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Your "You don't like Abby cuz muscles" theory debunked

Same here in Barcelona. I have literally never seen a girl like Abby. 98% of them go for the instagram model type of body: tonified, thin and big ass.

It’s so funny watching girls do like 12 butt exercises in a row.

Have you ever go out?

Because girls IRL dress just as scantily or even more than what you can see in a videogame.

Women love to “oversexualize” (whatever that means) themselves, they love the attention.
I guess this person never saw how most the woman in South America dresses, mainly because it's full of countries with a tropical climate. Gym leggings and mini shorts are the norm between girls' casual wear (teens and young adults). Seriously, and if you dare to say it is offensive or inappropriate you'll be deemed as a weirdo. Of course, this helps to understand why these countries have a high number of sexual harassment charges (legitimate and false).


Gold Member
I only have an issue with Abby’s physique because it’s very obvious her design (among other elements in the game) is driven by an ideology of the creator outside of the fiction instead of being narratively driven and justified within it.

That it’s creating such a debate and point of contention evidences this enough.

This. ND decided to put a huge muscular woman, UFC fighter style as a character instead of a man, cause ideology. being absolutely irrelevant to the storyline and subplots. I really don't care that much. But imo was a poor choice, it looks forced. I mean if drukmann would have made Abby a big gay man, not changing nothing in the plot,dialogues and stories it would have being better fitting and more woke for them.
Edit: I didn't disliked as a character or the backstory,( I find it more grounded and justified than Ellies story) neither her design. I just think a Male would be more fitting.
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Same here in Barcelona. I have literally never seen a girl like Abby. 98% of them go for the instagram model type of body: tonified, thin and big ass.

It’s so funny watching girls do like 12 butt exercises in a row.

Have you ever go out?

Because girls IRL dress just as scantily or even more than what you can see in a videogame.

Women love to “oversexualize” (whatever that means) themselves, they love the attention.

There's a difference between dressing comfortably (revealing or not) and being portrayed with gargantuan breasts on a ton video games. Not to mention the ridiculous panting and in-your-face cleavage animations that are in video games. Women aren't "oversexualizing themselves" by dressing in ways that make them feel confident; most of them could fucking care less what some random dude thinks on the sidewalk. If you hadn't noticed, most women hate being catcalled so your argument is moot.

Jon Neu

There's a difference between dressing comfortably

It’s not dressing comfortable, they dress scantily in winter too.

and being portrayed with gargantuan breasts on a ton video games

Again, do you ever go out? Girls have big boobs. Hell, there’s even an entire industry dedicated to gave girls big boobs, because a lot of girls that don’t have big boobs want to have big boobs.

Women aren't "oversexualizing themselves" by dressing in ways that make them feel confident

Being sexually attractive is what makes them feel “confident”.

most of them could fucking care less what some random dude thinks on the sidewalk

Some random dude? Maybe, but they are totally seeking attention when they dress scantily and showing all their best sexual atributes the best they can. They want to feel good by showing how attractive they are.

And that’s why hot girls are much more happier than ugly fat chicks. Because ugly fat chicks are invisible to most (worthy) men.

But then the fat ugly chicks went and created feminism to criminalize sexy women.

The saddest revenge ever.


It’s not dressing comfortable, they dress scantily in winter too.

Again, do you ever go out? Girls have big boobs. Hell, there’s even an entire industry dedicated to gave girls big boobs, because a lot of girls that don’t have big boobs want to have big boobs.

Being sexually attractive is what makes them feel “confident”.

Some random dude? Maybe, but they are totally seeking attention when they dress scantily and showing all their best sexual atributes the best they can. They want to feel good by showing how attractive they are.

And that’s why hot girls are much more happier than ugly fat chicks. Because ugly fat chicks are invisible to most (worthy) men.

But then the fat ugly chicks went and created feminism to criminalize sexy women.

The saddest revenge ever.

"worthy" men? fat, ugly chicks? Get the fuck out of here ya child. I am a man and I don't dress the way I do (stylish, imo) because of the attention I get from people or how sexy I feel I appear to other people. lmao. such a weird perspective.


Meet Gabi Garcia,

A brazilian phenom.

She is a world champion black belt in jiu jitsu and has fought a few mma fights.

Shes legit bigger than abby.

But a damn rare occurrance.


She looks like an actual dude.

