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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)

Well for one, ME has many more marketing partnerships in the pipelines. Also it seems like maybe this performance advantage might come from the more powerful CPU. If more devs opt to put more NPCs on screen for no reason like ACU...

Do people really think this unoptimised crap some how takes advantage of a theoretical 10% advantage in CPU. I say theoretical because we have some reports questioning that increased performance in tests.

Yet they weren't able to make any improvements on a GPU that under certain metrics has a performance increase of 100%?


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I think CoD performed better on the xbox as well

DF gave the nod to the ps4 version in multi and said its apple to oranges for single player, i consider ps4 a win for cod because multilayer is where it is at 99 percent of the time.
I wonder how the meeting went down

Phil: So we are getting screwed on the graphics front, its creating a bad image for the X1 and will stop us from world domination. $25 million aught to do it?

Yves:Ahem $25 mill, I wipe my french ass with $25mill I want a life size diamond statue of Aisha Tyler, nothing else

Phil: I will have to pull a few strings, but yes I can sought that out, but if the PS4 version is not inferior MS will destroy you faster then you can say Sacre bleu.

Yes because a better framerate for one game is what will sell systems. You people are delusional.
I have to say Microsoft sending engineers to help out with Destiny and probably other games, is something to applaud. Their actions helped up the resolution of that game from 900p to 1080p without any impact to performance on Xone. Great for Xone owners.

Having said that Microsoft are a software company with more expertise, manpower, money and motive to take such actions compared to Sony. I just wish ICE team up their game and improve their ps4 SDK's at a faster rate, assuming they are not already doing so, of course.

Are you kidding? Destiny was a cross gen game. The overal design of the game hints to concession made for the previous generation. That game most likely never taxed the next generation consoles to begin with. And unless you have been completely oblivious, or joking, developers since the start of this gen had an easier time with the more robust PS4 SDK for quite some time before they started praising the xbone's SDK.
Its a shame they didnt make a full blown pirate simulator. The black Flag sailing missions were unbelievable. The assassination missions and fetch quests were useless. They really didnt learn a thing from this. Same shit over and over and it sells every time. Hopefully they will rethink the series and go with something a little different next time.

Give me Black Flag 2 with sailing, trading, economics, naval battles, negotiation and ship to ship capture and combat and that would be so fantastic.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
I have to say Microsoft sending engineers to help out with Destiny and probably other games, is something to applaud. Their actions helped up the resolution of that game from 900p to 1080p without any impact to performance on Xone. Great for Xone owners.

Having said that Microsoft are a software company with more expertise, manpower, money and motive to take such actions compared to Sony. I just wish ICE team up their game and improve their ps4 SDK's at a faster rate, assuming they are not already doing so, of course.

Devs were praising their dev kits at launch. Why do you thinik there's so many indie games on the PS4. Have you heard of Sony's dev incubator program? Sony Santa Monica has also been helping devs make games for years now.


Grandma's Chippy
This thread is full of awesome.

- People hyping up X1 version, and condemning the PS4 version for a 3-4 FPS difference (and the fact they both are shit)
- Tin Hats blaming MS and their infinitely deep $$$ pockets

Ubi should be ashamed of this crap, parity or not, no excuse for BOTH games to run as shitty as they do. Did all their internal testers only use PCs for testing or what?

I look forward to reading more!
After putting in 3 hours on the PS4 version this morning and exchanging it for the Xbox One version at the store later, I can confirm that the Xbox One version is a lot more smooth when in big crowds and traversing the environment.

Cutscenes definitely are slower, likely because it is using depth of field and other post processing effects which is taxing the GPU, which is weaker on Xbox One, but better on PS4. But since I'm not controlling anything I don't mind the dips.

Basically everything else in the open world runs better on Xbox One, controls feel better and I've noticed a lot less bugs and glitches.

Me thinks the Xbox One version was the lead development platform.


