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What is the biggest "holy crap!" moment you're expecting from E3?


- Persona 5 on PS4
- Finally a ne w Crash game ( please! )
- Fallout 4 Pc, X1 and Ps4
- exclusive Souls game for PS4

I guess nothing of this will happen, but my body is ready!

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


I think we'll all be doing that dance if that happens.


Beyond Good and Evil 2.

I also want to say "Metroid", but after Other M I feel so... empty. I'm not expecting anything. Between Other M and the last Yoshi's Island, my trust in Nintendo has been seriously shaken.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I despise what Nintendo have done since 2006 but I would get a Wii-U if they announce a new 3D Metroid. Knowing Nintendo they will announce 10 new 2D games instead as usual.


Keeping expectations in check:

-Uncharted trailer
-Xbox One ntkrnl leaks turn out to be true (project nagano etc ...)
-Last Guardian reannounced
-Devil May Cry outsourced by Capcom to platinum games


Nothing can beat The Last Guardian. We have been hyped, denied, and re-hyped for so long. It is the Pacquiao vs Mayweather of gaming. (Forgive the Off-topic reference, hehe)


- Persona 5 on PS4
- Finally a ne w Crash game ( please! )
- Fallout 4 Pc, X1 and Ps4
- exclusive Souls game for PS4

I guess nothing of this will happen, but my body is ready!

Persona 5 probably won't happen and I doubt FROM is working on another dark souls. They just made three in a row and I think they will take a break with a new IP or something like that.


-Colony Wars for PS4
-New X-Wing/Tie Fighter (but EA has rights so not going to happen)
-Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 for PC doesn't suck

None of these are going to happen of course.


Maturity, bitches.
Something so Japanese we suspected it would never be released outside their shores getting a localisation announcement. Like Love Plus.


Zelda U
Metroid U
Fallout 4
BG&E 2
New Ubisoft title that will look worse the following year (I don´t have high hopes for The Division)


Gold Member
The Last Guardian re-reveal with a release date of this fall worldwide.

The last guardian ps4 Xmas 2014

The Last Guardian delayed again ;_;

The Last Guardian closing out the Sony Press conference.

Last Guardian.

Unannounced new title from UNCHARTED
Unannounced new RPG from Guerrilla
The Last Guardian
New Gran Turismo

Xbox One Slim
PS4 Slim

The Last Guardian on PS4,
I hope.

It'll probably be Titanfall DLC and another CGI trailer for Halo 5.

Last Guardian fall release please.
And ShenMue 3!

Any sign of life from The Last Guardian, at this point I would die of happiness for one (!) lousy screen shot.

But most likely: Uncharted 4.

The next Quantic Dream game would be another candidate, but that is probably E3 2015 tbh.

Please Sony.

This thread has made me realize that I am not nearly as excited for Uncharted 4 as I was expecting. When it was first announced, I was like "Fuck yeah!" But since Amy Hennig and the other director left, my excitement has dwindled considerably. I realize that isn't very fair, but it's just the way I feel. :/ Maybe the game will impress me at E3 and get me back to being excited.

I think the biggest "Wow, fuck yes" moment for me will probably be Zelda U assuming they reveal it. If Mario Kart 8 is anything to go by, it'll look awesome. I know it's a racer vs a more open adventure type game, but still. Very interested to see if they keep the art style of the tech demo or do something else. Seeing The Last Guardian for PS4 would make me sooo happy as well.

The Last Guardian release date
Crash bandicoot made by naughty dog
Spyro made by insomniac (with the same sort of art style as the original)
Half life 3 release date
Beyond Good and evil 2 release date
Uncharted PS4 trailer or gameplay
Mirrors edge 2 gameplay
A new Syphon Filter announced
God of War 4 trailer
Battlefield bad company 3 trailer and release date
Red Dead Redemption sequel teaser or trailer
Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay

Pretty much none of this will happen but I can dream can't I?


The Last Guardian (PS3/PS4) is completed and will be on store shelves the moment they announce it at E3.

The Last Guardian coming out Today for PS3, up-rezzed version on PS4 running at 60 fps, support for Project Morpheus to be added later, cross buy, cross save with multiplayer component, heh. Well, maybe some slick demos for Project Morpheus.

I want something from the new consoles to actually wow me. No new shooting games, I don't care about those anymore. I need something revolutionary! Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus 2, Ogre Battle 65.

FFXV to come out on 5/15/2015.

Zelda Wii U/ Metroid U in glorious HD.

Star Fox made by Platinum Games.

Pokemon MMO.

Make my dreams come true plis.

