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Xbox Series X/S consoles continue to sell at a record pace, Microsoft has claimed


Rage Bait Youtuber
wasn't intentional like i said before.
Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF


24h with XSX, It's really a fine piece of tech. I wish my PC was this silent. I literally hear my heartbeat over this.
The console is a good match for my LG B9 but I have to find good HDR settings. Quick resume is so good.

Shame that I already finished Halo on PC and I'm not really a fan of Forza Horizon 5.

I started to play Fable and Dishonored 2 last night and I still have lots of games to try. To be honest I thought there were more new games on gamepass but I'm not disappointed. It's still a good deal. I just need to buy games now :) oh, and I need the elite 2.

I bought the xbox because it was available unlike the PS5 and I was curious. I will still get a PS5 at some point but I won't pay a scalper.

It's good that both consoles are on the same performance level and there are more and more crossplay games, so it doesnt matter where you play. ❤
There's almost 400 games on game pass

But I agree with you, sometimes there's too much to play, and sometimes nothing interests me


Gold Member
Rivet Rivet I'm confused as to the "triggered" reaction. Can you elaborate? I asked for how the person knows what they are claiming.

I'm noticing a pattern where you go into threads and do this on everything even if doesn't make sense.

John Wick

Strange how this post ticks off most of the ‘console warrior’ checkboxes.

Spencer’s interview spurred articles on Gamespot, Eurogamer, VGC etc, and tweets from industry analysts. Do you see any other grownups asking them to ‘STFU’ if they won’t release exact sales numbers?

Grownups recognize that MS isn’t putting out numbers again, and that there’s more than enough public information to make reasonable sales estimates that should be accurate enough +/- a few million. And they’re perfectly fine with this.

Is $499 (or $299) such an insurmountable sum that you have to ramble on about ‘xbots’ ? Have you considered Xbox All Access plans?
Grownups? 12tf springs to mind


Rivet Rivet I'm confused as to the "triggered" reaction. Can you elaborate? I asked for how the person knows what they are claiming.

I'm noticing a pattern where you go into threads and do this on everything even if doesn't make sense.
Already had 4 smilies from Rivet today. Never any actual posts though.

John Wick

When you use that term around here, your arguments falls off.

You dont care about numbers. You just want it for console wars.

Like others said, IF you need these numbers, just look at the analysis in twitter.

Yes your right! I admit it I just want it for console wars........
Hahaha PS5 has outsold the Series X............
Wow like I didn't know that already....
I'm so happy PS5 is outselling the Series X......
Like I fuckin didn't know that already. Is that what you wanted to hear?
Now can somebody send a Blue Peter badge or a doggy?
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Yes your right! I admit it I just want it for console wars........
Hahaha PS5 has outsold the Series X............
Wow like I didn't know that already....
I'm so happy PS5 is outselling the Series X......
Like I fuckin didn't know that already. Is that what you wanted to hear?
Now can somebody send a Blue Peter badge or a doggy?

Dog Puppy GIF by MLB


Microsoft wouldve never won that game - buying timed exclusives. That's Sony's bag. Sony would've eaten their lunch even worse than they did last gen. Hell, that's how they daggered Sega back in the Dreamcast days. It's an entirely different story now.

Thinking back, it's kind of amazing Xbox one survived off of mostly Halo, Gears and Forza. Leaning heavy on just 3 IPs like that for an entire generation would've killed anyone else. Shits crazy...

In the 360 days I think MS was moneyhatting more than Sony. There were more 360 console exclusives than PS3 if I'm remembering correctly. But yeah, they didn't release a ton of first-party/second party stuff on X1.
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i'm good game guy

yes because i can play with comic books.

you including collections and mobile games you're trying to hard.

my logic definetely doesn't includes collections and mobile games we speaking about console releases afterall. it's definetively not 19. keep trying your get right after 10 comments.

😂😂😂😂 they are games with those names on. Your including strategy game sim there. Not trying at all. It’s lost that as as many gakes


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Why dont you ask games first? What do you gain about these numbers?

Occulus has 10m devices sold, yet psvr has more big games, that console, despite selling less devices.

If you want to see a success, judge the games. They are doing much better now, than their entire xbox generation. Especially with 23 studios ready to make games for them.
I am not denying they are doing better than with the Xbox One, the one generation I skipped on the Xbox side, and about the games they release and are going to release.

They want to talk about the console sales games then disclose numbers. That is also a measure of success too, you do not care about it? Fine, if you comment here you do a bit though :).


Well who are you that a person positioned as high as Spencer has to give you the exact numbers? That's right, a nobody, a random person on the internet Spencer doesn't even knows exists.

