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Rumour: Xbox being bought by Amazon?

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Now I'm seeing articles about it on sites. Sometimes I say stuff for fun. Or it should be fun but then it turns into this.

No offense to some, but there's sites that write articles on much less stuff...

Thuway's random tweets gets headline at some sites, even when he says nothing that is news.

For better or worse, the internet has allowed for the existence of sites that will are literally tracking every bit of news and writing shit up without extra verification.


Yeah, I'm kind of doubting it. Should be some nice controversy to watch for awhile, though. Some of these 'leaks' lately reek of pure FUD, if you ask me.


This has got to be the wackiest rumor I've heard in awhile but it makes sense. The Xbox division hasn't exactly been a bag of diamonds for MS, selling the division to a company which is looking to expand and with a known pro-consumer track record could be the best all around deal for the survival of the Xbox brand. Hell, if this happens, I may consider buying one from Amazon under the right circumstances.
Yeah, I'm kind of doubting it. Should be some nice controversy to watch for awhile for awhile, though. Some of these 'leaks' lately reek of pure FUD, if you ask me.

What am I creating fud for? I own an xbox one and quite enjoy it. Am I trying to sabotage myself?

I passed on a rumor that is being taken way more seriously than I imagined. That's it. No need for Tinfoil hats.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I am. I still not entirely sure where I am in this community. It feels mostly like people enjoy giving me shit, I have a decent amount of twitter followers who get mad when I say something positive or negative about either system. And in general when I have actual information I'm 100% certain of no one believes it. And when I make a post at 3am that is meant to be entertaining. It could be true, who knows, but rumors run wild with devs and pubs just like they do with us. I thought a few people would find it entertaining that this is a current rumor and now there are sites saying that I'm saying that Microsoft is selling xbox to Amazon.

Like I said before I don't put enough stock in this to even make a thread myself. I really wish this one was closed. I take the blame, I have serious self-awareness problems as I have no idea that I can even cause a commotion like this.

I'm surprised that you are surprised that rumors are talked about on sites and in threads. A recently reliable source in the past puts a rumor out there and...its not going to be discussed? Come on now. =x


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I doubt this will happen. I doubt there are any verifiable sources for this.

I don't see why we keep doing this to ourselves.


So people think that Amazon, which has around $12 billion cash on hand, and made a grand total of $274 million in profit for the whole of 2013, can buy a division which is valued at around $17 billion? Why?
Eh, I don't have much sympathy for ya famous. You tweeted the rumour at Geoff Keighley saying "bookmark this", you don't really get to cry foul when people pick it up and run with it.
As far as I know, and I could be totally wrong, Amazon is very pro consumer, especially in comparison to Microsoft. If that's the case, I'd definitely approve of the change, the Xbox brand has been severely tarnished by Microsoft's ideas this last year.

I know Amazon.com isn't exactly the same as their entertainment and devices business, but I've had really good experiences with Amazon.com's customer service. One good example is when I preordered Skyrim and payed to get it on release day but UPS wouldn't deliver it because the truck that goes to my town(I live half an hour from the nearest city) left before all the packages came in and they told me I'd have to wait till Monday for it. We complained pretty hard and eventually in the afternoon the UPS truck showed up and the guy got out and threw the package at my door and broke the case(the game was okay). Amazon refunded me the shipping even though none of this was their fault. As long as they can bring that level of pro consumerism and understanding to Xbox I would be all for jumping back on Xbox.


I don't know this is probably more like the time Disney flew the BoD to Orlando where they met with certain third parties to sell the parks to Chinese and/or Saudies to operate under license. To cut it short they weren't offered enough.

That is the way any deal would go. But I don't see what benefit Xbox would have for Amazon - it would appear Amazon's modus operandi would be to create a game streaming service, to go along with their other cloud based solutions.

To me anyway, Samsung would be the more natural fit if they were going to sell. However there is enough to say that Satya will proceed with a Productivity/Play mindset and make one game that could live over multiple Devices to tie them into One ecosystem - i.e. Project Spark
Nah just nah. Way to early for MS to concede Xbox or even think about doing so. At least until the end of the generation for such things


It's perfect! They are even more US-focused than the xbox with its services. Our shittier, yet same-priced prime subscription (that we finally got years later) is an excellent indicator of a company that wants to run xbox live! I would rather MS keep running it thanks.
Did you see the OP, he got this off twitter. Famous did not come here and make this thread himself. Not his fault GAF takes what he says as credible off his twitter.

