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Capcom teases new PS4 game


I loved DMC4 actually. I'd take another game like that over the garbage that was DmC: Devil May Cry all day erryday.

Itsuno's previous game was Dragon's Dogma though. He's said a few years ago he was trying to get a fighting game (new ip, presumably) greenlit. We'll see. His team has been relatively quiet for a few years now.

New fighting game? I'm all in.
For the sake of reference, this is, from what I can find, the last we've heard from Itsuno

"In my head, I have a story and setting for the next one, but it’s not one that can be easily done… (laughs). For example, voices say “coming for PS4!” and it seems to happen quite a whole lot. The possibility to be able to make it might to be growing (laughs).

In addition to that, I want to also make a miniature garden simulation, as well as make more games for (established) series such as “Rival Schools 3” and “Devil May Cry 5.” Later on, I would even like to make a game that captures authentic fighting and, such as Street Fighter II did, to develop a new genre of fighting games.

Inside of me there are a lot of things I want to make, and because there are already concepts, there might be a chance! I have this feeling (laughs)."


Yes but that is their strategy, launching two games of the same IP on completely different platforms that will strenghten each other.

Or something like that...

What do I know? I am just rambling...


This damn news hurt deep but would be better if they were to release a new console one.


Santa May Claus
Consider me educated. That game was disappointing so I wanted to blame it on Kobayashi instead. :(

It'd be even more disappointing if Itsuno is doing DMC5 though. I'm totally done with that series.

You can blame certain aspects of DMC4 on Kobayashi, such as creating Nero to appeal to the young female demographic, but Itsuno was the man in the director's chair.

And he's the man for DMC5.
with Neo_G


Kobayashi had a good say in the story and the Genesis of Nero as a character.

Dude can definitely take a break from DMC but Itsuno is the director of DMC at Capcom, period.
They should just continue the story from DMC4.

Just that. DMC5 comes, then DMC6, it keeps going one after another. When will the story reach DMC2? Who knows? Who cares? Here's a good game instead.


There are 5 legit choices Capcom can make with DMC.

*Make DmC2 (sequel to DmC). Can't use NT because they are working on different game(s).

*Make Vergil only game.

*Make Sparda only game.

*Make DMC5.

*Reboot DMC with a game that starts with the events of DMC3.

Option#1 would've been safe if DmC sold well but it didn't. With some changes it could be a phenomenal game but it would lose NT's touch and the people who loved DmC might be left out by a Japanese made DmC.

Option#2 Vergil game has had momentum being made since DMC3. The character is very well known now. It would allow the team to go for a more serious, darker tone while still retaining the identity of the main character. It would also allow them to try out new systems.

Option #3 Same deal as Vergil although less people know about Sparda. Could easily be made into a GoW type epic tale with new combat systems in play. Would require big budget and big ideas to really knock it out of the park.

Option#4 The safest choice. DMC4 left a lot of unanswered questions and leads itself well to a sequel. Vergil's inclusion is almost a requirement as is a return to form. They would still need some ambitious ideas in mission design and provide a more focused experience but out of all the options this is the safest.

Option#5 DMC3 is a beloved enough game to be a strong springboard for a series reboot. This would allow them to start the series from scratch while retaining the old characters/stories.... just updated for modern times. A successful DMC3 would lead very well into a remade DMC1 which can be the true epic that it should be. They can do stuff like putting OTF Style switch in these games and other streamlined mechanics.

Probably won't garner as much buzz but it can help rough out the edges in the series when it comes to continuity.


I think it needs a game-design refresh in ways DmC didn't achieve at all (the linear chapter-based design feels particularly archaic) but there's still plenty of unmined potential in DMC.

Yeah, DMC4 was just an introduction to that big potential, but i think Itsuno has to make a decision for DMC5: Dante or Nero, because putting them again in one story mode will just limite both of them like happened to Nero in DMC4.

Also, i don't think they'll need a crazy budget for making a great DMC, if i recall correctly Bayo1 budget wasn't so high, but yeah we're talking about next-gen hardware this time so i don't know :\


Santa May Claus
I sincerely doubt they will reboot DMC in any capacity after the latest fiasco. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that they're going to play it safe and be incredibly mindful of the series' roots.


They should just continue the story from DMC4.

Just that. DMC5 comes, then DMC6, it keeps going one after another. When will the story reach DMC2? Who knows? Who cares? Here's a good game instead.

Exactly this.

No need to over think things, just make a proper sequel and take the series to knew places.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I don't see how you advance DMC's story anymore. DMC3 is a good place to start at if you were starting a series. I would have taken Dante Lady over Dante Trish anyday..how she learns to accept demons and find that there is some grey area in how the races are and how he is toward his brother..building off that would have been great.