Joe Rogan: "Gabi Garcia is clearly taking male hormones"


"worthy" men? fat, ugly chicks? Get the fuck out of here ya child. I am a man and I don't dress the way I do (stylish, imo) because of the attention I get from people or how sexy I feel I appear to other people. lmao. such a weird perspective.
Yes you do, even if you think you don't.
Or you wanna tell me that you dress stylish even when you are alone at home? Hell, even the word you used means you are judging your own look so that it can be seen in a certain way.
People that care about their looks and spend time dressing themselves do that because they enjoy being looked at in a certain way.
Often women will dress scantily even in winter, he's right, I noticed that too, on days when I would ask myself "How can she be dressed like that? It's fcking cold"
Both men and women enjoy showing their body, you will see ripped muscular men dressing in tight clothes, and girls will enhance their features.
Nothing wrong with that, I mean, if you can make dozens of people turning their head to look at you, why wouldn't you?
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it's not surprising for an average male basement dweller to be triggered by having to play a female character with larger arms and smaller boobs than his own
Wouldn’t that also be the case for The Boss tho?

Same goes for Sonya in MK11. But the only bitching I heard about that one was about the voice actors opinion on trans women fighters.


She looks like an actual dude.

Joe Rogan: "Gabi Garcia is clearly taking male hormones"

She also has 1,87m, already weighted almost 150 kg when she was BJJ professional, trained like a professional fighter for her entire life and has HUGE frame for a woman.
But yes... she's probably on hormones (there are some photos there with Gabi and Werdun, she's almost the same size of a UFC heavyweight champion)

And another thing, she's probably that big in a training camp regime. When this guys/girls are not training, almost every time they became fat.

The thing is, (i already posted this in other topics) Abby shape is unattainable in a post apocalyptic environment. Even the mens in TLOUS are small, so when we see something like this, it sounds only as bad design (like many of others TLOU 2 decisions).


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I think this argument would hold more merit if people didn't hate her before they knew anything about her character. If you want proof just peruse the spoiler thread.

That's mostly us mocking all the hilarious scenes she is in, like
Cuckmann's self-insert inserting himself in Abby's ass.

REE Machine

People rag on about the muscles ( as do I ) but the core reason why people don't like her is because of the toxic SJW ideology she represents.

Cuckman is incredibly political. He is completely consumed by the church of woke. Abby is 100% representative of that and most gamers don't want that BS in their games.
Having muscles isnt woke, thats like telling female body builders are woke and is a political discussion
There was already a massive leak. It started there for a reason.
I know about the massive leak I watched the entire thing. You do not in any way shape or form know Abby's character from it. She's a participant in about two scenes in the entire 90 minutes in one of them she doesn't speak in the other she's speaking in another language. if people wanted us to believe they're simply judging her character on the merits they probably shouldn't have judged her prior to that even being possible.
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REE Machine

having muscles isn't woke. Changing the design of your characters to make them less feminine in order to appease trans people is.
We've seen girls with muscles in games before and people didn't care, because they weren't made with the intention to appease a certain demographic.
And abby is a new character so an original design wasnt changed. Abbys character goes along with her character and development from a child to an adult, she had certain motivation to be how she was


Yes you do, even if you think you don't.
Or you wanna tell me that you dress stylish even when you are alone at home? Hell, even the word you used means you are judging your own look so that it can be seen in a certain way.
People that care about their looks and spend time dressing themselves do that because they enjoy being looked at in a certain way.
Often women will dress scantily even in winter, he's right, I noticed that too, on days when I would ask myself "How can she be dressed like that? It's fcking cold"
Both men and women enjoy showing their body, you will see ripped muscular men dressing in tight clothes, and girls will enhance their features.
Nothing wrong with that, I mean, if you can make dozens of people turning their head to look at you, why wouldn't you?

Weird of you to assume you know why I dress the way I dress. I feel confident in certain clothes. Obviously, this is socially influenced, but I don’t really give a fuck what someone’s opinion of my outfit is. Either way, it’s a straw man argument when it comes to my original
post. There is clear evidence of oversexualization of female characters, and if our society was different, men would be hypersexualized as well (more so than they already are).


