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@Yosp: Sony won't ban you for connecting before launch

If MS came out and said "we banned this guy for posting videos on youtube", Sony would come out tomorrow on Twitter announcing their new love of youtube videos. It's fish in a barrel, free PR. MS' is just toxic at the moment.

I know the PR is great, but I think this is just Yoshida being Yoshida. He's just very on the ball when it comes to answering questions. Dude is great.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
The question was about the European 29th date. I feel like yoshida was just taking advantage of the literal question. Either way, the public loves it.


With Nintendo management living in a bubble and MS folks sitting on some throne and doing everything to fuck over their customers, it's good to see that at least Sony acts reasonable. Hope their anti-customer policies bite Microsoft in the ass.


It's actually extremely difficult for big companies to have a consistent PR when people are constantly going up for interviews.

It sounds easy on paper, but when you have a thousand tentacles, things start to slip. What amazes me is the consistency and speed of which the responses have been. It's unlike what I've seen at any other point. Of course, social media is probably the primary cause of the speed, but it doesn't explain the consistency... if anything, social media would make that worse :)

PR is actually pretty easy if you don't have anything to hide.

You still need training and policies of course, but SCE has made a more powerful yet cheaper games console with no back-end bullshit except paid online. That should be pretty damn easy to message.

[I suppose it could be argued that wii u is cheaper, but I have a hard time putting it in nextgen when it is the power equivalent of ps360 +10%].


It's funny how much praise Sony gets for doing the right thing like not banning consoles for stupid reasons.
PR is actually pretty easy if you don't have anything to hide.

Yup. And, Sony has a friendly philosophy. You can see it in the PR guys themselves. Easy going, fun loving, and good guys. It's so natural to them. You can see their passion.

By the way, I know your avatar :) Good old Newgrounds days.

What on earth does the terms of service of their online networks have to do with press embargoes on information?

Embargoes, as far as I know, often aren't even contractual arrangements. They are adhered to by media due to the potential to lose access to future information.

They have nothing to do with the current situation.

Godfather-style "agreement".


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
This could have been the plot for a comedy. Amazing...MS....simply Amazing.

Keep hitting those home runs Sony, we see you.
Why is everyone overlooking the fact that they are releasing the console early to some people anyways through the Taco Bell promotion. Of course they wont ban people for getting it early, as that is only 3 days away from this point and 6 days away from launch. The multi-platform games already have their reviews on the PS4, while the Xbox ONe has the NDA until the 12th. I do not agree with Microsoft's decision to ban this guy, but the current circumstances are different between the two companies. This is also an overreaction as it wont matter in the long run, and they already stated that he will be unbanned. I think what they were trying to do was stop him from downloading launch titles like Assassin's Creed 4 which as far as I know, we haven't seen any Xbox One gameplay.

Edit: Actually, the online dowloads are unavailable. Still doesn't make much sense why they banned him.
As long as it's not a permanent ban from ms, it's OK. They should have simply have blocked access to xbl until the 22nd instead. He can still use the system, but if they have him banned from live forever, then all I can say is f MS for that


As long as it's not a permanent ban from ms, it's OK. They should have simply have blocked access to xbl until the 22nd instead. He can still use the system, but if they have him banned from live forever, then all I can say is f MS for that

He can use the system. Live is blocked until the 22nd. Major Nelson said he is going to get it all settled when the guy finally wakes up.


As long as it's not a permanent ban from ms, it's OK. They should have simply have blocked access to xbl until the 22nd instead. He can still use the system, but if they have him banned from live forever, then all I can say is f MS for that

That's exactly what happened. He can still play single player, just can't get online.


PS4 would've been out by the 29th so it's not hard for them to just ignore it. There's going to be a lot of videos and unboxings out by then. But YOSP answering the question guarantees they won't take action. Makes me wish Amazon would break the street date already.

One shall rise
One shall fall
sounds like something optimus prime would say


PS4 would've been out by the 29th so it's not hard for them to just ignore it. There's going to be a lot of videos and unboxings out by then. But YOSP answering the question guarantees they won't take action. Makes me wish Amazon would break the street date already.

sounds like something optimus prime would say

I just wish Amazon would charge my CC already. That way I know it's coming :(.
Observing the PR interchange between the two companies is like watching that Morris board-game from Assassin's Creed 3. Only that SONY has got MS in a pinch that all they have to do is just pick up the remaining pieces every-time MS makes a move.


9 pages of exsessive masterbation just because of a 'no' tweet.

Slow news day then.
Yup this is such unimportant news. I mean it only confirms if you get a PS4 early you don't have to worry about being banned unlike the Xbox One. Very slow news day...


As good news as this, it's probably worth bearing in mind that someone on europe receiving it before the 29th would not even nearly be the same situation as what's happened on the Xbone front. It would have already have been released in North America, so impressions would be all over the internet.


Yup this is such unimportant news. I mean it only confirms if you get a PS4 early you don't have to worry about being banned unlike the Xbox One. Very slow news day...

Except the guy isn't getting perm banned is he? Nelson tweeted as much. And there have been no stories of any of the other early players suffering from a ban. Where is Major Nelson's thread? Lol
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