But instead we get DMC2 throwing a wrench into everything where all the other characters are apparently not around, with an angsty designed dante implying they all died or got killed doesn't feel like a good direction at all for the franchise.


Some people actually want the series to be rebooted for the second time in a row?

Nah, I'd way prefer them to just make a DMC5.


DMC5 is obviously preferable but a series reboot is still on the table.

DmC is more of an alternative universe spin off than an actual reboot.
Yeah, DMC4 was just an introduction to that big potential, but i think Itsuno has to make a decision for DMC5: Dante or Nero, because putting them again in one story mode will just limite both of them like happened to Nero in DMC4.

Actually, my strongly held opinion is that the best possible thing for them to do is abandon the idea of a linear "story mode" altogether. Have the game take place out of the Devil Never Cry shop so that, rather than taking on twenty chapters, you take on a much greater number of much smaller missions.

This would carry a great deal of advantages:

1) Deemphasizing campaign design and Uncharted/GoW-style "wow moments" would allow for a stronger focus on core combat and game design.

2) Much greater ability for the designers to tune the game's difficulty, because you could create a *single encounter* that is really hard to survive instead of having to worry about structuring an entire chapter that way. Think of the way you can select DmC's secret missions from a menu, or Bayonetta 1/2's Lost Chapter and Rodin fights. This would also drastically improve the score-attack side of the game (again, think of the way that Bayonetta gives you a medal grade on individual encounters instead of solely at chapter's end). Bite-size gameplay is great for a number of reasons.

3) This would make it possible to have a greater selection of characters available because, outside of a select few missions dealing with the core story of the game, it'd be really easy just to have Trish play mission 40, have Dante play mission 47, have Nero play mission 63, et cetera. DMC4's design says "only Dante plays this level; only Vergil plays this level." DMC3SE's design is somewhat superior in the sense that every level can be played with both characters, but it's flawed in that two separate save files are required. DMC5 is totally capable of blowing both of those out of the water with the mission-shop approach.

4) The ability for designers to reuse the same area multiple times for different missions would save some money without feeling offensive or cheap the way that DMC4's several chapters in a row of backtracking felt.

5) The game would much more readily support DLC and/or post-release support with downloadable missions, downloadable weapons, and maybe even a downloadable full character or two.

DMC5 is obviously preferable but a series reboot is still on the table.
I think what I just described feels like it'd reboot some of what feels archaic about the game (namely, the linear chapter-based design) while being able to naturally transition the story forward from DMC4 and actually giving us our first real playable sight of a devil-hunting team operating out of Dante's shop.

This is a touchy subject for some folks, but what DMC needs is sort of an RE4-style reboot of certain outdated game design concepts (while, in this case, retaining the essential deep combat and score-attack stuff), not resetting the story back to zero (it's a pretty damn simple story anyway).

I still find it weird that DmC 'rebooted' precisely everything that didn't really need rebooting while leaving all of the stuff that was actually a problem for the series in place.


I would prefer DD2 above all, as Dragon's Dogma was one of the finest games they've made in years, but DMC5/DmC2 or the next RE game would be great.

I remember I made a big post a a couple years back about what I'd want for DMC5. I really wanted something that had a focus on the actual devil hunting, instead of just another distraction for Dante and Co.


The one and only Devil may Cry I care for and consider brilliant is the first one. Probably because of Kamiya's involvement in it.

The overall style and feel of this game is unmatched till this day.

Some people will interpose how much the combat has evolved in DMC3 and DMC4, but I hate this evolution.

There is just to much. To many styles (one style for just blocking and then an other one just for evading), too many different weapons and then the fourth game can't even decide who the real main character is...

I want this streamlined and focused experience from 2001 back. With a cool but taciturn main character who has some actual style and that isn't just some douche like in DMC3 or the pizza addicted and rose throwing clown in DMC4.

Capcom plz, stop shooting in your own foot and give DMC back to someone who knows how to make it a good game again.

Give it to Platinum Games.
Onimusha reboot = what a time to be alive

Yes please reboot it. Onimusha 3 and Dawn of Dreams left a sour taste in my mouth.

I mean, you have Jean Reno, who only speaks in his own French voice during a cutscene I think, and for the rest of the game has a generic American gung-ho voice. And I didn't care for the modern setting.

Also Onimusha pre-rendered >>>>> 3D
And Jubei >>>>> Samunoske


No. Last sales data left it at 1.6 million.

