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Phil Spencer "I honestly don't goal the team on how many units Sony sells"


He is obviously giving a PR response, but its perfectly fair to do so here. I take no issue with a CEO declining to publicly admit that they are not happy to be getting crushed in market share. This is not tantamount to using PR to deceive potential consumers into buying their system with false promises of power increases via the cloud, or using clever words to suggest a timed exclusive is an exclusive.

If he was the top dog pre-launch, I wonder how things would have turned out.
I don't know about him sounding less confident, but I think both companies have found that taking the humble, subtle approach brings them less backlash if any disappointment from hype they didn't expect arises.

That's really the biggest point, and it's sad it's getting looked over for list wars and armchair CEOing. There's nothing wrong with being humble or scaling back expectations so long as your product is still strong, which MS is showing that it can be. Both systems are outputting heavily in the next year, and gamers are winning.

So why is this fanboy shit happening in this very topic?


HOLY SHIT GUYS! This damned guy sounds so salty. This is seriously embarrassing... I mean fucking LOL on the delusion factor here. Like OP said, he wants to win but as though he ever could! He set himself up to be revealed as a fraud the instance he made that statement a year ago. MS was neveor honest about wanting second place and are trying to deceive people into thinking they could ever be first and now he's pulling another Xbox 180 all over again... and I'm like "What year is this?" You would never hear honest companies ever state they wanted to take first place when there's a clear deficit between them and the market leader. You always hear companies trying to dodge their real feelings saying things like "Its a marathon, not a sprint"... bullshit salty asses! So you don't want first place now Phil? You think you can beat Sony? Sure... go ahead and tell your team to make a game that can sell infinity and see if that will get you any closer to the king. You can't sell greatness Phil... you missed that boat now STFU and stop spreading fud! Fucking LOL!

I can't tell what's satire and what's genuine anymore.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Best. thread. ever.

That sound like some console warrior stuff.

Calm down bro.

Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
(Today, 11:36 AM)
Yes, you did.

thats what im saying when i see anything posted about phil spencer on gaf now i just cringe, knowing how the thread will turn out. dios mio.

I can't tell what's satire and what's genuine anymore.

Holy shit. If this was a troll, this man did work lol.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
The thread man, this f* thread.

Glorious posts by both sides...keep them coming guys, we are just starting.

On topic, i really don't know why threads on Phil Spencer are so popular. He's a nice guy that say the most obvious things (we aren't concerned about competitor sales, we want to support 1st party games, we will invest in pc gaming).

If he was some kind of polemic figure like Kotick i would understand. But he's simply a nice executive that seems to make good calls.


i thought the xbo has done better than 360 if you compare the timeperiod from back then and what the xbo has dont till now?

and i think the competition has changed completely. back then no one had a media center as a living room. i think it has changed drastically since now you have to compete against of other things.

Sure, but that's an unacceptable excuse to present to stock holders who expect return. Then MS should've had the foresight to make a console the market wanted, but they didn't. It honestly baffles me how completely they missed the trend, not only in console gaming but how people consume entertainment overall. They introduce a top box for cable TV when TV as we've known it is about to die out due to on demand services over the internet, or IPTV. MS with W8 and the XBO seem to think they can force the market into their visions instead of creating devices that tend to what people actually want.

This is why the PS4 succeeds and the XBO does not, there's already entertainment devices that does the things MS was after with their console, and they do it better. We already see a trend where all TVs have built in media hubs (Smart TVs). The XBO is redundant as anything other than a games console, problem is that to fit all the rest MS had to compromise on the gaming part, something PS4 didn't. It's not rocket science really.

Your lack of business sense is astounding.

Okay, you don't think the owners of Microsoft that is the stock owners wants the company to turn as big a profit as possible to increase worth of the company and their stocks? Pretty sure that's the ultimate goal for a company listed on the stock exchange seeing how people invest their capital in them and expect a return on said investment.

Who the fuck is happy with second place? Stop it.
Microsoft are doing almost everything right currently with the exception of getting more JRPGs to release for their platform. They should focus on the fact that the PS4 is really doing a fantastic job in that area so far, rather than on anything related to how many units of the PS4 Sony is selling.


This. So much this.

Of course they have targets and numbers they wish to reach. As long as they reach them, they probably don't care too much how many consoles Sony are selling.

