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343 Industries' Josh Holmes explains design decisions in Halo 5


Don't think anyone prefers the scope, just don't think it's as bad as some make it seem.

On a positive, it's at least more visually pleasing for Twitch streams. :)


When you say "will get" are you anticipating that these features will be terrible and get a justified response or a bunch of pre-meditated "feedback" due to an inherent prejudice?

No, I was saying the Beta will get positive and negative feedback. I'm pretty sure we'll see people making posts about why a certain feature is bad for Halo or why another one is good.


Possible source on ADS:

eurogamer said:
When you get down to the brass tacks of gun play, when you're playing Slayer on Truth, Halo 5's version of Midship, and Spartans are firing at you from everywhere, you don't care about lore. You want to know whether to fire the Assault Rifle from the hip or use Smart Scope. 343 tells me Smart Scope does not affect damage output. That is, the damage of each bullet is the same. But it affects the spread of the bullets. So, if you're at a medium distance and you want to concentrate your fire, scoping with the Assault Rifle makes sense. But if you're up close, fire from the hip for a wider spread.

Linky: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-11-11-smart-scoping-with-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Don't think anyone prefers the scope, just don't think it's as bad as some make it seem.

On a positive, it's at least more visually pleasing for Twitch streams. :)

i prefer the look, despite it obscuring the view. since its not ADS in the traditional since, i'm very happy with the change

nothing new. if you wanted to hit anything with an AR at medium distance, you'd burst fire. otherwise your bullets are going around your target due to the spread.

tighter spread when scoped was in Reach and was one of the few things that made sense with its gunplay and terrible bloom system. There weren't many guns that could take advantage of it though because it was only on headshot weapons.


Lore and immersion can be the wrong approach.

343 for some odd reason felt they had to waste time giving multiplayer a story and are continuing with Halo 5. Why that matters over maps and game play, I've got no idea.

Immersion is a fine line and one that easily leads to game play being restricted and hampered because it looks cool or this should happen because non game play reasons rather than is this fun, balanced etc.

I'm not against changes in Halo but only for the better.

If Halo Big Team Battle was kinda like Battlefield with less unlock nonsense, hell yes. Make Halo Battlefield with ODSTs etc. oh wait, 343 made jock Spartans instead. Solution, don't bow to lore, make a fun game!


i prefer the look, despite it obscuring the view. since its not ADS in the traditional since, i'm very happy with the change
It looks nice, but compared to what we had before, it feels like a step back. It makes sense for weapons that have scopes to remain as they were; even makes more sense from a lore perspective.

I'm cool with a zoom-in for automatic weapons though. Not sure how I feel about the spread being tighter, if that eurogamer article is to be believed...


Neo Member
343 is in a catch 22, if they make the same game as Halo 3 or Halo 2 (witch is what the vocal minority of people wanted) they will cry foul and say its a re-hash.

They then try to innovate and add things to the game, and then take out things that didn't work (kits) and people complain its not "Halo".

The MCC exists for the people who want "Halo" and Halo 5 will exist for people who want an evolved Halo.

I have no idea if it will be good but from the videos i have watched and the passion the studio shows i expect the game looks to be really good and i will pick it up (a couple days after launch).


nothing new. if you wanted to hit anything with an AR at medium distance, you'd burst fire. otherwise your bullets are going around your target due to the spread.

tighter spread when scoped was in Reach and was one of the few things that made sense with its gunplay and terrible bloom system. There weren't many guns that could take advantage of it though.

I haven't played Reach, but I thought the argument at hand was that ADS didn't give any bonuses to aim, etc over non ADS. But the article clearly suggest that ADS gives you a reduced bullet spread which is a bonus compared to hip firing.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
It looks nice, but compared to what we had before, it feels like a step back.