Then I think the days of the Devil May Cry IP being among AAA titles is over. I see no reason to expect a sequel.

I'm personally OK with this. Capcom could use more new IP's with safer budgets.


Santa May Claus
Then I think the days of the Devil May Cry IP being among AAA titles is over. I see no reason to expect a sequel.

I'm personally OK with this. Capcom could use more new IP's with safer budgets.

I should mention that in the same timeframe, DMC4 jumped up another 100,000 in sales, and is now sitting at 2.9million. An all-time series high.

And the DMC series was listed as one of the IP pillars in their latest financial broadcasts.

While the DmC series hasn't surpassed the 2 million benchmark yet, the DMC series certainly has.


Then I think the days of the Devil May Cry IP being among AAA titles is over. I see no reason to expect a sequel.

I'm personally OK with this. Capcom could use more new IP's with safer budgets.

So if Ninja Theory made Tekken 7 and it bombed then it would be because the Tekken IP is dead right?
I will always be a fool for believing in Chaos Legion 2, but there will always be a part of me that believes there must be someone at Capcom who want to make it.

Would kinda like a new IP, tho. Or Onimusha. Onimusha would be dope too.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
DMC5 or Dragon's Fuckin Dogma and i'm done. Dieing. Dead.

DD2 would be amazing. Untouchable. I don't have a lot of faith in Capcom to recognize the absolute AMAZING gem they have on their hands - easily my favorite RPG of any type last gen.

cmoooooooooon luck dragon go

LoL, just imagine if it were DD2. The goddamn internet would break


Then I think the days of the Devil May Cry IP being among AAA titles is over. I see no reason to expect a sequel.

I'm personally OK with this. Capcom could use more new IP's with safer budgets.
No it just means that DmC is done. DMC is still alive and can break 2 million, I will personally guarantee it.

Though DMC was never really AAA status to begin with... more like AA.


DMC5 is obviously preferable but a series reboot is still on the table.

DmC is more of an alternative universe spin off than an actual reboot.

We already had a reboot(DMC3) now you want another?

The one and only Devil may Cry I care for and consider brilliant is the first one. Probably because of Kamiya's involvement in it.

The overall style and feel of this game is unmatched till this day.

Some people will interpose how much the combat has evolved in DMC3 and DMC4, but I hate this evolution.

There is just to much. To many styles (one style for just blocking and then an other one just for evading), too many different weapons and then the fourth game can't even decide who the real main character is...

I want this streamlined and focused experience from 2001 back. With a cool but taciturn main character who has some actual style and that isn't just some douche like in DMC3 or the pizza addicted and rose throwing clown in DMC4.

Capcom plz, stop shooting in your own foot and give DMC back to someone who knows how to make it a good game again.

Give it to Platinum Games.


Option#1 would've been safe if DmC sold well but it didn't. With some changes it could be a phenomenal game but it would lose NT's touch and the people who loved DmC might be left out by a Japanese made DmC.

Option#2 Vergil game has had momentum being made since DMC3. The character is very well known now. It would allow the team to go for a more serious, darker tone while still retaining the identity of the main character. It would also allow them to try out new systems.

Option #3 Same deal as Vergil although less people know about Sparda. Could easily be made into a GoW type epic tale with new combat systems in play. Would require big budget and big ideas to really knock it out of the park.

1. I'd like this option and a DMC5 but both are never happening.

2. What can they do with him? He's barely a character.

3. I'm against this since they can't tell a basic story about him without retcons.


So if Ninja Theory made Tekken 7 and it bombed then it would be because the Tekken IP is dead right?

Assuming Tekken 7 will be a solid fighting game... yeah.

Plus Tekken is on it's way out anyway. And I would LOVE more than anything that a new 3D fighting game IP arise. And if Tekken has to die for that to happen, I'm A OK with it.

EDIT: I mean competitively. Even after how much dumbed down T7 will be, I'm pretty sure it still won't get enough new players to sustain it.

EDIT2: Dumbed down is a mean word, don't mean it that way. I just mean how many things they're taking out and the parts of the meta that are going to become non-existent with the additions.
The last thing Capcom needs to do is give DMC to Platinum. Itsuno made that series much better than what Platinum could do.

Just don't get any ideas about rebooting the series like what NT did and it'll be fine.

People need to stop thinking Platinum are the only ones that can still make a character action game.


The one and only Devil may Cry I care for and consider brilliant is the first one. Probably because of Kamiya's involvement in it.

The overall style and feel of this game is unmatched till this day.

Some people will interpose how much the combat has evolved in DMC3 and DMC4, but I hate this evolution.

