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Lizard squad unmasked by another hacker group.


I have not read the entire discussion, but there are people who really believe these guys deserve such a thing as death sentence? Wow... thats too far.

I agree that they're being criminals, and I agree they deserve punishment, but there are many crimes more severe then what they did, and either for those (much) more severe crimes there are discussions and more discussions (well founded) about being deserved or not a death sentence. That for me is already enough to believe that they should not suffer from such a thing because of what they commited.


Good lord.. I genuinely appreciate every effort to take down annoying ddos groups but why do these hackersquads have to present themselves with lame edgy quotes. Just take down their shit and call it a day.

Please don't hack me.
Haha I agree. Went to their Facebook and I was like, "these nice, helpful people are really weeird."

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Kids who in all likelihood are not going to be reformed. If you are 16 eyars old and blackmailing women, calling in bomb threats and sending swats teams to someones house where there is a real chance someone could get hurt then I believe there is no reason for you to keep taking up space on this planet. I do have a forgiving heart, though, so life in prison would be acceptable. LIFE.

That's fucked up beyond reasoning. Thank god we have people like YOU taking space on this planet instead, right? Praise the lord. Someone who's age 16 can't be reformed and has already lost any rights to try and work through his mistakes after fair punishment? You'd give capital punishment for that? You're a fucking criminal.


That's fucked up beyond reasoning. Thank god we have people like YOU taking space on this planet instead, right? Praise the lord. Someone who's age 16 can't be reformed and has already lost any rights to try and work through his mistakes after fair punishment? You'd give capital punishment for that? You're a fucking criminal.

Actually, no I'm not. I've never been arrested because I don't break the law. I don't care what you feel I should hold as values or justice. You're free to have your own opinions as I am mine. Please refrain from name calling as there is no place for that here.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Actually, no I'm not. I've never been arrested because I don't break the law. I don't care what you feel I should hold as values or justice. You're free to have your own opinions as I am mine. Please refrain from name calling as there is no place for that here.

Name calling? I'm more scared of you and your idea of justice than I would ever be of those Lizard idiots. It's not even medieval eye for an eye, you're way past that.
I do think it's criminal (and disgusting for me, it seriously makes me sick to my stomach to believe there's people out there acting normal but with this kind of thoughts) that you're advocating and willing to take the lives of half a dozen teenagers over their (very wrong) actions, wiping them off this world forever without ever giving them a chance for redemption. This ain't got anything to do with name calling, especially since thank god most of the free world sees capital punishment as outlaw = ie criminal, as a matter of fact.
I have not read the entire discussion, but there are people who really believe these guys deserve such a thing as death sentence? Wow... thats too far.

I agree that they're being criminals, and I agree they deserve punishment, but there are many crimes more severe then what they did, and either for those (much) more severe crimes there are discussions and more discussions (well founded) about being deserved or not a death sentence. That for me is already enough to believe that they should not suffer from such a thing because of what they commited.

I would be down with a life sentence, calling in a bomb threat on an airplane is far beyond a harmless prank. If that is their idea of fun as a child I shudder to think of what they'd be capable of as their tastes become more "mature". Between this shit and the "swatting" going on there need to be clear punishments and a slap on the wrist won't do it.
Name calling? I'm more scared of you and your idea of justice than I would ever be of those Lizard idiots. It's not even medieval eye for an eye, you're way past that.
I do think it's criminal (and disgusting for me, it seriously makes me sick to my stomach to believe there's people out there acting normal but with this kind of thoughts) that you're advocating and willing to take the lives of half a dozen teenagers over their (very wrong) actions, wiping them off this world forever without ever giving them a chance for redemption. This ain't got anything to do with name calling, especially since thank god most of the free world sees capital punishment as outlaw = ie criminal, as a matter of fact.

Must be nice when it's not your house that's been swatted right? Or your mother/sister/daughter/girlfriend isn't the one being blackmailed.

Unlike you though, I would rather sympathize with their victims.
that you're advocating and willing to take the lives of half a dozen teenagers over their (very wrong) actions, wiping them off this world forever without ever giving them a chance for redemption.
you misunderstood. He has a forgiving heart so he thinks life in prison would be enough.

