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Zero Time Dilemma (Zero Escape 3) review thread

Nice write-up! I attempted it about a month ago, and our group got to the final puzzle but ran out of time. Couldn't tell based off what you wrote, but did you completely solve it?

No. But after they told us the solution I was kinda pissed since it was kind of obvious. I did guess the last puzzle right.


according to reviewers on twitter, the embargo will end at 12:01 AM ET.

Hope we get some reviews in 45min, because those twitter reactions are pretty hype-inducing :)



Has anyone said anything about the 3DS' version performance? Does it have any major point against it other than the obvious graphic downgrade?


I was expecting something in the high 70s/low 80s as well because of the presentation and thinking that some might hate the change away from a visual novel, but I'm going with 85+ metacritic average. It's the hype speaking :)
I'm expecting that mid-70s because of presentation issues and potential accessibility issues for newcomers. Sure it'll be a great game for the fans though.
I'm expecting that mid-70s because of presentation issues and potential accessibility issues for newcomers. Sure it'll be a great game for the fans though.

Pros: It's a good game.
Cons: You have to like these types of games.

I remember my mistrust for reviews started in middle school (maybe High School) when I learned GamePro had given Suikoden II a 2.5 for fun factor. Blasphemy.

Edit: Are there any good summaries for the first 2 games? I beat them both but I don't remember anything from them.


Edit: Are there any good summaries for the first 2 games? I beat them both but I don't remember anything from them.

there's a few links at the bottom of the OP. The ZE wiki has great written summaries, but sadly there's not a lot of good video summaries out there.


nerdmuch no score

Zero Time Dilemma is the best game in the Zero Escape series, featuring the most intense story, cutscenes, decisions, and fun (and sometimes frustrating) mind bending puzzles which makes this game so amazing and definitely deserving of a spot in your library.

Other notes about the game:

-The music was thrilling and I enjoyed the puzzle music.
-Some animations were awkward or the lip syncing did not match the dubbing quite right. However, it did not hinder gameplay experience.
-There are some spoilers for the other games in the in-game dialogue, but this doesn’t deter newcomers or giveaway too much.
-There’s so much replayability with multiple endings, especially since you can skip puzzle segments (or replay them if that’s your thing!)

Non-Spoiler Tips:

-If you get frustrated with a puzzle, you can save in the middle of it and come back to it later. Sometimes it’s better to cool your mind.
-Take notes, digitally or on paper. There is a touch section where you can take notes. One method I did was take a screenshot of a chart or draw it out so I can look at it when trying to solve the puzzle.
-Prepare for the emotional rollercoaster. And don’t think anyone is safe from death. Don’t be afraid to jump to a decision to see what the other action results in.


nintendoworldreport 7.5

We're in a timeline where this game can exist, but it's not without flaws. [...]


Fully voiced with excellent VA
New format changes up the formula well
Pays off portions of prior games


New graphic style causes major uncanny valley
Possible to “play the game wrong”
Went a little far for the M rating

nintendoeverything thumbs up

If you’re reading this and have already played 999 and Virtue’s Last Reward, then Zero Time Dilemma is without a doubt something you should play. Despite some changes from the first two entries, it’s more of the Zero Escape series that you’ve probably been waiting for. For others who haven’t played any Zero Escape games, this one, along with the other entries, are essential for anyone who enjoys a good visual novel and puzzle game. Just make sure that you’re familiar with the plots of the first two entries of the series or you will be completely lost in Zero Time Dilemma. It’s somewhat rare for games in the genre to ever leave Japan, so when they do (and when they’re as good as the Zero Escape series), it’s worth experiencing them.

Velcro Fly

possible to play the game wrong in a game like this scares me

and i say that as a person who played VLR in a distinct order and enjoyed it from start to finish
I went ahead and spoiled these tweets just in case for any of you absolute spoilerphobes out there. They really are spoiler-free though.

Zero Time Dilemma: 7/10. Wow what a troubled good game.

Spoiler Free: The ending falls over itself so desperately to have a twist, and in doing so creates so many unjustified plot holes.

The game is also desperate to give you as much background information as possible about some characters, and forgets others completely.

Zero Time Dilemma has some of the best puzzle rooms, but also has the absolute worst ones. Rooms where you feel no satisfaction.

One room in particular is a shitty hidden object game that ends with you memorizing a pattern of eight things and then it says FINISHED.

Since these rooms lead to no actual thought or discovery, it's REALLY frustrating that there are more than one of them.

Generally the flow of the game can get really broken from time to time if you don't get external help - it tries something new & isn't perf.

