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Nolan North on UC4- 8mths of Hennig's story/performance work was thrown away

If the Uncharted games had a gay character in the first place, sure, something could work from that. Since it doesn't, and the scene in question simply replaces Chloe with Lazaravic and doesn't seem to have made any other changes, I call that "terrible shock humor". The idea with shock humor is to introduce the shock and run with it, going faster and crazier with each minute. You should consider watching "Girls und Panzer" and "Witch Craft Works" for a good example of how to do shock humor.

Also, you ignored everyone else who said the same thing just to respond to me. I find that rather peculiar.
I didn't ignore them, I read their posts. Yours was the one of someone who was getting offended at the joke, which makes Sony's decision smart and the right one. You can call it terrible shock humor and I disagree with you. I don't really want to turn this into someone getting offended over a small joke and trying to make other people agree with their opinion, which I find silly. We disagree, lets move on and not derail the topic.

stryke said:
I only know of one person on the other team and that's Frank Tzeng, who's the character artist.
Just looked at his work, he is a 3D character artist wizard. Super impressive work. I'm most curious who leads as the new game director and new creative director. I hope the new people in charge blow us away with something new. Also, thanks for the information.


Man, the Assassin's Creed stuff he talks about is crushing. What he describes (Desmond becoming the ultimate assassin) was so obviously where they should have went and where they were going until they completely fucked it all up. It would have been amazing at this point to play a modern day AC with Desmond as the main character using what he learned. Now a big part of what made the games more intriguing than the usually open world stuff seems basically gone.


It was so painfully obvious from the very first game that this is where they were going with the story - leading up to a final modern day showdown with Desmond utilizing everything he'd learned through the Animus over the course of the series.
Then they just HAD to contort the hell out of the plot to dilute it, make it infinitely stretchable and aimless so they could milk as many settings and as much money out of the brand name as possible.

I've never seen a promising concept and a fairly intriguing character amount to absolutely nothing like what happened with Desmond and Assassin's Creed.

Don't even get me started on what they did to Lucy, either - writing her out of the plot simultaneously casually, callously and dramatically, then giving you all the actual backstory and motivations as DLC to a game that she wasn't even in.

Now Assassin's Creed has spent multiple games just cleaning up its own mess and trying to course correct a sinking ship that they'd shot full of holes themselves.

Honestly them killing off Desmond and making the modern day plot as barebones as it is now is for the better because it was always terrible. It's a shame they snuffed it where they did leaving this giant enslavement of mankind by an alien race plot thread dangling, but the games were always about historical settings, and the future plotline felt like it was thrown in there to give cohesion to the various historical settings. The Herbertian fantasy of linking into your family history through your genes wasn't needed and they finally realized this as they veered away from just playing as a single person's ancestors.


Man, the Assassin's Creed stuff he talks about is crushing. What he describes (Desmond becoming the ultimate assassin) was so obviously where they should have went and where they were going until they completely fucked it all up. It would have been amazing at this point to play a modern day AC with Desmond as the main character using what he learned. Now a big part of what made the games more intriguing than the usually open world stuff seems basically gone.
I wonder if that was what Watch Dogs started out as. I swear that I had read somewhere that Watch Dogs had Assassin's Creed climbing mechanics before the game released. Oh my god, if that were the modern day assassin Desmond game, it would have been incredible.


I'm willing to bet in Amy's version Sam would betray Nate somewhere near the end and dies at the end. Of course this is pretty cliche and a lot of us are predicting this will happen. But I, for one, think that it won't and Bruce and Neil stepped in to change the climax all the way to the ending. Just my two cents, I could be way off.
Hmm I wonder when we'll see the new star wars. Interested to see what it winds up looking like. Was never hyped on 1313 really, but I know a lot of people were. I hope it's more than just uncharted star wars edition.


I found him slam dunking on Ubisoft way more interesting than the Uncharted stuff.

Surprised he said that.
And why do you change performance capture?

Because you're changing what they say. It's why he said

You're the one who keeps on omitting the word story. You don't scrap eight months of someones story performances if you're not going to be scrapping a good portion of the script.

People hanging on to something as general as, "it's going to be along the lines of the same story" are really grasping at strings. That could mean anything and is most likely just him saying something nice and not causing a media stir. I'm positive whatever story Neil and Bruce are making will be similar to Amy's original concept, but I doubt it's the same script.

I never said it'll be the same script, don't put words into my mouth. I said it'd be 90% Amy's script but with a Neil/Bruce rewrite. Even if they rewrite a lot of the dialogue or completely changed the ending, it'd still be very much Amy's story. Same settings, same plot beats, etc.

They've been asked about it and simply refuse to comment on it. And Bruce directed U2.

You're selling Amy's role really short there. U2 was a Straley/Hennig game, like TLOU was a Straley/Druckmann game.

I am fine with it. Uncharted 3s story was a mess. Hopefully this has a good story like the first two.

The two stories Hennig wrote? Huh.


Hmm I wonder when we'll see the new star wars. Interested to see what it winds up looking like. Was never hyped on 1313 really, but I know a lot of people were. I hope it's more than just uncharted star wars edition.

