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EA CFO: XBO Pricing Strategy Catching up to PS4, expects 25M PS4+XB1 after holidays


Pre-ordering in general wasn't even really a thing back when the Xbox and Xbox 360 launched. It's a silly measurement. Just like the number of zombies slain in Dead Rising 3 since launch.

But it's overall sales were better out the gate than the first two consoles no?


It may be that, but I think it's just more likely that the PS4 sells steadily whereas the Xbox One with all the different price cuts and bundles spikes in sales and then drops off.

Agreed, haven't Nintendo and others stated that price cuts only offer a temporary spike in sales, then you couple that with new release game bundles and you get to be in the top 10 for a couple weeks, almost all bundles are gone out of the top 100 now and the PS4 hasn't budged from the top 15. NPD should be interesting though I still think MS will take it, but not by much.
Agreed, haven't Nintendo and others stated that price cuts only offer a temporary spike in sales, then you couple that with new release game bundles and you get to be number 1 for a couple weeks, almost all bundles are gone out of the top 100 now and the PS4 hasn't budged from the top 15. NPD should be interesting though I still think MS will take it, but not by much.

Yeah those first couple of weeks in Nov will certainly make it tough, Sony's gonna need to sell a ton of BF bundles to make up that ground. Those XB1 bundles were high up there for quite some time, and it was more than just 1 sku.


But it's overall sales were better out the gate than the first two consoles no?

Overall sales were better out of the gate, sure, but you also have to consider that the 360 was supply constrained at launch. Basically they sold more because they made more. It's a PR talking point but it doesn't amount to much when put in context.


Overall sales were better out of the gate, sure, but you also have to consider that the 360 was supply constrained at launch. Basically they sold more because they made more. It's a PR talking point but it doesn't amount to much when put in context.

So the 360 was more desirable at the time than the X1?
Do you have a link for that please?
What about the OG xbox?
Seriously. Don't know why we haven't just replaced the NeoGAF logo as this:


That's my avatar. Leave me alone.


Probably a lot of people jumping on it with all the games coming out for it today (GTA, Far Cry, LBP, Dragon Age)

Usually that kind of effect happens before the release date of popular games, not at the same day.

EDIT: And lonedigitalwolf got banned, damn it! I hope he comes back before November NPD.


Usually that kind of effect happens before the release date of popular games, not at the same day.

I don't get it. Why wouldn't people wait until the release date of the game they want to play to come out before buying a console? If you aren't interested in anything else it'd just be sitting there until said release date anyway.

Cole Slaw

Now that the PS4 has suddenly and inexplicably jumped up all those spots on Amazon, and it isn't even one of those Brack Friday bundurus, it might be a sign that the general populace is finally starting to get around to doing all its holiday shopping in advance of the Black Friday rush itself.

Ah, PS4, the new bellwether of our booming economic times.
It all goes back to the PS2 days where Microsoft basically wined and dined most of the press whereas Sony treated them like dirt.

People just need to accept that this board isn't biased towards any one brand. When I originally joined Sony couldn't catch a break no matter what they did and the majority were incredibly pro-Microsoft.

Whelp @ the guy you replied to getting banned. And wynnebeck!

The mistake is to confuse saying "more neogaf members are pro Sony than pro microsoft" with "neogaf is pro Sony". The first is a simple reflection of market share, the other will get you banned because you're implying bias in the board management/admins, and it doesn't hold up to scrutiny.


I don't get it. Why wouldn't people wait until the release date of the game they want to play to come out before buying a console? If you aren't interested in anything else it'd just be sitting there until said release date anyway.

It's an observation of Amazon hourly chart.


I'm going with GTAV effect. It's being advertised like crazy where I am. Even ads in flyers for things like televisions have them displaying GTA with a PS4 logo

Yeah. The biggest electronics chain in Holland, Media Markt, is only advertising the Ps4 GTAV bundle in their latest flyer. The X1 console isn't even mentioned in the flyer.

European sales are going to be massive for Ps4 and GTAV this year.
So you're just guessing?
Well they couldn't sell any more 360s than all of them, could they? They had severe shortages during the launch period

It's speculation on which console was more desirable, because there wasn't enough consoles to meet the 360s demand during the launch period, while the Xbox One didn't have this issue.

You can't really compare the launches like that though, because due to a bigger focus on preordering, the industry has much more front loaded sales nowadays and companies are able to supply a lot more consoles due to improved production facilities.
Well I see nothing but good news here. I think Microsoft catching up really helps the software grow for everyone (as long as money hatting isn't involved). Devs can quickly leave last gen in the dust and work full time on just next gen games. This is really nothing but good news.
I don't get how you can catch up to PS4's "pricing strategy" when PS4 pricing strategy is "do nothing."

Sony's pricing strategy was to take advantage of Microsoft's inclusion of the Kinect by launching with a $100 lower retail price.

Microsoft has slowly, since March 2014, been shrinking that price gap, and they've now done so to that point that in the Sept and Oct NPD, the PS4 actually has a higher average selling price than the Xbox One.

Now, Sony is doing some bundling (Destiny, Black Friday GTA) and surely as time goes on will do other things they think will allow them to maintain a consumer perceived value advantage.

What the EA CFO is talking about, however, is how Microsoft has closed that pricing gap, and how it will benefit new gen console hardware sales as a whole.

What he is absolutely not talking about, however, is unit sales.

You can't but we've apparently got a bunch of experts in here who "speak CFO"

Actually, it's just reading and listening comprehension mostly.


Folks, that Amazon hourly thing is meaningless.

Unless the PS4 manages to stay on top for the most part leading up to Black Friday, then this spike today can be attributed to the wealth of AAA games just released.


Some seriously sneaky editorial additions there from Gamespot completely skewing the intended meaning to get some clicks.
Some seriously sneaky editorial additions there from Gamespot completely skewing the intended meaning to get some clicks.
They knew exactly what they were doing, and OP should be ashamed for falling for it.

Or maybe gamespot is just terrible at their job.


Are you telling me this guy spoke positively about the state of the market his company is in, and then he dared to make a neutral remark about it that didn't belittle any of his business partners in the process?
Can you believe this fool?
Folks, that Amazon hourly thing is meaningless.

Unless the PS4 manages to stay on top for the most part leading up to Black Friday, then this spike today can be attributed to the wealth of AAA games just released.

I wouldn't say meaningless, but perhaps not significant.


Actually, it's just reading and listening comprehension mostly.

Nope. At absolute best it's a toss-up what he was referring to.

I've yet to see anyone in this thread articulate Sony's pricing strategy and how MS is "catching up" to it.

Calling people out for not understanding what he was "really" saying and changing the thread title based on that quote is stupidly presumptuous.
Nope. At absolute best it's a toss-up what he was referring to.

I've yet to see anyone in this thread articulate Sony's pricing strategy and how MS is "catching up" to it.

Calling people out for not understanding what he was "really" saying and changing the thread title based on that quote is stupidly presumptuous.

While I do not understand the antagonism, nor the assertion that I changed a thread title, I do articulate the strategy in a couple places. You can look up a few posts for the last example.

Please reread the quote, and take a listen to the call, and help me understand how you're taking what is being said to mean that the Xbox One is catching up to the PS4 in unit sales.
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