Id say 1-3 years are enough. But fuck me,right!? Im european.
you misunderstood. He has a forgiving heart so he thinks life in prison would be enough.

Id say 1-3 years are enough. But fuck me,right!? Im european.
Give them 5 years they'll be out in 2.5.

The guy commenting about life in prison is barely worth acknowledging. Rehabilitation is the point here. 2 1/2 years in federal prison will readjust their focus, guaranteed.


Must be nice when it's not your house that's been swatted right? Or your mother/sister/daughter/girlfriend isn't the one being blackmailed.

Unlike you though, I would rather sympathize with their victims.

If it was him/her that had been swatted/blackmailed then he would have lost all objectivity and his opinions on what punishment is appropriate should be dismissed completely and left up to the courts. Cos he'd be too biased, you know? I'm really not sure why you brought that up.


Dammit I just want to know if this is real or not. Was that figured out yet cause this thread jumped from 1 to 16 real fast.

I have to assume it's not real because I can't find a single credible source reporting on this. If the FBI arrested some teenage "hacker" for making a bomb threat to an airliner, someone would have picked that up by now.
Name calling? I'm more scared of you and your idea of justice than I would ever be of those Lizard idiots. It's not even medieval eye for an eye, you're way past that.
I do think it's criminal (and disgusting for me, it seriously makes me sick to my stomach to believe there's people out there acting normal but with this kind of thoughts) that you're advocating and willing to take the lives of half a dozen teenagers over their (very wrong) actions, wiping them off this world forever without ever giving them a chance for redemption. This ain't got anything to do with name calling, especially since thank god most of the free world sees capital punishment as outlaw = ie criminal, as a matter of fact.


If it was him/her that had been swatted/blackmailed then he would have lost all objectivity and his opinions on what punishment is appropriate should be dismissed completely and left up to the courts. Cos he'd be too biased, you know? I'm really not sure why you brought that up.

and this.


I would be down with a life sentence, calling in a bomb threat on an airplane is far beyond a harmless prank. If that is their idea of fun as a child I shudder to think of what they'd be capable of as their tastes become more "mature". Between this shit and the "swatting" going on there need to be clear punishments and a slap on the wrist won't do it.

If swatting and bomb threats warant life scentences the prison space problems in the US are about to become a whole lot worse.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't there a legal obligation(punishment by law) on certain people where they aren't entitled to utilize electronic devices for x years?

Edit: correction, banned from internet use* for x years.


Must be nice when it's not your house that's been swatted right? Or your mother/sister/daughter/girlfriend isn't the one being blackmailed.

Unlike you though, I would rather sympathize with their victims.

Way to miss the point. You sound like a horrible person.


Isn't there a legal obligation(punishment by law) on certain people where they aren't entitled to utilize electronic devices for x years?

Edit: correction, banned from internet use* for x years.

Yes somewhat, I actually have an online friend with first hand experience on this. Story time..

I know a guy who was involved in something very bad, as in, the FBI had been trying to shut what he was doing down for many years bad. It was a paid hacking tool and they had multiple programmers and managed to arrest the main coder of it, who then started working with the FBI as a sting operation, this same person started giving the FBI all the details on everyone whos ever bought the program, payment methods, what they did on the program etc. Several years later, a few months ago actually, the FBI started taking action on this program after several years of it being a sting OP and collecting evidence. They arrested a shit ton of people, around this time the friend of mine disappeared so we all got worried and googled around with the information we knew of him (he was a fairly private person, so it was quite hard) anyways, with some googling we came across his information in a press release on justice.gov and that's when we knew he was arrested.

Needless to say, he was fucked. He was facing 10 years I think, but luckily the program made a shit ton of money and his friends who were not caught was able to buy him out on bail, but the conditions of his bail was that he had to use a computer that was severely limited, like, he couldn't do anything on it pretty much. He was basically on a restricted school computer where you can't dl anything and shit. So I know that at least that's possible, I can't speak for no internet, but that's probably possible too.
Give them 5 years they'll be out in 2.5.

