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Phil Spencer "I honestly don't goal the team on how many units Sony sells"

I wish xbone was doing better on Japan, so it could receive some games, but it's really hard to fault Ms for the way they are handling the console. Incredible lineup of games and features, and the future is very bright with Xbox being the front center for their gaming efforts on all platforms.

Also that 2015/2016 lineup. God, we are about to enter in a god mode with an incredibly fantastic run of games.

Exciting times ahead, and really pleased to have this console.

He was being facetious. The point being that if you accept those games count for the Xbox One (keeping it from otherwise having a completely baron first 3/4's of a year), then by the same token, about 40+ console exclusives so far already released on the PS4 this year, should count as well, completely eviscerating the notion that there haven't been enough exclusives released on the console.

There are tons of exclusive games that released this year on xbone as well. IMO, all should count, but not in this thread because it's not really the place for that.
Do guys like you ever actually look at a list of exclusive games?

I don't think they do.

Exclusives are a talking point for the most part. The qualification or disqualification of what is an exclusive is pretty much arbitrary and usually based on the person making the claim and their console of choice.

I almost want to make a parody flow chart of how to determine if a game is a true exclusive based on the ever-shifting goal post requirements from some people.

On topic: I just can't seem to grok using the word goal as a verb. It hurts and the goggles do nothing.


Lots of 'little' games, but not enough 'big' games. I buy consoles for big exclusives only.

In a recent thread you said you had no idea what was releasing on PS4 early next year dude. How about you take the time to look at the game releases. It might surprise you.


But it isn't working and he is lying.

Wow, nothing like bringing up the level of conversation in this thread.

How is their efforts to make the platform better not working? From launch the console has gotten better consistently in an almost underrepresented rate.


I wish xbone was doing better on Japan, so it could receive some games, but it's really hard to fault Ms for the way they are handling the console. Incredible lineup of games and features, and the future is very bright with Xbox being the front center for their gaming efforts on all platforms.

Also that 2015/2016 lineup. God, we are about to enter in a god mode with an incredibly fantastic run of games.

Exciting times ahead, and really pleased to have this console.

There are tons of exclusive games that released this year on xbone as well. IMO, all should count, but not in this thread because it's not really the place for that.

They can't just suddenly be doing better in Japan. They've gotta release games to do better in Japan, not do better in Japan and then "receive" games.

I really wish MS had decided to invest in Shenmue 3 and other things like Mistwalker games.

Not every game needs to be a major blockbuster or make you huge profits. Global customer goodwill is valuable too.


They can't just suddenly be doing better in Japan. They've gotta release games to do better in Japan, not do better in Japan and then "receive" games.

I really wish MS had decided to invest in Shenmue 3 and other things like Mistwalker games.

They probably still can invest in a Shunmue 3 Xbone port. Sony is only paying for the PS4 port and marketing.

MS are better off paying for japanese game ports. There is no way they can compete with the 3rd party efforts on PS4 with exclusive games. And that is probably not happening. If you want japanese games get a PS4.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Works now though, right? People picking up the game now get a great product. Time to move on from hating now?
Sure, you were just underselling the complete mess it was is all. I have heard pretty good things about the game state currently (besides the LAN/internet required issues).


They probably still can invest in a Shunmue 3 Xbone port. Sony is only paying for the PS4 port and marketing.

MS are better off paying for japanese game ports. There is no way they can compete with the 3rd party efforts on PS4 with exclusive games.

That's true! They should totally do that. Shenmue needs as big of a budget as possible.

MS put some tens of millions into this and put in some Battletoads capsule toys or something!


The exclusive list wars are fucking stupid. It all depends on what games you prefer. Im sure a japanese game enthusiast (who is only interested in such games) thinks the xbone is unattractive. It does not mean that the xbone has no games.

Ray Down

The exclusive list wars are fucking stupid. It all depends on what games you prefer. Im sure a japanese game enthusiast (who is only interested in such games) thinks the xbone is unattractive. It does not mean that the xbone has no games.

Pretty much.


This thread, delicious.
Will the PS4 ever have any games???!!! (Preferably some full exclusive first party AAA western developed games by competent studios)

There are lots of good (multiplatform) games but very little in the number of exclusives. In my opinion Microsoft are winning in that department.


