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Zombi - Pure Survival Horror is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU Port]


It's a shame that this has been given the quick/cheap port treatment. It was always going to be a different game to the WiiU version, but it didn't necessarily have to be a worse one. Glad the PC version is running well, at least.


Fuck it, I'm in for PC. It'll be better to aim those rare bullets with a mouse, and things like swiping on the gamepad don't work fantastically, so a mouse will be better there too.


So two issues that jumped out at me straight away after playing some;

1) There is an annoying pause when looting bodies etc that wasn't there previously.

2) Using the shove is weird. Like, you have to push the trigger then let go straight away otherwise there is a pause before the action takes place. Pushing the trigger right down does nothing. It's incredibly annoying.

Joey Ravn

I think I'll stick with ZombiU. The increased performance/resolution of the PC version is always nice, but the game offers no substantial benefits that justify double dipping.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I have a 2014 Vizio P-series, and the latest firmware fixed a problem the TV had been having with 120Hz at 1080p, but broke 60Hz at 4K in the process. TL;DR 4K@60Hz is broken. :\

If you've got Nvidia then DSR completely negates this issue. The display still thinks it's at 1080. You could even run it at 3840x2160 @ 120hz with DSR.

Also, since this is a DX9 game it might also work with GeDoSaTo, meaning any resolution + 120hz could be possible.

You've got a pretty great situation actually.

Edit: oh wait that's a 4K TV? Yeah it isn't ideal then


I think I'll stick with ZombiU. The increased performance/resolution of the PC version is always nice, but the game offers no substantial benefits that justify double dipping.

I'll buy the PC version if someone mods the Killer Rabbids back into the game as enemies :D


What engine is this running on anyway?

And btw is there anywhere I can get cheaper steam version ? I don't want to pay in euros.
Everything about these impressions makes me sad.

Ubisoft had a chance to introduce a hidden gem to a sea of new gamers. Instead they give us this. Boo.
How many cores does Zombi use on PC? My guess is that it's not optimized for the consoles number of cores and that's why it runs badly.


Superior resolution, framerate and load times. Better controls in general. Using a 360 or Xbone pad. Love ZombiU (the one game that made me get a WiiU), but to me this is the better version.
i feel like the only person having almost no issues. I am on xbox one, the only things that have happened to me so far

-game kept crashing when I would click on the tile to launch it. Had to try to about 6 times when I initially started the game. Like, it wouldnt even get to the game, just the launch screen then crash. Idk if thats a problem with the game, or the xbox

-it dipped to a very low fps for 2 seconds, then I never saw it dip again. It happened right outside of
buckingham palace, where you have to fight off a large hoard with the turret. I shot an explosive barrel and that caused it

those are all of the technical problems I have had so far, and I think I am kind of far in the game

Sorry, how is crashing 6 times at a title screen almost no issues. That's horrible.


Sorry, how is crashing 6 times at a title screen almost no issues. That's horrible.

It's not crashing at the title screen, it's that thing of where the Xbox One has the tile up and you select it and the "splash screen" (the one that the XBO displays when it's loading the real game, not in-game) comes up and then it goes back to the Dashboard. Stefon would call it "splashcrashing".

It happens on various apps sometimes, usually a hard reset fixes it. It's most likely not indicative of an issue (at least a normal one) with the actual program.

That's why it's almost no issues with Zombi itself.


well after 3 hours with the pc version i quite like it. the port is barebones but what is there is pretty good. runs at 1080/60 easily, 200+fps with vsync off with a 970. m+k work great and using a controller is as good as you expect. there is even an option to change all the button prompts to the dualshock icons so that's nice, not a lot of games let you do that. roaming around buckingham palace is pretty fun. definitely worth the asking price. my one issue is the amount of bloom and overall "greyness" to everything. it's not really a brightness issue either, it's just like there isn't a lot contrast going on. everything is overly washed out. maybe that's the aesthetic they were going for, i dunno.


Bought for my Xbox One since it appeared there first. I've only played a short bit yet but so far it looks OK. Nothing more, nothing less.
So, in the end, this was just a quick and dirty cash-in, cemented on the idea "A Nintendo exclusive on PS/Xbox! One step closer to Mario!".

Oh, Ubi, how low the big and mighty fall.


Game runs perfect 60fps at 1080p on my 860m laptop. Honestly, the rest of the game looks like I remember, so if the dirty lens means that much to you, then whatever. I'll try ReShade and see if it really does.

Joey Ravn

120fps without the dirty lens and wider FOV is worth $20 to me.

I'm limited to 60 Hz and I actually love the dirty lens :p

The wider FOV is nice, though. One of the reasons I hate consoles is the very limited FOV that FPSes usually have. But since you're constantly switching from the gamepad to the screen, I guess it doesn't bother that much on ZombiU.

I have to say, though, I'm extremely biased towards the Wii U + PC combo. If this was a port of a PS4 or Xbox One game, I'd gladly have it on PC. But since I already have it on Wii U... well, nothing lost, nothing gained for me here. Besides... my Wii U is, and will always be, intrinsically united to ZombiU :p


This game is a perfect example of what's wrong with current gen or maybe just most gamers these days. This game has great setting, gameplay, and execution. People only focus on graphics (not all, having issues with it running are no Bueno). But if people won't play this because the graphics aren't impressive and nonsense like that, it's just sad. Such a fun game, play the nursery by yourself at night. Really really enjoyed this game on Wii U, will probably double dip to see it on PC


It is WiiU>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PC>>>>>>>XBONE4.

is your goal in this thread just to bash everything that isnt the Wii U version? All of your posts seem to have a common theme so far

I really am curious how the game is going to work and maintain the same charm. I hope it does, and I hope people enjoy it, but to me it's really sad that the WiiU has done so poorly and so one of my favorite gaming experiences of the generation has basically turned into a niche game on a niche system.

I do think that people who own a WiiU or are considering getting one play the game on that platform.

Do I have anything to compare that to? No. BUT! Standing up in a dark room with headphones in playing ZombiU with the gamepad and all of the tension and interactivity that that controller is responsible for is really one of the greatest survival horror experiences of my life.

I realize others may not feel this way.

Either way, check the game out. It's for sure a cool experience, and if it functions well in this new version, then it's definitely worth your time.


I think I'm in for PS4 because I'd really like to play it on my primary system. $20 is the price I was hoping for and the good impressions so far from everyone who isn't married to the Wii U have been encouraging.

Looking forward to it!
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