It's not like the CEOs from MS and Sony meet up and have their own list wars.
So back then when Phil was commenting on being #1, he was not into list wars? lol

Xbox One doesnt exist in vacuum. Not being the #1 platform will have a lot of effect on Microsoft's long-term strategy.


They're not winning in numbers and probably never will this gen, but to me, they are winning where it counts: games.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
So back then when Phil was commenting on being #1, he was not into list wars? lol

Xbox One doesnt exist in vacuum. Not being the #1 platform will have a lot of effect on Microsoft's long-term strategy.

I hope it doesn't make them cut the generation short again like the Xbox 1 to 360. I know some people prefer that, but give me a 6-7 year generation.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I can't tell what's satire and what's genuine anymore.

These 4 tips always help me identify up from down when reading things on the internet because its hard for sincerity to come across over words sometimes.

1) Even the United States government experimented in telepathy so out there lies the possibility that even if a person says something consistently, its possible to read their thoughts and conclude they're thinking something else.

2) By invoking Occam's Razor, finding the simple truth between the complicated web of tails he tells and the SIMPLE truth that Sony is dominating them in sales become in controvertible. Occam's razor is science you know so my findings I would say is scientific.

3) Think from the perspective of the consumer when you find the media to be confusing... I do. I try to think about which corporation sides with the consumer and which corporation sides with its share holders.

4) You know those saying like "The nail that sticks out gets the hammer", "You can tell an exec is lying by trying to sound genuine and tricking you with things that sound like the truth", and "where there's smoke, there's fire"? Yes, sure they sound like euphemisms but I think there's a grain of salt to that.

Well I don't think you sound ridiculous, I know that you sound ridiculous.
Except that your post is a sarcams or joke post.

Yeah... the whole thing is pretty ridiculous. Everyone one what's to find the hidden salt in every interview snippet of this guy. I like to think I tow the status quo of Phil Spencer threads.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
ehh lets not bring that topic into this any further. but do some research into it though (here on this forum).

You mean, it didn't work at launch and you think they haven't done anything since.

The only issues I have are that you have to manually start searching for the next match and that the maps on the playlists need moving around a little.

Beyond that, 5 halo games all working, and 4 Halo Multiplayer games all working.

Hard to argue that being a bad thing.

A real shame it was so fucked at launch, I grant you.
Okay, you don't think the owners of Microsoft that is the stock owners wants the company to turn as big a profit as possible to increase worth of the company and their stocks? Pretty sure that's the ultimate goal for a company listed on the stock exchange seeing how people invest their capital in them and expect a return on said investment.

Who the fuck is happy with second place? Stop it.

Irregardless of the naive understanding of the stock market, Microsoft's long term plan is to get people in the W10 ecosystem for monetization. Xbox One is essentially going to be a plug and play "steam" box in the home where you can buy products that they receive the licensing fees from. The Xbox One is already tethered to the W10 PC via Xbox -> PC game streaming and the PC-->Xbox is coming. There is an Xbox App on the PC which allows you to do a lot of the stuff you couldn't do there normally in a native fashion. The integration of Xbox onto W10 allows Microsoft to have a product in the home that uses their ecosystem. They want you to use OneDrive they want you to use all of their services. They really don't care if you do it via PC or XBox. Microsoft is selling you on their ecosystem. You may have a PS4, but if you have a PC and can consume their products via W10, they really are indifferent.

You do not make any money on selling hardware, you make it on the ecosystem. Gaming is not a lucrative business. Its why developers are flocking to mobile because the ROI is incredible and it dramatically opens up their approachable market. If you really think that the Xbox is the key to MS' future you do not understand the market. Go breakdown their P&Ls and dig in on their financials. Their focus in on the following (W10, Azure and Office). Xbox is a part of that but not the key.

Would MS like to be number one in console sales? Sure. However, they would like to be number one only because that creates more users of their overall products. They are giving away W10 for free so they can monetize the market. They aren't expecting the Xbox division to be a significant generator of profitability because it just doesn't happen in this industry. Sony is going all in on gaming as a business and more power to them, but its an incredibly risky bet. Gaming is a low margin business.