The exclusive list wars are fucking stupid. It all depends on what games you prefer. Im sure a japanese game enthusiast (who is only interested in such games) thinks the xbone is unattractive. It does not mean that the xbone has no games.

It's also annoying when the words 'console exclusive' gets thrown around. People, if a game is on another platform, it's a multiplatform game.

And considering Microsoft's moves and announcements over the past few months, having Windows 10 as part of their gaming strategy just makes this 'console war' look even more ridiculous.


HOLY SHIT GUYS! This damned guy sounds so salty. This is seriously embarrassing... I mean fucking LOL on the delusion factor here. Like OP said, he wants to win but as though he ever could! He set himself up to be revealed as a fraud the instance he made that statement a year ago. MS was never honest about wanting second place and are trying to deceive people into thinking they could ever be first and now he's pulling another Xbox 180 all over again... and I'm like "What year is this?" You would never hear honest companies ever state they wanted to take first place when there's a clear deficit between them and the market leader. You always hear companies trying to dodge their real feelings saying things like "Its a marathon, not a sprint"... bullshit salty asses! So you don't want first place now Phil? You think you can beat Sony? Sure... go ahead and tell your team to make a game that can sell infinity and see if that will get you any closer to the king. You can't sell greatness Phil... you missed that boat now STFU and stop spreading fud! Fucking LOL!

Was waiting on this lmfao!
HOLY SHIT GUYS! This damned guy sounds so salty. This is seriously embarrassing... I mean fucking LOL on the delusion factor here. Like OP said, he wants to win but as though he ever could! He set himself up to be revealed as a fraud the instance he made that statement a year ago. MS was never honest about wanting second place and are trying to deceive people into thinking they could ever be first and now he's pulling another Xbox 180 all over again... and I'm like "What year is this?" You would never hear honest companies ever state they wanted to take first place when there's a clear deficit between them and the market leader. You always hear companies trying to dodge their real feelings saying things like "Its a marathon, not a sprint"... bullshit salty asses! So you don't want first place now Phil? You think you can beat Sony? Sure... go ahead and tell your team to make a game that can sell infinity and see if that will get you any closer to the king. You can't sell greatness Phil... you missed that boat now STFU and stop spreading fud! Fucking LOL!

Shu doesn't read every post here you know. Even then he'd be embarrassed by this shit.
Sure, but that's an unacceptable excuse to present to stock holders who expect return. Then MS should've had the foresight to make a console the market wanted, but they didn't. It honestly baffles me how completely they missed the trend, not only in console gaming but how people consume entertainment overall. They introduce a top box for cable TV when TV as we've known it is about to die out due to on demand services over the internet, or IPTV. MS with W8 and the XBO seem to think they can force the market into their visions instead of creating devices that tend to what people actually want.

This is why the PS4 succeeds and the XBO does not, there's already entertainment devices that does the things MS was after with their console, and they do it better. We already see a trend where all TVs have built in media hubs (Smart TVs). The XBO is redundant as anything other than a games console, problem is that to fit all the rest MS had to compromise on the gaming part, something PS4 didn't. It's not rocket science really.

Okay, you don't think the owners of Microsoft that is the stock owners wants the company to turn as big a profit as possible to increase worth of the company and their stocks? Pretty sure that's the ultimate goal for a company listed on the stock exchange seeing how people invest their capital in them and expect a return on said investment.

Who the fuck is happy with second place? Stop it.

your giant assumptions about the factors to success miss the giant point. the number one reason MS is in second place is bad word of mouth, and this stems from the decisions you discuss, but the cable box/entertainment sphere phenomena were much less an issue than the gargantuan internet response to an always-online, NSA derived future MS proposed at first. That they chose to focus on the all-in-one multimedia capabilities just contributed to the message among gamers that PS4 was putting games first.......so what mattered most in determining the XB1s current well established and good-performing second place was opinion and ideology among a group that is very interested in fitting in and doing what's right amongst their friends. Not all gamers skew younger, but much of the audience is younger, was younger for the PS4/XB1 at launch, and this audience is highly determinated by what's important and cool among their peer groups. this is basic psychology. People who jumped onto the PS4 bandwagon without fully understanding the capabilities of XB1, endlessly complaining about little features that they didn't even engage with in a personal way, these are the people who created the PS4s indominable position currently. I celebrate this indominable position! Go PS4 with all your sales and fans!

