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Xbox business Showcase Announced for February 15


NaughtyDog Defense Force
When the Activision Sony call of duty deal runs out in a few years right as the next generation of consoles get released they’ll make cod exclusive and get back into the console wars.
10 years.
If their next gen console performs worse than Xbox Series S, then they're taking a huge gamble. They're going to lose billions.
When the Activision Sony call of duty deal runs out in a few years right as the next generation of consoles get released they’ll make cod exclusive and get back into the console wars.

10 years of domination by Sony in the console space and you think Microsoft can just saunter back in and have success? It won't happen.

To give you an idea of how long 10 years is, Microsoft has only been in the console space for about 23 years.

Who is to say CoD will even be a major destination still.

AI is about to change gaming forever more so than open world did with GTA3. CoD isn't really a game that is going to benefit from that, at least not in its current configuration.

Open world games are what will benefit the most and it may be all anyone plays in 10 years because who wants to play top down GTA2 anymore?
Side note: Ryan and several others are so ready for a 100% digital gaming landscape where they don't actually own a single game. It's strange that some are cheering for the loss of ownership of content. I prefer to buy my games physically and will do so for as long as possible. Laws regarding ownership of digital games and movies will have to change in favor of the customer. Ryan, for example, has been buying digital only games since the start of PS4/XOne

You're mistaken. You're looking at hardcore Xbox and in some cases Sega fanboys who hate that Sony has taken the position they have in the industry.

Ryan started at Official Xbox Magazine and people don't realize that he is probably a fanboy? He doesn't even pretend to be impartial.

John is a Sega fanboy that jumped to 360, so in his mind all this can be blamed on Don Mattrick, one of the laziest arguments I've ever heard. He uses analysis that pretends to be pretty objective to appear impartial. What will DF do when Xbox is irrelevant? Do PS5 vs PC comparisons? No one cares.

David Jaffe is a disgraced PlayStation developer who essentially turned to Xbox influencer with a focus on GamePass. He uses his history as a Sony developer as a way to appear impartial. What will Jaffe do when GamePass goes under?

All of these guys have a bone to pick with Sony and are apologists for Xbox. That never helps a brand or a brand's community.


Writes a lot, says very little
Slowest gen ever, I don’t expect any new console sooner than 2027, probably by the end of this year we’ll get a mid-gen refresh, that will extend the lifespan to 2027 most likely
I'm saying, push that shit to 2028 so we can get our fill lol


Gold Member
Does the podcast get uploaded today and someone leak everything beforehand?

Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF


Microsoft Gaming Division is absolutelt going bust. Expect everything out of them in the next half-decade imo.

Why else would they un-exclusive anything in the 1st place?

Just so we're clear, it could be Mario tomorrow or Nate Drake.. Industry is ruthless and no one is immune.
Third party plans would only change if they somehow started moving more hardware. But yes assuming that doesn’t happen, it seems like they’re cooked.
One day of edging left people.
If they just dump the podcast everyone would just 3x speed the video and summarise the points in a thread. Would take 5 minutes.
It will probably be pre-recorded but broadcast live like how state of play/ directs are done.


Third party plans would only change if they somehow started moving more hardware. But yes assuming that doesn’t happen, it seems like they’re cooked.
How do you move more hardware when you train people to expect ports on their hardware of choice?

There's a reason Satya killed off the vast majority of Microsoft hardware initiatives, it's really only Xbox and Surface that are surviving, and if the rumors are correct, we might see both hardware teams consolidating for the new Xbox gen.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If MS manages to mention something about Xbox digital library purchases transferring to PC in some kind of open way that preserves them, then I'll consider the whole press event a win.

If they manage to also mention something about OEM multi-store PC/Consoles I'll consider it a genius maneuver.

I'm still expecting bad news about GP regardless, but what can you do. Hopefully it sticks around if they're getting money from PS.

If they just talk about putting things on other systems with zero concrete assurances to existing Xbox consumers about transferring their purchases to a system that has everything (PC), it will be a huge failure of an event most likely. It's basically the only thing that matters to say.


Gold Member
If MS manages to mention something about Xbox digital library purchases transferring to PC in some kind of open way that preserves them, then I'll consider the whole press event a win.

If they manage to also mention something about OEM multi-store PC/Consoles I'll consider it a genius maneuver.

I'm still expecting bad news about GP regardless, but what can you do. Hopefully it sticks around if they're getting money from PS.

If they just talk about putting things on other systems with zero concrete assurances to existing Xbox consumers about transferring their purchases to a system that has everything (PC), it will be a huge failure of an event most likely. It's basically the only thing that matters to say.