I'm cool with a zoom-in for automatic weapons though. Not sure how I feel about the spread being tighter, if that eurogamer article is to be believed...

yeah, not to me. i have a bigger issue with 343i's graphical flourishes in MP obscuring player vision at times. i rarely hear complaints about this and sadly it appears back to some extent in halo 5.


yeah, not to me. i have a bigger issue with 343i's graphical flourishes in MP obscuring player vision at times. i rarely hear complaints about this and sadly it appears back to some extent in halo 5.
Do you mean lines of sight being obstructed by actual map geometry? Or stuff like lighting?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Do you mean lines of sight being obstructed by actual map geometry? Or stuff like lighting?

lighting. i hated having visibility turn to shit and having players be tough to spot from certain angles and in certain places in h4. haven is a good example of this. where bungie always held back from graphical splendor in MP for the sake of visibility, 343i has embraced it and no one seems to care.
Halo always had a more narrow spread when scoped, no? it was just minor compared to other games, and I mean minor like pixels.

Adding a zoom to the AR should have ticked off they were doing something bad.
343 is in a catch 22, if they make the same game as Halo 3 or Halo 2 (witch is what the vocal minority of people wanted) they will cry foul and say its a re-hash.

They then try to innovate and add things to the game, and then take out things that didn't work (kits) and people complain its not "Halo".

Not so much. They could keep the classic, core gameplay of Halo intact and innovate in other areas.

Also, I wouldn't necessarily describe attempts to cram gameplay elements from other popular FPS's into Halo as "innovating".


lighting. i hated having visibility turn to shit and having players be tough to spot from certain angles and in certain places in h4. haven is a good example of this. where bungie always held back from graphical splendor in MP for the sake of visibility, 343i has embraced it and no one seems to care.

Lighting was really terrible in Halo 4, I agree. So many maps, were you couldn't see as much as you should be able to. Haven was one of the worst offenders, but nothing beats this: http://i3.minus.com/jbxfbRwqGgH2jW.png
I haven't played Reach, but I thought the argument at hand was that ADS didn't give any bonuses to aim, etc. But the article clearly suggest that ADS give you a reduced bullet spread. which is a bonus over hip firing.

I thought issue was about penalties, not bonuses. Halo 5's ADS doesn't have movement or hipfire accuracy penalties.

The scope is supposed to allow you to combat players at range, and a tighter spread facilitates that. Otherwise, you're simply magnifying the view.

It should be balanced with descope in the game. Weapons will of course need tweaking so that they don't turn into automatic snipers, but if there's no bonus at all (even a negligible one) it'd only further show how unnecessary changing the scope is in the first place.


Not so much. They could keep the classic, core gameplay of Halo intact and innovate in other areas.

Also, I wouldn't necessarily describe attempts to cram gameplay elements from other popular FPS's into Halo as "innovating".

And I asked someone else this same question, how so?


I haven't played Reach, but I thought the argument at hand was that ADS didn't give any bonuses to aim, etc. But the article clearly suggest that ADS give you a reduced bullet spread. which is a bonus over hip firing.

Zoom always had longer aim assist range than hip-fire, and sometimes less spread. It probably doesn't make sense for SMG&AR to have longer aim assist range when scoped because they have huge spread. Zoom always had advantage over hipfire, and so should Smart Scope.

I don't understand the hate against H5's ADS here. It doesn't slow you down, and you'll be descoped when shot. Even ADSing in CoD feels good when you equip Stalker perk that allows you to move at full speed while ADSing. And view obstruction with gun and tunnel vision FoV, well there should be a downside to having more accuracy.



I thought issue was about penalties, not bonuses. Halo 5's ADS doesn't have movement or hipfire accuracy penalties.

The scope is supposed to allow you to combat players at range, and a tighter spread facilitates that. Otherwise, you're simply magnifying the view.

It should be balanced with descope in the game. Weapons will of course need tweaking so that they don't turn into automatic snipers, but if there's no bonus at all (even a negligible one) it'd only further show how unnecessary changing the scope is in the first place.

