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Xbox One will NOT support Dutch Language for Kinect upon Dutch Xbox One launch


I think MS believes that kinect is dead and most people won't purchase Kinect SKU from now on, so they said "Fuck it" and decided to not waste any resources for localizing something many won't use.


Dutch people speak better English than most English and Americans.

Seriously? How can you possibly prove this?

I think MS believes that kinect is dead and most people won't purchase Kinect SKU from now on, so they said "Fuck it" and decided to not waste any resources for localizing something many won't use.

My thoughts exactly.

Yet they stayed committed to the 10 month delay of Xbox One.

I'm guessing they wanted to release closer to the holidays and get the console to a state that can be controlled with your controller more easily.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Dutch people speak better English than most English and Americans.

Most is a massive exaggeration, although I will say that I've met a lot of young Europeans (Dutch/German/Spanish) who have an exceptional grasp on the English language. And yeah, some of those people have a better grasp of the language than some supposedly "native speakers".

Seriously? How can you possibly prove this?

He can't, and while I disagree about the "most" part, some "native english speakers" have piss poor grammar, whereas a lot of the Europeans I've met are at a true native level.


I think MS believes that kinect is dead and most people won't purchase Kinect SKU from now on, so they said "Fuck it" and decided to not waste any resources for localizing something many won't use.

This would be true, if the other tier 2 regions won't get localization. I'm awaiting reports.


So not worth it
Seriously? How can you possibly prove this?

Most is a massive exaggeration, although I will say that I've met a lot of young Europeans (Dutch/German/Spanish) who have an exceptional grasp on the English language. And yeah, some of those people have a better grasp of the language than some supposedly "native speakers".

There's actually a test they do for this: http://www.ef.nl/epi/

You will notice that all former Tier 1 countries do in fact count amongst the highest proficiency in the world.

But still, besides the point. Microsoft consistently lies to customers, which is the issue here and nothing else. The localization was never the issue for them or for us.


This would be true, if the other tier 2 regions won't get localization. I'm awaiting reports.

Good point.
But it also might not mean much.
They could still release with a handful of localized territories, or none at all for tier 2, and it could still mean that they were delayed together and just didn't complete the work.


There's actually a test they do for this: http://www.ef.nl/epi/

You will notice that all former Tier 1 countries do in fact count amongst the highest proficiency in the world.

Right, but unless I'm mistaken, I don't even see North America in this website. The other OP mentioned that Dutch has better english speaking skills then Americans, which this site doesn't prove.


Good point.
But it also might not mean much.
They could still release with a handful of localized territories, or none at all for tier 2, and it could still mean that they were delayed together and just didn't complete the work.

I just saw the other thread and Belgium isn't getting localization, too. The plot thickens.

Edit: I know that Belgium has French, Dutch and German as languages, but still.



So the Kinect 2.0 is: "But it's so much more elegant and so much more integrated, and in many ways it's a lot faster and more convenient, whereas on Xbox 360 it's a lesser version of doing the thing you're used to doing on your controller." with said convenience and integration coming at the cost of ease of localization and actual use by customers?

Good design there MS.

Protip - never try and mix bad news with an attempt to spin the product for which you're delivering said bad news. Just pass on the news, sound apologetic and get on with it.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Surprised to see Germany so low.

I'm not very surprised to be honest, given that most adult films, games and TV series are being dubbed for the German audience (as opposed to most of the countries with a very high proficiency), resulting in less exposure to the English language.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
I'm not very surprised to be honest, given that most adult films, games and TV series are being dubbed for the German audience (as opposed to most of the countries with a very high proficiency), resulting in less exposure to the English language.

I see. I'm not basing my assumptions on any hard data, but my German friends and other Germans I've met on my travels have mostly had a near-native command on the language. I've never actually been to Germany though, so I suppose the Germans I've met had a keen interest in traveling and put a lot of effort into their English studies.
I think MS believes that kinect is dead and most people won't purchase Kinect SKU from now on, so they said "Fuck it" and decided to not waste any resources for localizing something many won't use.
Why do consumers take this back tracking? Its not terrible that a company backtracks on previous plans, but what makes me so mad is that Microsoft pushed so hard for this in the beginning basically telling consumers "if you don't like it, buy out 360". And now there is really no apology on their part for pushing a POS add-on that it seems like they never could support in the first place.