Word of mouth created the position and word of mouth was cemented against the flexibility of the XB1 platform.....which as time goes on will be reversed in some forms, and the lead will begin to dissipate [but probably not completely be eliminated. As more and more people are forced to be less narrow in their thinking, as a result of compelling games and features of the system, and as XB1 continues to evolve and demonstrate its flexibility through important software updates, more and more people will realize that they blindly went along with the crowd. Which, I don't have a problem with, because I think the PS4 is a fine system. I think it's great that PS4 is doing amazing, and I am very happy that XB1 is doing very well.


Find me a single small game main (not italics!) male protagonist that is the main character for the entire game AND not part of an ensemble cast AND not a created or customized character AND is not a spin-off of another series UNLESS it was spun off from a traditional small game AND only has traditional turn based gameplay AND is not an ARPG, TRPG, SRPG or other variation UNLESS it fits specific arbitrary criteria of what constitutes "traditional small game" like Star Ocean's action combat AND not the very definition of scrapping the bottom of the barrel AND Ubisoft doesn't count because these are my rules that sports facial hair. I dare you!


Word of mouth created the position and word of mouth was cemented against the flexibility of the XB1 platform.....which as time goes on will be reversed in some forms, and the lead will begin to dissipate [but probably not completely be eliminated. As more and more people are forced to be less narrow in their thinking, as a result of compelling games and features of the system, and as XB1 continues to evolve and demonstrate its flexibility through important software updates, more and more people will realize that they blindly went along with the crowd. Which, I don't have a problem with, because I think the PS4 is a fine system. I think it's great that PS4 is doing amazing, and I am very happy that XB1 is doing very well.

Word of mouth around the weak hardware is a large part of it and that is unlikely to change.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
All of this from a business head saying they don't go into work and tell their employees that the only goal is to beat the one competitor? I mean, do you guys think most businesses' grade their people on how they did compared to company X? No, they base it on sales, sales versus previous years, sales versus planned goals, etc. If you end up beating your competition you gloat about it a bit, sure, but you don't really hang giant counters up showing Sony's sales numbers and make everyone work late until you pass that number. MS cares about Sony's numbers, sure, but that's not the quote. The quote is about setting your team's goals to beat that number.

I doubt the employees under Phil ever got "graded" based on how close they were to Sony's sales.

Although this whole thread seems to have turned into console wars, so...


It's pretty annoying to see people using the argument "MS doesn't care about PS4 sales", "MS are doing great" and so on, it's simply not true.

Of course taking the most market share is top priority, every sold PS4 is a potential lost sale for MS since most consumers doesn't buy both. It's about making the maximum amount of money, not settling. How would you explain that to stock holders?

- "No no we don't want to sell as much as we can, were happy with seeing our market share shrink considerably since last generation, oh and by the way we also recieve less profit per system sold"

Also the XBO is not doing great, in relative or absolute terms it's doing shit. No way MS is happy where XBO is today sales wise, they thought this thing would be in every living room in the world more or less. So stop this nonsense. Doing better than the Wii U doesn't mean shit. It's a business.

The XBO is a monumental failure, it's as simple as that.



Find me a single small game main (not italics!) male protagonist that is the main character for the entire game AND not part of an ensemble cast AND not a created or customized character AND is not a spin-off of another series UNLESS it was spun off from a traditional small game AND only has traditional turn based gameplay AND is not an ARPG, TRPG, SRPG or other variation UNLESS it fits specific arbitrary criteria of what constitutes "traditional small game" like Star Ocean's action combat AND not the very definition of scrapping the bottom of the barrel AND Ubisoft doesn't count because these are my rules that sports facial hair. I dare you!

Aaaand we've come full circle *claps*.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
There are a few big japanese games. of course those might not appeal to you.

Guys, just forget it. He's not interested in the games.

Even if you present a list of 1000 different games he might just prefer what the competition is offering.

People should stop getting bothered by posters that don't find a console lineup appalling. There's no need to convince everyone that all platforms are great.


Responding back to the OP, I'm glad Phil Spencer is doing that. Obviously he is concerned about how much Xbox1 sells, but focusing on bringing more games and building a solid fanbase for the console is more important.

