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Your "You don't like Abby cuz muscles" theory debunked


always chasing the next thrill
I am having severe deja vu the past few days on gaf
every fucking thread seems to get spammed with buffed female pics

like i am in some secret Ellen Degeneres sex cult reddit page
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This thread has so many post but not a single picture of the charecter In question? Very odd
Here you go

My physical health teacher in community college was a former female body builder who, for a woman, was stacked like a brick shit-house even a decade after her last competition.

I'll say it again, I don't dislike Abbey for her body.


So why do people hate abby again. Simply because she has flat tits and slightly bulk? Because real women don’t look like that? 😂
I dare you to get that muscles:

1. Being a woman
2. Living in a post-apocaliptic world where people need to hunt in order to survive

Good luck.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Its not about being big. Ever watch the WNBA? Brienne for GOT? Serena Williams is big. Its about large amounts of lean muscle mass.

Peak athlete at the top of her sport constantly accused of PEDS, constantly having to take above average amounts of random blood and urine tests:


Abby's body model a user of male sex hormones:

This post is magical because it’s so true.

Serena Williams is a great example of what a woman with GREAT GENETICS can look like when they have unlimited time and resources to dedicate to making themselves as strong and as athletic as possible AND (perhaps most importantly) eating the correct foods to facilitate that. I think she’s on the very high end of realistic (meaning she’s like 1 in 1 million), but still probably natural.

Abbys character model is clearly based on steroid usage and no amount of social justice can alter that fact. It’s a politician statement in a video game overflowing with them, make no mistake about it.


No matter her appearance... Abby is a terrible character, her story is dumb, she kills a person that had just saved her life because said person killed her father to save a kid and the game wants us to care about her.

She is dumb as fuck... maybe it's the steroids.... But no normal human being would do what she did just after being saved by her target.... She doesn't show an inch of second thought.... People care about the victim of Abby stupidity and the game wants us to care about her.... So most people just hate her even more.



Do people hate her for her body? Nah
She is my main, but I hate her design. I'm using her snowboard skin with a Stitches bear skin from HotS. She is terrible and absolutely not sexy/feminine.

Also, Ghost of Tsusima can't come soon enough, so ppl will forget about TLOU2 existence.


Gold Member
Its not about being big. Ever watch the WNBA? Brienne for GOT? Serena Williams is big. Its about large amounts of lean muscle mass.

Peak athlete at the top of her sport constantly accused of PEDS, constantly having to take above average amounts of random blood and urine tests:


Abby's body model a user of male sex hormones:

Gee its almost like a person playing tennis for a living doesn't have the same type of body as a body builder
I think a good portion of it comes from the way the devs made their choices in regards to character design--the whole intersectional agenda)--this thing is all based on jealousy, resentment, hate and anger, there is no positive ideal or message behind the ideology (it does latch on to some positive message, people like to feel good about their hate).


Gold Member
People rag on about the muscles ( as do I ) but the core reason why people don't like her is because of the toxic SJW ideology she represents.

Cuckman is incredibly political. He is completely consumed by the church of woke. Abby is 100% representative of that and most gamers don't want that BS in their games.
I didnt think she represented much “sjw” at all. She was just jacked and a soldier but otherwise actually feminine. Her facial capture (and voice) was all you needed to know she was in fact pretty feminine. It was how she reacted to personal situations.

As for the sf and over watch references. Please. None of that was supposed to be grounded. Tlou2 is. That’s why it sticks out. Is it a problem? Nah.




One of the greatest video game characters from one of the greatest video games ever. Not a sex symbol. Just a bad ass.

Mods delete if you'd like. I'd argue this post is no more low effort than the excuses or rather accusations of why people don't like Abby.

hey man are u okay


I didnt think she represented much “sjw” at all. She was just jacked and a soldier but otherwise actually feminine. Her facial capture (and voice) was all you needed to know she was in fact pretty feminine. It was how she reacted to personal situations.

As for the sf and over watch references. Please. None of that was supposed to be grounded. Tlou2 is. That’s why it sticks out. Is it a problem? Nah.

People use buzzwords like “SJW” and “agenda” because they hear it everywhere else and just follow the mob. They don’t actually know what they mean and that’s how we end up with “muscular video game character” = “SJW agenda.”


How are people this obsessed with one fucking character in a video game?

People are acting like there hasn't been a single muscular female character design before Abby. What the hell is going on?

what do you mean obsessed?! There’s only 12 goddamn threads about Abby


She is my main, but I hate her design. I'm using her snowboard skin with a Stitches bear skin from HotS. She is terrible and absolutely not sexy/feminine.

Also, Ghost of Tsusima can't come soon enough, so ppl will forget about TLOU2 existence.

Her Olympic outfit is great but yeah her default is total trash.


The nicest person on this forum
I think this whole conversation is getting us no we’re. I myself much more fan how Japanese devs design their characters but the fact is it’s up each developers how they want to design their characters.