BUT - if you really want the numbers so badly, how about you do your own fucking research instead of whining here every 10min? Spencer said it's the best selling XB ever, so all you have to do is compare XB, X360 and XB1 sales within their first 13 months and there you go, not that hard and doesn't require a tenth of a percent of the effort you're putting in all those rambling posts.

And many people already did the math but you seem to (purposely?) miss it, so let me please inform you that XB has sold in over 10M units so far. There, let that sink in.

Unbelievable that this gets the reaction it gets from some. 🤷‍♂️

There was that crowd of users that were dead set on the pre-launch idea that MS couldn't possibly ever match X1 numbers. I guess this is rough news for them. Everybody doing great just equals more potential software for us, etc. Not sure how this could be spun as bad news.


I am not denying they are doing better than with the Xbox One, the one generation I skipped on the Xbox side, and about the games they release and are going to release.

They want to talk about the console sales games then disclose numbers. That is also a measure of success too, you do not care about it? Fine, if you comment here you do a bit though :).
The console numbers isnt really a measurement for success.

Switch has 92m, doesn't have 3rd party like call of duty and battlefield. Not a strong console. The 1st party games sells that console. That is a successful measurements.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The console numbers isnt really a measurement for success.

Switch has 92m, doesn't have 3rd party like call of duty and battlefield. Not a strong console. The 1st party games sells that console. That is a successful measurements.

It is one of the indicators, Nintendo’s strategy and presence not able to avoid stifling a bit the third party on it is then partially not capitalising on the platform user base.
Well we have had these chip problems since launch, and both PS5 and the Series consoles are selling faster than prior Xbox/Playstation consoles so.
If anything its just showing there is way more demand for these consoles this gen, for whatever reason.
That’s definitely true, but I just noticed the supply of XBOX is significantly lower than PS5, at least in my area and close to me. For every XSX that comes in stock, there seems to be around 10 PS5’s.


It is one of the indicators, Nintendo’s strategy and presence not able to avoid stifling a bit the third party on it is then partially not capitalising on the platform user base.
That has to do with the power of the console. The low power device, made it hard for 3rd party to make games for the console. Nintendo would like 3rd party games on their devices. It means more money for them.

Their biggest success after their games, is the handheld mode hybrid. It made it easier to play on tv, and outside. Its why its selling tons of hardware.


That’s definitely true, but I just noticed the supply of XBOX is significantly lower than PS5, at least in my area and close to me. For every XSX that comes in stock, there seems to be around 10 PS5’s.

Where are you at? MS has always been bigger in the US/UK than elsewhere, likely they stock those areas more aggressively than their smaller markets.


1st Halo came out in 2001 yet they're only on Halo 6. Make it make sense.
it's more then 6 games for halo... if we count all the games it's around 1.45 years and around 2 years for console release for halo franchise and around 1.5 years for forza franchise a bit longer then a year but it's still close.
don't believe me? get release years for both games subtract years from nevest release to previous release and so on to get differences then sum up differences and divide by releases nr. i've already did.


Moderated wildly
just out of curiosity, do other tech companies provide sales for their products?
do nvidia share how many 3080s have been sold?
do Samsung share how many s20 phones they’ve sold?
do apple share how many iPhone pros they’ve sold every quarter?
do Netflix share how many subscriptions they have? Do Spotify?

im genuinely interested if we have any other examples of companies giving updates of how many unit sales they’ve made for their products and do the fans of those products demand it?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an nvidia fan demand sales figures for and gpus or AMD fans ask for how many units of cpus intel have sold and Visa Versa etc.
just out of curiosity, do other tech companies provide sales for their products?
do nvidia share how many 3080s have been sold?
do Samsung share how many s20 phones they’ve sold?
do apple share how many iPhone pros they’ve sold every quarter?
No. The reason is by the way the same that Microsoft gives.
do Netflix share how many subscriptions they have? Do Spotify?


I mean they only have two games even announced for the year and they don’t come out until the 2nd half of 2022 almost 2023
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that's more current gen games only than what Sony has announced. The announcements will come; be patient.

And with 12m Xbox Series shipped/sold Microsoft can be very comfortable with their decision to go current gen only!


In the 360 days I think MS was moneyhatting more than Sony. There were more 360 console exclusives than PS3 if I'm remembering correctly. But yeah, they didn't release a ton of first-party/second party stuff on X1.
I don' t think so there were a lot of titles MS publishing worked on with external developers. Also EA decided to put more weight behind Xbox then it did playstation, as that strategically was better for them ( MS stopped making sports games in exchange for some exclusives ). Beyond that it was a numbers game, and 360 was much easier to develop for compared to PS3 and had a year head start.
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Skyrim sold 30m copies alone, throw in Doom, Fallout and Wolfenstein and yeah, I could see them attracting an extra 25m players (especially when you throw in Obsidian). I think you’re underestimating just how big Bethesda are.
Al does games sold that much over multiple platforms, including PC. If you think that all the gamers will buy an Xbox for then games and dont play the games on PC i dont know what to say to you...