The guy commenting about life in prison is barely worth acknowledging. Rehabilitation is the point here. 2 1/2 years in federal prison will readjust their focus, guaranteed.
Let's just get it out of the way, prison is not for rehabilitation it never has been nor will it be. Prison exist for punishment.
But I am sure you are fully aware of that point, which makes what you said silly.
Good lord.. I genuinely appreciate every effort to take down annoying ddos groups but why do these hackersquads have to present themselves with lame edgy quotes. Just take down their shit and call it a day.

Please don't hack me.
The whole mentality is that mindset of children.
The real adult hackers work for companies to fix up any security holes the company's software has in it. I am neutral on hacking since it really depends on reason to do so. I am cool with using it to bring people to justice.
Whats the general jail time for someone issuing a bomb threat?

As for the swatting, I say trial them for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (some may not agree but a SWAT raid gone bad could mean death), max sentence of five years in some states. If you are looking for rehabilitation, do not look towards the US. I do not agree with life in prison that's only for small possession of drugs and/or murder.


Man I need a Lionel Mandrake recap of the thread. Who got doxxed? Who was arrested? I don't mean real names or anything just want to know if the guys behind the PSN/Live hacks are really down.


Whats the general jail time for someone issuing a bomb threat?

As for the swatting, I say trial them for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (some may not agree but a SWAT raid gone bad could mean death), max sentence of five years in some states. If you are looking for rehabilitation, do not look towards the US. I do not agree with life in prison that's only for small possession of drugs and/or murder.
Depends on if they are tried as adults or not.
Anyone advocating that 16 year olds are beyond redemption is absolutely crazy.
Yeah, maybe take x2 years.
Heck, my brother is 28 and still has not got his crap together.

Also yeah charges depend on what you are tried (adult/minor). Adults get full punishment while minors generally get reduced punishment.
Probably the very least the threats/swatting is bound to add up to lots of hours of community service.
Here is a recent story about someone who did similar things: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/briti...da-prompts-arrest-of-coquitlam-teen-1.2867602
Depends on if they are tried as adults or not.

Eh... that would be a hard decision... but I think they should be tried as adults simply for the fact that they indeed endangered lives and wasted resources knowingly and repeatedly. Plus the fact they blackmailed victims, the silver-lining being that if any of them are really part of LizardSquad well I hope they get a decent lawyer for the civil suits...


So, people missed the "how teens grow" video in high school or what?
There's this lovely part of your brain that's still in the works when you're a teen,
it influences the decision making part of your brain.
Or simpler the "don't do dumb shit" part of your brain.

While it shouldn't absolve them, they almost always deserve a second chance (after their punishment) at that age.


No sympathy for these fools. Take down popular online services and brag about it, rubbing in everyone's face. They deserve what they get for being idiots.
I have to assume it's not real because I can't find a single credible source reporting on this. If the FBI arrested some teenage "hacker" for making a bomb threat to an airliner, someone would have picked that up by now.

Yeahh you're right, but I want to believee
So, people missed the "how teens grow" video in high school or what?
There's this lovely part of your brain that's still in the works when you're a teen,
it influences the decision making part of your brain.
Or simpler the "don't do dumb shit" part of your brain.

While it shouldn't absolve them, they almost always deserve a second chance (after their punishment) at that age.

While true this reasoning can be applied to anyone under the influence as well. Plus this isn't a one time deal either.


No, they don't. Some people are inherently worthless and nothing but a thorn in the side of humanity. There are billions of people on the planet and locking away the ones who can't function happily with the rest will result in nothing of value being lost.

It could be worse, I'd seal them in a shipping container and dump it in the sea.

This is psychotic.

With prison space becoming more limited the problem is that theres simply no money to give everyone a one on one rehabilitation treatment. Of course prison solves something and by extension execution. Maybe it won't fix the actual perpetrator but it fixes that particular threat to society and honestly I care more about the victims and people feeling safe then I do about some criminal who chose to mess up their own lives and others. However the sentence should fit the crime. In this case execution and even life are a bit much.

With prison space becoming more limited the problem is... the society that produces so many prisoners.

While true this reasoning can be applied to anyone under the influence as well. Plus this isn't a one time deal either.

Not true.

He is speaking of fundamental human physiology. A 12 year old quite literally does not have a fully functional brain. This isn't exactly Uni level scientific knowledge.