Like with Sony last gen, I think it was stupid as all hell that they told me that motion controls were next gen, and rumble wasn't... not more than a year or year and a half later, the dualshock 3 is released... It was the right move for Sony, but seriously, these companies, "please understand". I give a ton of credit to Nintendo for that Ambassador program that they rolled out.

Does this not get to anyone else? Microsoft has basically lost me as a customer in 2006 after telling me that I was the reason my 360 was broken. Before that I basically only played Geometry wars and occasionally played some PGR3. Well when Forza 2 came out, I played like 2 hours a day of it and after about a week and a half of that...my 360 pooped out. MS basically never apologized for that one other than extending their warranty before they were sued out of oblivion.


I haven't heard anything about apps or local content for the delayed countries.
But China and Japan seems to get some kind love.

Maybe support for local TV broadcast counts as local content. Although I don't know if they've said such support will be available in all countries of the second launch ?
Back when the delay was announced, many people assumed Microsoft was delaying in other countries to strengthen the amount of consoles available for the North American and Tier 1 launch...

Microsoft said it was for localization...

I'm starting to think delaying all the Tier 2 countries may have been as much for the former than the latter...Im anxious to see how many other countries flat out didn't get any localization at all...
Maybe support for local TV broadcast counts as local content. Although I don't know if they've said such support will be available in all countries of the second launch ?

I too was wondering TV channels/programming was included with local support


Maybe support for local TV broadcast counts as local content. Although I don't know if they've said such support will be available in all countries of the second launch ?

The lack of any announcement does not strike hope.
I dont think ive meet a dutch person who doesnt speak english
That is not the point, the point is MS said in Sept of 2013:
NO dutch launch this year we want to translate the interface + kincet voice stuff.

Dutch are like ok that is stupid because we all speak English but whatever.

Now finally a year later MS is like:
We have the XBOX ONE for Netherlanders now its out sept 5 2014.

Few days before launch:
Ow yeah that translation we where we said we needed to to this year because of the delay., yeah we sort of did not do that so here is the XBOX ONE you could have had a year ago.
Bye now.

Dutch are like. Bitch we already both a ps4 and some of us just imported a console from a tier one country you can just go and to stupid over there.



Neo Member
i don't get it. Xbox One voice commands are so limited anyways.

how hard is it to localize a vocabulary of 20 or so commands?

the "speech-to-text" module surely should be able to understand the spoken words, right?
20 or so commands? Have you seen the list if commands or used it?


All of my 360 friends switched to PS4 this generation. I don't think it would have mattered much anyway.


Neo Member
That is not the point, the point is MS said in Sept of 2013:
NO dutch launch this year we want to translate the interface + kincet voice stuff.

Dutch are like ok that is stupid because we all speak English but whatever.

Now finally a year later MS is like:
We have the XBOX ONE for Netherlanders now its out sept 5 2014.

Few days before launch:
Ow yeah that translation we where we said we needed to to this year because of the delay., yeah we sort of did not do that so here is the XBOX ONE you could have had a year ago.
Bye now.

Dutch are like. Bitch we already both a ps4 and some of us just imported a console from a tier one country you can just go and to stupid over there.

Well that was part of the reasoning they gave for only launching in a few countries yes but they had a lot more behind it. Specifically quantity as well as tv options


That is not the point, the point is MS said in Sept of 2013:
NO dutch launch this year we want to translate the interface + kincet voice stuff.

To be fair they said there were "localization issues", and Albert Penello said localization involved more than translating menus or commands. We don't know exactly what else was included in that subject, though.


Wait, so how does it now work?

Can you set it to dutch, see the dutch store, and speak English to kinect (which most Dutch people speak just fine, if with a slight accent)? That would be ok

Or if you set the language to Dutch are you unable to use English with kinect, which would be bloody stupid.

Why don't MS just let you set he kinect language separately from the region? Never mind the Dutch, there will be plenty of people that live in different counties for their negative language


To be fair they said there were "localization issues", and Albert Penello said localization involved more than translating menus or commands. We don't know exactly what else was included in that subject, though.