The game took me 22 hours to Platinum on PS Vita. The 3DS version is markedly worse than Vita. PC probably the way to go.

I'll finish by saying I really liked it, and I LOVED the first half. Until it starts answering its questions, it's gripping and intense.


In conclusion, Zero Time Dilemma is perfect. From it’s presentation to it’s onerous gameplay, this game flawlessly ends this seven year saga. So please take my advice, buy Zero Time Dilemma, 999, and Virtues Last Reward for about $60.00 altogether (you can get Zero Time Dilemma for 32 dollars via Amazon Prime). Encounter the creepy, rewarding, and provocative story, one that’s been the most flawlessly executed to ever grace video games.

jesus christ I'm moist


My YouTube channel just uploaded a spoiler-free video review of the game. - Buy Recommendation


Overall, Zero Time Dilemma has exactly what fans of the Zero Escape series expect - crazy characters, a twisting narrative, challenging puzzles, scientific theories, touching backstories, and mind-blowing plot twists. All in all, it is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, and an enjoyable ride from start to finish.


Having just beaten the game and seen every possible node/fragment, I don't see how this is true.

There was a point in the process where another reviewer didn't have access to a hint I did in a puzzle room because of the different orders we played in.
according to reviewers on twitter, the embargo will end at 12:01 AM ET.

Hope we get some reviews in 45min, because those twitter reactions are pretty hype-inducing :)


But Cold Steel 2 isn't out yet Jason :)

For real though, I'm so damn excited for this game. So many games to play within the next week between this, SO5, #FE, and the SFV June update.


There was a point in the process where another reviewer didn't have access to a hint I did in a puzzle room because of the different orders we played in.
I can't think of any puzzle rooms that required outside hints? From what I remember they're all self-contained.


Neo Member
There was a point in the process where another reviewer didn't have access to a hint I did in a puzzle room because of the different orders we played in.

This was me. Allow me to clarify. I'll use spoiler tags so feel free to skip this (I'll keep this as vague as absolutely possible), but this is how you can "play the game wrong."

In one of the escape rooms that you can play from early on in the game, one of the final puzzles is to order three colored liquids in the correct order. You have 8 or so options for what colors you can pick, and you can reuse the same color in the order. This gives thousands upon thousands of possibilities. I spent thirty minutes looking through everything I had obtained and every object in the room, yet all I was told in dialogue was "maybe we already have the answer."

Turns out that if I had looked at items in the room in a different ORDER, the dialogue would have been different - and told me the answer. I tried this in a separate playthrough of the room and it definitely happened. I got the answer on what went wrong directly from Aksys Games. I played the room wrong, apparently.


ADD New Gen Gamer
This was me. Allow me to clarify. I'll use spoiler tags so feel free to skip this (I'll keep this as vague as absolutely possible), but this is how you can "play the game wrong."

In one of the escape rooms that you can play from early on in the game, one of the final puzzles is to order three colored liquids in the correct order. You have 8 or so options for what colors you can pick, and you can reuse the same color in the order. This gives thousands upon thousands of possibilities. I spent thirty minutes looking through everything I had obtained and every object in the room, yet all I was told in dialogue was "maybe we already have the answer."

Turns out that if I had looked at items in the room in a different ORDER, the dialogue would have been different - and told me the answer. I tried this in a separate playthrough of the room and it definitely happened. I got the answer on what went wrong directly from Aksys Games. I played the room wrong, apparently.

Sounds more like a bug to me tbh.


Neo Member
Sounds more like a bug to me tbh.

And I reported it as such. I was simply told "The hints in rooms can depend on what order you look at and examine items so it's possible it's circumstantial." at first, and then got the more detailed breakdown. If it IS a bug, they definitely know about it and I really hope, for FAQ-averse players, that it gets fixed. That escape room was completely soured for me because of it.

That said, it wasn't something that really shaped my opinion on the game. Maybe a difference between a 7 and a 7.5, so if that gets patched, bump mine up to a 7.5.


according to reviewers on twitter, the embargo will end at 12:01 AM ET.

Hope we get some reviews in 45min, because those twitter reactions are pretty hype-inducing :)


This has hyped me up more than you can imagine. We're so close I can almost taste it.


I'm trying to tell myself that playing the 3DS version is okay, since I have the watch on preorder and I dont want to hassle with returning the game to move to the Steam version. The reduced texture quality is kinda concerning me though.

Ah, I might just be getting the game for sub $32, so I guess it's worth that, right?

GOD I'm just so hyped I want to play it ASAP, but in the best quality too
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