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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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True. They need to really bring it at E3. I was just watching the E3 demo of UC2, the helicopter/collapsing building part and it's still impressive this day even after seeing it a bunch of times and playing through the game twice. Something like that from RAD would really change people's minds.

Id label that style over substance. Then again a lot of people were creaming themselves over COD CGI Kevin Spacey; a reveal with literally no gameplay or even no engine.


They didn't even know it was being shown yesterday. The developer is not in charge of "marketing." It was a sneak peak to get you to watch the press conference. I agree it is not being shown well but I don't think it is their responsibility so I will give them a chance to demo it.

I really doubt after their last showing and with it being so close to E3, they don't have something solid to give to Sony to show off. I'm not saying it's right to count the game out already, but it's more than enough time for people to draw up a first impression, positive or negative.


Saint Titanfall
I think you're being really difficult here. It is obvious I'm not suggesting the game needs a "stage demo." I'm saying The Last of Us got one and therefore you had a fuller gameplay demonstration with which to understand how the game worked. It doesn't have to be on stage. An 8 minute video streamed over the internet regardless of where it is coming from is functionally the same.

The whole argument I am trying to make is that the sample is too small to draw any conclusions (I did not excuse Sony for giving people a small sample).

I'm not understanding our disconnect.

I'm not arguing against that. My point is really that RAD should show more of the game and that such a display is not limited to length of the demo shown unless the length is really long e.g half an hour. Everything is about brevity, executive summaries of a report exist for a reason.

Top level exposition doesn't require masses of time. People shouldn't judge on these snippets but that doesn't mean this couldn't have been done a whole lot better


I think the wider issue here is that Sony is doing a terrible job at promoting these games right now. It said far too little about inFAMOUS prior to release, and there were plenty of threads with people panicking about that game before it turned out alright. Similarly, it took about five videos to get people hyped about DriveClub, because it kept picking the wrong clips, or posting them to poor sources. And now we're seeing the same thing with The Order.

Sony's done a brilliant job so far this generation, but it's handling its first-party stuff very poorly in my opinion.

Well, the panic over Infamous ended up being valid... the game is very slim on content and fresh ideas.

I think Sony is trying to sell the PS4 on its graphics capability. Which makes sense when you consider that a lot of the early excitement surrounding a new console generation is "how much better does it look."
basically they need a setpiece and peeps will go omgwtfbbq.

sorry to burst your bubble, but uncharted played 90% of the time like that 3 minute demo of the order. worse, it had no flashy weapons.

still, it was a great series. that is why i just scoff at those who prematurely write off the order.

I look at it like a sports team almost. Like they say, it is better to finish strong then to start strong.

Sony has shown just enough of The Order with each teaser / trailer for us to be wondering, " what was that! I need to see more! ". Each time they show something different. First trailer, showed the werewolf like creatures attacking the team. 2nd teaser, showed the team investigating the darkness with flashlights, hinting a tense moments where the lighting and the darkness will take center stage.. 3rd teaser showed more investigative natured narrative but this time with that alien creature appearing in the foreground with the giant claws. Very horror-esque cinematography. Then, they showed pure gameplay with platforming sections, melee combat and basic combat with basic rifle / machine gun. Then now, they show a bit more combat but this time with a more stylish weapon that showcased the games particle effects and such.

Each successive teaser showing just a lllitttlleee more of the game and thats it. I still want to see the monsters of this title. How diverse are they? What do they even look like! We don't even know that. How deep does the investigative portions go? Is this game open world? Can I walk out of home base and walk around late 1800's steampunk London sometimes? What is with the Airships in the sky? What is this mentioning of air support?

We really haven't seen much, in terms of the depth of this game. So there is a ton more to see. Hell we haven't even seen a grenade thrown lol.


Sony aren't really selling PS4's on anything specific, just that a new console is out, and people might want it. Certainly their exclusives aren't doing much to sell PS4s.
Well, the panic over Infamous ended up being valid... the game is very slim on content and fresh ideas.

It depends on what perspective you're looking at.