You get stuck in the console warrior mindset and you miss the bigger picture here. Both sides are happy where they are right now. A lot of you guys get too wrapped up in Console War bullshit and ignore the fact that both consoles are doing well. I really hope that a lot of these troll posts on both sides are from people under the age of 20.
It will be interesting to see the sales of the big two consoles come 2017 or so. PS4 has had a great commanding lead, and with all of the third party deals this fall I doubt it will change much more... But as a singular Xbox One owner I have been so happy with this thing ever since I bought it for Sunset Overdrive. So many great looking games coming out in the next 18 months... Stoked!
Okay, you don't think the owners of Microsoft that is the stock owners wants the company to turn as big a profit as possible to increase worth of the company and their stocks?

Sure. Profit is good.

But Nintendo is languishing in 3rd place this gen. And yet, its stock has increased from 13.38 to 24.30 over the past year. Weird, huh?

Who the fuck is happy with second place? Stop it.

I would be very happy with 2nd place if it meant I was more profitable than I would be trying to get into first.

Share, profit and stock prices are not directly related to each other.
Are you just saying that to say it or do you have some type of statistical data to back up this claim?

You can dig around all you want, but its why you see a big focus on mobile. I'll use OI rather than EBITDA because I'm not sure what each company is capitalizing.

Sony FY 2015 Forecast in (B in Yen)

Game and Network Services
Revenue: 1,490
Operating Income / EBIT: 60
Margin: 4%

Take Two (Numbers impacted by GTA5 so I'll provide historical EBIT margin)

2011: 6.6%
2012: (10%)
2013: 1%
2014: 17.7%
2015: (24%)

Over that period of time they made a total of $152M in OI on $6.6B in revenue. 2% margin.

EA and activision have actually done ok in recent years but they are publishers which is a different model.

For a console manufacturer, you sell for a loss or BE and you try and make it up on software and other ancillary fees like XBL.
The thread man, this f* thread.

Glorious posts by both sides...keep them coming guys, we are just starting.

On topic, i really don't know why threads on Phil Spencer are so popular. He's a nice guy that say the most obvious things (we aren't concerned about competitor sales, we want to support 1st party games, we will invest in pc gaming).

If he was some kind of polemic figure like Kotick i would understand. But he's simply a nice executive that seems to make good calls.

I think it's all due to this weird fascination with trying to make these people into celebrities when frankly they're not that interesting. Same goes for the vast majority of the stuff they say/announce.


The thread man, this f* thread.

Glorious posts by both sides...keep them coming guys, we are just starting.

On topic, i really don't know why threads on Phil Spencer are so popular. He's a nice guy that say the most obvious things (we aren't concerned about competitor sales, we want to support 1st party games, we will invest in pc gaming).

If he was some kind of polemic figure like Kotick i would understand. But he's simply a nice executive that seems to make good calls.

But he doesn't. He was an Xbox exec when Mattrick was around and obviously had input into the abomination they revealed in 2013. And his current indie games policy is just plain stupid. I can completely understand why people don't like him. Just because Don Mattrick left doesn't mean everything has changed.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
I think it's all due to this weird fascination with trying to make these people into celebrities when frankly they're not that interesting. Same goes for the vast majority of the stuff they say/announce.

It's funny and in some way depressing to see how some people cheer and fight for this companies (and executives) like others do with sports teams.

I think there's a good opportunity of study in the psychology of gaming fanboys. And i don't think it's all related to justifying their plastic toy purchase.

I always remember the Phil Spencer effect thread, where the guy made a cool infographic.

But he doesn't. He was an Xbox exec when Mattrick was around and obviously had input into the abomination they revealed in 2013. And his current indie games policy is just plain stupid. I can completely understand why people don't like him. Just because Don Mattrick left doesn't mean everything has changed.

I agree to a extend. Yes, he was on board when Mattrick was the head and sure gave his input on the original XB1 vision.

But being the boss is different, he could have lots of reasons to agree with the DRM plan (personal view, monetary compensation, fear of retaliation). I think discussing his motivations isn't something we can do without knowing more details about what happened in the background.

The indie parity clause is stupid, but hey...That's just business, and all corps make shit calls too.

I'm not the biggest Phil fan (nor a Xbox one), but i can't think of any motive to active dislike the guy. Personally i hold more grudge to Molyneux than to Phil Spencer.


Well there is no point in setting a goal if you include Windows as part of your platform sales.
It is a default win for MS.
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