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Splatoon | Review Thread


Game is fun as hell from what I've played. I can't wait to get my hands on it again. All the "issues" revolving around it's online component are minor gripes in the overall package as far as I'm concerned. Obviously mileage may vary from person to person but this in no way impacts the enjoyment of the game for me. Besides, I only have like 2 wii-u friends anyway....



Looks like the general consensus so far seems to be "great game held a bit back by scarce launch content". Fair assessment all around and seems to be a good sign, it means Splatoon can only get better.

Nintendo's Garage initiative was a good thing. Not bad for a new IP.

Yup, sounds great to me.

Man, this is so cool seeing a brand-new Nintendo IP that they really seem to have put as much care into as their standard IP's have such a positive and strong launch reception. Go Splatoon go!
I'm loving the reviews that couldn't even be bothered to try to learn motion controls, so they lie and say it sucks. What's up with no one wanting to try new things? Oh well, more victims for my paintbrush.

motion controls are fine. i only play with motion controls.


Neo Member
Within weeks? That smells like Nintendo is purposefully holding maps back.

Probably. But the maps are free.

This feels more like Nintendo trying to demonstrate longterm support with the game. Like, "we'll be adding new content constantly" as a selling point.


Holy shit there's only 5 maps for $60? That's really, really bad.

I know they ate adding more content later, but that's no excuse for an online "only" type of game.

It's a good thing that it's not "only" online. It has a full single player campaign as well that is offline that is reminiscent of Super Mario Galaxy. In some ways it looks like the Mario Galaxy game the Wii U hasn't gotten.




Great reviews. Thankfully, I'm not too concerned about content considering what Nintendo has planned for it.
Yea, sorry, you either get 60$ game that's worth it or you don't. Titanfall, Evolve, The order, not worth full price, and more worth it if you wait for a price drop.

Game should be reviewed at face value not what is to come a month or two down the line.

It's totally not fair to have a double standard on these type of situations and on Consoles especially Nintendo thread's there seems to be.

What double standard? Most of GAF is down on this game and its lack of launch day content. Really not sure what you're talking about.
the more scores coming, the higher they seem, compared to what I was expecting: also the reviews unerlyining the lack of modes/chats are gifting it with solid scores.

Or perhaps the mechanics are so solid and the overall uniqueness of the game warrant the high scores despite the light amount of content.


buy now if you're already sold on the concept

wait if you're not sold on the concept

'play some now and some later' makes no sense pfft. if i buy it later, i can't play it now.

Yea it doesn't make sense, to buy it now and play a game that doesn't have enough content to keep you playing. You have to wait for the rest of the game.

Yea sorry, No. I'll wait like other's are waiting for Evolve.


Probably. But the maps are free.

This feels more like Nintendo trying to demonstrate longterm support with the game. Like, "we'll be adding new content constantly" as a selling point.

Adding more content to a game by stripping it out of the initial release leaving it with a staggeringly small amount of launch content is a pretty terrible selling point.
Oh, and I just noticed this part of your post:

So basically if you want to play some now and some later, buy it now right?

Makes no sense.

This is the model for every single game that has post-launch DLC or free content updates. Don't act like this is some new, unbelievable thing.

Yea it doesn't make sense, to buy it now and play a game that doesn't have enough content to keep you playing. You have to wait for the rest of the game.

They are saying buy now only if you are satisfied with the current amount of content. Different strokes for different folks. How hard is this to understand?


he's fighting shadows

Yea it doesn't make sense, to buy it now and play a game that doesn't have enough content to keep you playing. You have to wait for the rest of the game.

Yea sorry, No. I'll wait like other's are waiting for Evolve.

oh my i guess all this fun i was having with this demo was just imaginary. thank god i have you to determine for me what i value.

nope. bugger off mate. if i think it's worth it, i'll buy it. if i don't, i'll wait.


They take a bit to get used too...but from my experience, they feel way more accurate than using just the stick to aim.

I'd be inclined to agree; I won't say I'm particularly good with them yet, but they feel that when I *do* get good with them - with practice - they'll be a better option. Which is what made that quote a bit jarring.

It'll be interesting to see if it has an impact on online in the long-term, although it does also strike me that their usefulness actually matches up quite nicely with the weaponry options; Rollers won't find them all that useful, they'll be kind of handy for Splattershot users, and damn near essential for top-level Charger play.


Yea, sorry, you either get 60$ game that's worth it or you don't. Titanfall, Evolve, The order, not worth full price, and more worth it if you wait for a price drop.

Game should be reviewed at face value not what is to come a month or two down the line.

It's totally not fair to have a double standard on these type of situations and on Consoles especially Nintendo thread's there seems to be.

But they are.

And clearly what people are playing is fun enough to warrant 8/10 scores. Jim even points this out in his own review.
Agreed, they are honestly surprisingly awesome, responsive and satisfying.

i was an unbeliever at first but i decided to give them a fair shake and i never looked back. it's fine if you prefer or even dislike them, you can switch but saying they are bad is just wrong.


don't know if the pricing is different overseas, but in Europe is 39.99 € at launch. Also, if you buy digital version and have partecipated in the global testfire, price is 35,99€

Couldn't participate, bummed. Maybe I really should wait, although Nintendo games don't exactly drop in price all that quick.
*sigh* "lack of content at launch" isn't something I'm used to associating with Nintendo but hey I mean everyone's been telling them to get with the times, so.

They could get with the times with voicechat and better online options ;)

I'd love to try this out, but here it'll get to probably $90 - $100 with taxes. I'm not spending that much.
wait, is this true???? new maps every week?
i thought the update wasn't until august?