There were concerns regarding whether or not inFamous was even properly shaping up, since very little was shown of the game outside of the Fetch mission. Whether or not the extra powers would be there, etc, more mundane things.

Functionally speaking, inFamous delivered on its overall promises. But it definitely did not push the franchise forward, but that wasn't the concern point at first. That was its criticism after it was shown that the game, at its core was fine, but simply lacked the depth and extra dimension that it needs to be better.


I think that, in terms of gameplay mechanics, the genre has hit somewhat of a plateau.

You are right about that, but I really hope this gen will change that.

What this game is doing that is fresh and new is the graphics area and setting and lore, there is still this talk about this morse code and detective work and horror aspects. I hope we see more at E3.

Look, that's what I was expecting from the game. If its 60% established TPS, 40% detective work and moody exploration, than I'll be more than happy. Let's see what E3 brings.

edit: just saw your edit, you're right. The werewolfs(?) really could make it a different game, the first E3 didn't even look like we'd be fighting human enemies. Enemy behavior is one of those aspects where the TPS/FPS could see an evolution this gen.
I look at it like a sports team almost. Like they say, it is better to finish strong then to start strong.

Sony has shown just enough of The Order with each teaser / trailer for us to be wondering, " what was that! I need to see more! ". Each time they show something different. First trailer, showed the werewolf like creatures attacking the team. 2nd teaser, showed the team investigating the darkness with flashlights, hinting a tense moments where the lighting and the darkness will take center stage.. 3rd teaser showed more investigative natured narrative but this time with that alien creature appearing in the foreground with the giant claws. Very horror-esque cinematography. Then, they showed pure gameplay with platforming sections, melee combat and basic combat with basic rifle / machine gun. Then now, they show a bit more combat but this time with a more stylish weapon that showcased the games particle effects and such.

Each successive teaser showing just a lllitttlleee more of the game and thats it. I still want to see the monsters of this title. How diverse are they? What do they even look like! We don't even know that. How deep does the investigative portions go? Is this game open world? Can I walk out of home base and walk around late 1800's steampunk London sometimes? What is with the Airships in the sky? What is this mentioning of air support?

We really haven't seen much, in terms of the depth of this game. So there is a ton more to see. Hell we haven't even seen a grenade thrown lol.

sometimes i'd like them to keep it that way. uncharted 3 suffered from showing too much of the game, that is why nd consciously showed less of tlou.

we all there will be crazy weapons, and enemies other than humans. the monsters were the biggest and best surprise in uncharted 1.

what i can't believe are people calling the whole game boring because of a very small gameplay segment. you can literally take any 3-minute segment of gunplay in any of the uncharteds but that doesn't mean the whole game will be like that. on what grounds do people have that they actually and seriously think that's what you'll be doing in 8 hours straight in the order? fuck, even bad tps games have variety one way or the other.
basically they need a setpiece and peeps will go omgwtfbbq.

sorry to burst your bubble, but uncharted played 90% of the time like that 3 minute demo of the order. worse, it had no flashy weapons.

still, it was a great series. that is why i just scoff at those who prematurely write off the order.

I've played Uncharted 2, I said that in my post. I know how it plays so you are not "bursting any bubbles". The point you seem to have missed is ND showed a section that had people saying wow, which no one is saying about what we've seen of The Order's gameplay so far.

Id label that style over substance. Then again a lot of people were creaming themselves over COD CGI Kevin Spacey; a reveal with literally no gameplay or even no engine.

I wouldn't. The section goes from traversal to quick platforming to fighting on a rooftop, through rooms while being attacked by a gunship to a battle on a collapsing floor. It's style and substance.


Id label that style over substance. Then again a lot of people were creaming themselves over COD CGI Kevin Spacey; a reveal with literally no gameplay or even no engine.
I'm pretty sure the stuff they showed for the new CoD was in-game/in-engine or whatever you want to call it. It wasn't CG.
I've played Uncharted 2, I said that in my post. I know how it plays so you are not "bursting any bubbles". The point you seem to have missed is ND showed a section that had people saying wow, which no one is saying about what we've seen of The Order's gameplay so far.

so i was right, then. they need an epic setpiece instead of the nonexistent "new gen gameplay" people seem to be wanting. it doesn't help that people don't even know what they want in the first place.


so i was right, then. they need an epic setpiece instead of the nonexistent "new gen gameplay" people seem to be wanting. it doesn't help that people don't even know what they want in the first place.