When you are a public figure you have to take responsibility for what you say publicly regardless of the vessel for the message.

He wants to be known and he wants to be regarded as credible. It's not the internet's job to pick and choose what they believe. It's his job to pick and choose what he says.

He's no dummy and he absolutely knows that this would happen.
Eh, I don't have much sympathy for ya famous. You tweeted the rumour at Geoff Keighley saying "bookmark this", you don't really get to cry foul when people pick it up and run with it.

I tweeted at Keighley because of the Titanfall launch show. I said bookmark this as a joke.

I'm also not looking for sympathy, I'm looking to clarify.


What am I creating fud for? I own an xbox one and quite enjoy it. Am I trying to sabotage myself?

I passed on a rumor that is being taken way more seriously than I imagined. That's it. No need for Tinfoil hats.

Not making a direct accusation. It just sounds far fetched is all. And some of these 'rumors' don't always pan out. That is when we hear, "Oh well, things change!" I have seen people banned for much less when proven wrong on claims. Just sayin'.


So people think that Amazon, which has around $12 billion cash on hand, and made a grand total of $274 million in profit for the whole of 2013, can buy a division which is valued at around $17 billion? Why?

Those are just.."numbers" man.

What matters is the FEEL of the situation.


I don't see this happening, but it might actually help the Xbox brand.

Exactly. This will be one of the rare cases were the stigma of a bad brand is completely ignored by the superior brand of the buying company.

The only thing that makes this unbelievable is that Amazon is interested enough to buy Xbox then the rumors of them designing a console have to be true. So why throw out their own design which would've fit their expectations for quality control and cost saving measures of the machines lifetime? Why throw away a new machine the dev teams you purchased probably are very familiar with? I don't see this making sense unless they want to buy the xbox trademark and MS's onlilne infrastructure but won't actually sell the actual console, or their console is still in the prototype stages and hasn't been shared with their dev teams.
Amazon would be really interesting. They would really open up the gates to cheaper consoles and better access to games. They may not even care about exclusives they would just care about install base and people using their digital services.

Or it could all fall flat on its face. Gaming industry is tough and can even swallow up titans like Nintendo, self inflicted or not.


So people think that Amazon, which has around $12 billion cash on hand, and made a grand total of $274 million in profit for the whole of 2013, can buy a division which is valued at around $17 billion? Why?
Because the profits are quite misleading since Amazon has been reinvesting just about everything in new markets and infastructure for a while now. Their cloud service powers netflix and PlayStation first party dedicated servers. They jumped into the tablet business. They're producing video content. They're expanding all the time. They are also valued around 160 billion.


That could be cool if it happens.

Maybe they'll drop the paywall and get Rare doing their magic again with banjo, conker, jet force Gemini, kameo, etc. instead of dudebro games everywhere. I'd jump in and get one then.
No. They want the hardware gone. The Software is where the money is they could go multiplat and roll in the money.

OH FUCK, that could work! o_O

They make a lot from their software like Halo and Gears of War among other things, I agree it'd be silly to give up on all that altogether. They can focus some on Sony (Halo, the mature stuff in general) and others on Nintendo (Rare, family stuff), and just let the money pour in.

First order of business would be to have Rare port Viva Pinata and Kameo to Wii U, the latter was created for the GameCube before the buyout after all. Then perhaps get Nintendo to greenlight Donkey Kong Racing fucking finally, the leader of that game is at Crash Lab now (Lee Musgrave IIRC), so get him back to lead the game to completion after about 15 years.
So people think that Amazon, which has around $12 billion cash on hand, and made a grand total of $274 million in profit for the whole of 2013, can buy a division which is valued at around $17 billion? Why?

Because companies very rarely make purchases of this size with cash, it's almost always a combination of financing, stock and cash. Why spend your own money when you can spend someone else's, especially with interest rates at record lows?

There are a hundred different reasons why Amazon wouldn't do this but financing isn't one of them

Pay attention.
(Today, 10:10 AM)
What am I creating fud for? I own an xbox one and quite enjoy it. Am I trying to sabotage myself?