This is a fair point and people can discuss the points you made above, but I was addressing post similar to these
I'm pretty sure that's wrong. I think you get the same spread and accuracy either way but you can see targets further away a little better. That may help your accuracy but I think it's a viewing thing.


lighting. i hated having visibility turn to shit and having players be tough to spot from certain angles and in certain places in h4. haven is a good example of this. where bungie always held back from graphical splendor in MP for the sake of visibility, 343i has embraced it and no one seems to care.
I've never had much of an issue with visibility, but I can see how that could be a hindrance, and I don't think you're the only one I've seen take an issue with the game's lighting.
So yeah, we're going to have to go full on complaining about ADS once the beta comes out, right? That sounds completely terrible from a gameplay perspective.

343 studio head Josh Holmes tells me the developers wanted to go "back to canon" by having a link between a Spartan's armour and their visor so they could provide extra information on the weapon they're holding. It's the "Smart Link" system that results in the "Smart Scope". Yes, it's kind of silly that a scope system has its own lore in a video game. But then, you know, video games.
Oh, Please. Nothing about ADS is Canonological unless we are playing as a regular ol'Marine.


343 is in a catch 22, if they make the same game as Halo 3 or Halo 2 (witch is what the vocal minority of people wanted) they will cry foul and say its a re-hash.

They then try to innovate and add things to the game, and then take out things that didn't work (kits) and people complain its not "Halo".

The MCC exists for the people who want "Halo" and Halo 5 will exist for people who want an evolved Halo.

I have no idea if it will be good but from the videos i have watched and the passion the studio shows i expect the game looks to be really good and i will pick it up (a couple days after launch).

For the last god damn time. Nobody wants the same game as Halo 2 or 3. It isn't the vocal minority either that against changes that go against the core philosophy of Halo. Innovating isn't doing things that are popular and expected.
Could I make suggestions on what they could do or go? I would say expand more on weapons, equipment (yes equipment), and grenades. There is a lot that can be done to all 3 yet we haven't really seen much expanded on them since Halo 3.


If ADS is only cosmetic, then the problem is easy to avoid. Just add the classic scope as an option.

You want to have half your screen obstructed when you zoom? You use ADS. You prefer the elegance and simplicity of the old zoom? You use the classic scope.



Could I make suggestions on what they could do or go? I would say expand more on weapons, equipment (yes equipment), and grenades. There is a lot that can be done to all 3 yet we haven't really seen much expanded on them since Halo 3.

That game doesn't sound like it would be much different from H3.
343 is still trying to chase this super soldier fantasy that no realistic person gives a shit about. If you really want players to "feel like a super soldier", they should be able to shoot while running 50 mph with no weapon recoil, jump a hundred feet, throw grenades a thousand yards, etc. Nobody cares about lore or immersion in a competitive multiplayer game -- stop letting it regulate every design decision.

When they talk about things like immersion, they may be referring to the campaign.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
If ADS is only cosmetic, then the problem is easy to avoid. Just add the classic scope as an option.

You want to have half your screen obstructed when you zoom? You use ADS. You prefer the elegance and simplicity of the old zoom? You use the classic scope.


343 giving options? Ha


Being a avid halo fan I am excited to have change, don't get me wrong I love the old halo formula but getting the MCC I am happy to have all my halo needs met on one box.


I assume you mean equal starts, which I'm happy about as well. Sprint and ADS, with default COD/Battlefield controller mapping, I'm not very happy about.

Sprint doesn't bother me. Not gonna say it improves gameplay, but it does speed the encounter time since base movement in Halo has always been slow.

ADS/Smart Scope...whatever you want to call it I'm going to assume works the same way as zoom minus the cosmetic change. If there are options for clicking the RS for it, it's going to be a toggle option instead of hold to zoom.
Then you don't use it? Not like they're giving any penalties for hip fire with all the no scoping i have been seeing with DRM, and BRs in the footage.

It's not even about "giving the benefit of the doubt" at this point. The beta is around the corner and people are making big sweeping judgements on something they have yet to even play. How about actually trying it out before shitting on it. Or does that make too much sense to today's "gamer".