There is just to much. To many styles (one style for just blocking and then an other one just for evading), too many different weapons and then the fourth game can't even decide who the real main character is...

I want this streamlined and focused experience from 2001 back. With a cool but taciturn main character who has some actual style and that isn't just some douche like in DMC3 or the pizza addicted and rose throwing clown in DMC4.

Capcom plz, stop shooting in your own foot and give DMC back to someone who knows how to make it a good game again.

Give it to Platinum Games.

I like Platinum games but I prefer DMC4 to all their games so nope.

I also find it weird to argue that DMC3+ have way "too much" and then say you'd like the next game to be made by Platinum, because IMO TW101 and Bayonetta 1/2 are way "worse" (or better depending on how you look at it) on that aspect. Bayonetta especially, has way more weapons, combos and items. I prefer the self contained scheme that DMC4 adopts. You always have access to all your weapons and special attacks at all time, and most importantly they all have meaningful differences (I kinda like the "dial-a-combo" approach Bayonetta takes but in fine a lot of those combos are completely redundant and are just there for the sake of variety).


DMC is already filled with retcons and Sparda's lifetime achievements are so unknown that just about anything they throw in it won't go against any canon. Just have it end with a Mundus showdown, his sealing his power and settling down... everything before that is shrouded in mystery and ripe for usage.

Vergil is more of a character with a bigger background story than Nero yet Nero still got his own game. Vergil's exploit before and right after DMC3 are unaccounted for. If he's alive then his time after DMC1 is also unaccounted for.

Hell Capcom had the idea to give him a campaign in DmC as well which was pretty decent.

Vergil's own game can allow them to explore new mechanics and a new style of play. Vergil as far as his playstyle goes is more about efficiency than style so they can play off of that and go for a more NG playstyle while retaining the core fundamentals of DMC. It can also be a darker, more serious story without butchering the character because he's the foil to Dante. Hell going dark/serious with him is what fans expect to begin with.

And no Capcom should not be giving DMC to PG. We have gone through this so many times it's not even worth addressing again.


Dragon's Dogma 2!

Though i'll be perfectly happy with a Dragons Dogma HD port. That game should have been made one generation ahead.


The one and only Devil may Cry I care for and consider brilliant is the first one. Probably because of Kamiya's involvement in it.

The overall style and feel of this game is unmatched till this day.

Some people will interpose how much the combat has evolved in DMC3 and DMC4, but I hate this evolution.

There is just to much. To many styles (one style for just blocking and then an other one just for evading), too many different weapons and then the fourth game can't even decide who the real main character is...

I want this streamlined and focused experience from 2001 back. With a cool but taciturn main character who has some actual style and that isn't just some douche like in DMC3 or the pizza addicted and rose throwing clown in DMC4.

Capcom plz, stop shooting in your own foot and give DMC back to someone who knows how to make it a good game again.

Give it to Platinum Games.

7.8 Too many styles
just joking
I kinda understand your point, i think DMC1 is still the best as for story,characters and enemy designs. With Bayo and Bayo2 showed us action games well designes both artisticaly and combat-wise, but DMC4 Combat system has a great depth and it has nothing to envy against Bayonetta.

Actually, my strongly held opinion is that the best possible thing for them to do is abandon the idea of a linear "story mode" altogether. Have the game take place out of the Devil Never Cry shop so that, rather than taking on twenty chapters, you take on a much greater number of much smaller missions.

This would carry a great deal of advantages:

1) Deemphasizing campaign design and Uncharted/GoW-style "wow moments" would allow for a stronger focus on core combat and game design.

2) Much greater ability for the designers to tune the game's difficulty, because you could create a *single encounter* that is really hard to survive instead of having to worry about structuring an entire chapter that way. Think of the way you can select DmC's secret missions from a menu, or Bayonetta 1/2's Lost Chapter and Rodin fights. This would also drastically improve the score-attack side of the game (again, think of the way that Bayonetta gives you a medal grade on individual encounters instead of solely at chapter's end). Bite-size gameplay is great for a number of reasons.

3) This would make it possible to have a greater selection of characters available because, outside of a select few missions dealing with the core story of the game, it'd be really easy just to have Trish play mission 40, have Dante play mission 47, have Nero play mission 63, et cetera. DMC4's design says "only Dante plays this level; only Vergil plays this level." DMC3SE's design is somewhat superior in the sense that every level can be played with both characters, but it's flawed in that two separate save files are required. DMC5 is totally capable of blowing both of those out of the water with the mission-shop approach.