FFXV looks like it could be the GOAT. Release estimate given and coming sooner than expected.

The Last Guardian Coming this holiday to PS4. Nown looks mind blowing.

Sony 3rd party relations brinig over Yakuza 5/and or Isshin, along with FF Type-0.,

Halo 5
Titanfall 2 for XB1 and PS4
Uncharted 4

E3 Dream Version:
The Last Guardian

Zelda U
Uncharted reveal
The Last Guardian

I just has to be, I can FEEL it.

Uncharted 4 mostly because of the graphics. Also hopefully a new The Last Guardian trailer + release date no later than Spring 2015, and a new interesting IP.

I also want an update that fixes stuff and adds some features like the suspend function.

And for the love of all that is holy they better not waste too much time on Playstation Now.

Last Guardian Release Date.. it doesnt even have to come out this year... just a release date..
Uncharted 4 releasing this year..
New God of War unveiled..
Infamous Vita..


Or Souls game for PS4

Oh and The Last Guardian obviously.

1.Half life 3 with VR support fir Oculus Rift and PS4 Project Morpheus.
2.The last Guardian for PS4
3. Nintendo announces their back Gameboy, Game Boy advanced and DS games will be available for IO5 and Android.

Last Guardian hopefully now a PS4 exclusive and some in game footage and a release date.

Half Life 3
The Last Guardian

Keeping expectations in check:

-Uncharted trailer
-Xbox One ntkrnl leaks turn out to be true (project nagano etc ...)
-Last Guardian reannounced
-Devil May Cry outsourced by Capcom to platinum games

Nothing can beat The Last Guardian. We have been hyped, denied, and re-hyped for so long. It is the Pacquiao vs Mayweather of gaming. (Forgive the Off-topic reference, hehe)

dat last guardian
For me personally? Might very well be the rumoured Platinum exclusive for Xbox One. Would also love to see: Miyazaki's PS4 game, Devil's Third and Cyberpunk (though all of CDPR's focus will probably be on The Witcher 3). And Starfox, outsourced to Platinum or Treasure. Please, Nintendo!

Phantom Pain will win game of the show.

Biggest 'fuck yeah' moment will be the re-reveal of The Last Guardian.


get some go again
i think microsoft will end up buying either a studio or some other big exclusives. maybe other EA exclusives? madden?


Half-Life 3.

Demon's Souls 2.

Non-outsourced Devil May Cry.

Dragon's Dogma 2 (probably not given their focus on Deep Down for Fantasy RPGs).

New Metroid that ignores Other M.

Actually substantial Mirror's Edge 2 footage.

Maybe Shadow of the Beast (if they show they are bringing in more of the adventure/puzzle elements from the sequels).

Maybe Uncharted 4.

Maybe the Tomb Raider Reboot Sequel (if they show they are at least trying to move away from the shootbang a bit).

And obviously whatever's completely new and surprising.

Edit: Zelda U too, I thought the chance of it happening was basically zero but when I think about it Nintendo have already hinted quite a bit about it.


at last, for christ's sake
Matroid one-two by Nintendo. Metroid Primed for WiiU, Dread for 3DS and Trilogy HD collection as the final jab with Iwata dropping the mic and cursing the audience before it
A new MGSV: The Phantom Pain trailer that is just as good as the previous one. Release date of Spring 2015.

PC version confirmed to be in development after the release of the game.


I think Microsoft will be aggressive this E3 by dropping the price of the Xbox One and unveiling some new exclusive games. Sony will respond by unveiling some exclusives of their own and by adding more value to Playstation Plus (PS NOW free for those with PS PLUS??).

I think both companies have learned that devoting any time on stage to demonstrating entertainment apps and features is a bad idea.

I am hoping to see the biggest surprise from Nintendo because they need it the most. They need to reassure people that they are not abandoning the Wii U by unveiling a lot of new games.


i think microsoft will end up buying either a studio or some other big exclusives. maybe other EA exclusives? madden?
That would be very expensive joke. I don't think it will happen though, they didn't moneyhat the newest FIFA so Madden is out of the question.


holy crap they spent the whole show talking about social shit and only showed shooters

is what I expect
- Crash 4 (PS4 excklusive)
- The Last Guardian + release date
- Uncharted 4 gameplay
- FF XV gameplay
- Zelda U


- Suikoden VI (yeah, It's not gonna happen....)

The things that I'll go most "holy crap!" at will be exactly the things I am not expecting.

Hoping for?

A Red Dead Redemption sequel.


Everybody's Gone to the Rapture gameplay
Uncharted 4 gameplay
Fallout 4 announce
Next-gen Demon's Souls
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