On the maps they have shown. Again, typically 343 Halo maps tend to be bigger. Remember, the one map is a Forge map they keep showing.
Zoom made the the reticule smaller so it seems the bloom is tightened, but in halo 5 the reticule doesn't look like it gets smaller for the autos and the bloom does not expand much. Watching the gameplay when people use the smart scope you can see the bloom is really tight.
Going back and playing the classic halo games, sprint is sorely missing. I welcome the addition. Happy with some of the extra mobility options too. I'm indifferent about ads. Will wait to see how it feels before making judgment.


I hope the change the sniper design. It looks awful. Didn't like the h4 sniper design.

Otherwise, I really hope we are in for a treat.

Here is hoping for sandbox, open big campaign experience and great multiplayer. No linear campaign and lots of chitty chat chief.

No showing of MC face. Don't ruin the experience God damit. Feels like we are dealing with amateurs here.

Who the hell thought of that?

Sorry, I always get carried away when I remember the awful mistakes in H4.

Oh and I don't know how this guy still has a job.

If they fail with this one, than there is no coming back.

Bag'em and tag'em.
Sprint doesn't bother me. Not gonna say it improves gameplay, but it does speed the encounter time since base movement in Halo has always been slow.

ADS/Smart Scope...whatever you want to call it I'm going to assume works the same way as zoom minus the cosmetic change. If there are options for clicking the RS for it, it's going to be a toggle option instead of hold to zoom.

The sprint thing has been driven into the ground, so I'm not going to rehash all that.

My real problem with ADS and with holding LT being default is that we're going to wind up with babbies running around with AR's and SMG's playing this game like it's Destiny/COD/Titanfall. Sure- veteran players will probably crap on them for it, but it's still going to muck the flow of the game up.


Sprint doesn't bother me. Not gonna say it improves gameplay, but it does speed the encounter time since base movement in Halo has always been slow.
The solution to a slow base movement speed is increasing the base movement speed, not adding sprint.


Halo always had a more narrow spread when scoped, no? it was just minor compared to other games, and I mean minor like pixels.

Adding a zoom to the AR should have ticked off they were doing something bad.

I don't remember this at all. On the guns that could modify the spread, it was based on your rate of fire rather than scope state.

You can burst the AR in Halo 3 and Reach and it has an actual different spread than just holding the trigger. I got annoyingly good at burst firing the AR in Reach.

Halo 1's pistol changed it's spread depending on if you pressed the trigger (zero) or just held it (all over the place).

Halo 2's pistol changes it's bloom depending on RoF.

Halo 3's carbine blooms out when fired fast, but that's also RoF and not scope state.

What might have FELT like tighter grouping was that zooming at a distance gave you more aim friction/assist on distant targets and the red reticule also triggered bullet magnetism (bullets are bent towards your target, very evident in the Reach NB Needle Rifle)

Which if this is true, ADSing definitely has benefit in Halo 5, especially if the AR ADS imitates burst firing in previous games but at full auto.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Don't have any complaints as stated before. The things that were truly detrimental to H4 are all gone in H5.

Not if the long TTK is still there.

Funny how not many seem to forget that the one thing that hasn't changed in Halo is the TTK. Halo 5 could be Halo 2 with Halo 5 visuals and the MP wouldn't be that much more popular because the TTK is still too long in this franchise.

It's the main reason you'll never see Halo be as popular as it once was. Name me another major online console shooter with a TTK anywhere near as long as Halo's.


Not if the long TTK is still there.

Funny how not many seem to forget that the one thing that hasn't changed in Halo is the TTK. Halo 5 could be Halo 2 with Halo 5 visuals and the MP wouldn't be that much more popular because the TTK is still too long in this franchise.

It's the main reason you'll never see Halo be as popular as it once was. Name me another major online console shooter with a TTK anywhere near as long as Halo's.
The TTK is only long if you suck. Isn't your favorite gametype Swat? Not surprising.
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