I passed on a rumor that is being taken way more seriously than I imagined. That's it. No need for Tinfoil hats.
Just an FYI, this is a rumour that has been floating around in the City for a while. It's not something that is taken seriously.
Because the profits are quite misleading since Amazon has been reinvesting just about everything in new markets and infastructure for a while now. Their cloud service powers netflix and PlayStation first party dedicated servers. They jumped into the tablet business. They're producing video content. They're expanding all the time. They are also valued around 160 billion.

Profits are misleading yes, but cash in hand is not. You don't really take out a loan for these types if purchases, so future earnings shouldn't be taken into account too much.

EDIT: I personally don't think stock will switch hands here, so I'm basing my comment on that as well.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Famous's clarifications are important.

I mean, there's probably all kinds of 'talks' that go on and have gone on in the background that would shock you. Like the whole 'Microsoft trying to buy Nintendo' thing. I mean, technically there were talks there for a brief period.

So these things don't always amount to anything. It's not often we know about stuff like this while it's apparently happening, though.





No, he is right, there are board members who would like Microsoft to get out of products and stick to software and services. Physical products haven't exactly been good for them. The xbox division as a whole is still way in the red. Surface is way in the red. Zune was way in the red. Windows phone is way in the red. Microsoft doesn't make money here. They keep trying because if something does catch on the upside is huge. But it hasn't happened yet.

That said, this still shouldn't be a thread.

That's not how business works. Companies don't disregard profit since 2008, in favor of losses prior to that. It's called a write off. Fact of the matter is, the Xbox brand is profitable now and has been for a half decade. It is propping up their Entertainment division as a whole. Even with dead weight like Surface and Zune weighing it down, the division still brings in millions in profit, and it's pretty clear why.
I tweeted at Keighley because of the Titanfall launch show. I said bookmark this as a joke.

I'm also not looking for sympathy, I'm looking to clarify.

That's fair enough, but the tone is hard to determine in text. This may serve as a helpful learning experience, perhaps a little more caution is required in future.
As a consumer, a Prime member and an Amazon Visa member who converts rewards into Amazon dollars (that usually go towards fueling my gaming habit), I'm very excited about the possible synergies if Amazon becomes involved. It would be a net positive since Amazon has a MUCH better track record of providing good customer service. The entry costs could also be streamlined for consumers through various initiatives, plus game streaming would fit in nicely with Prime as a service.

As an armchair analyst, I don't think that it makes any sense whatsoever. Hardware exists purely as a vessel for Amazon to sell their goods and services and a niche, high end gaming/entertainment box that sits in one place just doesn't seem to fit the profile with what Amazon has historically tried to do.

Plus, I seriously doubt that they have the appetite for the intense R&D and startup costs that go with the territory. I think they are MUCH more likely to go in a completely different, much less risky direction for their entry into the market.

What I COULD see happening is some kind of co-marketing and co-branding effort to better sell Xbox games and services through Amazon with a much more integrated solution than what exists today. Of course, Sony and Nintendo could do the same thing. And we'd all benefit.
So people think that Amazon, which has around $12 billion cash on hand, and made a grand total of $274 million in profit for the whole of 2013, can buy a division which is valued at around $17 billion? Why?

A more likelihood is Valve buying out Playstation. Microsoft has billions of dollars where they can afford to keep going after certain markets. The XBox give Microsoft a foothold in many areas. Bing, Skype, it's cloud servers. Meanwhile it is Sony who has to restructure itself. They just announced they will be pulling out of its PC business but don't want to let go of it's TV division even though it lost them almost 8 billion dollar in the last decade*. Even the PS4 will take two years to break even. Which means the company has to make sure it is a success. 3 months ago they thought they would be profiting 294 million, now they forecast a 1.1 billion dollar loss for the fiscal year.

What am I creating fud for? I own an xbox one and quite enjoy it. Am I trying to sabotage myself?

I passed on a rumor that is being taken way more seriously than I imagined. That's it. No need for Tinfoil hats.

Such bs, if you know it's a dumb rumor then why post it? It's almost like you want no one to believe anything you say. Which is fine because no one should believe anything you say.


You mean two exactly, the most "powerful" of which is a hedge fund that owns .8% of the company.

Two have been vocal, but if they're floating trial balloons/talking publicly about it, I'm willing to bet others feel that way.

Either way, thanks. I'll edit.
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