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What is the biggest "holy crap!" moment you're expecting from E3?


Or Souls game for PS4

Oh and The Last Guardian obviously.


Anything from Platinum.
I would say DMC5, but if that's gonna be revealed this year, its probably in TGS.

Seriously, the wait for E3 is killing me. This E3 is going to be amazing.


Zelda Wii U. As a huge Zelda fan, this could seriously encourage me to buy a Wii U.

Also, Star Wars Battlefront 3. The Force will be strong with this game.
people just better stop calling devs lazy or liars or anything else so stupid. These peoples blood sweat and tears go into games whether they look finished or not the devs are not lazy and no one is lying to you. Don't make them feel like they aren't respected.

A "lazy dev" doesn't have a job or make games.


Uncharted 4 and the reveal of the new Tomb Raider (the latter only because I'm such a hopeless Tomb Raider fanboy, though).
The biggest surprise would be if all the great games shown on stage look as good come release. Downgrades seem the norm (from some) these days.
1.Half life 3 with VR support fir Oculus Rift and PS4 Project Morpheus.
2.The last Guardian for PS4
3. Nintendo announces their back Gameboy, Game Boy advanced and DS games will be available for IO5 and Android.
Zelda, Metroid

extremly holy crap moments:

Zelda U will be actually fantastic again and has graphics similar to tech demo

Metroid is in 3D for Wii U and has amazing atmospheric graphics

FZero announced

Wave Race announced

New IP for Core Gamers announced


Only 4 things would do it for me:
-New Metroid title for Wii U or 3DS
-Ridley reveal for Smash Bros 4
-Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem finally gets a trailer
-Pixar world in Kingdom Heart III revealed


SE have taken so long that Pixar suck now.

Tangled and Frozen worlds, son.

Out of those two, Tangled would be much more fun for me. I love Flynn and Rapunzel, and either would be cool party members.

The child in me still wants Toy Story though, especially with Woody and Buzz being cut summons from Kingdom Hearts II.


Expecting holy crap moments from first party announcements, and games looking visually incredible

Again lots of first party trailers, and most likely 3rd party megatons

EA, CD projekt, Ubi will also create many holy shit moments


I personally don't want to see KH3 untill they have a release window set for it. I'm tired of seeing pre-Alpha footage from SE. I also don't expect XV to get a release date. So the biggest holy crap moment is the new Zelda I guess. What to see what Nintendo is cooking with that game. Would also love to see Persona 5, new mainline Fire Emblem, X and of course Sukoden 6 but that's never going to happen :(.
Not expecting a 'holy, crap!' moment this year. Expecting a lot of surprises, but nothing mind-blowing. But then, I've never had my mind blown by an E3 reveal. I just hope Sony finally shows us what the fuck they've been doing all this time.


I personally don't want to see KH3 untill they have a release window set for it. I'm tired of seeing pre-Alpha footage from SE.

I found it absolutely bizarre they did this with KH III despite their mea culpa with FF XV. They said info would be more frequent with the reveal of XIII Versus becoming XV, and yet it's been almost a year again since the last news of XV. /: They also decided to announce KH III way ahead of time, like you said, and are seemingly following the same road.

BUT now that it is out there, they have to deal with people's expectations. Which is apparently radio silence and once a year appearances. :(


There'll probably be some sort of surprising/disappointing money-hatting going on.

A new Street Fighter would be a welcome surprise.
Fallout 4 for Wii U would not.


Mass Effect 4 trailer

Fallout 4 (on a next gen engine)

A Cyberpunk teaser trailer showing ingame footage

Tomb Raider sequel

Sims 4 footage/gameplay
Shenmue III will be announced by at either Microsoft's or Sony's Conference, this time itshappening.gif. I would much prefer other games to be announced, tho.


Man, this year is crazy, literally everything could happen, every developer has a number of aces up their sleeves. Bingo cards will be really fun.

Well, the "holy crap" moment i expect are:

Already known games:
-Zelda U being every gamer's wet dream
-X being more than a MH ripoff
-AC:Unity being actually cool
-Uncharted melting people eyes
-The Withcer 3 being the GOAT
-FFXV with gameplay coming back to save jrpg

-Something cool from Microsoft (like the rumored Platinum exclusive)
-Usual annual Ubisoft surprise that'll get downgraded with time
-Next Gen Mass Effect
-Sony dropping some of long awaited first party (DeS2, TLG, MM's game, Bend)

Even if half of this happens (and we know half will happen, my jaw will be on the floor for the whole E3.


I expect nothing. This year I will go in without any form of expectations.
What I wish to see though is:

- Release date for Final Fantasy XV (even if it's far away)
- Release date for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Teaser for the next Mass Effect. Just so we see the overall theme and look.
- New game from Media Molecule
- Gameplay from Uncharted 4.
- Gameplay for Mirror's Edge reboot.


Out of those two, Tangled would be much more fun for me. I love Flynn and Rapunzel, and either would be cool party members.

The child in me still wants Toy Story though, especially with Woody and Buzz being cut summons from Kingdom Hearts II.
Yeah, I was joking really, I still want Pixar worlds too. Although I think even though I prefer Tangled, I think Frozen would make for a better world, because the pretty ice structures could magically appear and melt away in real-time changing level geometry, that'd be amazing.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
At some point everyone will go "Holy crap ...that was embarrassing!" to something Nintendo does and something a Microsoft person says. Happens every year.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Ultima VII Remaster.

Seriously? Probably Uncharted 4 or Halo ... the big hitters from Sony and MS basically.


New trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3. Crazy new footage. Tons of old and new Disney worlds are showcased.

At the end, Elsa, Captain America, and the release date are revealed.

I made a quick quick mock-up.

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