Speaking of the digital library, were they ever going to make our owned games (particularly first-party), playable over Xcloud? I thought I recalled this and figured they were going to work toward that but nothing has been mentioned for what seems like a couple years.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Speaking of the digital library, were they ever going to make our owned games (particularly first-party), playable over Xcloud? I thought I recalled this and figured they were going to work toward that but nothing has been mentioned for what seems like a couple years.
I can't see tweets at work but I recall someone posting something about it in the Xbox community thread somewhat recently, so there may have been some chatter about it in there.


Gold Journalism
Speaking of the digital library, were they ever going to make our owned games (particularly first-party), playable over Xcloud? I thought I recalled this and figured they were going to work toward that but nothing has been mentioned for what seems like a couple years.
They did announce it, but didn't update the feature. They also didn't update users about the future of that program.

I think it'll eventually come. But it should have been here by now - especially if they're planning the all-digital move.


The multiplat stuff is now out in the open and isn't that juicy news anymore.

The real fun is if they neuter gamepass in someway.


Gold Member
Sorry if this was posted before. I didn't see it anywhere.

Source: Inverse

Bold emphasis added by me.

Images of Palworld were shown across screens on February 6 at an internal Xbox town hall that Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer and Xbox President Sarah Bond held with employees. The meeting last Tuesday came right after rumors swirled around Xbox exclusive Starfield potentially coming to the PlayStation 5, and headlines about Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment potentially coming to the Nintendo Switch. Multiple Microsoft employees who were present for the virtual Xbox town hall described the event to Inverse ahead of a public announcement coming on February 15.

Spencer confirmed to employees there would be “future hardware” from Xbox and added that it would be safe to assume another Call of Duty was coming this fall. He addressed the company’s recent job cuts and said that it had been a hard decision to stop things that weren’t working.

“Every screen is an Xbox,” Bond said in the internal meeting, according to multiple sources who requested anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to media. Bond spoke extensively about Xbox’s strategy of existing on multiple kinds of devices and greater ambitions of becoming the number one cross-platform gaming company.

This isn’t the first time Xbox has shared its multi-device strategy. In 2020, Xbox gaming devices and ecosystem vice president Jason Ronald told me that Xbox is “not trying to force the player to upgrade to an individual device or to make things exclusive to this device or that device.” He estimated that this strategy has been in place since Spencer became head of the company in 2014, a year after the release of the Xbox One.

To illustrate the idea of Xbox on every screen, Microsoft showed images of Palworld on tablets, TV screens, monitors, and handheld devices. Internally, employees expressed surprise at seeing so much Palworld and joked about the possibility of an Xbox handheld, which has also been rumored. Xbox did not return multiple requests for comment.

Two months into 2024, Palworld, the Pokémon-esque open-world survival game about gunning up Pals, has quickly become a surprise success. Microsoft’s video game streaming service, Xbox Game Pass, also offers Palworld. Developer Pocketpair posted on January 31, almost two weeks after launch, that the game has reached 7 million players on Xbox and sold 12 million copies on Steam. Pocketpair did not respond to comment.

Getting exclusive access to Palworld could give Microsoft and Xbox another advantage over the competition, though the Pokémon Company did warn in January that it plans to investigate and take action on any games that infringe on its Pokémon intellectual property rights.

The internal town hall came ahead of Spencer, Bond, and Matt Booty hosting an Xbox podcast on Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern, which will hopefully clarify the many rumors and reports about the future of Xbox consoles and exclusive games. Inverse will be covering the business update and you can follow along here.


I don't think it's also smart to imply Xbox will continue to have exclusives (giving Xbox fanboys hope) just to 'betray them' again down the line

Remember the ongoing Blade controversy for example. (we dont really know if its going to be exclusive or not)

At this point, I would just try to spin exclusives as a bad anti-consumer thing.

Unfortunately it went as I was expecting it would.
Beginning of a gradual change, a lot of smoke and ambiguity to not rule out things while denying they're happening as we speak.
The well proven boiled frog tactic when you have to bridge your users towards changes and you don't want to burn those bridges immediately which objectively does not make strategic sense.


Gold Member
Unfortunately it went as I was expecting it would.
Beginning of a gradual change, a lot of smoke and ambiguity to not rule out things while denying they're happening as we speak.
The well proven boiled frog tactic when you have to bridge your users towards changes and you don't want to burn those bridges immediately which objectively does not make strategic sense.
and the shitshow will continue
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