There's updates between now and August, August just has the big one. Looking back at the direct, I'm not entirely sure if it's weekly, but were definitely getting the bulk of the maps before the August update. New weapons like the paintbrush and new game modes are also coming before the August update.

Edit: Late lol


Neo Member
Adding more content to a game by stripping it out of the initial release leaving it with a staggeringly small amount of launch content is a pretty terrible selling point.

I'm certain plenty will feel the same way.

Nintendo took a risk with this, as far as I'm concerned. Given that the updates will be free and fit the world of the game, I'm okay with it. If Nintendo was going to hit me for $5 per map with the first launching in three weeks, I'd be pissed.


Its genuinely nice that they're adding free maps, but, 5 at launch is still just awful. Can't help but feel they're getting a free pass on that.


I caved

Was able to get the game with the amiibo for 45€ at Amazon.de right now. All those scores just screamed "buy it" ~_~".. And I liked the version I could play during the server test

Don't be so mean >.> I also can't get used to it. Get bad vertigo and want to vomit all over the place..
That's understandable, but did you put something in a published review saying they're terrible and don't do their job?


Probably. But the maps are free.

This feels more like Nintendo trying to demonstrate longterm support with the game. Like, "we'll be adding new content constantly" as a selling point.
I really don't like this method. From the outside, it seems like Nintendo is being the nice guy by giving people free DLC but in the end it's simply held back content.

je_ssi e

The bad:
• Lack of content at launch (only 5 maps, 2 online game modes)
• Dojo mode stuck at 30 fps (the difference from the 60 fps of the other modes is pretty significant)
• Surreal and archaic online structure: no voice chat, no private matches at launch, impossibility to change weapons and gear between matches without going back to the lobby, no custom loadouts, no challanges/ in game achievements/stats
Really disappointed in that. I thought that was just a problem with the testfire.

I wouldn't have a problem switching to a different weapon if someone is already filling that role. It's going to suck when you want to try out the charger or something and being the third charger on your team. That exact scenario happened to me in the testfire and that was one of the worst games I've ever had in any game ever.

I wouldn't want to be the third anything on any team.

Being stuck like that is.. ugh.

Anyways.. decent reviews so far.
Already preordered off the eShop and are ready to play.


I'm certain plenty will feel the same way.

Nintendo took a risk with this, as far as I'm concerned. Given that the updates will be free and fit the world of the game, I'm okay with it. If Nintendo was going to hit me for $5 per map with the first launching in three weeks, I'd be pissed.
Yeah, this is how I feel too. I know it's free so I don't mind it.


Really solid reviews. I think reviewers, as usual, focus a bit too much 'features' and 'content' in their scores but whatever. What matters is the negatives are expected (lack of launch content, lack of voice chat) and everything else seems to be just as good as expected.

Another note on the content issue is that it seem to be a conscious decision and one we're seeing more and more games do. Where it's not about packing the launch game with as much stuff as possible, but always having something new to look forward to in order to keep players hooked. I like it, but I see how some may not.


Its genuinely nice that they're adding free maps, but, 5 at launch is still just awful. Can't help but feel they're getting a free pass on that.

You clearly haven't been following the discussions here the last couple of weeks.


An 8-8.5 score sounds perfectly reasonable due to the game's initial lack of online-related content and lackluster online features. Japanese and North American consumers have to pay full price for the game so the free DLC isn't really free when it contains a good chunk of the core package of the game including 8-9 maps , at least 1 extra weapon, 3 rulesets (Tower and Rainmaker have been revealed) and matchmaking options and more clothing gear. On the bright side, Nintendo has been one of the more reliable publishers when it comes to handling DLC and the content is free, but really only for Europe. Everyone else just has to pay full price for core content that won't be available until summer.
There is a strong opinion here that review scores should be based on how it was released, not how it evolves or gets added content.
It's about whatever state the game is in currently. Right now it's content bare with archaic online. When it gets more content and online improvements? They should go back to the game do something to say it's improved. But until then, this is the game.


As a consumer, I don't understand why would anyone want it to be delayed and release as a "finished product". The staggered release allows for people to play it right now and keep adding content to keep things fresh while also having the possibility of just waiting it out if you're so inclined.

Would a delayed release maximize sales in the long run? Who knows, Nintendo probably doesn't, and was aiming for the May release to take advantage of the Summer.

The biggest issue is that this is an online-focused community-driven game.

If the playerbase falls off because there's no content, will they come back when the content is there? If people aren't playing the game, will people who waited go "okay, now's the time to jump in"? I don't think so.

If Destiny had all the content it has now off the bat, more people would be playing it to this day. If Titanfall had more maps, progression, etc from launch, would it be the next CoD instead of the blip in the radar it was?

That's why you need a lot of content at launch for a multiplayer game. People will get bored and won't look back if you don't.


Yea it doesn't make sense, to buy it now and play a game that doesn't have enough content to keep you playing. You have to wait for the rest of the game.

Yea sorry, No. I'll wait like other's are waiting for Evolve.
The use of evolve as a counterargument here is hilarious.


It's interesting how the the inclusion of a multiplayer mode, however stunted, seems to have caused more criticism than we'd have likely seen had this been a single player only game.


So many 8s...I didn't expect that many, I expected more 7s but the fun factor is indeed there!

For everyone that doesn't want to get it on friday because of their roll out of maps and game modes, get it in August when the big update hits. There's your "full game".

With that said....bring on Friday! :D
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