4) The ability for designers to reuse the same area multiple times for different missions would save some money without feeling offensive or cheap the way that DMC4's several chapters in a row of backtracking felt.

5) The game would much more readily support DLC and/or post-release support with downloadable missions, downloadable weapons, and maybe even a downloadable full character or two.

I think what I just described feels like it'd reboot some of what feels archaic about the game (namely, the linear chapter-based design) while being able to naturally transition the story forward from DMC4 and actually giving us our first real playable sight of a devil-hunting team operating out of Dante's shop.

This is a touchy subject for some folks, but what DMC needs is sort of an RE4-style reboot of certain outdated game design concepts (while, in this case, retaining the essential deep combat and score-attack stuff), not resetting the story back to zero (it's a pretty damn simple story anyway).

I still find it weird that DmC 'rebooted' precisely everything that didn't really need rebooting while leaving all of the stuff that was actually a problem for the series in place.

So, a sort "Devil hunter story" game. Point 2) is good , Mission/Chapter story mode is still the right system for action stylish games, the best would be verses(Bayonetta) with the possibility of restarting them anytime(like Metal Gear Rising ).Combo-ranking system is already perfect for me,actually i like it more than Bayonetta's one, it really pushes you to improve your combos.

As for characters,what i was trying to explain is very hard to design a character action game with 2 "full" characters without, by "full" i mean with a rich set of weapons and moves. Nero had just one weapon and only the Devil Bringer "style",Vergil just 3 weapons and 1 style, better situation for Dante who maintained his styles+switchable feature but with less weapons than DMC3.
I appreciated the introduction of Nero but that brought some sacrificie. The best,imho, would have been a DMC4 totally focused on Nero and Dante as unlockable character.


DMC is already filled with retcons and Sparda's lifetime achievements are so unknown that just about anything they throw in it won't go against any canon. Just have it end with a Mundus showdown, his sealing his power and settling down... everything before that is shrouded in mystery and ripe for usage.

Vergil is more of a character with a bigger background story than Nero yet Nero still got his own game. Vergil's exploit before and right after DMC3 are unaccounted for. If he's alive then his time after DMC1 is also unaccounted for.

Hell Capcom had the idea to give him a campaign in DmC as well which was pretty decent.

Vergil's own game can allow them to explore new mechanics and a new style of play. Vergil as far as his playstyle goes is more about efficiency than style so they can play off of that and go for a more NG playstyle while retaining the core fundamentals of DMC. It can also be a darker, more serious story without butchering the character because he's the foil to Dante. Hell going dark/serious with him is what fans expect to begin with.

And no Capcom should not be giving DMC to PG. We have gone through this so many times it's not even worth addressing again.

1. They'll find a way to screw it up.

2. I wouldn't call 4 nero's game since we didn't learn anything about him. Vergil is dead after 1 why can't people accept that.

3. What story can possibly be used for a guy that has no interests other power?
The one and only Devil may Cry I care for and consider brilliant is the first one. Probably because of Kamiya's involvement in it.

The overall style and feel of this game is unmatched till this day.

Some people will interpose how much the combat has evolved in DMC3 and DMC4, but I hate this evolution.

There is just to much. To many styles (one style for just blocking and then an other one just for evading), too many different weapons and then the fourth game can't even decide who the real main character is...

I want this streamlined and focused experience from 2001 back. With a cool but taciturn main character who has some actual style and that isn't just some douche like in DMC3 or the pizza addicted and rose throwing clown in DMC4.

Capcom plz, stop shooting in your own foot and give DMC back to someone who knows how to make it a good game again.

Give it to Platinum Games.

At the rate they're going (with spending money on two R&D buildings), I'd say this makes sense in their long term projections. Face it; no way we're seeing classics come back. Capcom's business model sucks - they are just focused on current gen projects. If I were them, I would sell IPs that are not in use (even if they are being used, best believe it would be a smartphone game). Simple as that.


I like Platinum games but I prefer DMC4 to all their games so nope.

I also find it weird to argue that DMC3+ have way "too much" and then say you'd like the next game to be made by Platinum, because IMO TW101 and Bayonetta 1/2 are way "worse" (or better depending on how you look at it) on that aspect.

Yeah, I know. That's why in my oppinion Bayonetta will never reach the quality of DMC. Too much shit happening at once, too weird, not focused enough. But at least you can dodge without changing some damn style. ;)

DMC4 was solid but could have been a far, far better game without the Dante part. The whole second half of the game felt totally out place for me. Dante was acting out of his character, all the cool but more simplistic moves with Nero were not possible with him, then all this boring boss and level recycling...sigh.
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