The tweet said 12M shipped though. You added 3-4 million.

Why are people arguing about games in here? This is a console sales thread. :messenger_weary:
First, that tweet came out AFTER my post. Not before. I also said 11 - 12 million sold.

However imo this still seems low as units are still arriving in stores. I don't think they are still counting consoles in the channel which i think adds up to more shipped. They also aren't official numbers from them, its an estimate dude.
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Al does games sold that much over multiple platforms, including PC. If you think that all the gamers will buy an Xbox for then games and dont play the games on PC i dont know what to say to you...
You think every single person with a PS console also owns a PC?

It’s not hard really, if you don’t have a PC and like to play Fallout, TES, Doom and Wolfenstein you now have to either buy an Xbox or a PC. If you like games like Fallout New Vegas, South Park the Stick of Truth, Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds: you now need to buy an Xbox or a PC. If you like games like Psychonauts 2: Xbox or PC.

TES, Doom and Fallout are amongst the most successful franchises in video game history. Do I think people will buy a £250 console to play them? Yea. Like I think people buy a Switch to play Mario and Zelda.

Mr Moose

First, that tweet came out AFTER my post. Not before. I also said 11 - 12 million sold.

However imo this still seems low as units are still arriving in stores. I don't think they are still counting consoles in the channel which i think adds up to more shipped. They also aren't official numbers from them, its an estimate dude.
It didn't, you were replying to the 12 million number. Shipped is shipped.

Series S made it possible. Another one for the little beast.

12 million is very good for Xbox. Especially how low they were thx to Xbox one. Gonna be a strong gen.
I think his estimate is conservative. To be the fastest selling xbox, they would have had to sell more then 10 million in the first year ( Nov 2020 - Nov 2021) to top the xbox 360. They are probably closer to 13 or 14 million is my guess as sold through, with another few million units on way to/or in warehouses/shelves. Putting them shipped around 15 - 16 million. Unless production has stopped, there is less chance the sales channel will go dry with units.


I think you are too focused on warring that you seem to miss my point.
To put it more clear: I give a shit what MS says now, in 2019 or 1987.
Again: MAU and dollar x user are the critical metrics.

I'm confused. Do you give a shit or not?


So you know MS has stopped giving out Sales numbers since 2015. Yet you’ll come to a discussion forum in 2022 and whine “where are the sales numbers”

Isn’t that the textbook definition of trolling? Is that really what you should be doing?

Is this or is this not a sales thread? You do the math and figure out who's doing the real trolling.

Doesn’t Microsoft have more studios now so have more games in development? Am sure somebody posted a list in a thread within the last day or two. Not saying that one studios games will be better or worse but am sure Microsoft have more games in development

Maybe today they do. But not 2-3 years ago when these 2022 and 2023 games started development. MS buying Bethesda changed the whole landscape on that. But these decisions to make a game a "cross-gen" game would have been done years ago.
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You think every single person with a PS console also owns a PC?

It’s not hard really, if you don’t have a PC and like to play Fallout, TES, Doom and Wolfenstein you now have to either buy an Xbox or a PC. If you like games like Fallout New Vegas, South Park the Stick of Truth, Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds: you now need to buy an Xbox or a PC. If you like games like Psychonauts 2: Xbox or PC.

TES, Doom and Fallout are amongst the most successful franchises in video game history. Do I think people will buy a £250 console to play them? Yea. Like I think people buy a Switch to play Mario and Zelda.
You know how many people have a PC capable of running all the games coming out on Xbox? And on Gamepass? They are more PC gamers out there than Xbox owners out in the wild. That was my point.


You know how many people have a PC capable of running all the games coming out on Xbox? And on Gamepass? They are more PC gamers out there than Xbox owners out in the wild. That was my point.
The games don’t just sell on PC though. My original point was that with the acquisition of Bethesda MS should be able to sell more consoles.

60% of Fallout 4s first week sales (5 million) came on PS4. Will those PS4 users be happy to:

A. Buy a Series S for £250
B. Buy a PC for £1k


Al does games sold that much over multiple platforms, including PC. If you think that all the gamers will buy an Xbox for then games and dont play the games on PC i dont know what to say to you...

People will buy the xbox console to play it.

Not every console player, would like the idea of playing on pc. You cant change someone, who played console for their entire live. If they like the series, they will get xsx or xss.


Again: MAU and dollar x user are the critical metrics.
I don't think Microsoft provides data on MAU but Playstation's number was above 100mil from several press releases. We don't know what's the dollar x user for either company, but from the financial statements from companies like Ubi and Fornite, we know Playstation was by far their biggest platform in terms of revenue.
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