And honestly, we as gamers shouldn't be thinking about any of that. It's business stuff pure and simple. We should be thinking about, uh, I don't know.. I]games[/I]? I could fucking careless about all the "who wins the generation" and "sony vs. ms" bullshit. Give me a game I like and I'll play it, be it Xbox, PS, Nx, PC or whatever shit console companies throw at us. Because in all seriousness, what everyone is posting here is literally embarrassing, especially since nobody benefits from anything related to this nonsense.


Guys, just forget it. He's not interested in the games.

Even if you present a list of 1000 different games he might just prefer what the competition is offering.

People should stop getting bothered by posters that don't find a console lineup appalling. There's no need to convince everyone that all platforms are great.

No one cares about his preferences. The problem is when they make factually inaccurate statements.


Why does every Phil Spencer thread turn into a console or list war thread. Guys don't fall into his PR speak. He has to say good things about the company and division, even if his words are full of doogie doo. The man has to be a yes man and put a brave face. Obviously Xbox and MS have resignrd themselves in 2nd place this gen, which isn'g a bad thing anf next gen, they know they can't pull a Mattrick and DRM everything. In thr end its about the gamers anf there preferences, not what MS wants.


It seems obvious that this is due to Sony's dominance, but it's a good position and I really wish it were more prevalent in the industry.

Don't scale your projects so that they "kill" (largest opposition here) or they're abject failures, consider profitability a success and try to reach new audiences by diversifying rather than everyone chasing the same golden goose.

Well I think that is your loss but whatever. I just buy a console for games, hell the 360 sold me because of their "little" games.

I can't believe the thread devolved into List Warz, but yeah, I bought (imported) a 360 for "little" Japanese shoot 'em ups


your giant assumptions about the factors to success miss the giant point. the number one reason MS is in second place is bad word of mouth, and this stems from the decisions you discuss, but the cable box/entertainment sphere phenomena were much less an issue than the gargantuan internet response to an always-online, NSA derived future MS proposed at first. That they chose to focus on the all-in-one multimedia capabilities just contributed to the message among gamers that PS4 was putting games first.......so what mattered most in determining the XB1s current well established and good-performing second place was opinion and ideology among a group that is very interested in fitting in and doing what's right amongst their friends. Not all gamers skew younger, but much of the audience is younger, was younger for the PS4/XB1 at launch, and this audience is highly determinated by what's important and cool among their peer groups. this is basic psychology. People who jumped onto the PS4 bandwagon without fully understanding the capabilities of XB1, endlessly complaining about little features that they didn't even engage with in a personal way, these are the people who created the PS4s indominable position currently. I celebrate this indominable position! Go PS4 with all your sales and fans!

Word of mouth created the position and word of mouth was cemented against the flexibility of the XB1 platform.....which as time goes on will be reversed in some forms, and the lead will begin to dissipate [but probably not completely be eliminated. As more and more people are forced to be less narrow in their thinking, as a result of compelling games and features of the system, and as XB1 continues to evolve and demonstrate its flexibility through important software updates, more and more people will realize that they blindly went along with the crowd. Which, I don't have a problem with, because I think the PS4 is a fine system. I think it's great that PS4 is doing amazing, and I am very happy that XB1 is doing very well.

You get it. I like you.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
No one cares about his preferences. The problem is when they make factually inaccurate statements.

But you can notice that every thread is dragged in the same direction every time because of posts like that one.

I know that's not easy, but we should try to simple ignore this kind of bullshit.

At the end we always get one guy arguing their opinion (and changing goalposts) with other posters for too many pages.


But you can notice that every thread is dragged in the same direction every time because of posts like that one.

I know that's not easy, but we should try to simple ignore this kind of bullshit.

At the end we always get one guy arguing their opinion (and changing goalposts) with other posters for too many pages.

I agree, but it's not like we can stop people from talking, and it's better than the other extreme where people constantly shout out FUD and misinformation with no one contradicting them


My favorite post so far in this thread is a two-paragraph essay that can be best summarized by the age-old internet adage "Wake up, sheeple".


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
I agree, but it's not like we can stop people from talking, and it's better than the other extreme where people constantly shout out FUD and misinformation with no one contradicting them

I personally think that making baseless/completely wrong posts should be a minor bannable offense (like 2, 3 days). This way people would refrain to clutter and derail threads with bullshit "opinions".
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