Its a shame they didnt make a full blown pirate simulator. The black Flag sailing missions were unbelievable. The assassination missions and fetch quests were useless. They really didnt learn a thing from this. Same shit over and over and it sells every time. Hopefully they will rethink the series and go with something a little different next time.

Give me Black Flag 2 with sailing, trading, economics, naval battles, negotiation and ship to ship capture and combat and that would be so fantastic.

Agreed.. But don't call it assassin's Creed and insult our intelligence ubisoft.. Start a new ip (pirates creed?).. And I'd buy it in a heartbeat..


After putting in 3 hours on the PS4 version this morning and exchanging it for the Xbox One version at the store later, I can confirm that the Xbox One version is a lot more smooth when in big crowds and traversing the environment.

Cutscenes definitely are slower, likely because it is using depth of field and other post processing effects which is taxing the GPU, which is weaker on Xbox One, but better on PS4. But since I'm not controlling anything I don't mind the dips.

Basically everything else in the open world runs better on Xbox One, controls feel better and I've noticed a lot less bugs and glitches.

Me thinks the Xbox One version was the lead development platform.
It was the version with the most money behind it, so this isn't surprising. MS really made sure Ubi weren't advertising this with the worst version of the game.

Dragon Age, Far Cry and GTA comparisons will be interesting.
really glad i went xbox this xmas


Putting the feelers out for takers are we? :p


Every time I boot up Unity on my PS4 all I'll think about is those godly 5 extra fps the Xbone version is getting and I'll lower my head and cry in shame.
God the CPUs in these consoles are garbage. Last gen ended up being hindered by memory capacity. This gen is going to be hindered by shit CPUs.
God the CPUs in these consoles are garbage. Last gen ended up being hindered by memory capacity. This gen is going to be hindered by shit CPUs.
ms is a little more forward thinking than sony in general, and it shows here. it may not be an across the board benefit, but cpu heavy games will shine.


I'm with y2kev except I didn't even get watch dogs. Ubisoft is just generic and boring and predictable as fuck. Ubisoft games just aren't worth the money.

I didn't get watchdogs because 900p. I did not get AC:U because of 900p. I am glad I made that decision in both cases. I think at this point, 900p on PS4 means unoptimized, rushed garbage.

I don't think I was clear. I meant that you can't run AI and Physics in parallel. You either run the AI then the physics or the physics and then the ai. The nature of the game loop makes it hard to run things in parallel and just impossible to run game systems.

I know physics benefits from running in parallel on the gpu. Almost anything that doesn't have a lot of branching and/or doesn't have to access a harddrive will benefit from running on a gpu in parallel.

Couldn't you do the AI for the next frame while rendering current frame? Sort of double buffering the AI outputs?


Given the spec and the performance of the last AC, the only logical conclusion is that MS paid Ubi to not improve the PS4 version, therefore, paid parity. Unless Ubi comes out with a detailed essay along with factual evidence explaining exactly why the PS4 version cannot perform better than the XB1 version, there is no reason to believe otherwise. MS and Ubi have officially killed all the goodwill that I ever have for them with this move. This is simply unacceptable.


So there is a theoretical CPU performance delta of 9.38% in favour of the Xbox yet a 19% performance delta in Unity in favour of the xbox.

Shit doesn't add up.


Just as we all suspected.

I think that we all would've been fine with just 2,000 or 3,000 NPC's in exchange for better graphics & framerate.
ms is a little more forward thinking than sony in general, and it shows here. it may not be an across the board benefit, but cpu heavy games will shine.

Lol. Good one. That 10% clockspeed boost of the same CPU are gonna be doing circles around the PS4's 50% overall power advantage and GPGPU capabilities in the future.


While Xbone has ~10% More CPU power, PS4 still has ~40% more powerful GPU which should be enough to counter any gains Xbone has from CPU in most cases. And even if we assume the Game use only CPU the difference should be less than 3 fps.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
Console wars in 2014, and people arguing which version of a buggy game is the buggiest. We also have dismissal of X1 superior permoance by waving it off as "a few frames"
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