This. Give me something similar to the Jedi Knight games but with a damn good story.
Wait..didnt I read Uncharted 4 was going to be set completely on that island like Uncharted 1?

The demo was in Africa somewhere


Did they ever continue on from that point in the story?

Brotherhood leads to Revelations which leads to 3 then 4 which technically happens at the same time in Watch Dogs

The funny thing is that according to 4 Desmonds body was still in near perfect condition so he could technically come back
I'm willing to bet in Amy's version Sam would betray Nate somewhere near the end and dies at the end. Of course this is pretty cliche and a lot of us are predicting this will happen. But I, for one, think that it won't and Bruce and Neil stepped in to change the climax all the way to the ending. Just my two cents, I could be way off.

Let's hope it's not that way for such a final ND Uncharted entry

Though the idea of the brother seems a little too much anyway. Adding new characters like that can really bring down the story

Remember that kid in the Mummy movies?
Or Poochie the dog in Itchy and Scratchy?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hennig's departure gut any UC4 hype I've had. I dig her work and I'm actually happy she gets to work on something that will be far more recognized for a far greater amount of people (Star Wars) now.


Let's hope it's not that way for such a final ND Uncharted entry

Though the idea of the brother seems a little too much anyway. Adding new characters like that can really bring down the story

Remember that kid in the Mummy movies?
Or Poochie the dog in Itchy and Scratchy?
I think it's still possible that Sam might betray Nate some point in the story but later switch back to Nate's side. Still, I think by this point, there's no doubt that one or more of the main characters will die. Sad as it is, I'm quite positive that Sully won't make it.
Maybe you should read properly too?

I didn't say they scrapped the game, I said they scrapped her work, the script, which is probably why they are redoing all the performance capture.

The engine that the game is running on has been worked on for like three/four years, you've seen how fast they can crank out levels. Two months from geometry to what we saw at E3 (obviously textures and some artwork can be used across multiple levels, but my points still stands)

I'm not saying the whole game was scrapped, they can obviously still use previously made areas, but you can obviously change the context of the locations and the reason why someone is there, or you can keep the location the same but simply change what the people say and do, IE the script.

I mean, it's NN who said they scrapped all of her story, not me!
If the mocap work didn't fit in well with the rest of the game then why keep it? Bruce and Neil probably wanted to make it the right way and if they had to reshoot a bunch of scenes and make levels that are better than what they had then they should be commended for taking the harder approach.


It would be ironic if Hennig's story was actually the darker one. People were worried about Druckmann making it dark but all the gameplay videos so far were more lighthearted than the first teaser trailer.

It seems to me that the biggest difference between the 2 versions is the villain. The new villain seems to be more of a rival treasure hunter than a typical bad guy from past games. They probably felt that making the brother betray Drake was too cliche and similar to what they did before, so they made him a good guy and opted for a new villain.

I hope Stashwick plays the villain in Hennig's Star Wars project, he's got a menacing voice. I think we'll hear about what the second team at ND is doing at E3 2016, with new leads, hoping it's Savage Starlight. Remember that even Straley and Druckmann were new at some point.
It was so painfully obvious from the very first game that this is where they were going with the story - leading up to a final modern day showdown with Desmond utilizing everything he'd learned through the Animus over the course of the series.
Then they just HAD to contort the hell out of the plot to dilute it, make it infinitely stretchable and aimless so they could milk as many settings and as much money out of the brand name as possible.

I've never seen a promising concept and a fairly intriguing character amount to absolutely nothing like what happened with Desmond and Assassin's Creed.

Don't even get me started on what they did to Lucy, either - writing her out of the plot simultaneously casually, callously and dramatically, then giving you all the actual backstory and motivations as DLC to a game that she wasn't even in.

Now Assassin's Creed has spent multiple games just cleaning up its own mess and trying to course correct a sinking ship that they'd shot full of holes themselves.

I have to agree with this , the concept was still there in AC2 and somehow used in AC:B but it seems that at this point , they just changed directions .. the mess with lucy , the reveal on "those who came before", and goddamn AC3 .. everything felt like they didn't want to give us want we wanted...and they dropped everything.
There's also another factor to consider in regards to the throwing away of all the performance capture...

In the sense that Neil/Bruce introduced facial capture for the first time in ND history for their performance capture of UC4.

In other words, pretty much everything done by Amy that didn't use facial capture is thrown out the window anyway.
I have to agree with this , the concept was still there in AC2 and somehow used in AC:B but it seems that at this point , they just changed directions .. the mess with lucy , the reveal on "those who came before", and goddamn AC3 .. everything felt like they didn't want to give us want we wanted...and they dropped everything.

Patrice quit Ubisoft like 6 months before Brotherhood came out, which I'm sure was because of Ubisoft's milking and meddling. The Lucy mess reeked of Ubisoft forcing the Brotherhood dev team to kill her off because Kristin Bell cost too much money. And then the Revelations dev team had to scramble to make sense of it, so they retconned her into a traitor.
You're selling Amy's role really short there. U2 was a Straley/Hennig game, like TLOU was a Straley/Druckmann game.