Like it or not, that’s how ND wanted design Abby and so they did. I’m honestly kind of getting sick of all this TLOU2 threads, so I’m taking the advise of others and just try to block anything TLOU2 related thread.

I’m done.


Its not about being big. Ever watch the WNBA? Brienne for GOT? Serena Williams is big. Its about large amounts of lean muscle mass.

Peak athlete at the top of her sport constantly accused of PEDS, constantly having to take above average amounts of random blood and urine tests:


Abby's body model a user of male sex hormones:



Gold Member
People use buzzwords like “SJW” and “agenda” because they hear it everywhere else and just follow the mob. They don’t actually know what they mean and that’s how we end up with “muscular video game character” = “SJW agenda.”
Yeah, fair enough.


When you put it like that then why give a fuck? It’s a game
it's a story-driven game.
Story and charcters are everything.

If you put something out of coherence like Abby muscles in it just for representation, you are ***** lets say not as good as you think you are, and even more, if you go in life like the king of story-telling and a superior human being, you should be called out for BS.

See. Abbys design stands out a lot. Like a f*** lot.
If you ask why, and you can only come up with something that throws you out of the story, is a big problem.

The other thing that can happen is that you find it normal and then dont give a fuck.
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Haven't played TLOU or part II so I decided to google this Abby character. Man, you are so off the mark with this one.
"That's not how she should look during an apocalypse!". Humans are hunter-gatherers. Our modern society took away the need to hunt and gather. Basically we don't have to move to get our food, which is also very rich is carbs and calories.

Abby is how we should look, what we look like today is how we shouldn't.


Can we please have another Thread about Abby? I'm not sure people told me enough how angry they are that Abby is buffed.
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Gold Member
Dude abby can probably use the boss as a toothpick, they are not nearly builded in the same way.

Not that i have anything against anby, she is a pleasure to play witu a characters with actual muscles.


Gold Member
Exactly this. I remember a few years back when designs were under fire for excessive sex appeal. How unrealistic the bodies were and the outfits. Detractor said that games are unrealistic by nature.

Now it's the other way around. They are pushing their own kind of porn and the design is being criticized.

Now is the time to break the cycle. Let's push for devs designing characters however they like. People that like those designs can buy the game and those who don't, can STFU.

That's how they wanted Abby to look. Nothing else is relevant...

Just as a note: Mad Max lived out of 300 ml of water a day and sometimes ate dog food. A real person would probably not be able to run around like he did and would probably die after a few weeks of that diet.
I mean charlie from it's always sunny in philadelphia eat cat food every day and he seems healthy enough...
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Gold Member
This conversation can't be had while TLOU II si still out. Too many people want to protect the game rather than have the debate.

I think ultimately it's a problem or proportions rather than muscles. Women free climbers are definitely strong but don't look weird




The problem is Abbie is ridiculously huge, and it's because they've used a woman who is sculpting every part of her musculature for career/every day, which is why it looks weird.



Look at the forearms compared to Joel


Is it an issue? Only in the fact that it rips you right out the story and immersion. It's like 'wtf?', and at times camera angles lessen the impact. It was definitely the wrong creative choice for the game. I think it was a really poor choice. There's a reason why they are introduced as mini bosses in Uncharted - you could argue that in that world which is more slapstick and adventure they need it less as it's just another enemy, but they carefully seperate them out so as to not jarr the player e.g.




Because it still needs to remain somewhat grounded. You know I remember an interview with Neil where he said something along the lines of (paraphrasing as I can't find the article) 'someone will ask me why we can't make this character a woman, and I say why not? If it doesn't affect the story'. If anything is a good example of when not to use a flippant 'why not?', then this is surely it.- - and this goes beyond Abbeys character design btw. The other choices in this game seem to just be handled with a 'why not?', rather than being earned or grounded in the same way. And that's what people have issues with. But as always the mega brains who blog about games, make it an issue about 'hh huh, you can't handle muscly women. Be like me, because I am a paragon of how to live and be tolerant'.

Unless we challenge this level of reduction together we'll just be fighting for other people's vanity. Demand better,


I only have an issue with Abby’s physique because it’s very obvious her design (among other elements in the game) is driven by an ideology of the creator outside of the fiction instead of being narratively driven and justified within it.

That it’s creating such a debate and point of contention evidences this enough.
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But what if people actually don't like playing Abby because how unrealistically bulked he/she/it is? Maybe they do feel uncomfortable plying this thing? Just as they feel uncomfortable when seeing a female body builder personally in real life, or seeing hentai cartoons with tentacles, or some other similarly weird sick shit? I really don't get why so many people have an issue accepting the fact that many people simply don't like the game/its direction, there have been literally over 60 TLOU2-related threads created since it's release, that's more than 4 threads a day on average ffs, this is really getting tiring when half of the first few pages of the forum are nothing but TLoU2 threads... Fuck this game already. Stop defending the game so desperately and go actually play it instead if it's really such a masterpiece.
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