Well yeah, he clarified later:

Albert Penellol said:
Besides needing local language support, we also need to prop-up local Live, Apps, a Marketplace, and a variety of other services. We bundle that together as “localization” in messaging, but there is more to shipping in a region then text and voice translation.

I guess we'll see in a few days what 10 months of delay did to bring awesome local content to the fine people of the Netherlands.

Wait, so how does it now work?

Can you set it to dutch, see the dutch store, and speak English to kinect (which most Dutch people speak just fine, if with a slight accent)? That would be ok

Or if you set the language to Dutch are you unable to use English with kinect, which would be bloody stupid.

Why don't MS just let you set he kinect language separately from the region? Never mind the Dutch, there will be plenty of people that live in different counties for their negative language

Language is tied to the selected region. So if you want to speak english to your kinect, you need to "pretend" you're in the UK, for instance.


Have you ever heard a dutch person speak english though?
The hokey way the average dutch gamer pronounces english words will lead to a 95% failure rate on voice commands either way.

Oh yes i hear a lot speaking very very bad and broken english. It's that i grew up with american cartoons and movies that to me the language is easy to speak. I speak it on a daily basis so that's pretty normal for me but a lot of dutch can't speak it very at all.


Can you set it to dutch, see the dutch store, and speak English to kinect (which most Dutch people speak just fine, if with a slight accent)? That would be ok

Or if you set the language to Dutch are you unable to use English with kinect, which would be bloody stupid.
Nope, language and billing region are seen as one. So Netherlands-Dutch or Belgium-Dutch / Belgium-French are the only options. No mix and match.

Dutch-speaking users in Belgium are also faced with French achievements for non-localized games, since Microsoft views it as French-speaking country. It's a mess.



Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.

Yeah and the irony out of all of this is that the distribution center is in the netherlands in eindhoven.


Nope, language and billing region are seen as one. So Netherlands-Dutch or Belgium-Dutch / Belgium-French are the only options. No mix and match.

Dutch-speaking users in Belgium are also faced with French achievements for non-localized games, since Microsoft views it as French-speaking country. It's a mess.

Yikes.. MS is really messing it up


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Nope, language and billing region are seen as one. So Netherlands-Dutch or Belgium-Dutch / Belgium-French are the only options. No mix and match.

The language settings on the Xbox One are generally immensely annoying. Not only do you have to set your region to an English-speaking country just to be able to use English voice commands, probably only because of the localization of the store, you also can't change the language in most games/apps otherwise, even if the game installation contains all of them. You have to change your system language, and consequently your system region, just to get the original English sound in your games.

I am using the US region and the US store from Germany. That generally works fine, but I can't neither use the video store, nor most video apps due to geo-restrictions. It's just annoying.


Language is tied to the selected region. So if you want to speak english to your kinect, you need to "pretend" you're in the UK, for instance.

Nope, language and billing region are seen as one. So Netherlands-Dutch or Belgium-Dutch / Belgium-French are the only options. No mix and match.

Dutch-speaking users in Belgium are also faced with French achievements for non-localized games, since Microsoft views it as French-speaking country. It's a mess.

So insane. If you know you have a weakness, work around the damn thing

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm, I guess stuff like "Xbox show notification" is a good example why it could be hard to translate:
"Xbox laat notificatie zien"
"Xbox geef notificatie weer"

Toon notificatie/bericht

Trickier stuff gets localized. It can be finicky, sound awkward but that doesn't excuse them to skip it entirely. We have above average English proficiency, but this will still alienate a lot of people. If the marketplace integration hinges on the languages things become more of a functional problem. They annoyed Flemish Belgians past gen a great deal by forcing French on a big percentage of accounts, with no way to change the setting for a very long time. People from MS Belgium have communicated these concerns to the American branch on multiple occasions, but those concerns don't seem to be very high on the agenda.


Btw: Rudi Carrell, did you (Dutch) love him as much as we (Germans)? 7 Tage 7 Köpfe was pretty bad, but I liked him regardless.


So not worth it
Btw: Rudi Carrell, did you (Dutch) love him as much as we (Germans)? 7 Tage 7 Köpfe was pretty bad, but I liked him regardless.

Lets just say there's a reason he went to Germany and never came back. Most people probably don't even remember who he is.

I happen to know him well because I live in a German-centric part of NL and grew up on German television.
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