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Xbox One will NOT support Dutch Language for Kinect upon Dutch Xbox One launch


the dutch should just abandon their language all together like people are doing with the xbox brand.

I kid.


Junior Member
The bad news here isn't the lack of Dutch Kinect support (couldn't care less), but the fact that you can not set the Xbox One to English, while still being able to access the Dutch store.


The bad news here isn't the lack of Dutch Kinect support (couldn't care less), but the fact that you can not set the Xbox One to English, while still being able to access the Dutch store.

Yes, this is the real problem in Nordic countries and the Netherlands. If you could set your language independent of tthe store, it would be fine. As it stands, you may have problems adding funds to wallet or at least have to do currency conversion. You possibly cannot access all of the video services either (is HBO Nordic available?), if you fake your country/address.


What a joke of a launch. Delayed almost a year to get the localization right, which nobody even wanted, and still not get it right. Should've launched it worldwide last year and patched in the localized voice commands when they were ready.


So not worth it
the dutch should just abandon their language all together like people are doing with the xbox brand.

I kid.

You might kid, but anecdotally, I have not heard ANY hype for the Xbox One at all, I know a few people that already own one (and when I say a few, I think it's two out of a large group of gamers), but normally when a console is launched I get approached by real life friends/acquaintances about it, because they know I'm into gaming and can advise to buy stuff or not, but this time nothing.

I see some advertising around, Media Markt had it in their advertisement leaflet this week, Bart Smit had it in theirs since last week, but that's about all I've seen of it (note that I don't watch regular TV anymore, so I'm not exposes to TV commercials, anyone seen anything on there?).

I've never seen a console launch with this little hype around it, not sure if it's due to lack of interest from retailers, consumers, or Microsoft... But it's weird. Even the Wii U had buzz when it launched, and that didn't do well at all.


Maybe localisation costs would outweigh their potential total generational revenue from that market.
True, plus with Cortana coming soon, perhaps they'll just skip basic Kinect voice recognition?

Either way, I think they would have generated way more revenue if they'd just launched last year, what with the PS4 shortages here.

The worst thing about this all is that this news does not come from Microsoft directly and it only comes out at the last minute, when many people have already preordered and paid for their console.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
because european countries like holland teach English from and early age and have to practice it alot etc.

And people from the uk, usa, canada, australia, nz etc don't?

Their spelling, grammar and pronunciation appear better than the average brit.

Now hold on. That's a massive, massive exaggeration. I will agree that I've seen some supposedly "native English speakers" with shockingly bad spelling/grammar etc and I have also met people from non English speaking countries that have near native levels of English, but those are extreme cases.

Source? I've lived/worked on three continents, have met people from all over the world and have been teaching English for the last two years now.

I still don't get how they thought Germany of all countries would need a fuckton of Xbone stock.

Dat 40% marketshare.

It is like they decided that it would be a runaway success...and then acted accordingly...without any research or analysis.

The same could be said about the kinect and, to a lesser extent, the Xbox one itself. I really hope someone who worked at ms and was involved in the xbone project eventually releases a book/writes an anonymous blog detailing the discussions/meetings that went on behind closed doors during the design process. Don Mattrick fucked up, real good.


Is Kinect even worth getting? I'm still deciding between the Kinect bundle and the normal one.

I think it's worth getting if you're interested in at least two of the features below :
- plugging your TV in the HDMI in and use your Xbox as a "nexus" for all content displayed on your TV
- going digital, and switching a lot between different games/activities (switching by voice is so much better than browsing a menu)
- fitness (Xbox fitness, great software !)
- music/dancing games (Just Dance, Dance Central, Fantasia)
- Skype videoconferencing ot Twitch broadcasting

I would have added motions games in general, but apart from Kinect Sports (and Fighter Within, but people don't take me seriously when I talk about it) there isn't a great choice right now. There will be more smaller games coming though (like Fruit Ninja for example).
Other specific ingame features or generic commands are good too, but aren't enough to make it a must have on their own.
I think it's worth getting if you're interested in at least two of the features below :
- plugging your TV in the HDMI in and use your Xbox as a "nexus" for all content displayed on your TV
- going digital, and switching a lot between different games/activities (switching by voice is so much better than browsing a menu)
- fitness (Xbox fitness, great software !)
- music/dancing games (Just Dance, Dance Central, Fantasia)
- Skype videoconferencing ot Twitch broadcasting

I would have added motions games in general, but apart from Kinect Sports (and Fighter Within, but people don't take me seriously when I talk about it) there isn't a great choice right now. There will be more smaller games coming though (like Fruit Ninja for example).
Other specific ingame features or generic commands are good too, but aren't enough to make it a must have on their own.

Dancing games could be cool in parties although I don't know if that justifies the price.
What a bunch of nonsense that we can't even set our speaking language as English. What's even worse is that some games actually have non-optional Dutch voice overs. Started up Dead Rising 3 and the guy started talking Dutch, and I couldn't even get English voice overs without changing my location and setting the system language to English.

I may be Dutch, but keep this horrible language as far away from my media as possible. (I don't mind speaking it, but it just sounds horrible in media to me. )


Everyone thinks Dutch is weird to hear.. not just Kinect 2.0


Ik moet me eens zo'n haaien aanschaffen met verdomde laserstralen gehecht aan hun verdomde hoofden.

I only use English in games and my OS' are in English too.
I'm still counting this as a fail on Microsoft's part though, incredibly dumb.


There probably was a plan to have some of these languages integrated but Microsoft found out that people are in fact not all that impressed that they can talk to their devices. And figured that it was a waste of time.

Kinects inclusion in the first place was so that you could talk to your console and navigate it using your "arms" rather than your fingers, the reception to this was cold, so they yanked the Kinect and came to realization that mainstream is not impressed or gives a shit.


And people from the uk, usa, canada, australia, nz etc don't?

Now hold on. That's a massive, massive exaggeration. I will agree that I've seen some supposedly "native English speakers" with shockingly bad spelling/grammar etc and I have also met people from non English speaking countries that have near native levels of English, but those are extreme cases.

Source? I've lived/worked on three continents, have met people from all over the world and have been teaching English for the last two years now.

Dat 40% marketshare.

The same could be said about the kinect and, to a lesser extent, the Xbox one itself. I really hope someone who worked at ms and was involved in the xbone project eventually releases a book/writes an anonymous blog detailing the discussions/meetings that went on behind closed doors during the design process. Don Mattrick fucked up, real good.

I'm Romanian and I've just graduated from university in the UK. Although I love my British friends, their English is rubbish. Not just in terms of spelling and grammar (you're, your, there,their, they're being the most common offenders), but also referring to you (plural form) as yous, adding that s to be able to differentiate between the two you. That baffled me, I could not believe it. Just butchering the language in the most horrible ways, I swear Shakespeare must be twisting in his grave.

As a Transilvanian I've had English and German shoved down my throat (well I'm grateful for it really) for 10 years and 8 years respectively, while in education.

My point is, this is a common thing with languages. Native speakers always butcher their language with colloquialisms and slang, while foreigners always learn the pure form.
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