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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


The only thing I didnt like about their response is that they said that the numbers are wrong and ppl lie. I mean wtf, there is playthrough video.

Just accept it and say, "yeah, its not 20h+, but you'll love it" or dont comment.
If it is that short but really really good, I dont see the problem.

Really scared of 100h games these days anyway, as it just takes a lot of time/effort to get through them. But that's just my problem and there should be more good 100h games in general...


It will send the wrong message...that a single player experience will not be successful with today's systems. We will get more shoehorned mp experiences that no one wants into our games to justify the game price. If the focus on the Order (and any failure) mentions the fact that it is a short game with no MP....then when the money hats look at the next project, guess what they will do?

I worry about this.

I want more HalfLife and less Bioshock 2 MP.
Personally I'd rather play a captivating 5hr game than a 10-20hr game that's padded with boring repetitive side missions, collectibles and fetch quests.

To each his own

I keep seeing this sentiment, but you realize a short game can drag too, right? This notion that The Order is inherently better paced because it's short is weird, especially considering RAD's heavy cutscene usage which will only be amplified in a shorter game.
The only thing I didnt like about their response is that they said that the numbers are wrong and ppl lie. I mean wtf, there is playthrough video.

This interview was last week.

Responding to claims of hurr durr 3 hours,etc. Not the video playthrough that popped up over the past day or so.


The only thing I didnt like about their response is that they said that the numbers are wrong and ppl lie. I mean wtf, there is playthrough video.
Just accept it and say, "yeah, its not 20h+, but you'll love it" or dont comment.
If it is that short but really really good, I dont see the problem.

Really scared of 100h games these days anyway, as it just takes a lot of time/effort to get through them. But that's just my problem and there should be more good 100h games in general...

please, read the topic...
I don't care if it's 5 hours. The only question I'd have is is it 5 hours worth $60? If it's good then I'm in.

Even if it is "5 hours", for me that'll probably mean 8-10 hours since I take my sweet ass time enjoying and taking everything in.

With that said, if it's only ok then I'll wait for it to hit $40.
Another thread for people to argue the same shit, why can't we just wait till Friday when more people have the game in their hands?
I think you need to stop coming into The Order threads.

If the game is short so be it, I'm really interested in the world of the game and I hope it's profitable enough to spawn a franchise. I don't have a PS4 yet and won't be buying one for this game but it would be cool to play 3 or 4 of these back to back some day.
All I know is the amount of vitriol this game has garnered may have a very drastic effect on how the sequels, if there are any, to this game are developed.

Wouldnt surprise me one bit to see RAD drop the cinematic laser focused linearity angle in TO:1986 for something a little more "accepted" in the TPS space like TLOU or Uncharted.

This isnt to say those games arent cinematic or linear overall like TO, but from I've seen and read they allow a bit more player agency in moment-to-moment gameplay than what TO gives. This change wouldnt necessarily be a bad thing, but it wouldnt be good either. I wonder if they'll stick to their guns. Roll on Friday.


I keep seeing this sentiment, but you realize a short game can drag too, right? This notion that The Order is inherently better paced because it's short is weird, especially considering RAD's heavy cutscene usage which will only be amplified in a shorter game.

Sure, but that's not what this thread is about. Is it?

Games can suck. Games can be terrible. News at 11.


I barely have a moment to game at the moment - got about 2 hours of SMT IV in this weekend - so a 6-10 hour single player sounds just fine to me as an experience.

Now, asking me to pay 60 dollars for an experience that short when it looks like it will have close to no replay value and has no multiplayer? That's a different story, and a tough sell. I'd be in for 30, maybe 40 bucks.

Maybe I'd have a different opinion if this was a game I was ever hyped for, but even as a day 1 PS4 purchaser The Order has always looked substandard to me.
Ah The Order threads are a joy to read. The amount of haters this game gathers is funny.

I personally couldn't give a rats ass if someone managed to plow through this in 6 hours. 6-9 hours is a good number. Hopefully the game's sales justify a sequel.

Can't wait to play this.

Agreed, It is a Sony exclusive afterall so the hate always generates, Being and touting itself as the best looking game just adds too the salt, Roll on the 20th!


This is a straight up lie. Quality of experience aside, I just watched the thing beginning to end in 5 and a half hours, dude playing died plenty and spent his time too.
Its all a bit subjective, you could finish darksouls in under 2 hours if you wanted ti
It's funny that people actually watch full playthroughs of games on YouTube and then come into these threads to argue about the game's length, as if they were ever going to buy it.

Also, if you have a problem with the game's length, there's a simple solution: Ignore it and don't buy it. No one is forcing you to buy it. People just want to make a big fuss over nothing.

One more thing, just because a game can be completed in a certain time doesn't mean everyone will complete it in the same amount of time. We've already had accounts of Gaffers beating the game in 8+ hours. I think someone beat it in about 12 hours.

All in all, this whole "discussion" is pointless.
So much hyperbole flinging on both sides. You have one side decrying the YT walkthrough calling it rushed or speed running, then the other side not believing GAF's numbers because breaks or lack of stopwatches. I do think the average length will be around 6-8 (cutscenes included), but from what I seen, what will ultimately hurt it is just the lack of replay value. Similar to what happened to Bioshock Infinite.
I remember Journey getting similar critisism when it released at $15 for what was about 2 hours of a so called 'walking simulator' Yeah that game went on to win various GOTY awards.

A game is worth what people get from it, I can see The Order telling a great story and filled with some great action packed gameplay and stunning graphics. For £36 I'm more than happy with that for 6-8 hours.
So... Has anyone actually seen when the embargo lifts for reviews for this game? Sony generally lets reviews go up pretty early in most cases and I'm curious when this lifts considering the length of the game.


