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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


MGS5 is confirmed cross gen though. If Fallout 4 really isn't cross gen we don't know what Bethesda is doing to take advantage of the hardware. This could be the biggest world ever seen in a video game for all we know.

And for the people making Witcher 3 comparisons, at least Bethesda is actually showing us what the game will look like (plus they're games haven't been about the graphics since Oblivion). Plus Witcher 3 still has bad framerate on PS4 after not looking like initial footage which really hinders gameplay. Bethesda is hopefully putting the effort in where it matters.

How is the 'biggest world ever seen in a video game' indicative of hardware usage? No game renders everything at once.

Yeah, really hoping that isnt the case.

It is the case.


"Ugh! I wish developers were upfront about their game's visuals in trailers or even lowered graphical fidelity so once the game is out, our expectations our met and nobody would have deceived us!"

*Fallout 4 trailer releases*

"Ugh, that's so ugly! What developer would show a game looking like this in confidence?! Are they trying to get me to not buy their ugly looking game? This is some PS2, early 360 era stuff! Fallout 3 looked the same, even better in spots!"

you're right, we want them to be upfront so we should accept bad graphics, that's how the argument works!!!1!!1
I'll need some gameplay details before I can get exciting. I hope Fallout 4 builds on the character creation and progression of Fallout New Vegas.

I hope a voiced character isn't going to mean dialogue wheels that only give you vague ideas about what you are going to say, or less dialogue choices.


Shots from the Gamersyde trailer.
Holy aliasing Batman!

Wow. Wow.
I've rarely seen an image as simultaneously blurry and aliased as this one:

Well, nothing that can't be fixed with copious amounts of supersampling.


This thread. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Not surprised at all. Check out all those 1m+ views/ 5k+ comment threads on a single game's graphics and compare it to the threads that actually talks about the gameplay or what's in these new trailers.

Hell, just go back to the 15 minute Uncharted 4 gameplay thread and see what happened. Someone had to create a new thread just to get a good discussion about the gameplay in that long debut trailer. lol
Looks great. I don't want to think how much this game would cost for us to buy if it had the kinds of graphics some of the moaners are expecting.

Just give me the gameplay and immersion of FO3/New Vegas, and I'm in.

Is that a serious question? It would cost the same as any other game, in case you've never played a video game before they tend to release for $60 in the US.

Why would the game looking better than a 360/ps3 game, which it doesn't, make it any more expensive? We're TLOU on ps4 or The Order more expensive just because they looked good?

What can you expect, the whiners on the defense force would say anything for confirmation bias that the game they'd buy even if it came out on the Amiga is just as good since you know, it's the IP they love, naturally that means they can do no wrong.

I'm all for seeing how the game turns out, but the fact that they're clearly using assets from a ps3/360 build but slightly uprezzed doesn't inspire much faith.

This is looking like they transferred to new-gen at some point but the core game is likely built around their original plan to be cross-gen.

The people upset with these bad graphics have every right to express dissapointment just as you have every right to blindly support the game you haven't played yet, the difference is that the game will not look better than a hand picked trailer with the intention of showing the best looking assets so it's fair to assume this trailer is indicative of the overall look of the game.


Not a huge Fallout fan, but I found this to be fantastic.

I think some of you guys don't have realistic expectations when it comes to open world game graphics this generation.


lol, missed that Sims comment? Really?

Some people will go that extra mile to troll even if they look stupid in the process.


I'm officially impressed. It looks as good as I hoped for considering the graphic workload volume a title as big as Fallout entails. I'll miss the monochromatic drabness of F3, but the use of colour here adds more than it takes away. Wasn't as keen on the flashback stuff since I like the way Fallout's world is so far removed from pre-war times, but I don't know the context behind it, so we'll see.

Day one purchase, without a doubt.

Also I'm never listening to anyone here about graphics priorities ever again.


I need to watch this like five more times tonight when I get home from work. I am so ridiculously hyped for this game. I can already probably call this my game of the year, regardless what year it comes out. Even this year, and I really enjoyed Bloodborne and am enjoying Witcher 3.
Good. Give me mods or give me death.

lol, it's like we're being held hostage.

"You want mods, right? Those juicy amazing mods? Would be a shame if we changed engines and all those juicy mods just dried right up, huh?"

As long as they have done some major overhauls on the engine and things like pathfinding aren't completely broken, I can deal with it.


I actually liked the color palette in the trailer. I like the deathly feel and high color contrast in games

Agreed with the poster above on wanting more green
Well now that we have pretty much established that its basically a cross gen game that isn't releasing as a cross gen game

Can we all reach the acceptance stage? Or does this ruin it for you


Couple of things:

I want to see more of the world before the war.

I want better shooting mechanics when you aren't using the tactical view. Shooting stuff needs to feel satisfying.

I expect overall animation quality to be considerably better and less janky than in previous Fallout games or Skyrim.