I think directors generally get the most credit or blame. When people are critical of Uncharted 3, they generally point the finger at Justin Richmond rather than he and Amy. He was the director so criticism falls on his shoulders. Same thing with something like FFXIII. All the criticism goes to Toriyama. In the end, Amy directed U1, Bruce did U2 and Justin did U3.
She's going to reboot a brand new SW franchise. I feel confused by this.

The only series that I know console wise to reboot would be The Force Unleashed series. Could nicely tie in with the new SW Rebels.
but the Last of Us guys were the next team there so they took over and they just wanted their own flavour. They got rid of some of the other people that were involved and just redid their thing.

Haha. The Last of Us guys. Pretty clear who North is really friends with, as opposed to just working with.


I loved TLoU but Uncharted was Hennig's baby, she was the creative director behind all three games including the masterful UC2 and I still think it's a crying shame whatever happened at the studio that made her leave.
Haha. The Last of Us guys. Pretty clear who North is really friends with, as opposed to just working with.


I loved TLoU but Uncharted was Hennig's baby, she was the creative director behind all three games including the masterful UC2 and I still think it's a crying shame whatever happened at the studio that made her leave.

lol, seems like it.

Not like that's a bad thing, you don't have to be BFF's with your employers/employees.

I guess this confirms that Norlan is going to be in the new Star Wars game, considering he knows it's going to be amazing, and he's a huge voice actor, and he's good friends with the lead designer of it.


Considering that Uncharted 3's ending is basically a rehashed version of Uncharted 2's ending, I'm glad Bruce and Neil are stepping in, especially after the wonderful job they did with TLOU.
She's going to reboot a brand new SW franchise. I feel confused by this.

The only series that I know console wise to reboot would be The Force Unleashed series. Could nicely tie in with the new SW Rebels.

She's most likely rebooting 1313.

Disney gave EA exclusive rights to making Star Wars games, so this idea of an Uncharted like Star Wars game that was 1313 is most likely going to Hennig who just so happened to be behind three Uncharted games.
I'm willing to bet in Amy's version Sam would betray Nate somewhere near the end and dies at the end. Of course this is pretty cliche and a lot of us are predicting this will happen. But I, for one, think that it won't and Bruce and Neil stepped in to change the climax all the way to the ending. Just my two cents, I could be way off.

I still totally expect this to happen. I hope not since they already played this story angle before in Uncharted Vita.

Even Sam almost looks like Dante:


I had made my peace with Ass Creed and moved on, but this still stings. Ubi has zero clue what to do with the whole Assassins vs Templars story arc bridging together the past and present into a compelling narrative. AC Unity ended up being a waste of time
because when we found the location of the sages bones, the entire point of the game, Rachel(??) was like, 'Oh those bones would be to much of a pain for anyone to track down, lol. Laters!'.

On a more positive note, I can't wait to hear more about this Star Wars game.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Rebooting a star wars franchise? Force Unleashed or Dark Forces are the only ones that make sense.

Please make DA GAWD Kyle Katarn cannon again EA.
I think directors generally get the most credit or blame. When people are critical of Uncharted 3, they generally point the finger at Justin Richmond rather than he and Amy. He was the director so criticism falls on his shoulders. Same thing with something like FFXIII. All the criticism goes to Toriyama. In the end, Amy directed U1, Bruce did U2 and Justin did U3.

Not really, Druckmann seems to get more praise than Bruce Straley for TLOU. Hell, some people even give him more praise for Uncharted 2 than they do to Amy Hennig, which is laughable.

Just because Bruce Straley's job was "Game Director," doesn't mean he's the equivalent of a movie director. The Game Director/Creative Director structure Naughty Dog adopted (and a number of other studios copied) has always seemed like a co-directing structure than anything else.
Not really, Druckmann seems to get more praise than Bruce Straley for TLOU. Hell, some people even give him more praise for Uncharted 2 than they do to Amy Hennig, which is laughable.

Just because Bruce Straley's job was "Game Director," doesn't mean he's the equivalent of a movie director. The Game Director/Creative Director structure Naughty Dog adopted (and a number of other studios copied) has always seemed like a co-directing structure than anything else.

Neil said the structure is that Bruce handles all the gameplay and he along with Bruce figure out how to integrate the story elements into it. And I think Neil gets a lot of attention simply because he does most of the interviews. That and because there's a writing credit in the industry but not director credit, so he's just seen a lot more.


I still totally expect this to happen. I hope not since they already played this story angle before in Uncharted Vita.

Even Sam almost looks like Dante:
I really hope not since that would be way too cliche. I hope Bruce and Neil give us a satisfying and unexpected ending to the franchise.
Nice to know that if you kind of screw up one game people are willing and wanting to throw you in the bushes. Fuck your legacy.


I think directors generally get the most credit or blame. When people are critical of Uncharted 3, they generally point the finger at Justin Richmond rather than he and Amy. He was the director so criticism falls on his shoulders. Same thing with something like FFXIII. All the criticism goes to Toriyama. In the end, Amy directed U1, Bruce did U2 and Justin did U3.

Yep. Uncharted is better off without Justin Richmond.
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