Handy Fake

This is psychotic.

With prison space becoming more limited the problem is... the society that produces so many prisoners.

Not true.

He is speaking of fundamental human physiology. A 12 year old quite literally does not have a fully functional brain. This isn't exactly Uni level scientific knowledge.

I think even at the age of 13 that I knew it was fundamentally wrong to call in bombs threats.
For whatever weird reason, I decided to do this just a moment ago.

Americans scare me sometimes, no offense to anyone, but some of you guys really operate on "Once you cross this line, you don't deserve to have a life/die"

As a european, it comes across as a bit animalistic if im honest.

edit: animalistic is maybe a bit too strong... primal.

Everybody deserves the opportunity for rehabilitation. Locking people up and throwning away the key doesn't serve as a deterrant, it just satisfies a mob mentaility.

It's become such a normal thing in this forum to be bigoted against Americans. I also love how every one of these asinine statements must be prefaced by "well I'm from Europe and we live in a utopia"
Here's the bottom line, not everyone is a precious flower and this group which includes kids HAS to be punished. I'm not talking death penalty or life in prison but they must be shown their actions have serious consequences.


It's become such a normal thing in this forum to be bigoted against Americans. I also love how every one of these asinine statements must be prefaced by "well I'm from Europe and we live in a utopia"
Here's the bottom line, not everyone is a precious flower and this group which includes kids HAS to be punished. I'm not talking death penalty or life in prison but they must be shown their actions have serious consequences.

Taking a stance against certain beliefs and values, is not bigotry.

When those beliefs and values are inculcated into a country's morals, as were, then it would be rather intellectually dishonest, and cowardly, not to refer to them as such.

A lack of willingness to gloss over the sheer brutality of modern U.S. mores, is in absolutely no way being a bigot.


If swatting and bomb threats warant life scentences the prison space problems in the US are about to become a whole lot worse.

lol what? ignoring the fact that there are millions of people locked up for incredibly non violent crimes that don't include bomb threats and calling the swat teams to potentially kill people in their homes?

maybe it isnt a case of throwing everyone in jail, but maybe these crimes justify the need to make space?

Taking a stance against certain beliefs and values, is not bigotry.

When those beliefs and values are inculcated into a country's morals, as were, then it would be rather intellectually dishonest, and cowardly, not to refer to them as such.

A lack of willingness to gloss over the sheer brutality of modern U.S. mores, is in absolutely no way being a bigot.

yup, thats what all americans are. A bunch of brutes that have it hard grained into their genetically american code morals? What about every other country with a code of morals, or set of laws based on ours? Will they ultimately end up being as prone to locking everyone up that harms other people? Hopefully if most countries don't already do that.


I think even at the age of 13 that I knew it was fundamentally wrong to call in bombs threats.

And? People aren't saying that they're innocent because they don't know it's wrong, they're saying not to treat the actions of kids/teens the same as adults because there are major developmental changes that take place.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
And? People aren't saying that they're innocent because they don't know it's wrong, they're saying not to treat the actions of kids/teens the same as adults because there are major developmental changes that take place.

the problem is that some of this development you are talking about being fundamental (which it is) has already failed/gone wrong. These kids are already not only lacking good judgment, but then carrying that to actual harm and abuse toward other people.. this is not a "boys will be boys" situation.

should they be thrown in federal prison? no, of course not. should they be incarcerated (juvie) and probably face restitution as well? yes. letting them off with any sort of mitigated punishment will only reaffirm what they already believe. That abuse, harassment, and sociopathic behavior on the internet is fine because it's without consequence.

edit - to put it another way, that development you are talking about happens because of action and reaction. they pick on a kid at school and either he snaps and pummels them or they are suspended/expelled from school. The problem here is that the offenses are even more serious, AND there is no repercussion to them. so the development you are talking about is already falling apart without a prison sentence.. it has to be reinforced at some stage BECAUSE they are kids, not the other way around.


And? People aren't saying that they're innocent because they don't know it's wrong, they're saying not to treat the actions of kids/teens the same as adults because there are major developmental changes that take place.

