over the lifespan of a title.

My guess in none!
It's funny how a number of people in gaming don't believe in the cloud. That's exactly how enterprises behaved...and now a bunch of them are moving to the cloud or a mixture of cloud and on-premise. Also funny how many (all) of you use the cloud (non-gaming) and don't even know it. Oh well, carry on.

Pretty strong words when you don't know how much each member know.
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