Weird of you to assume you know why I dress the way I dress. I feel confident in certain clothes. Obviously, this is socially influenced, but I don’t really give a fuck what someone’s opinion of my outfit is. Either way, it’s a straw man argument when it comes to my original
post. There is clear evidence of oversexualization of female characters, and if our society was different, men would be hypersexualized as well (more so than they already are).

What is the appropriate amount of sexualization in a character?


Can we put an end to this conversation?

Abby is like that just in order to please a minority of mentally ill people.
Neither the story needs it or it fits the story setting.

Is like that becasue Druckmann. Period.

REE Machine

And they aren't in games that are trying to have a semblance of being grounded in reality.
Grounded to an extent its still a video game with popcorned face looking zombies, with factions, where one man can take on an army, where a guy can get a rebar in his abdomen during said apocalypse and survive, and the one doctor to make a cure gets killed.....bruh

REE Machine

Can we put an end to this conversation?

Abby is like that just in order to please a minority of mentally ill people.
Neither the story needs it or it fits the story setting.

Is like that becasue Druckmann. Period.
I think abby is there to piss off people on purpose and druckmann knows this and is loving it, the fact that people are up in arms about a character design = drinking tears from a coffee cup
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Mister Wolf

Grounded to an extent its still a video game with popcorned face looking zombies, with factions, where one man can take on an army, where a guy can get a rebar in his abdomen during said apocalypse and survive, and the one doctor to make a cure gets killed.....bruh

Grounded in the sense of you are a one man army like Die Hard including suffering injuries but if you saw Bruce Willis tear Hans head off with his bare hands at the end of the movie you would say "thats bullshit". I dont know if you knew but works of fiction including fantasy and sci-fi can have elements of reality to them.
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This. ND decided to put a huge muscular woman, UFC fighter style as a character instead of a man, cause ideology. being absolutely irrelevant to the storyline and subplots. I really don't care that much. But imo was a poor choice, it looks forced. I mean if drukmann would have made Abby a big gay man, not changing nothing in the plot,dialogues and stories it would have being better fitting and more woke for them.
Edit: I didn't disliked as a character or the backstory,( I find it more grounded and justified than Ellies story) neither her design. I just think a Male would be more fitting.
I honestly cannot tell if this response is facetious in nature, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Gender doesn't matter to me. I'm correlating what I see in game with what I've seen from the studio outside of it, because absent that, I'd really have no grounds to stand on in claiming an agenda.

REE Machine

Grounded in the sense of you are a one man army like Die Hard including suffering injuries but if you saw Bruce Willis tear Hans head off with his bare hands at the end of the movie you would say "thats bullshit". I dont know if you knew but works of fiction including fantasy and sci-fi can have elements of reality to them.
Sure but that doesnt fully make it grounded, the world is still a work of fiction as well as its concepts so you cant and shouldnt take them seriously


Gold Member
I honestly cannot tell if this response is facetious in nature, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Gender doesn't matter to me. I'm correlating what I see in game with what I've seen from the studio outside of it, because absent that, I'd really have no grounds to stand on in claiming an agenda.

Agreed with you, but with some differences. English is not my main language so is hard to really make the point. In short, I didn't dislike the character, I just only feel it was forced. Abby story and how to fit into the game is other discussion thought.
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She CANT have that muscles in that world setting.
You need either lots of protein and/or steroids. I really doubt that is that easy to find in TLOU world.
I disagree. Roids would be very easy to find. If there’s medicine, there’s steroids. My wife’s grandmother depends on them for her condition.
Meet Gabi Garcia,

A brazilian phenom.

She is a world champion black belt in jiu jitsu and has fought a few mma fights.

Shes legit bigger than abby.

But a damn rare occurrance.
Yo, Gabi is a damn freak of nature :messenger_tears_of_joy: She's bigger than most men in MMA and competitive jiu jitsu. I might have my timelines jumbled up, but this might be when she was in the process of trying to get smaller... I think she use to be bigger! She smaller now and shredded!!!
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I disagree. Roids would be very easy to find. If there’s medicine, there’s steroids. My wife’s grandmother depends on them for her condition.

Yeah, now you are only missing the hyperproteical/calorical diet and the 2 hrs of heavy iron pumping per day.


Yeah, now you are only missing the hyperproteical/calorical diet and the 2 hrs of heavy iron pumping per day.
Abbys character has access to all of that lol. Have you even played the game? I don’t want to put spoilers in here.
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