"Hey, did you know our game has warewolves, detective/exploration sequences, destructible environments and more cool stuff we talked about in previews to separate it from the usual TPS you play? Well, here's two videos that show off none of that!"
so i was right, then. they need an epic setpiece instead of the nonexistent "new gen gameplay" people seem to be wanting. it doesn't help that people don't even know what they want in the first place.

No they need something that makes people say wow, whether it be a setpiece or some kind of compelling gameplay. It's Basic Marketing 101. It's not rocket science.


This is the best looking console game shown so far. Let's not overstate what Sony needs to show. The Order will be shown, and faces will be melted. It's the fat chick who needs the nice personality. PEACE.

Cake Boss

It had my attention until the part where he had to escort the guy into the room and the closet enemies started coming out and stand right in the same spot where the past enemies died at, I closed it right after that.

Next gen graphics, last gen gameplay.
"Hey, did you know our game has warewolves, detective/exploration sequences, destructible environments and more cool stuff we talked about in previews to separate it from the usual TPS you play? Well, here's two videos that show off none of that!"

then it's a matter of why they're not showing those segments instead of "omg it's so boring uninspired gears of war clone last gen gameplay!"

and you are overestimating "destructible environments". what their initial reveal said materials will break down differently depending on the intrinsic physical properties they possess. they went off to show a ceramic breaking down differently than a cloth or wood would if being shot at. and i highly doubt it'll be bad company 2 level a whole town destruction.
People complained extensively last gen that Sony was showing off the best parts of games and leaving no surprises. Killzone 2 was completely spoiled by previews a month before launch. Uncharted 2 and 3 both showed their best sequences. God of War 3 as well. Now people complain that they don't show enough. I'm glad they hid the powers from second son. It made the reveal so much better.


It had my attention until the part where he had to escort the guy into the room and the closet enemies started coming out and stand right in the same spot where the past enemies died at, I closed it right after that.

Next gen graphics, last gen gameplay.

You're guna get it when it comes out though, right :p ?
No they need something that makes people say wow, whether it be a setpiece or some kind of compelling gameplay. It's Basic Marketing 101. It's not rocket science.
basic marketing 101 also says to do it in front of millions of people live streaming and dozens of websites covering it.


It had my attention until the part where he had to escort the guy into the room and the closet enemies started coming out and stand right in the same spot where the past enemies died at, I closed it right after that.

Next gen graphics, last gen gameplay.

This last gen gameplay nonsense really needs to stop. Some people make it out like last gen was the Atari or something. Gameplay wise, there is likely very little that couldn't be done last gen. I don't know what people expect to be different this gen over last in terms of gameplay.
Look, I did, 40 pages ago in this thread, not sure why you picked this post from a conversation I had with someone else half a day ago. What more do I want? I want new franchises to take risks at the beginning of the gen because we all know they will become franchises. I don't accept the notion that we've arrived at a point were the FPS and TPS are at the end of their respective evolution. It's just that he industry's current take on the genre still sells, that's why nobody seems to eager to push forward. If the industry had only focused on graphics, we'd be playing with 2 photorealistic paddles and one photorealistic ping-pong ball. I remember people saying how TPS couldn't get any better when Max Payne 1 came out. Well, Resi4 changed the experience with it's tighter camera, Gears changed the whole flow of the genre with Pop-and-Shoot and Vanquish had a very unique take on Gear's gameplay. That's 3 examples of what I'm thinking of when you say "care to elaborate". Of course I don't know what the next step is, that is the job of the gamedesigners. I just don't want AAA to always play it safe and never try something new because "For god sake it's TPS, what more do u want" is an acceptable excuse.

Oh, and like I said 40 pages ago, the Order can still be a great game with a lot of variety and a great story. It might even be the next evolution in the TPS genre. We've seen 3 minutes, but those were what the developer wanted us to see, so they are probably pretty representative of the game's gameplay (and graphics, those look incredible). We can only judge the game by what the developer gives us.