I can agree with this especially at that age. It doesn't excuse what they have done but sending them to jail wouldn't do anything for them and would probably lead to more problems down the road. I think counseling and strong mandatory community service would be an acceptable alternative and if they can't comply with that then maybe a stricter punishment.

Handy Fake

And? People aren't saying that they're innocent because they don't know it's wrong, they're saying not to treat the actions of kids/teens the same as adults because there are major developmental changes that take place.

Oh totally, I was just replying to your last statement in your post. Just remarking on it, if you will.
They deserve to be hauled over the coals, and most likely will be. But yes, of course you need to give some dispensation to the fact they are young.
Although saying that, where do you draw the line? Would you give them the same dispensation if someone had been killed in one of the "SWATs"?

It's a tricky one.
Anyway, we all know that the severest sentences are handed down when money is involved. #socialcommentary ;)
Why people are still discussing about whatever they deserve redemption or death penalty?

Both points seem to be brought by people too angry to think rationally or to detached and already to smug to tell "everyone" (three or two posters) how they should control their bloodlust.

Handy Fake

Why people are still discussing about whatever they deserve redemption or death penalty?

Both points seem to be brought by people too angry to think rationally or to detached and already to smug to tell "everyone" (three or two poster) how they should control their bloodlust.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I can agree with this especially at that age. It doesn't excuse what they have done but sending them to jail wouldn't do anything for them and would probably lead to more problems down the road. I think counseling and strong mandatory community service would be an acceptable alternative and if they can't comply with that then maybe a stricter punishment.

so the lesson to teach them is they can swat someone or ruin someone's life, and they'll get a strong talking to and have to give out food at a shelter.

I was a troubled youth. I am literally laughing just thinking about this. Again, I'm not advocating prison.. but for this "development" to work that you guys are so strongly advocating, the repercussions have to be somewhat commensurate to the crime..


the problem is that some of this development you are talking about being fundamental (which it is) has already failed/gone wrong. These kids are already not only lacking good judgment, but then carrying that to actual harm and abuse toward other people.. this is not a "boys will be boys" situation.

should they be thrown in federal prison? no, of course not. should they be incarcerated (juvie) and probably face restitution as well? yes. letting them off with any sort of mitigated punishment will only reaffirm what they already believe. That abuse, harassment, and sociopathic behavior on the internet is fine because it's without consequence.

Two different kinds of development. People doing this are definitely going down a bad road and will wind up getting into more trouble later in life if nothing changes, but I was talking about the fact that young people are literally underdeveloped in the areas of weighing consequences and making decisions. "Boys will be boys" doesn't fully explain or excuse their actions, the developmental stuff is just meant to be a counterpoint to the people saying that they're already rotten, throw them in jail for life, etc.

Also, I'm not saying their punishment should be "mitigated" beyond how things would normally be handled if some of them are indeed minors. I don't think they're innocent kids, and they are indeed really shitty people in all likelihood, I'm just advocating that people try to take an even-handed approach to this stuff.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Two different kinds of development. People doing this are definitely going down a bad road and will wind up getting into more trouble later in life if nothing changes, but I was talking about the fact that young people are literally underdeveloped in the areas of weighing consequences and making decisions. "Boys will be boys" doesn't fully explain or excuse their actions, the developmental stuff is just meant to be a counterpoint to the people saying that they're already rotten, throw them in jail for life, etc.

Also, I'm not saying their punishment should be "mitigated" beyond how things would normally be handled if some of them are indeed minors. I don't think they're innocent kids, and they are indeed really shitty people in all likelihood, I'm just advocating that people try to take an even-handed approach to this stuff.
again, I don't agree with the "they are underdeveloped in weighing consequences". I think that's a red herring. The real problem exists that.. let's face it... anonymity and distance make the internet a ripe playground with consequence free abuse/harassment. No question they knew what they were doing was wrong.. and they of course knew the severity of it.. but "that's the type of shit that you can do on the internet because they can never catch us"

well.. they got caught. so now they need to have punishment meted to them in line with what they deemed "they won't catch us". Anything less and you'll just be proving their point. Of course I don't have a gauge for what that is.. but it's also a subject I know nothing about (juvenile criminal law)
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