These things would go a long way in making the game feel modern and polished.


Well graphically it looks serviceable nothing too great but it will have good art direction for sure...but dear God Bethesda please learn how to make human characters and faces. They are honestly awful in this trailer and easily the "last gen" part about the trailer.

All this is not as necessary as a better animation model and a better gameplay than the clunk ass shit we see in bethesda games


Your post is ridiculous.

People would rather a game have great graphics. No lying and no downgrades, just great graphics. Why do you think it's either them lying right now or downgrades in a year or two?

Bethesda gives us a realistic, in-engine trailer about what the game is going to look like. It looks far better than any Bethesda game has ever looked, people still cry. So fuck 'em. Bethesda should have just put a CG trailer out there, gotten people to buy the game, and then the same imbecilic whining could have taken place after the game's launch where I'm too busy playing this awesome game and am well past the point of caring.

Now every Fallout 4 prerelease discussion is going to be tainted by a bunch of delusional children who think the PS4 is some kind of ultra high end gaming PC.
Don't understand why one shouldn't be able to complain about the visuals? It's a post apocalyptic world,

It's just amazing you're complaining about Fallout 4. I think you're focusing on things that weren't meant to be at a level you want. Like you're missing the point of what they're offering. That's fine but the rest of us aren't missing the point and it's a little annoying to see others upset when something so glorious was revealed.

But to each his own, if you're upset about it by all means be upset.

I think you're robbing yourself of the joy of arguably what's going to turn out to be the greatest game of the generation but that's just my opinion, and perhaps this game has nothing to offer you


They want to surprise us with Dishonored 2 and Prey 2.

And F4 will there get a long playthrough, I'm sure.

If Prey 2 gets resurrected that'd be awesome, but still, seems like the kinda announcement you wanna make on stage in front of everyone.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yikes, image quality is really bad in those shots. Not really an issue on the PC, thankfully, but that's pretty nasty.
While my GTX 980 is sad the graphics aren't Witcher 3 level, my 1440p monitor is thrilled that I'll be able to play it at 60 FPS maxed without breaking a sweat.


The argument that "this is why game devs release CG trailers!" is so bizarre. Bethesda put out a trailer for their game that looks dated, people criticize it, and that's why game devs are forced to try and trick us with CG trailers? What? So that's our fault and not theirs for trying to hide the shortcomings of their engine?

Bethesda's not some indie. They are very successful and make a lot of money from their games. It's not too much to hope that they might actually stop recycling the same engine after a decade and at least come close to matching the other prominent open world games of the time. It's not even the graphics, it's the Bryo jank that I fear. Unmoddable, unwelcome, just terrible.
I know it was sort of the worst kept secret, but part of me was worried everything was on fire in Todd Howard's team and their next game was still years away.

I sure do hope it's this year.


Well now that we have pretty much established that its basically a cross gen game that isn't releasing as a cross gen game

Can we all reach the acceptance stage? Or does this ruin it for you

Can you tell me how you came to this conclusion? Besides the graphics not meeting your expectations, of course.

Have you been involved in the development process? Are you an insider? Nobody knows, it may well have started as a cross-gen game but it's all baseless speculation, especially in your case.


Skyrim reveal trailer was 360 footage, this is probably console footage too. yeah honest video at least that's good.
Can you tell me how you came to this conclusion? Besides the graphics not meeting your expectations, of course.

Have you been involved in the development process? Are you an insider? Nobody knows, it may well have started as a cross-gen game but it's all baseless speculation, especially in your case.

Originally Posted by Darkstorne

This game was in pre-production since 2008, and full production since 2011 - two years before current gen consoles went on sale and before they even officially existed. Fallout is a series expected to sell 10 million + copies these days. Chances are extremely high this started out as a cross-gen game but shifted to current gen only a year or so ago when Zenimax were convinced by PS4/Xbone adoption rates to ditch the larger install base of last gen.

That explains the lower-than-expected graphic quality. At least we'll easily be seeing 1080p and 30+fps on consoles, and PC gamers know not to worry about visuals in Bethesda Game Studios titles anyway =)

Ill Just repost this again
It's just amazing you're complaining about Fallout 4. I think you're focusing on things that weren't meant to be at a level you want.

What else are we meant to freaking focus on, all we can talk about is the setting and the graphics................................... there is no story or gameplay yet.
Bethesda gives us a realistic, in-engine trailer about what the game is going to look like. It looks far better than any Bethesda game has ever looked, people still cry. So fuck 'em. Bethesda should have just put a CG trailer out there, gotten people to buy the game, and then the same imbecilic whining could have taken place after the game's launch where I'm too busy playing this awesome game and am well past the point of caring.

Now every Fallout 4 prerelease discussion is going to be tainted by a bunch of delusional children who think the PS4 is some kind of ultra high end gaming PC.

This. This 100%.
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