And that is the current situation we're observing right now. Except it's about set-pieces and reductive open-world design.


People complained extensively last gen that Sony was showing off the best parts of games and leaving no surprises. Killzone 2 was completely spoiled by previews a month before launch. Uncharted 2 and 3 both showed their best sequences. God of War 3 as well. Now people complain that they don't show enough. I'm glad they hid the powers from second son. It made the reveal so much better.
That shows you the irrational thinking that currently plagues this forum. It was exactly what they promised, a sneak peak.


That shows you the irrational thinking that currently plagues this forum. It was exactly what they promised, a sneak peak.
You can reveal gameplay without spoiling much. Last of Us did it perfectly.

If they have a demo like that for e3, awesome, it just makes you wonder why they choose to reveal the gameplay through those short gameplay clips
"Hey, did you know our game has warewolves, detective/exploration sequences, destructible environments and more cool stuff we talked about in previews to separate it from the usual TPS you play? Well, here's two videos that show off none of that!"

From the quality of the clip, I could not tell you if the hole in the front of the building gets blown out more after the explosion? It looks like it might be bigger, but I can't be certain.

A bad quality GIF but the stream isn't really high quality to begin with =/



then it's a matter of why they're not showing those segments instead of "omg it's so boring uninspired gears of war clone last gen gameplay!"

and you are overestimating "destructible environments". what their initial reveal said materials will break down differently depending on the intrinsic physical properties they possess. they went off to show a ceramic breaking down differently than a cloth or wood would if being shot at. and i highly doubt it'll be bad company 2 level a whole town destruction.

Well, what are we supposed to say from what they've chose to shown us? I can't say stuff I've never seen looks good, so from what they've shown, it looks to be a gorgeous game that doesn't do anything to set itself apart. So basically what was in The Force Unleashed? If they don't want people to be negative, then they need to pick better footage to show off. This would have been perfect for the reveal, not a month away from E3 but hopefully they have a blowout soon or at E3.

From the quality of the clip, I could not tell you if the hole in the front of the building gets blown out more after the explosion? It looks like it might be bigger, but I can't be certain.

I don't think it does. I was replaying that part. It doesn't blow out the windows directly above neither. The only thing I noticed was the banner that get destroyed by an explosion, I think, either way it's obscured so you don't even really see it.


Well, the panic over Infamous ended up being valid... the game is very slim on content and fresh ideas.

I think Sony is trying to sell the PS4 on its graphics capability. Which makes sense when you consider that a lot of the early excitement surrounding a new console generation is "how much better does it look."

Thats debatable.

Fresh ideas? Arent the power up considered new from previous games? I was amazed by the Neon powers. I mean it looks great and you really run like flash. Once you get the unlimited run ability, makes the game even better. Anyways the power ups were an improvement in all senses with iSS coming from previous games.

Mission wise, it may be slim yes but I felt it had enough to keep me busy. I havent done the Paper Trail stuff and honestly dont plan to just because its too much for me.

Also wanted to say that yea RAD is messing up badly by releasing The Order footage with crap media such as low quality streams. They are really pushing the film like experience and obviously are making their graphical capabilities a showcase but by showing it through these means just make those things moot/worthless because the game ends up looking worse than it is.

So then we can only rely on the gameplay which is not something mindblowing thus causing all these backfire threads all over the net. At the end of the day, Sony/RAD are to blame though.

I remain hopeful that at E3 we will get direct feed footage and an actual fricking cool reveal level with you walking in downtown London only to get attacked by hybrids/ werewolves.
That should be easy. Release the best possible quality they can reach on youtube (now there is only terrible compressed twitch footage there because they didn't release direct feed) and for us forum guys put it on gamersyde or their own websites in its full glory.
What they could also do is leave a link to the uncompressed footage in the description of the YouTube video.
Well, the panic over Infamous ended up being valid... the game is very slim on content and fresh ideas.