How long was Heavenly Sword, Beyond two souls? Heavy Rain. Cause Heavenly Sword a d Heavy Rain were amazing experiences for me and felt the right lenght, Beyond felt boring and it dragged on forever is seemed.

Saying x hours is short/long is just silly. Games should be judged based on how good they are and not their lenght.

Day one for me.
I keep seeing this sentiment, but you realize a short game can drag too, right? This notion that The Order is inherently better paced because it's short is weird, especially considering RAD's heavy cutscene usage which will only be amplified in a shorter game.

Not what I was implying at all, I haven't played the order. Neither have most of the people commenting in this thread. Which goes to my point that it's silly to judge a game solely on length.
If anything the shorter time kind of makes me more interested in this. I don't have a huge amount of free time to spend on huge titles (like Dragon Age or Skyrim) but this kind of 5-10 hours is perfect for me, especially if they can deliver some engaging storytelling and gameplay in that :p
Remember Portal's length?


Better off comparing portal 2.

Can't remember what orange box retailed at but at best Portal would have been $10 if the value was split equally between all the games in the box.

Not buying order at 5 hours, but I'll wait for reviews to confirm. I don't mind cinematic games I just hope people know what they're getting before buying it.


So you don't "trust" them as much then?
I definitely don't trust them as much vs a full playthrough on youtube. Again it's all about hard evidence vs words. I've been raised to trust the former, so sorry if that isn't good enough :p


If I finished a full price game in 30 minutes it wouldn't matter how much I enjoyed it, I'd still think it was overpriced, and I imagine most people would agree. So while I am more than happy to support short games and single player only games, obviously you can draw a line somewhere in terms of value, and where that is is a personal preference. I think for me if I paid £40+ for a campaign less than 8 hours and there's not much else to do, I'm gonna be left feeling short changed.


All I know is the amount of vitriol this game has garnered may have a very drastic effect on how the sequels, if there are any, to this game are developed.

Wouldnt surprise me one bit to see RAD drop the cinematic laser focused linearity angle in TO:1986 for something a little more "accepted" in the TPS space like TLOU or Uncharted.

This isnt to say those games arent cinematic or linear overall like TO, but from I've seen and read they allow a bit more player agency in moment-to-moment gameplay than what TO gives. This change wouldnt necessarily be a bad thing, but it wouldnt be good either. I wonder if they'll stick to their guns. Roll on Friday.
I seriously believe that there are persons who don't even have a PS4 or are even interested in this game that are keen on propagating any news that will be perceived as negative for this game. It's like par for the course for Sony exclusives really, it almost seems like some propaganda machine is at play.

I hated when Insomniac changed up the dreary and dark world of RFOM to a "taste the rainbow" pallete in RFOM 2, they did everything in their power to haloise and codize RFOM 2 and look what it got them, I still love the game, but like you I fear that the developer might try to cater to the loud crowd. I absolutely loved Druckmann's response in that table interview when he told certain gamers to keep on talking. These guys make great competent games, let them do their job and follow their vision.


Gold Member
I can't even imagine what the reviews are going to be, "omg this game is short", "one of the biggest draw backs to this game is its length", or "what a short ride The Order 1886 is". I have it ready to install, so i better just play it cool with clicking on the reviews.
If I finished a full price game in 30 minutes it wouldn't matter how much I enjoyed it, I'd still think it was overpriced, and I imagine most people would agree. So while I am more than happy to support short games and single player only games, obviously you can draw a line somewhere in terms of value, and where that is is a personal preference. I think for me if I paid £40+ for a campaign less than 8 hours and there's not much else to do, I'm gonna be left feeling short changed.

And people can wait for the price to go down to what they deem suitable.

I can agree that games priced at typical retail msrp should have some form of replayability incentives or post content when as short as The Order 1886 is, but Sony isn't holding a gun to anyone's head over purchasing the game on day one.
"It's just like a movie. Just because a movie is three hours long, it doesn't make it better."

That line is so true.

There are so many games that can be beaten in a single sitting that are fantastic games to me, from stuff like Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Rez, to slightly longer games like ICO and Zone of the Enders 2.
This is a flawed concept and one which assumes all games are homogeneous. They are not, they are all different things to different people.

What one person might perceive to be "worth" $60 another might decide its only "worth" $20 and vice versa.

And luckily for us, this industry allows everyone to make that choice. You can wait for a sale, you can buy used, you can even rent.

Because of all these factors, I don't understand why its even debated. You are not forced to purchase every game that comes out nor are you forced to buy anything at full price.

Couldn't agree more. Ground Zeroes was, by far, my favorite game of 2014. Some arbitrary number of hours isn't going to stop me from enjoying a great game. So, that said, I'm looking forward to playing The Order.


So "all reports" are just your opinions from watching the game being played on YouTube?

Thanks for clearing that up.
This is the 2nd time now a poster has based his/her views on youtube videos. The other time it went something like "just click on a random spot on a youtube playthrough and see how many times you hit a cutscene". This is beyond hilarious. I'm really trying to keep it together here Lol.


True but could you put 100+ hours into 1886?
If I wanted to win a bet with you, I could. :p

I seriously believe that there are persons who don't even have a PS4 or are even interested in this game that are keen on propagating any news that will be perceived as negative for this game.

Of course there is. One of them was banned in one of the other threads because of it.


I guarantee a website will break the embargo a day before with a controversial review.
Just to get as many clicks as they can...then all hell will break loose
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