I think Sony is trying to sell the PS4 on its graphics capability. Which makes sense when you consider that a lot of the early excitement surrounding a new console generation is "how much better does it look."

Panic over infamous? Wth people.. The game is awesome.. Best game of the franchise so far!


Looks like "next gen gamplay" is going to be the next great buzzword of this generation lol.

Anyways is is fair to criticize what is being shown but it's not really fair to assume the entire game is going to be like this when they have yet to show many things they have talked about being in the game. They could have been lying their asses off or they axed those things but I doubt it.
basically they need a setpiece and peeps will go omgwtfbbq.

sorry to burst your bubble, but uncharted played 90% of the time like that 3 minute demo of the order. worse, it had no flashy weapons.

still, it was a great series. that is why i just scoff at those who prematurely write off the order.

I disagee, Uncharted has more open environments, lots of verticality and much more dynamic gameplay than we've seen from The Order so far. I hardly ever use cover in Uncharted. This game seems to force it on you in very cramped spaces leaving no room for player agency.

Hopefully, E3 will serve me wrong.


It depends on what perspective you're looking at.

There were concerns regarding whether or not inFamous was even properly shaping up, since very little was shown of the game outside of the Fetch mission. Whether or not the extra powers would be there, etc, more mundane things.

Functionally speaking, inFamous delivered on its overall promises. But it definitely did not push the franchise forward, but that wasn't the concern point at first. That was its criticism after it was shown that the game, at its core was fine, but simply lacked the depth and extra dimension that it needs to be better.

I can't say I recall much concern over it "properly shaping up". I do remember threads exactly like this one where there would be a new reveal or impressions, and it would be full of folks complaining about the gameplay and how little it had improved over the original.

Thats debatable.

Fresh ideas? Arent the power up considered new from previous games? I was amazed by the Neon powers. I mean it looks great and you really run like flash. Once you get the unlimited run ability, makes the game even better. Anyways the power ups were an improvement in all senses with iSS coming from previous games.

I don't want to derail the thread by trashing SS. So I'll just say that I disagree, and based on impressions from forums dedicated to the game, I'm not the only one.


I can't say I recall much concern over it "properly shaping up". I do remember threads exactly like this one where there would be a new reveal or impressions, and it would be full of folks complaining about the gameplay and how little it had improved over the original.

People complaining about the gameplay were mostly people that did not like infamous gameplay in in the first place.
I disagee, Uncharted has more open environments, lots of verticality and much more dynamic gameplay than we've seen from The Order so far. I hardly ever use cover in Uncharted. This game seems to force it on you in very cramped spaces leaving no room for player agency.

Hopefully, E3 will serve me wrong.
as i've said you can take any 3-minute splice of gunplay in uncharted and call that (prematurely) as the whole game, which obviously isn't true.

just like what you're doing. "the game forces you..." or you mean to say that segment requires you to do it a certain way, for the whole 3 minutes of it. that doesn't warrant writing the other 7 hours 57 minutes of the game as being the same.


Had zero interest in this game but that was really cool. I think the 2.40 aspect ratio looks good but as a plasma owner, fuck no.
I don't want to derail the thread by trashing SS. So I'll just say that I disagree, and based on impressions from forums dedicated to the game I'm not the only one.
you're not the only one but you are certainly in the minority, based on impressions from forums.


Late to thread, but imo what was shown was not impressive at all. Hype is basically zero for this game at this current point for me.


Junior Member
Graphics look stunning. I liked the original trailer but I wish they showed some more compelling gameplay.

They need to show an epic set piece just like how Naughty Dog and Epic Games have introduced Uncharted and Gears respectively.
You need to avoid black bars on a plasma. It's ok for a two hour movie, but a 15 hour game it's not good. It's our punishment for being picture quality snobs.
I thought that was already bunked? Since on plasmas, the parts that are black on screen will be off.
that's what I've read in this thread. I don't know much about plasmas.


You need to avoid black bars on a plasma. It's ok for a two hour movie, but a 15 hour game it's not good. It's our punishment for being picture quality snobs.

I played Dragon's Dogma for over 100 hours. No issue with burn-in. Is it a common problem nowadays?
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